Putin Proves That Jesus Never Existed And There Is No 'God'

Vladimir Putin celebrated Easter Today.

You're probably wondering why orthodox Christians are celebrating Easter today, wild Protestant Christians celebrating Easter one week ago…

That's because Christianity is completely delusional, Jesus never existed, it's all a bunch of made-up lies, and they can't even keep their lies consistent…

even though the Bible is completely fabricated nonsense, if you are stupid enough to actually believe the Bible, you will know that the imaginary mythological figure known as 'Jesus' died in the spring and was born in the winter.

But since its all made up imaginary nonsense, Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus in the winter and his death in the spring.

Completely ass backwards bullshit, which is inherent with Christianity, because they make it up as they go along.

Everybody's got their own bullshit custom tailored nonsense version, each one designed to cater to those people's particular needs to pat themselves on the back and tell themselves that they are the knowledgeable ones, and pretend like they are better than other people.

That's how you can have one group of delusional Christians claim that Easter is today, even though their imaginary bullshit mythological 'jesus' guy died around Christmas time, according to their imaginary bullshit mythological Bible, while a completely different group of delusional Christians claim that Easter happened 7 days ago, even though their imaginary bullshit mythological Bible clearly states that their imaginary bulshit mythological 'jesus' guy died around Christmas time.

What a convenient belief system. They can bend and twist and distort alleged 'facts' to meet their own needs and try to make their lies seem ballad, even though they can't produce any facts whatsoever, and are completely incapable of providing even the most miniscule tiny shred of evidence to back up any of their beliefs.


And hoping simply isn't good enough…

Hope isn't worth a god damn thing.

Speaking of which, not only are they incapable of providing any evidence that Jesus ever existed, but they can't prove God exists, either.


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CHRISTIANITY: the art of making it up as you go along

What a wonderful 'religion' !!!

Absolutely NO proof that any of it ever happened, nothing but repeated lies, all of which have been changed and twisted over and over and over again

complete and absolute BULLSHIT

but they pretend as if they 'know' something, and they look down their nose at anybody who's not stupid enough to believe the lies, passing judgement on others…

And the creepiest part is how they assume it's their job to CONVERT other people, actually thinking they can teach people their (imaginary fabricated delusional) 'truth'….

and they think by hiding behind this facade makes them 'better than other people'….

hahahaha !!!

it's SO full of shit

CHRISTIANITY = the most transparent act of trying to hide the fact that you're a piece of shit behind a fabricated facade of self righteousness

sheev out of nowhere

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Self righteousness is literally a sin, that's why Catholicism or anything with a power structure is bullshit. Protestants don't have a power structure.

When christians are confronted with any of the thousands of inconsistencies and obvious telltale signs that their 'religion' is nothing but lies and bullshit, they always fall back on their predictable 'god works in mysterious ways' nonsense.

Christianity was intentionally designed with parables and inside-out riddles and alleged 'mysterious' hidden meanings….

that's because they knew it was so easy to disprove, such OBVIOUS bullshit, that they had to create built in 'wiggle room', a vague explanation that 'god and jesus wanted it to be a mystery'

how convenient

Whether you take it literally or not, the Bible does have many moralistic stories and is worth reading before you talk bullshit.

and all of of these christ cucks worship Israhell and the inbred jews. its sickening.

all semitic religions should be banned. judiasm is about corrupting the natural world and ripping people off. islam is a bloodthirsy death cult. and christianity is a beta cuck religion that celebrates being weak and pathetic. And the holy men of all three of these semitic religions all practice homo child molestation.

jews suck baby dick. christians diddle the choir boys. and muslims fuck their own sons and nephews. fucking disgusting!

Protestants are JUST AS FULL OF SHIT as Catholics, if not even more so

Since neither of you can provide even the tiniest shred of evidence that Jesus ever existed, and you certainly can't prove that God exists, you're equally as full of shit…

but you just proved that christians entire 'religion' is based upon patting yourself on the back, and convincing yourself that you 'know more than others' (when You Don't know Jack fucking shit because you can't prove a goddamn thing) and telling yourself that you're better than other people.

You're a fucking idiot

says WHO?

This site is getting edgier and edgier.

Happy Resurrection Day, satan-cucks.

$15,000 CHALLENGE:

I will give $15,000 cash to the first person who can prove 'god' exists

I will give $30,000 to the first person who can prove 'jesus' existed


$15,000 + $30,000 = $45,000


I didn't prove anything, you're just talking about Christianity yet has done clearly no research about it other than "Christianity bad hur dur, it's fake".

