Why would an all-loving, benevolent God do things like:

Why would an all-loving, benevolent God do things like:
- Condemn all mankind as sinners, even those not born yet, based on the actions of two people (Adam and Eve).
- Commit genocide against the human race with the Flood just because we weren't living the way he wanted.
- Nuke two cities and their inhabitants just because they were having buttsecks.
- Order the Israelites to wage war and slaughter other peoples.
- Condemn millions of humans to eternal torture (Hell) simply for not believing in him.

It seems to me that the God of Christianity is one evil bastard who doesn't deserve any worship.

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Humans are seriously evil and disgusting little creatures because of the horrific decisions they're constantly making. God is the strongest being in existence and is also the very thing that defines the moral law. Rightly speaking, we deserve absolutely nothing good from Him. If God were truly just He'd just ship us off to Hell upon our very first wrongdoing. The very fact that He allows horrible evil little vermin like human beings to go on living, to have a opportunity to repent, to have even the slightest chance of joining Him in eternal bliss in Heaven, is proof enough of His infinite mercy and goodness. But sometimes humans get so disgusting that they really do just need to be killed right then and there. Rampant homosexuality, wars over nothing, literally burning infants alive; it's not so much that God merely had the right to kill these people, it was more that God had an obligation to destroy them.

Gee, I wonder…

Is this really the kind of self-loathing that your average Christian has? Yes humans are capable of great evil, just as we are capable if great good, no one is born evil.


This. I love everything God has created except for us human. I both love and hate humankind to the max. I hate what we have become, ugly cycles (revenge, consumerism, addiction of sex and alcohol, etc.) we have created and chained ourselves to, depraved and horrible shit we did and stomach then swept under the rug; but I love how despite of that we are also capable of love and truly selfless acts.

To me, humankind feels like alcohol. In small number, it is fine and make things better; but in large number is poisonous, mindnumbing, and intoxicating.

Also to answer your exact points:
Nope. We inherited inclinations to sin from them, newborns and babies are not subject to damnation, they are as innocent as the doves. God knows all and sees all and He is infinitely wiser than what you or all of us can ever fathom. Also see the last part.

Human back then were depraved as heck. Imagine L.A., San Francisco, the worst of the backwater third world countries where warlords roam free and slavery is being practised combined and multiply it by seventy-seven thousand fold then you can barely scratch at its layers of depravities.

Like above. Not just buttsecks, but every sort of depravities and sick practises and cultures including mobbing a house with a visitor from another land to mob ass rape him. Note that during the time of antiquities, the sacred rule of hospitality applies everywhere, and the sodomites wanted to screw their guests in the most horrible ways imaginable en masse.

See above.

He did not condemn us. We condemn ourselves. We are given a choice whether to return to Him who is everything and created everything, or separate from Him who is everything and exist without Him i.e. nothingness, oblivion, death, dark and cold places where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

When will the pattern ever end? When will the evils of anime ever be recognized?

To answer your questions OP, read the Old Testament and than justify to me that the Canaanites dindu nuffin and they are just good bois on their way to worship!

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?Yep, that's how we all feel about it. We are all sinners, even the best of us are barely superior to chimpanzees in God's eyes.

Also your anime images disgust me, I just want you to know that

Why is god constantly referred to as a "he" and as "him"?

You've assigned god as male?


Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Sodom and Gomorrah. Hiroshima and Nagasaki had the largest Christian population in Japan until the adversary itself had its minions nuke it.

>Why would God Let/Do ____?
We have this thread every week. We should just make a pinned thread for basic Non-Christian Q&A.

You're right, no one is born evil. But we all make ourselves evil at some point. Sometimes it's a great evil like burning infants in a bronze furnace. Sometimes it's a lesser evil like growing obese and jacking off to /d/ tier shit five times a day. But evil is evil, and it doesn't really have a right to expect an association with good either way. The most we can hope for is to outgrow our evil with God's help. It's in the hope that we do so that God allows us to go on living.

Read a book tigga

Relevant Sermon.

Objectively wrong.
"With the progress of Revelation, the reality of sin is also illuminated. Although to some extent the People of God in the Old Testament had tried to understand the pathos of the human condition in the light of the history of the fall narrated in Genesis, they could not grasp this story's ultimate meaning, which is revealed only in the light of the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.261 We must know Christ as the source of grace in order to know Adam as the source of sin. The Spirit-Paraclete, sent by the risen Christ, came to 'convict the world concerning sin',262 by revealing him who is its Redeemer."
Read your catechism or stop posting.

Reminder that there is no Church in the world that officially teaches that unbaptized babies go to Hell. There is nothing in your quote from which "newborn infants are evil" can be derived.



I’m sure Op cares

No, He assigned Himself that way. What’s it matter anyways though? God would still be God either way

Sin is an act of rebellion against God and it's in human nature to sin that's why you have to teach a child to tell the truth, but you do not have to teach a child to lie. You do not know God and that is why you believe he is evil as you look to yourself for what is right and wrong, but know that God is omniscient, knowing everything. even the number of hairs you have on your head. "But the very hairs of your head are numbered." -Matthew 10:30 KJV. With God right and wrong are objective not subjective. If you want to learn more then I suggest studying the bible. Lastly I'll inform you that hell is NOT eternal.The wages of sin is death not eternal torment.

go away

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Humans cannot do anything truly good. No created being can, for that matter. The most you can do is survive, which is morally indifferent.

Wow this is pathetic. We have on the one side an edgy fedora who never bothered to read a book or two about either subjects and then we have autistic """Christians""" who simply abhor their own existence and openly proclaim that they abhor mankind (just like that one retard downstairs).
This place is still as toxic as it was it seems and I doubt that there will be a salvation for this stupid board. I immediately regret returning to this place after year of absence.

Nice, you fedoras have sunk to new lows daily for the last 10 years, why stop now?


Dude, are you saying you're not? Where did that anime pic come from? You spend a lot of time online? I guess you do huh. It's easy to just go "Oh well everyones lazy sometimes" when you're so deep in inhumanity as modern people are, so as to not see the full extent of what you're capable of, supposed to do and everything.
What the hell is wrong with you? We deserve a lot winnie the pooh worse than population control
Be completely celibate and penitent for a month, then have some buttsecks and see how you feel afterwards. Multiply that times 10 million
This was merely the old covenant
DUDE! You have 80 YEARS! The battle is fought here on earth. If you don't think such a punishment is right for standing idle for 80 YEARS you are living life on baby mode in your head and have no spine. Get some fire in your life

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