Is it inappropriate for a boyfriend and girlfriend to kneel together for Communion, while holding hands?

Is it inappropriate for a boyfriend and girlfriend to kneel together for Communion, while holding hands?

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use your god given conscience

It is inappropriate for anyone to 'kneel' for communion



Yes. Get a room and start behaving properly in church.

Have sex. Please.
I could understand if they were handling the host like the spaghetti from Lady and the Tramp, but come on. Can't risk that happening, I suppose.

I don't like your tone.

Reality is cruel. You wouldn't be so resentful of others' happiness and affection if you weren't so starved of those things yourself.

If you had bothered to check IDs you'd see I'm not that user. I replied because I don't like seeing effeminate "arguing with holes"-type arguments around here. Maybe eat less soy-based products.


Sex is only for procreation with your spouse.


H-hand holding during communion?

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Lol based

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Pooh off immediately. Why do normies think that sexual act is some kind of remedy today and being a chaste is a negative trait?

You should pooh off too
Its also for bonding between spouses, not some mechanical act merely for reproduction


All your attention should be focused on Jesus in the sacrament and receiving Him, handholding will only distract from that.

Yes, extremely in appropriate.

I did that with my boyfriend during our marriage ceremony when he became my husband :3