$15,000 Challenge: Prove that it doesn't exists with evidence that aren't scientific claims that haven't been observed. For example, the Big Bang hasn't been physically observed therefore you cannot prove that Christianity exists.

We could go for hours and not get anywhere, you're a loser.



it's really not rocket science

Jesus is in the Tanakh lad and Roman sources reference him. We also have evidence of his house.
And God exists because the creation of all matter and energy in the universe requires a higher power which can break the perceivable laws of nature and that is God.

still waiting

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Sorry, wheres your physical evidence that we are indeed the result of a cosmic explosion?

blah blah blah blah blah

same old bullshit

Kek you're going to be waiting forever lad if you won't put aside your vanity and cognitive dissonance to actually read and respond intelligently to my post. Have a nice life mate.

See how we can go around this loop for hours and get nowhere?


See how you go around this loop for hours and get nowhere?

I never saw you type a fucking thing worth responding to

See how you go around this loop for hours and get nowhere?

Then Jack's mother sent him to the market to sell the cow, but he traded it for some magic beans



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Q: what's NOT completely fabricated about christianity?

while christians spend their lives telling themselves that they are 'better than other people' because of their idiotic blind devotion to an obviously false story, in my life I've always discovered that christians are the greediest, most corrupt, backstabbing, judgemental, self serving, biggest pieces of shit on earth

Jewish morality.
Christianity is just another interpretation of the abrahamic teachings, Abraham who was a Jewish rabbi. Christianity led the west directly to where it is now.

Aaaaactually…. the length of the calendar year changed a few times around the life of Christ, as the scientific minds of the era attempted to make the length of a calendar year as close as possible to the actual orbit of the earth around the sun.

It even happened again recently as we adjusted the definition of the leap year.

Easter isn’t a date found on the Gregorian calendar. Catholic holidays are all positioned on weekdays by the number of sundays from each other. That’s why nobody ever knows the date of Easter Sunday without looking it up.

Greek Orthodox Christians just happen to have a different liturgical calendar from the Roman Catholic Church.


never happened

that's why you can't prove it

RE: looking
you misspelled 'making'

"Baaaaahhhhhh Baaaaahhhhhh"

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can't prove jack shit

You don't need to rant like Terry A Davis on a heavy dose of PCP to attack kikestianity you fucking nigger. Kindly fuck off.

Fuck off Johnny, I don't care that you don't believe in Jesus or God. Your decision! God allowed sinners like you to make your own choice. But right before you die, your going to cry repenting just before your heart stops, promise!!!

you're very convincing and persuasive

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Sure I am !!! hahaha SURE I AM !!!!

(that's almost as likely as you suddenly figuring out how to differentiate between your and you're on your deathbed)

….. No offense, but you've been predicting the end of the world everyday now for decades….

And now you're predicting that I'm going to cry and repent on my deathbed ?……….

Lol you're terrible at making predictions

Johnny thinks you are an idiot.
I think that was the statement of an ignorant cunt. Anybody who has ever seen a fucking temple, tabernacle, church or even an offering plate knows you are a lying sack of shit. I will not waste my time with you. Get out of your basement. Go to church – any church of your choosing – and stay there. Do not return until you have repented of that statement of pure evil. You are Satan. We can tell, because that was the biggest whopper you've told since Eden, nigger!

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And yes, this is a thread worth bumping.
Killcen's are only worth the slide they will get.

Fuck you asshole. Expect more bumping then!

your… oops I meant you're

or your… I'm not sure

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take video of your cat and catch them yawning

then grab the frame with their mouth open

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Prepare your anus.
I'm in a mood.

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The Jews are very angry on the Great Solemnity of the RESURRECTION.

Your satan is defeated. Behold the Cross of Christ! The lion of the tribe of Judah has conquered!!! He who is the root of Jesse!!

Anti-Christ slider detected.
Bumping for Jesus.

All Hail the King of kings - His mercy is never failing to those who humble themselves and keep His Commandments.

You can't prove God exists nor can you disprove God exists. Read a fucking philosophy book, you nigger faggot.

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In your collection of transparent lies you call a 'bible', it clearly says that your imaginary 'jesus' was born in the spring, when the sheep were grazing.


