Mainstream Media NOW BRAGGING How STUPID Silicon Valley Consumers Are Admitting They Spy On You

Would you let a stranger eavesdrop in your home and keep the recordings? For most people, the answer is, "Are you crazy?"

Yet that's essentially what Amazon has been doing to millions of [you] with its assistant Alexa in microphone-equipped Echo speakers. And it's hardly alone: Bugging our homes is Silicon Valley's next frontier.

Many smart-speaker owners don't realize it, but Amazon keeps a copy of everything Alexa records after it hears its name. Apple's Siri, and until recently Google's Assistant, by default also keep recordings to help train their artificial intelligences.

So come with me on an unwelcome walk down memory lane. I listened to four years of my Alexa archive and found thousands of fragments of my life: spaghetti-timer requests, joking houseguests and random snippets of "Downton Abbey." There were even sensitive conversations that somehow triggered Alexa's "wake word" to start recording, including my family discussing medication and a friend conducting a business deal.

You can listen to your own Alexa archive here. Let me know what you unearth.

For as much as we fret about snooping apps on our computers and phones, our homes are where the rubber really hits the road for privacy. It's easy to rationalize away concerns by thinking a single smart speaker or appliance couldn't know enough to matter. But across the increasingly connected home, there's a brazen data grab going on, and there are few regulations, watchdogs or common-sense practices to keep it in check.

Let's not repeat the mistakes of Facebook in our smart homes. Any personal data that's collected can and will be used against us.

However you will repeat the same mistakes, you stupid goyim. Because you love buying this mass spying JUNK and you love having anal probes stuck up your own rectums as you beg Mr. CIA Bezos "ohhhh yah, baby, give me some more fat cock up my greasey asshole, here, I'll kneel down before you master kike while I suck you off and take it all down my throat because I love being your consumer bitch whore! Yah, Bezos, just like that, pound my progressive asshole and broadcast it to the entire world to see LIVE! I bet the NSA loves watching me take it up the ass and slurping up your evil demonic seeds from hell!"

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So these consumers are taking it up the ass, thats what!

why not you already have a cell phone with a live microphone in your pocket all day.

Mabey thay should start scanning for key words in the archives. I would start with the word goyim personally.

Maybe you should learn how to spell MAYBE

After all, I've taught you how to spell MAYBE before

when are you going to learn?

They do the heavy lifting for us
Now here's a court order for…

ABC Amazon Facebook would never give the spooks your PERSONAL info…unless they really really had TO

the stuff they sell only has your age, income, shitting time,eating time, porn u watch, meds, sexual orientation, kids, pets, race,etc, but no names!

political bent, drug use, jerk off time, farting time(to aim flatulence product adds at you) etc

I'm an incel and I get google ads for artificial pussies all the time

How do they Know?

Neck yourself you AOL summer scum.

Have you considered not being an incel? I mean, yeah Google spying on the intimates of everybody’s life is going to rightfully earn them their own Minecraft server someday, but maybe you can take this as the motivation to improve yourself and 14. Think about it.

Information is power, and mega corps want power by any means necessary.

bbbut it's involuntary

i tried volunteering for a woman's love but they saw my neediness and ran

i need
i need
i need

Just keep mentioning "bombs" and terror attacks and "allah" this and that at least once a day and see if anything happens.

You can't control idiots but you can control what you choose to do and not do. If you're smart you will avoid this trash.

if retards do retarded shit and get the results that goes with it, let them.
still good to shoot the shit at them, but by any mean, stop trying to save retards from themselves.
We need MORE selection of the fittest, molly-coddling and baby-sitting retards led to this generation of degenerates that can't tell the most obvious of things and peruse non-sensical garbage like panquadroneutral demigenderkin cislesbotrannies or whatever.

good post op. ignore the blackpill numbnuts.

Thats a good point, thats why I keep my cell phone away from me most of the time, I put it in a back room with the ringer up, just so I can hear nearby if someone were to call. This, and the radiation it beams out is why I keep my flip phone from a distance. I never put it near my head when I talk either! Always use speaker mode and keep it a distance from your head!

pretty much this:
>>>Zig Forums235448

You bought a machine with an always on microphone and installed it in your home. What did you expect to happen?


If 'maybe' is too complicated for you, perhaps you would be best sticking to the one syllable words, and leaving the 'tough ones' to us?

Maybe what?

'MABEY' can't spell 'maybe'?'

Bad spelling but the kid made a funny point.

Maybe if he spells it 'mabey' he also can't spell his own name?

RE: 'bad'

I think that's an understatement

MABEY there dyxelsic

after all, Trump tweeted that the 'Dems have STOLLEN two years he can't get back'

So dyslexia seems to go hand in hand with stupidity?

