Women are happier without children or a spouse, says happiness expert


Good goy dont marry and dont have children, the family unit is not the core of social cohesion.

>We may have suspected it already, but now the science backs it up: unmarried and childless women are the happiest subgroup in the population. And they are more likely to live longer than their married and child-rearing peers, according to a leading expert in happiness.


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men are subhumans that ruin lives
Wow what else is new?

No woman will want a frogposter anyway

For a while, anyway.

good for them. not sure why men want to marry anyway, any man dumb enough to marry with the current divorces laws is a retard.

>(((Sain Cain)))
This shit writes itself.

And I'm happier without a woman, it all works out.

How did I know that this would be published by the Guardian?
But remember, they're terribly oppressed and need your help!

Aye aye Moishe

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are you a Brit?
How do it feel to have fish & chips with curry sauce now?

Go on, tell us how many 528th's German you are, Burgerlad.

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Cope incel

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drinkining a bottle of red wine alone every night from 7-8pm onwards is apparently a sign of bliss.
the question is, why aren't these (((journalists))) murdered by a mob.

Because cowards like you wont make a mob

I write for the guardian, that would be senseless. what are you doing, pathetic faggot.

Cope you fucking coward


Im not the one saying journalists should be mobbed while sitting in my room online, nice cope though.

These kind of superficial studies don't take into account various environmental factors and how they can change over time. They are made with a confirmation bias in mind. Yes sure women are happier alone when in cases of wealth abundance, nobody wants a greasing husband and snotty kids when they can choose the party life, but wealth doesn't generate in vacuum. Once the source of wealth is gone, they will be taking depression pills to cope. And before you tell me that welfare state will look at them after that, a welfare state requires a large high earning working class population without which the welfare will collapse and shrink to nothing eventually.
Eventually the shrinking working class population will come out and rebel against the welfare statists because they don't want the responsibility of having to look after the huge old aged population with their income.


Not an argument.

this, and please notice that "unmarried and childless women" are mostly young, and youg people are usually happier than old and sick..


Hmmm…. what are you trying to achieve here? Being the last one to reply doesn't mean you are right sweetie, I would rather have a genuine argument against mine.
The only argument I can come up against is the existence of artificial reproduction systems to maintain the working class population however I rather not run my nation based on perfect utopian futurist technology, entire countries have been ruined due to promise of such technologies.

At the very least until such a technology is created, the institute of family is a necessary evil no matter what feminists argue.


It's another correlation=/=causation study. Women are happier because of surplus wealth and time abundance that gives them the freedom to eat, drink and merry, something that taking the responsibility of being in a relationship and looking after a child can't provide. It isn't the act of staying single that makes them happier.

Meh, I expected better, but whatever. Just take the last reply turn because that'll satisfy your autistic mind.



how did they measure happiness

By asking if they are happy

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but to me there's a multitude of different types of happiness.

"The American Time Use Survey (ATUS), sponsored by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and conducted by the United States Census Bureau (USCB), is a time-use survey which provides measures of the amounts of time people spend on various activities, including working, leisure, childcare, and household activities.[1][2] The survey has been conducted annually since 2003.[3]"

that's the survey they used


watch me go then
indicators of success make me happy but arent correlated with happiness in general


can you cope if you cant feel shit?
I don't want children or marriage.

in other words, I hope what they're saying is true

Is it true that holes don't know to argue in any other way?

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newly weds :0

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If only the ugly male saved money for surrogacy instead of marrying a bitch who will never love him…
Most probably, the poor beta will a have a horrible life.

I meant the woman lives happily ever after. Fuck the man and his bitch ass feelings.

Added to the list of delusions, right along side feminism being about equality and single mothers being able to work and raise a family without shortchanging anyone.

it's a shame they would rather be right than admit mistakes were made.

I fully support liberal stronk wymyn not reproducing. I try and convince every liberal I know to not get married or have kids. Just one way I try to make the world a little better for future generations.

The problem is, with the massive influx of illegals being deliberately brought into the US / illegal immigration, we will soon become a minority in our own country. Look at the countries these illegals are fleeing. They will bring that over here and you and your future generations (IF ANY that is) will be stuck in the same kind of third world corrupted despotic shithole.

Its all intentional, and its a cruel tragic mess our politicians and government have gotten us into.

If you think stopping procreation will do a THING to the corrupted establishment, think again! They want you dead anyway. Enslaved, or dead. Thats all they care about.

If you are a happiness expert,(sac)should you be happy most of the time, like 80%?

I am a sad expert and I'm sad 80% of the time

don't use immigrants as the reason that no woman will look at you

I, mean,(sac)just look at you!!!!!

I don't want to argue with you, (sac)asshole

i are happier because of surplus wealth and time abundance that gives me the freedom to eat, drink and merry, something that taking the responsibility of being in a relationship and looking after a child can't provide. It isn't the act of staying single that makes me happier

I just wanna smell a puss though.

