Texas Will Be Mexican Within The Next Decade As US Invaded By Foreign Occupation


The gap between Texas’ Hispanic and white populations continued to narrow last year when the state gained almost nine Hispanic residents for every additional white resident.

With Hispanics expected to become the largest population group in Texas as soon as 2022, new population estimates released Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau showed the Hispanic population climbed to nearly 11.4 million — an annual gain of 214,736 through July 2018 and an increase of 1.9 million since 2010.

The white population, meanwhile, grew by just 24,075 last year. Texas still has a bigger white population — up to 11.9 million last year — but it has only grown by roughly 484,000 since 2010. The white population’s growth has been so sluggish this decade that it barely surpassed total growth among Asian Texans, who make up a tiny share of the total population, in the same time period.

The estimates come as lawmakers begin to sharpen their focus on the 2021 redistricting cycle, when they’ll have to redraw the state’s congressional and legislative maps to account for population growth. And they highlight the extent to which the demographics of the state continue to shift against the Republican Party.

During the last go-around, which is still being litigated in federal court, Hispanics accounted for about 65% of the state’s growth. With about two years of growth left to go, their share of Texas’ population increase since 2010 reached 54% last July.

The Hispanic community is growing in numbers across the state. But 47% of Texas Hispanics now live in the state’s five biggest counties — Harris, Bexar, Dallas, Tarrant and Travis. Home to Houston, Harris County leads that list with more than 2 million Hispanic residents. But Hispanic growth since 2010 continues to be most significant in Tarrant County.

But while Hispanics’ numbers are growing the most, the state’s Asian community is growing the fastest.


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Due to traitors and communist subversion, we are now in the real cusp of losing our nation, state by state.

You can deny deliberate destabilization all you want, but the reality is going to hit you and hit you hard because you WILL NOT ESCAPE IT.

Spanish people are white. Fjcking hailarious

Whites are being replaced, and this is deliberate. Hungary adopted strong immigration crackdowns / control and within 5 years their white citizens started popping out more babies and they remained a heavy majority with decent population growth! Who would have guessed that the media and commies all claimed the exact opposite would happen!? Well….

Spain the country and the Spanish people in Spain are for the most part European.
What Americans call "Hispanic/Latino" are central and south american cannibals from the jungle that have possibly but not always interbred to some small extent with Spanish at some point. In Mexico, most of the population is 60+% cannibal jungle creature,
The highest members in mexican society are 100% European, remaining unmixed. Those ones are not the ones illegally crossing the border, and you'll never see them in a ghetto.

boy do i hate niggers

The US will not have the stomach to fight a war to keep the union this time.

I have the stomach to fight a war to destroy the union this time

You and the blacks and the spics and the commis all working together this time.

along with the muzzies.

Hey Americans, when will go into war against the jews? The world is kinda waiting for the cowboys to ring the bell on this.

Lol@ 'will be'
It already is….

It's so obvious that you've never been there before

It's also obvious that you don't know Spanish
or any other languages

the prophecy will be fulfilled

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Ironically, the Union is the biggest supporter of shitskins. A balkanized America will not be good for beaners, muslims, niggers et al. Beaners are already ethnically cleansing niggers from some parts of the SW lol

Someone explain why New York, LA and New England jews would rather share a border with Africans, Mexicans and Arabs than with Europeans
Don't they realize theyre gonna get robbed, rapped and murdered? I thought jews were 115 IQ

meh, same thing

The union they hate and want to destroy. Ultimately they don't care if they live in a shithole as long as it is their shithole and they can murder other races in the name of equality.

Aprendan un poco de Español, cabros, no les hará mal, los hispanos somos buena onda, hay buena comida, bailes, anécdotas…

Ustedes se lo pierden.


Los comunistas están tratando de desestabilizar a nuestra nación con la migración forzada del tercer mundo, ¡las mismas personas malvadas que destruyeron México con la corrupción y el narcotráfico también están tratando de destruir a los Estados Unidos! ¡Tener cuidado!


Good US only paid what $15 mil for it anyways

Hahahah … you jelly or something?
or did your gal just get facked by a big dick cannibal jungle creature.
must suck to have a such small d

Fake news

underrated posr

Turn about is fair play mother fuckers!

Forget the Alamo

Ontarioarian here
We want Upper New York state And Upper Michigan

Negro cities you can keep

legit news

I doubt mexicans who emigrate to Texas will want it into Mexico, start thinking logically, not as autistic russians.

So Texas will still be American, but just like a huge south side LA?

This is why I hate you

WTF is this Alamo….Shlomo?

real news confirmed

your post is full of shit, i live in cali here, this state is run by the fucking cartel and mexican families, its exactly what they fucking have planned for texas too. shove your shit up your fucking ass, of course mexico the state wont just gain borders, the true masters of mexico will just move up north and bring all their rape trees and flayings with them.