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Yo, Nigger Einstein…….

the fact that you can't prove 'god' exists is all the proof required that 'he' doesn't

satan-cuck crying for attention

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Oh Lord, Jesus, we thank you for your sacrifice you made on Pontius Pilate, for shedding your blood so our sins may be forgiven. For you told the truth, rebuked those who were wicked and as you were brutally beaten, tortured and scorn, nailed to a cross by the wicked of mankind as a savior from God so our sins may be forgiven as long as we repent. You sacrificed yourself and shed blood for the better of mankind, and your DNA today still resonates the same scalar wave frequencies within our blood today.

Lord, I repent, I have done wrong. We all have done so much wrong in this world. Future life on Earth is once again in jeopardy of destruction by the subversion of Satan. Greed and corruption have taken over the world, there are wicked men once again in power who are void of moral and ethics, hell bent on the destruction of the world. We were warned if we did not turn to God that evil shall take over and rule the Earth. Lord, hear this prayer today.

We are witnessing total invasion of our Western nations, brought about by deliberate destabilization, the deliberate wreckage of other nations by the same evil forces serving Satan to create havoc and chaos everywhere and import it into the Western World. These forces of Satan are also installing microwave towers to attack the cells of our bodies and brains, the forces of Satan hate humanity because we were made in the image of God. Their intent is to cause mass sickness and cancerous tumors everywhere, and make profits from microwaving us all the way to the hospitals with their 5G kill grid, to rob us of our wealth and offer their mass murder to Satan. We are witnessing chemical and electromagnetic geo-engineering by the same evil forces to bring about mass death and destruction on planet Earth, creating cyclone bombs and other unnatural disasters in attempts to extort us by taxing us for God's Creation. We are witnessing evil corporations like Monsanto and Bayer poisoning our crops with cancerous glyphosate. We are witnessing the subversion of our churches and schools by the same forces of Satan, destroying knowledge and corrupting minds of the youth on a massive scale never seen before in American history. We are witnessing mass drug overdose and suicide epidemics. We are witnessing the roll out of a domestic police state, from drawing blood at road checkpoints to spying on all communications and the wholesale of all our personal data. We are witnessing the death of the Western world by the plundering of our wealth and deliberate devaluation of our currency through hyper-monetary-inflative policies, debt insolvency. We are witnessing endless wars and the push for world war by these same demonic forces. We are witnessing political prisoners being taken and their lives ruined, children being torn from families by police states and sold to the underground sex trade by those in authority who were supposed to be taking care of them. We are witnessing utter denial and outright hatred against those opposed to evil, attacks against freedom and the truth, attacks against our culture and very way of life. We are witnessing the mainstream corporate media lie to its fellow people, and cover up the crimes of these wicked ones, for they too work for Satan.

We ask God for forgiveness. We ask our Lord in prayer to Bind and Rebuke these wicked ones, stifle these forces of Satan! We are here to pray that those who have been destroying human life, deliberately destabilizing the world be brought to Justice! We ask God to help us expel Satan and his fallen angels back to the bowels of hell where they belong. Amen.


You’ve completely debunked Christianity by pointing out that Jesus was born in the Spring.

Also, you just accepted Jesus the historical person exists. You’re halfway there.

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Lucky I'm the humblest fucker around then!
I mean, next to Neptune. No one's humbler than him. Not even Jesus.

Elvis Presley first appeared on national television in the USA on January 28, 1956, on The Dorsey Brothers Stage Show in New York. On Monday, January 23, 1956, Elvis, Scotty Moore, Bill Black and D.J. Fontana rehearsed in Memphis for their television debut. Elvis and Colonel Parker flew to New York on Wednesday the 25th. They stayed at the Warwick Hotel on 52nd Street. Elvis ate dinner in the Hickory House restaurant the night they arrived and did some sightseeing on the 26th. Perhaps as an indicator of things to come, Scotty, Bill and D.J. were not afforded a plane trip and drove from Memphis to New York and arrived on January 27th.
The Dorsey Brothers Stage Show

On Saturday, Jan. 28, he and the guys went to the Nola Studio, between 51st and 52nd St., to rehearse for that night's 'Stage Show', which aired live at 8 o'clock from the CBS studio on W. 54th St. 'Stage Show' was produced by Jackie Gleason largely as a cheap warmup act for his own 8:30 p.m. program. It wasn't a blockbuster, but it got respectable ratings. That night the show aired from CBS Studio 50.

Elvis performed two songs, 'Shake Rattle & Roll / Flip Flop & Fly' and 'I Got A Woman'. It was raining and the then-unknown Elvis Presley did not draw a large studio audience, however one serviceman stationed in New Jersey in attendance that evening said, 'I often went on Saturday nights to the Dorsey brothers show and I was there when Elvis Presley made his national television debut on that show. I had never heard of him and was startled when he appeared on stage and hundreds of girls began screaming'.

