Why does everyone stock overflow seem like such douche bags. I am new to C...

why does everyone stock overflow seem like such douche bags. I am new to C. I asked a question about a certain library and they say things like "of course" and "you should know" isn't the point of the website to help others and expand knowledge on topics aka not suck their own dicks? I rather ask questions here then on stock overflow.

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what is your question?

We COULD take this opportunity to talk shit about stackoverflow, but before that you should say what your question was, as there's a good chance you were just being an idiot.

I hope you are capable of simple thinking.

SO is the headquarters of programming cancer. if you say anything that sounds remotely academic there they get triggered and start yelling PRAGMATISM! after about 10 years now all you're allowed to do is answer dumbass questions for dumbass platforms on how to get the keystate:

basically, what this user just said.
confess, OP!

this is factually incorrect
perhaps you only browsed shit entry level questions


We have ways to make you talk!
How do You plead?

maybe you have made a really silly question, probably you haven't read enough to even make a question. In that case the joke is on you. You're the douche.

Whoa there. I think that such judgements are unjustified and OP should be given the benefit of doubt until he cares to reveal what his actual question was.


i know i am retarded

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you can and a string and go row by row, but i dont' think there's going to be a way around writing a function to take the 2d character array and dump it into ncurses.
just write the function.

your wife's son would be proud

get ready for the bully

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That's even worse than reddit

Yeah that was indeed a really retarded effortless post, deserved the downvote

namefagging, obviously
how nu ru

I don't even have the energy to bully after laughing this much

No, the point is to get le ebin upboats and get noticed by headhunters for SV startups. Helping others is only an occasional side effect of this process.

Who is this titty monster?

Because there are such things as stupid questions and people replying to them really don't feel like answering them. What's there else to say?

It's probably a shitty question nobody cared about. You're lucky it got downvotes. These shitty questions only get answers by rep whoring pajeets, if that. I used to answer that kind of stuff as well. It gets old fast. Ironicallym it's the easiest way to farm rep. Random short answers I gave to common questions still give me a steady stream of rep every single day.

When you ask about the minutiae of a language standard or the whys and hows behind some specific implementation, that's when SO shines. Some truly smart people show up outta nowhere to answer because you've baited their curiosity. I've witnessed some truly heroic posts in the name of clearing up some C standard confusion. Personally, I enjoy digging into the implementation of programming language virtual machines and answering questions about their internals. I once dug up the exact specific commit where a language feature was introduced.

if you think there's any advanced material on SO, you're fucking retarded. I've literally made a troll account to ask 50 questions about nuances of languages like Go and Java and nobody gets them. One of the top voted Java questions on the site is mine and nobody there understands it, It was about the Java Memory Model. There's just a few hand wavy attempts at answers

basically for everything you could get an answer on SO for, you could have just read the manual

Answer your own question, then. I'm not really active in the Java tag, but you do realize it's a pajeet tier language, right? C# tag has more knowledgeable people posting.

Isn't this just sucking your own dick for upboats? Might as well start a blog.

tui's is made for niggers
command line is for white men

when will you learn to reverse image search before pestering for source

I only did open source languages with at least some amount of defined semantics, so: Java, SML, Haskell, Python, Go
C for example nope because nobody actually knows how anything should work (for example lookup how to make a format string for a function pointer and have a giant thread of inconclusive conjecture)
and as I said, it was a "troll" account. these were rhetorical questions which I already knew the answers for

Hey, it might help someone. Also, nothing stops you from giving a better answer to the person's question.

I used to be very active in the Ruby tag, but I got tired of the Rails faggots.


This? Yeah, printf doesn't have a format specifier for function pointers. According to the C standard, function and object pointers may actually be different types of pointer with different sizes and stuff. It's just yet another case of the C stdlib being utter garbage. The unportable code is highly likely to work, though. In particular, IIRC POSIX requires that function and object pointers be compatible. The dlsym function returns a void pointer.

Anyway, the accepted answer involving a char pointer aliasing the function pointer is right. Pointer to char aliases any type. The ideal solution is for the stdlib to stop sucking and actually provide formatting support for function pointers. That's never gonna happen.

I don't get it, many say they can't do their job without StackOverflow... the fuck, I have not been on that site for a very long time and I am doing just fine.

this sounds like bloat

It's called documentation. It just happens that you get virtual reputation for publishing it on SO.

OP seems like your problem is being a retard. People go to sites like that to answer questions, not babysit your stupid ass and change your diapers.

at least it's not slashdot.org

exactly the post i was talking about, was too lazy to look it up

writing conformant C code can be considered bloat

i wouldn't trust anyone who can't code with just the language and API manuals

Stack sucks. Gas the stack. Code war now.

But as to WHY it's such shit? Simple, people are competing for Good Boy Points. And that makes them very very naughty boys.

I legit loled.

It's simple: SO is shit because it's filled with fucking Redditors. Period.

They all act like cunts 24/7. They all farm rep like fucking whores and they believe a downvote button is the most epic comeback ever.

Just like a certain website I know and am currently browsing.

literally lel'd

And now you know why techies make so little money, relative to the difficulty of the work, and their import to the economy and to most companies. Shit personalities. They are literally the most shitty people in the world. Even hedge fund managers are huggable teddy bears by comparison.

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Not so. It's full of techies. That's just how they are. They are shit human beings, literally as unpleasant as street people, but they happen to have talents sufficient for some, though not commensurate, compensation.

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No. Because the "techies" are too busy jerking themselves off to how much rep they have and how dumb everyone else is reddit mentality to actually fix a problem. If you're lucky you'll get an actually knowledgeable person on that shitty fucking platform to actually help you. Key word is "lucky"




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You shall be confined to the comfy chair until noon with only a cup of tea!
Through Biggus Dickus and Incontineta buttocks is more hilarious if you get the anal sex joke

Hello *nearly shits himself*
How do i um... *pants slowly getting wetter*
Create the.... *a coffee-like stench fills the room*
Array object model in... *a visible brown spot has appeared on his pants*
Java best programming language! *shits himself with the force of a thousand vishnus*
