Attempted ZOG-US Backed Coup d'etát in Venezuela Happening Right NOW

A military base in Caracas, called la Carlota, has rebelled against the Maduro goverment and are now being commanded by Juan Guaidó.

Self-declared Venezuelan ‘interim president’ Juan Guaido has called for a military uprising in a video shot at a Caracas airbase, accompanied by a number of soldiers and detained activist Leopoldo Lopez.

The moment has come to “start the end of the usurpation,” Guaido said in the video, flanked by heavily-armed soldiers and an armored vehicle. According to him, the speech was made at the Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda Air Base in Caracas, commonly known as ‘La Carlota’.

Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino Lopez, meanwhile, blasted Guaido’s move as “a coup with the aims to flood the country with violence.”

The army “stands firm in defense of the National Constitution and the legitimate authorities,” he said, adding that the military units all across Venezuela are staying at their bases and remain loyal to their commanders.

Around 50 countries globally, including the US, have recognized Guaido's 'interim presidency'. He has argued that Maduro's 2018 re-election was illegitimate, and in recent weeks has stepped up pressure on Maduro to step down. In response, Maduro's government has stripped Guaido of his parliamentary immunity and barred him from leaving the country.

Bolivian President Evo Morales decried the “coup”, writing on Twitter: “We strongly condemn the coup attempt in #Venezuela, by the right wing that is submissive to foreign interests.” President Maduro retweeted the note of support on Tuesday morning.

President Morales added: “The United States with its interference and promoting coups seeks to provoke violence and death in #Venezuela, it does not care about human losses, only its interests. We must be vigilant and united so that the coup plotters never return to our region.”

Attached: Attempted ZOG-US Backed Coup d'etát in Venezuela Happening Right NOW.png (375x582, 127.04K)

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If the USA still has to make a point that the spic lands remain loyal to their interests then they should be prepared for the repercussions of such daring maneuvers, we are no longer countries that will simply bow down and do as you are told and you can see now that even if you plant your corrupt puppets on high governmental positions the legacy of subversion that you have had a great part on instilling within our people's mindset still shines brightly, for better or for worse, you will get betrayed eventually too.

Just don't hate the American people, bro. We have to put up with A LOT of bullshit we don't like from our corrupt government as well. They're rogue at this point, they do whatever it is they please and won't give a damn about we have to say (so it seems, anyway)…

no, bin laden was right americans tacitly consent to their governments actions by their going about their day to day lives like nothing is wrong and actively supporting ((( capitalist democracy )))

maybe youre not so bad but the majority of american people ARE, BRO

Truth be told a lot of Americans, most in fact, don't have much of a choice. The minute someone really challenges (((authority))) - note I mean the really high ups - they either end up toe tagged or their lives ruined by other means. Sure, we can go to the town halls and throw a fit, legally challenge laws in court battles, protest…. but as soon as you threaten some massive spook operation going on? You're on a blacklist and they deal with you the hard way if you are a significant threat to their agenda.

This is happening in so many countries as well, including Russia and in China. All over the place. Face it, most average citizens (all around the world) just want to provide a shelter over their heads, food on the table and some entertainment to enjoy and survive day to day. And what can poor working class people afford to do? Not much anymore. Too many risks to their livelihoods keep them in check.

The majority of people, and this includes other nations as well, just want to live and get by. I'm not saying we should do nothing, but what can we do to challenge those with extreme power and wealth without having our lives ruined over it? Thats the catch 22. If you want revolution, there is so much sacrifice people would have to make its mind boggling and scary to think about.

fuck Venezuela. we don't care.

here's an idea: why don't you make a thread about something interesting?

bumping real news

Huh? Both Zig Forums and Zig Forums were covering and talking about this all day today. An attempted coup in a foreign country is "not news" either? Well if thats the case then nothing is news to you anymore.

less venezuela

more britney spears

I'll be sure to notify you as soon as I moved to Venezuela and give a flying fuck about what's happening there.

I'll be the first to report about Britney Spears when she gets caught having sex with children at the Vatican and sacrificing their souls before the Pope…. I promise!

If the USA ever had business being involved with a foreign power, it's fucking Venezuela you turd. Venezuela being on good terms with the US is about the only thing that would actually help us economically and would serve as a defensive ally instead of an offensive ally (and it would make trade with Brazil much easier ending this stupid 2nd cold war).

But user, how is slapping massive sanctions on Venezuela and then funding regime change in their country going to end up with them having good terms with the US? If we wanted to have good terms with Venezuela then we should try simple diplomacy and negotiations towards mutually beneficial trade with that nation. Starting wars and regime changes all around the world is really only alienating us more and more and more as time goes on.

Don't try to imply the sanctions were the reason Venezuela's economy collapsed. They might have sped up the process, but Venezuela was already on the decline you disingenuous cunt.