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lol I just inhaled a lit cigarette

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Dancing Well is a lot like Christianity

just don't worry about people laughing at you, and just make it up as you go along

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Doin' The Electric Boogaloo !!

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Ironically, THIS is proof that 'jesus' never existed

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every piece of toilet paper between this cover has already been 'wiped' with thousands of words that serve as documentation that the entire thing was fabricated by idiots who couldn't even dream up a semi-plausible plot

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That's because Christianity is completely delusional, Jesus never existed, it's all a bunch of made-up lies, and they can't even keep their lies consistent…

What do andy Mcgovern and /killcen/ have in common?


I am begging t to understand Andy McGovern a little more.

He is an ignoramus and a vulgarian

I love being a rebel, I don't care what people think about me, at least not online I don't. Why would anyone want to be normal online?

I admit that I'm not a sophisticated thinker, but then neither was Elvis.
I'm just at heart, an ol' country boy like him and I have that down home wisdom evinced in the platitudes of Will Rogers

Admit, you're just a freak in all aspects of your life

At least the magic beanstalk had a little bit of believability….

Somewhat yes, because I don't see the need to flatter other people unless I was looking for another partner or something, but I'm old now and why should I care what others around me think? They can do what they want to do, and I'll do what I want to do.

You seem like an intelligent person Andy, you just dropped out of school too early and feel that you must overcompensate your lack of in depth knowledge with all these superficial 'facts' about theology, psychology, and other scholarly disciplines that are beyond your life experiences

I am a self taught person and I admit that I tend to hide my lack of any formal education my a stubborn attitude that I'm always righgt

at least beanstalks EXIST

that in itself is 1,000 times more effort put into creating a plausible story than the transparently far fetched fabricated fiction in the 'bible'

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lol @ 'sophisticated thinkers'


lmao their 'sophisticated thoughts' are egg zack lee why they're in their self-imposed miserable rut

It's called mythology, and it holds a deeper truth than things that are real.

It's ok to be ignorant Andy, as long as you have enough self insight to know that you are ignorant are willing to learn

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hahaha yeah…. lol that's brilliant

OK, which one of you told your edgy 12 year old cousin about Zig Forums

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The Ukraine girls really knock me out
(wooo ooohh ooohh)
They leave the West behind
Moscow girls make me scream & shout

But the Vulgarian girls have the best pussies

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By sophisticated thinking, I mean non simplistic thinking

Non dualistic B&W thinking

Jesus had superpowers sort of BS

He was just a guy who was mentioned in a few records and he had the luck to be in the rightntime at the right place and his cult grew

His followers added to his cannon of ideas and they were the new testament

Get over it

Bow to the idea of the CHRIST in your heart

Ideas are the most powerful thing in the Multiverse

A: me

(and she's my 11 year old niece)

if he actually existed, he would've had x-ray vision

I'm not sure what non dualistic means


It's Easter….. I love a good laugh on Easter…..

tell us again how you 'murdered somebody'

The moon shines down and I see it's reflection in the bucket of water

I cease my thoughts

I lookm down And I see the moon in the bucket…how lovely
From a scientific point of view, the truth is that it's a reflection, but from the poetic view, the truth is that the moon is in the bucket

Mythology holds a truth that coexists with the historical version

ideas ain't worth a shit

everybody has ideas

actions are all that matters
and in turn, they manifest into EXPERIENCE

ideas?…… lmmfao

Poetry is for faggots

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Are you the shadow, and the light part is your reflection?

The ghost in the machine is the one mirror that reflects ittself and the onemirror that sees its self

You objective consciousness pulls it's self up by its subjective bootstraps and say "I am"!

Belief in the Christ is as good as a belief in any other god of empathy
And I believe that there is a universal consciousness and one of it's main attributes is empathy

Call it Jesus if you want

ok ignoramous

What else is new?

Pardon me Andy, But I seem to have smoked some extraordinary marijuana

1: Mythology

2: Poetry

3: Jesus

4: The Bible

5: a 40 Pound Box Of Arm & Hammer Kitty Litter

take a guess which one matters

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I must go for a walk and contemplate the meaning of why the grass grows

good bye for now

When was going to church they would tell me to leave a bible in a classroom so others could find it and learn the “truth” they went as far as telling me that any friend I had that wasn’t a Christian was someone I had to “work extra hard to convert”