You did not read what I said in full, or just skimmed over it. I'm saying that those in power do not care if future generations don't procreate. They are replacing you anyway via illegal immigration.

I myself was married before, but my wife died an early death from diabetes. At this point I don't care about dying either because [most of] modern America SUCKS ASS. Everything from new movies, to new music, to TV, to the educational system, to the corrupt government we have, to the politics, to the new "smart" digital spy CRAP everywhere, it all SUCKS ASS!

Do you really have lower standards than the animal related? Fuck.

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I find this so hard to believe? Did this "expert" only interview young THOTS? Because from all the older single, childless women I have meet over the years because of work, regret not having a family a lot more than single fatherless men, don't think men did not regret it either, but it seems to impact the women more, from my experience.

Shit science straight from a straw-clutching cat lady.

Because people are weak in this day and age

Confirmation bias is a powerful thing user.

go dilate your hole

My analysis isn't an imagination or cope sweetie, systems don't operate in isolation. One is affected by the other. I never said women will be unhappy in the future, merely pointed out the cause of happiness, that is wealth and time abundance. And no I'm not an incel coping either, getting a women to impregnate for a computer engineer like me isn't that hard. To be honest though, I agree with this user
Inshallah Islam can't come soon enough.

Don't feed the shills

So, wait, did they only consider someone happy based on how much they participated in specific arbitrarily defined activities, and not on an actual sense of fulfillment?

So, wait, spouses were most unhappy when they didn't get to see their husband very much?

(((happiness expert)))

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They're "happy" until they hit their 30s.

Do you have the other one that explains the ToGtFO?

Justpay the ho the $50 and put a hole in the condom

the negro teens in my public housing complex suck my boomer dick for $10 or 1 of my percs, the girls charge $15 or 1 1/2 percs

I've been told my whole life that things like being at home in the kitchen was akin to slavery and spent most of it believing it. I wish I had someone to show me how wrong I was years ago. I wasted so much time trying to live up to what I was told was true independence and happiness and it turned out to be the complete opposite that has given me anything near a sense of purpose and satisfaction. This world is upside-down and fucking backwards and "studies" like this are complete and utter bullshit and I don't believe people who say they are happier alone for one fucking millisecond, especially women. They simply delude themselves to stay semi-sane because the prospect of dying alone and unloved someday is too horrifying and the brainwash is too deep for them to realize it doesn't have to be this way. Or they are just trash people who attract other trash people and actually are better off alone. That's always possible too.

The kids call it the clown world now

I called it bizzaro universe, where reality tv star is now president and dad's teach their tranny daughtrs how to shave in mass media ads

Confusedious curse say 'may you you live in interesting times'

Are most men really that shit?

Not very credible, ti seems

Who are these "happier" women? What a surprise. They're all white women! Where's the diversity at here, Guardian? Where's all the happy black and muslim women who aren't getting married or having children. Hmmm. Really gets the noggin joggin.

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That's the wall. Once women hit the wall, their youth, beauty, and biological clock runs out. Their sexual market value plummets. They panic once they realize that they're not married, may not ever become a mom, and Chad has replaced them with a younger. The media has totally fucked millennial women. Mark my words, as they enter their 40s and 50s alone, female suicide and mental illness rates will skyrocket and become a global epidemic. Dark times now. Even darker times ahead.

say idiot, women have been entering their 40's for 2000 yrs

you aare a retarded human and you must not breathe anymore of my air

(sac) the air breather

And they were already married with kids by that point, which is the point!

Probably not going to be enough of them with the spine to actually follow through on suicide. Women have always 'attempted suicide' at a higher rate than men (in a way that is definitely not a pathological plea for attention). A few thousand more women will 'attempt suicide', and that big pile of nothing will be used as the justification for demanding more gibs.

Are you being sarcastic? Because I always thought the exact opposite of that. Women who "attempt suicide" are almost always only doing it for attention, often with superficial wounds from cutting. Or taking a bottle of pills and immediately calling for help. etc.

Yes. Very. I should remember that doesn't translate perfectly into text. and that there's a significantly higher number of turbo-autists on Zig Forums

Very much this. If you want to actually kill yourself there's a thousand and one ways to make sure that you die quickly, all of them require a fair amount of balls though as killing yourself is a pretty painful and/or scary process.

I figured you were, or it was just a typo, based on the context of the rest of what you said. But sarcasm doesn't really work well without voice inflection. Sometimes text emphasis can be enough to convey it.

Fake news



Indeed. The guy sounds like he's grasping at straws. Even though the research goes against decades of research stating the opposite, the media is running with it like a bunch of drama loving faggots.

catholic news and a blog

nuff said

Kids cost money. You want people to have more kids to stave off the great replacement, raise wages!
