Friendly reminder only thing the civilized the Europeans was Christianity...

Friendly reminder only thing the civilized the Europeans was Christianity. Before Christianity Europeans were human sacrificing sodomites that Worshipped transgender gods.

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Aksually, Europe was prosperous and civilized (i.e. Greco-roman culture) before there is a someone called Yoshua Christ.

Medieval european christian arts still had a lot of phalus and male buttholes, especially when they depict hell. Less endorsement but more hypocrisy.

Yes, we must support the baste african christians against european homo menace!

Yes the colloseum of rome was pretty civilized and not a barbaric pratice at all.

Fighting arena exists in all civilization, my cuck christian friend.

Yeah, they were also huge faggots who got themselves wiped out with their degeneracy.

Actually they didn't get wipe out due to their pagan faith, in fact, the reason there is no roman nowadays is because they convert to Christianity.

The germanic invaders who wipe out the christian romans? Christian germanic invaders.

Except for two things: 1.The roman colosseum many times killed off innocent people for fun in comparison to say, medieval tournaments were killing wasn't even allowed
2. It showed killing for the sake of killing, were literal slaves were fighting to the death for fun
but i didn't expect pagans to condemn this because they have no morals

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I assure you duel to the death happens in medieval era.
If it's for fun, it's definitely not for nothing. After all, slaves are slaves, they aren't citizen.

Once again, christian believe in the equality cult.

This very pic presents the catholic crusader as bad but the catholic church as good?

How does that even compute?

Yes, alright. But these were vastly different from a collosseum, which was a public event endorsed by the state. Duels were personal affairs to settle a dispute. Not for enterainment.
No morality, as expected.

Actually, duels were a social events with people watching. Hell, war watching is a literal thing which happened until the Civil War.
Aksually, pagans invent morality.
We just don't follow the self destructive equality view.

There are plenty of bad Catholic’s, user.

But crusaders and the pope, they are the very same thing.

In fact, crusaders act on the pope's will.

Duels were a way to settle an dispute between to people, and rarely resulted in death. You're making a ridiculous comparison with private duels, that when watched in public, were very rarely to the death, and had a chivalric code of honor, and the collosseum, which was fought by slaves, most times resulted in death, exclusevely to entertain the population, duels at least had a rational reason. But of course, slaves aren't people amirite? Not to mention the christians dead in the colloseum.
We just don't follow the self destructive equality view.
Get out, you're cringy as winnie the pooh tbh and we don't take you seriously lmao

Not in the medieval era, where european are majorly christian.
Cope harder.

Before Moses went up to the mountain, there were literally mountain of laws and philosophy being written about morality.

Also, slaves are people, but people aren't entitled to be treated well just for the simple fact they are people.

This is what makes heathenry different than christian, we do not submit to an equality view.

Congratulations on being illiterate.

They are christian.


then your morality sucks because they have no qualms about killing off people they don't like for arbritary reasons

Treated well as in, respected? Alright, i agree with you. Do they not have the right to life because they are slaves or any social caste? No, winnie the pooh yes they do.

This is what makes heathenry different than christian, we do not kill people out of our own whims.

You are mixing the timeline big time.

The germanics didn't even begun to get baptised until Ulfilas's little mission trip.
This was some time after Niceea happened, which was after Constantine moved everything East.

The idea wasn't even his.
The pagan Diocletian was the first that decided to focus on Anatolia+Balkans, Egypt and North Africa, due to the West being too screwed up by invasions and economic problems to be defended well.

No, Rome vs germans was divided into:
-pagan Rome getting wrecked by pagan goths;
-Byzantine Rome fighting arian goths;

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Actually, our morality is superior because we don't everyone like they are gift to the universe.
No, they don't. No one have a right to live.
Yet this is how actual christian monarchs act.

Actually, you are talking about the fall of Western Roman Empire, which is indeed Christian romans getting massacred by christian goth & vandals.

Absolutism was not a thing in the medieval period, they could not execute anyone in a snap of fingers, like you think they did.
Also, you're generalizing christian monarchs as bloodthirsty tyrants when there were monarchs like Louis IX and Baldwin IV

The same thing for a pagan, yet they can indeed kill on a whim.
Yet no one can say Louis IX and Baldwin IV never killed for a whim. After all, suspicions of rebellions are whims.

have you watched the video lmao

I don't think that video is gonna make christian monarchs not "bloodthristy".

Either ways, christians will never admit that their religion is just a tool of control by multiple states.

kek that video showed why christian monarchs could not kill people on a whim, even IF they wanted to.

Yet they can, so that video is wrong.

They can't kill everyone (be it influential duke, baron or bishop), but a peasant off the road? Sure can.

What an excellent historian you are lmao

Okay, I'm gonna enslave you and then kill you for fun, and if you think I'm in the wrong then you're an equality cultist.