By letting the guy Venezuelans and most of the civilized world want in charge (Guaido) take power and form good relations with the US? This seems pretty self-explanatory to me. The only civilized countries that want Guaido to maintain power want him in power for the same reason the US wanted dictators in power during the 70s-90s. This is one of the few situations where the roles have changed.

If Venezuelans wanted Guaido in charge, they would have voted for him but that doesn't seem to be the case. Its stupid and naive to keep focusing on regime change of other nations when our own nation's infrastructure is falling apart, overburdened by debt insolvency, increasing poverty, the massive crisis hitting our own borders (invasion), drug epidemics, suicide epidemics…. we got every crisis facing our own nation including preludes to another civil war….. and yet we are still too busy to address our own dysfunctional problems? Well I have news for you, that is the epitome of an Empire of disingenuous cunts serving their own special interests before their host collapses, and I'm not talking about Venezuela (they may be serving us a good warning for that matter)!

You really don't know how this shit works, do you? Guaido didn't run for office. It's part of the Venezuelan constitution and he won't be in charge very long- just long enough for a re-election vote which Maduro refused to allow.

Attached: hmm.gif (640x360, 472.08K)

Further more, what country do you THINK half these fucking illegals coming to the US are from? Stabilizing Venezuela would stabilize US borders. It's in our OWN NATIONAL INTERESTS to stabilize Venezuela. Maybe you'd understand this, but you don't even understand why there's a power struggle between Maduro and Guaido in the first place so I have you assume you're being a sophist.

Attached: 4fa4a38a9fcec71dd53bfd3b67bb7fdb88d0d371f6957550e1fec87898b88185.gif (540x349, 1.37M)

Maduro was ready to cut and run until Russia intervened. Venezuelan's mystery and suffering thanks to the midget Putain.

Attached: 8ju874O.jpg (604x406, 38.82K)

OK, if he didn't run why the hell would he be declared a leader? Regardless whats going on in Venezuela, I think we have much much bigger problems to concern ourselves with, like some of the stuff I mentioned. This crisis at the US-Mexican border should be our #1 interest to attend to because this kind of invasion we are seeing right now is how the US will lose its own culture and sovereignty.

We might as well do one of two things, either 1) declare war against Venezuela [note this would risk world war] or 2) start securing our own damn border [which I think would be the more sane option honestly].

and every "civilized" nation thinks that allocating american taxpayer money into jewsrael for their blood libel wars is actually good for the (((US))), you nigger, if some mongoloid burgerkike golem with mass destruction capabilities and only enough consciousness to become subservient to the jews was always creating conflicts when people ever do economic treaties without it them reasonably the rest of the world would go along with it until they develop enough power to tell it to fuck off.
A fucking CIA plant will do nothing except monopolize the drug trade on the southern hemisphere and leave every country worse of once his organization goes rogue against your wishes

I live 18 km south of Caracas, Venezuela. I was shopping today when the riots began. I saw a bus burn and melt to the ground. I agree with johnny neptune when he said nobody cares, because even those of us who live here don't even care. we would rather hear about Britney Spears latest psychotic breakdown.

Actually America is the only country that believes in funneling money to Israel. Most of the nations of the world think Israel is a crock of shit.

lol that's still obviously good enough. Israel doesn't need any of the other nations. they still run the world.

They think they can do the same as they did 150 years ago.
Without consequence.

Already happened to us. The Evil Empire has no remorse for anyone around the world, not even its citizenry. The best way to live in the US is literally outside major cities, away from populated areas, and well off the corrupted institutional plantations, being self-sufficient. Thats literally the best chance at "freedom" you're going to get living here anymore.

Yeah that's all well and good but can I have fries with that?

the best way to live anywhere, I'd say, too bad work is commonly found in the shitholes

the word as spoken by (sac)

Attached: fear & safety.mp4 (720x404, 1.47M)

That is a tragedy too, now days. Back in the day there were good working jobs all over the place (thats why there are so many little towns spread out all over the map) but if we can't re-industrialize and become a capitalist nation once again, thats going to be a thing of the past, and I'll have no problem being a part of that great past time dying along with it!!

the only good thing about this is that it's happening in south america so for once it will be amerimutts themselves having to deal with the consequences instead of europe

enjoy rapefugees but then again you already do

Same evil controls European and American governments, both hell bent on our destruction. White Genocide, look it up. Its more blatant that you'd ever want to realize, take a deep breath and figure out how to stay safe, prepare for the absolute worst events you can imagine. Save yourself and family, thats all I can say.

You definitely are describing jews.

(((Commie))) vs (((NATO)))
hard to care really

What, again?

Attached: Mercenaries_2_Oh_No_You_Didnt.webm (540x360, 5.93M)

true news bumparoo