Democrats have done a LOT worse, they've wrecked entire cities and states, turning them completely insolvent! Thats why I live in a conservative state and stay as rural as I can deal with. No, it ain't perfect but its better than living in a death trap or some despotic shithole state like Commiefornia.

bumping for confirmation checked and proven factual rational

Well they did it. They actually were able to call us all conspiracy theorists to discredit our concerns, convinced the masses what we say is all wrong, and now they openly brag how we were right all along and how stupid people are for being conned… them.

Is that not a slap-in-the-face insult? It is more to the mindless masses than to the "conspiracy theorists" however the mindless masses won't know any better, they're too dumb to figure out what just happened.

I just still find it very hard to believe this is actually popular. How? Are there that many people who mindlessly consume whatever they see advertised on TV today? Do they fail to see reports like this, headlined on popular news sites like Drudge Report? I just don't get it……. I mean they have all the info to know whats going on yet they still don't understand? Or do they just simply not read or pay attention to anything but advertisements, being told by authorities how to be 'cool'? Is that it?

The only demographic that buys this garbage is boomers who grew up watching the Jetsons who feel futuristic asking a plastic disk what the weather will be tomorrow. Anyone who is competent with a cell phone (e.g. younger than boomers) already knows how to do voice searches on their phone if they want (which they don't, because it's garbage)

legit true

Well I'm old and I don't want that crap spying on me in my house, I refuse to buy that junk. There is really nothing "futuristic" about allowing someone to bug your home, its just dumb.

Hey johnny mabey im inside your house right now. Mmmm wendys panties smell like tyrone.

Fuck Bezos. He's a fucking cuck sell out. I knew when all these devices started coming out with the ability to listen to you, that shit would get bad quickly. I own nothing that can listen to me. None of my electronics have mics except my phone. I am careful what I say when it's close by.

im not saying every boomer wants this crap, I'm saying only boomers do

If thats true, and hopefully it is, then its a relief.

You too are compromised. The only solution is to grab SKS and go innawoods.

Anything connected to the internet is technically compromised, because everything on the internet is being 'recorded' [kept record of] and passed along DHS fusion centers all the way down to the bulk NSA storage farms.

However, there are ways to spoof data and some tricks you can take to give them a harder time collecting everything. For example simply taking out the camera from your laptop and snipping the mic means they cannot see or hear you if they were to hack your OS. By boycotting this 'smart' IoT crap, they won't be getting nearly as much personal info on you. By using two computers and two different VPNs (one for each system) you can isolate certain internet activities, keeping your legal legit personal/work related activity from your shitposting/piracy/hacking/porn/whatever activities that you rather keep private. As long as you have two different isolated computers, two different operating systems with two different VPNs (and/or something like Tor) then it becomes hard to link one activity to the other. You can use stuff like umatrix or noscript to block unwanted third parties from accessing browser data, leaving less of an online presence.

I could go on and on but I won't. Nothing is 100% private on the internet, but that doesn't mean you can't make it living hell for most to find out who you are or what you're really up to.

Even innocent behavior must be kept away from prying eyes. Silicon valley seeks to control your every day life, your relationships, and who you interact with.

Everyone must hide from these companies. Guilty or not

Giving people information about you makes it easy for them to manipulate and control you. Anyone with an abusive ex-boyfriend can verify this. It's a trust issue moreso than a privacy issue. People are trusting companies that have demonstrated over and over again that they are not trustworthy.

This is News!

To Normies

Its well known to many, but yes its news for the yuppies. Whether or not they even realize it, who knows? Spread this info to any normies you know, thats why I created this thread, spread it everywhere and make it known. Maybe some normies will start to boycott these products, as they should.

Im astounded that people cant even think of this for themselves. I dont use voice assistance and have tape over my phone and computer cameras, creepy tbh

and though someone might think me paranoid. I have a ton of candid pictures of people just chilling in their homes from unsecured webcams….not on this hd tho otherwise Id show you.

I've come to learn there are people like us who care and do something about it, some who just don't know and then there are the people who know (or think they know better) and just don't care and will use anything provided on the market. My audience tends to be for those who still don't know or for those that can contribute solutions.

Here's something to take note of: I have a friend who worked at a local company selling auto parts and tires. Recently he retired and gave me his old work laptop because he didn't want or need it anymore. This guy is someone you'd call a total "normfag boomer." Well to my surprise when I got the laptop I opened it up, and there it was, the camera was covered up! I instantly had a smirk on my face thinking to myself "wow, he must know about the privacy issues, I never thought this guy knew about that stuff." I was always cautious not to bring up "conspiracy" issues because this dude wasn't into it, at all…. but when I realized he had some common sense it gave me some hope for humanity.

They're behind morgellons and the brain spying.

Its called drunk shitposting. Kill yourself subhuman race mixer. You are a nigger.

faggot detected

confirmed legit

This is likely why they want 5G as well because it will be all-invasive, not sure if it can act as advanced EEG spy tech (yet) but if not now, its coming with the 666G by the time they roll that out!

They are stupid.