Owning slaves doesn't give you the right to do inflict whatever cruelties you want on them; rather it gives you the duty to keep them well cared-for. If it's wrong when the Chinese boil dogs alive then it was wrong when the Romans made slaves fight to the death. Though a master does have certain rights over his property, articles of property such as slaves and animals are entitled to a certain degree of dignity.

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It’s not quite that simple. Here is a good way to think of it.
All virtuous pagans became Christian
All virtuous Jews became Christian.
So therefore, there were “virtuous” pagans and Jews before the Advent of the Lord, but there are none after, or else they’d be Christian.

That may have been true back when being Christian meant something but today the churches are full of wolves in sheep’s clothing so saying all Christians today are good is a form of idolatry and very naive too.

Not implying “all ‘Christians’ are good,” just presenting a rule of thumb.
If I told about who I think really isn’t Christian I would get b&.

Then why did the pope excommunicate them in the 4th crusade?

That’s fine then. I highly suspect there’s a demon making me misunderstand Christians and take away the most unhealthy interpretation of their words. Maybe I should just give up on taking religion from others because it’s not working out.

*taking religious advice from others

Neopagans are tards practicing a artificially reconstructed religion post thousand years or so, If one wanted to practice a aryan religion that isnt tantamount to larping they'd become hindu, zoroastrian or the very least a neoplatonist.

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Seneca mentioned that during intermission at the games, there is of course no fighting. But some people complained about being BORED so they had to bring out some hapless prisoners during intermission and slit their throats, just to give the audience something to look at while they buy snacks and stretch their legs. That's how bad it was.

And then you wonder why young white guys, with the exception of a few shit posters on twitter, are further radicalized and turned off from Christianity.

Why didn't the Pope stop the 4th crusade?

I don't see how bad it is.

It's probably christians making up bullshit so that they can justify killing pagan children later on.

You do that and I kill you.

Vae victis.

The fact you think because I can own slaves means you can own me is where the equality cultist mentality begins, we are not equal, my friend.

Sound like christian propaganda, then again, these christian "shoah" amuse me, because these same christians will never bat an eye seeing other europeans getting killed off for refusing to convert.

Because he got what's it worth and doesn't need it anymore?

Heresy will not be tolerated. Many Nations, One Kingdom.
politics. we had a counter-reformation and inquisition for a reason.

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This kind of doublespeak is why christians should be killed for fun.
You mean to kill even more of european in favor of jews?

Uniformity of religion =/= Uniformity of culture, you blood and soil LARPagan cuck.

Do you even know how Jews were treated in Christian Europe compared to roman pagan Europe?

Yes, it winnie the pooh does, christcuck, gods for every nations, not just one for the jew.
You mean allowed to be brought into church to hoard church tax or allowed to be in the court to hoard money as opposed to be killed or hunted on sight or non-existent in pagan Europe?

Do you even know?

The only reports of killing people for it were:
a)the saxons thing, which was a stain upon Carl's reign, like an ancient Benghazi;
b)the northern crusades;
c)Olaf, maybe?

When did this hilariously delusional thing happen, again?
And don't give me some vague "everywhere in stronk pagan Yurop".
Some evidence or legal proclamation?

In the northern crusades, christians allied with pagans to fight against the crusaders.

Cool assertion without evidence… The fact you even know what paganism is is proof to the contrary. Were this the case, you think we would allow for records of it to be preserved in any facet? Meanwhile Varg is burning down historic churches because winnie the pooh history I don't agree with right?

Or actively killed when rallying for the crusades, or forced out of the church during the inquisitions on penalty of death and torture,..Very tolerant of us in all honesty. The Jews and pagans were blamed for the Plague for winnie the poohs sake. What European history did you read?

Which actually means a lot of saxons.
Which again means a lot of dead northerners.
Point to me some rich jew living in pagan Germany, please? Specifically in the time of Arminius/Augustus? Please.


The evidence of rich mythology in any nation?
Why? Because some secret pagans decide to pass down ancient knowledge.
Nope, you burned down a shitload, only SOME were preserved.
Yep, church are ugly concrete and deserve to be burned down.
Yes, indeed, if you give them the highest position in the church and court and give them money on top of that, I would say you are very tolerant.
What European history did you read that shows jews were ruling pagan Europe, and NOT Christian Europe?

We have jewish communities in Roman Dacia, which was the frozen ass end of the Empire.

And don't try to change the question.
Any evidence for the "killed or hunted on sight" thing.

And we have jewish communities living everywhere in medieval Christian europe.

Oh, no, 4k rebels.

Truly armenian genocide tier.

They aren't even northeners, but finno-ungrics.

And orthos allied with them to kick the crusaders out.

So now a genocide is no longer a genocide.
Still in the north.
Show how baste christians are actually.

Christians are just a socio-political parties, it doesn't mean jackshit for actual religion/spiritualism.
Popular sedes happen due to political split, not actual belief.

So, a greek guy ruling over Persia demanding EVERYONE in his empire culturally assimilate into hellenism makes ancient Euros Nazis now?

Neopaganism is Jewish, change my mind.

Why do you larders even come on this board? The hate in your hearts must be so great. You follow a dead cult of sticks and trees, one which denies the possibility of life beyond the material realm. We have no interest in coming to your boards, but instead you come here to tell us you want to hurt Christians. I don’t believe that. I don’t believe you have the stones to go through with that as deep down you know what you have told us is nonsense. You’re going to kill someone because you believe in ancient tree worship and that the earth is flat? This is madness.

You must be suffering immensely. You must be the most miserable person on this board right now.
We shall pray for you and that you find Christ.

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Yep, definitely more than medieval christians who openly let jews live within them.

Christianity is jewish at its core.

I come to this board in order to help its people. It's clear its mind and get back into the light, of course, not all of you can be cured of this insanity, but I will try.

Dude, it's medieval christian who believe the Earth is flat and is the center of the universe.

Actually, you are a heretic if you believe otherwise.

And there is literally nothing wrong with ancient tree worship, we still do it today each Christmas, certainly better than praying to some sick jew or the Whore of Babylon.

Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux
Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux
Vade Retro Satan
Not Suade Mihi Vana
Sunt Mala Quae Libas
Ipse Venena Bibas

It was a political execution of rebels, one that was considered the worst blunder of his reign.
Political repressions were much worse in the ancient world.

If you mean Northern Europe, vaguely geographically.
Baltics don't belong to Scandinavia.

We can't both a bloody fanatical hivemind that killed them for no good reason, and fractious secular profiteers.

That's kinda what this guy did, too.
He let them do whatever, as long as they did it in greek.
It just resulted in this:

Attached: how-the-north-works.jpg (800x1817, 385.6K)

You are clearly mad, but the suffering you are going through is not to be ridiculed. The modern world itself is one big asylum of the deranged.

You say you want to kill Christians for sport then you say you are here to save us. So which is it user?

We won’t stop praying for you user because it is people like you who need these prayers the most.

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Nope, he has actual Saxon wars where he killed pagans.
Yes, and it should have been that way, if the romans have killed all christcuck (and the jews inside them) and salted the earth, we wouldn't be having this modern issue.
It's called Northern Crusade.
Yes you can, look at the middle eastern crusades where you kill and infight among yourself for wealth.
He didn't, he conquered the land having jews and forced them to convert. While Charlesmagne invited a winnie the pooh jew to be his financier.
Yes, a very much dire strand, since this gives birth to actual monster like Saul/Paul. Either ways, it is not a big thing in Greece.

Yes, pray for me.

I need more energy to free your spirit and destroy the jew god.

To save a christian is to kill them, so they will stop giving their energy to the jewish god and dooming the world, killing everyone, christian included.

Again, speaking latin, foreign word not known to desert demon.

Well, that def ruins the "pagans would never massacre Europeans like this"
No, he inherited the land from Alexander, which had invited jewish colonists to settle across the empire, and them all culturally integrate.

Not exactly "hunted and killed on sight"

Pagans have always seeked to combine their ancestral gods together since they are all brothers.
Actually, they don't, they follow the jew religion and are forced to renounce it or die.

Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux
Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux
Vade Retro Satan
Not Suade Mihi Vana
Sunt Mala Quae Libas
Ipse Venena Bibas

Again, latin, a language the jewish god does not understand.

Speak your true tongue, kike, do not dirty pagan language.


No, they didn't seek to combine their gods into a inter-religious mess.
The greeks and romans just did that shit to culturally dominate their conquered people, and place their own gods in charge of the local pantheon.

Again, you are adding 19th century syncretism, nationalism, pan-europenism and racial nationalist narratives to a network of really diverse religions.

Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux
Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux
Vade Retro Satan
Not Suade Mihi Vana
Sunt Mala Quae Libas
Ipse Venena Bibas

Yes they do, they literally combine Zeus and Amun, and then later seek their equivalence of Hercules/Thor.
You know nothing of heathenry.


Christians will never prevail against the truth.

You must be suffering intensely to believe this madness. You have truly fallen into the abyss Nietzsche talked about where murder is acceptable for those who don’t follow your militant atheism. You have this Jewish idea that you are going to save the world by slaughtering Christians, the Jews believe the same thing they call it Tikun Olam aka healing the world through their control of it.

You are clearly conflicted though otherwise you would just go out and do these terrible things. And if you did kill Christians, you would descend into madness as your mind would begin to doubt the fantasy you are in.

You think my prayers for you make you more powerful in a satanic way? Oh you mad fool. This entire thread should pray for you.

Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux
Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux
Vade Retro Satan
Not Suade Mihi Vana
Sunt Mala Quae Libas
Ipse Venena Bibas

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Yes, as said, please pray for me, I need power to fight against the desert demon. Pray for me, friend.
Friend, Christian is pretty much atheism, it seeks to kill and destroy all gods in favor of the jewish one.
Jews and christians are one in the same, there's no difference between them, same for moslim.

To kill a christian is to save him from eternal damnation.


Let the true god struck down the evil wind of the desert.

You shall not prevail against truth, Yahweh/Satan, for I am stronger than you.

God spoke and had liturgical services in everything from Egyptian, Midianite language, Ethiopian, Greek, Aramaic, Roman etc.
So no, nothing is unfamiliar to us.

Yeah, the former did, to culturally dominate the later.

I know way more about the countless variations of IE polytheism than your retarded window-dressing for Nazi-inspired naturalism.

The idiotic LARPing you faggots(barring groups like Theodists, but given it's obvious you don't have any idea what you are talking about) have, has as much connection to "heathenry"(which is a blanket term we made, meaning "rural hillbilly") as the Nation of Islam to actual Islam.

In jewish language, never anything else.
Plenty are, since the jewish god only speaks to jews.
So they did.
Again, I doubt you do.
Again, I don't see any role playing here except christians in their little robes and candles.

Please go back into the light.

Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux
Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux
Vade Retro Satan
Not Suade Mihi Vana
Sunt Mala Quae Libas
Ipse Venena Bibas






Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux
Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux
Vade Retro Satan
Not Suade Mihi Vana
Sunt Mala Quae Libas
Ipse Venena Bibas







Nice projection user, but it is you who doubts your own madness (thank the Lord). Otherwise you would not be on the internet debating me and you would just go out there and kill some poor soul.

If your way of saving us Christians is killing us then what need is there for you to be on here chatting with us?

You don’t have the stones to do it because you know it is wrong. You came here to be saved.

And then you try to use the reverse psychology trick to get us to stop praying for you… by saying that our prayers make you ritually powerful.

We won’t stop praying for you in your time of great suffering user.

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go to Niflheim You pussy keyboard warrior.

How many people have you killed? have you earned Valhalla yet? or are just a pussy do nothing like all the rest of you?

It is not good to just kill one or two christian.

Violence is best organized. My hands will stay until I can kill the majority of christian in my country or force them out, along with the jews/moslim.
Again, you overthink too much, praying for me makes me stronger so I can fight the demon inside your head, all the better.




Really I just pity these pour souls who are suffering in madness.

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So how many people/christian/non-pagans have you killed? You didn't answer my question, you just responded with random Nordic propaganda.

I'll give Varg this, at least killing Euronymous was more religiously consistent than any of you neck-beards.

I agree, but I want to see how far they go in hopes they realize their errors at some point, or at least start thinking about it a little bit deeper. I know that's getting my hopes up, but I like to at least try.

Preparing mass violence. Sure. We totally believe that. It couldn’t be that you’re LARPing on the keyboard. Oh you mad fool.

Someone actually preparing mass violence wouldn’t just announce it over the internet in such a LARPy fashion. He would just prepare it and do it.

What is your reason for being on this board if you’ve already (supposedly) decided violence is the only answer in your crusade against Christianity?

Let Christ into your life user and He will help you escape from this madness.

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Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux
Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux
Vade Retro Satan
Not Suade Mihi Vana
Sunt Mala Quae Libas
Ipse Venena Bibas

Not the Germans, Brits and Nords until they were Romanized, not even all were.

None but I have not started.
Varg should have killed more.

Oh yes, fear me not. Just pray for me friend.
Even Jewsus talked about jew wickedness before going into the temple.
To dispel falsehood spouted by christians.

Any days these lies are spread, the world looms closer to armageddon.
Let Christ the jew stay in the cross, that's his end. He can save no one, including himself.




Look at these silly dogs, thinking they belong at the table. They're not even worthy of scraps. Stop replying.

Ah yes, the jewish supremacist.

We will kill you like all the rest.

European man began its life worshipping the One True God, the Father in Heaven (Dyewos Pater). Later, they began to worship idols of their own imagination, placing Dyewos Pater into larger and larger pantheons and turning him into an idol by association. This is the origin of “Father Ze-us,” “Ju-piter,” “Ty-r,” etc.

Wrong, European man begin its life worshiping their ancestors.

Also, Deus Pater is a corruption of Zeus.

And now you see why everything went downhill, huh?
You’re not wrong historically speaking, pagans would throw a human being in those pantheons once in a while (*Julius Caesar*)

I don't.

If anything, the world starts to go downhill as soon as we start worshiping kikes.

Who is a god.