I guess net neutrality didn't matter at all?

I guess net neutrality didn't matter at all?
All that up voting for nothing.

How come normies just blindly trust big cooperations?


Attached: what-is-net-neutrality.jpg (1113x688, 269.12K)

Other urls found in this thread:


All channers knowed of this. Just another reason why were based and superior to all else.


And what did you think would happen? The whole thing just fall apart at once? That's not how this kind of subversion works.

Look, I can tell that you didn't come from 8ch, so I'm going to kindly ask you to go back.


This is where you belong:


This is where you belong


Attached: reddit.png (736x1024, 60.14K)

Libertarian: 218k
Communism: 50k
Reddit is clearly right wing (antisocial).

Technically it's not gone yet, so I'd wait before making any definitive statements.

You know the answer to that. They're not conscious. They're NPCs.

The bandwidth wasters may still have to charge their customers more. This is what this astroturfed movement was all about from the get go. They are terrified of losing customers so they terrified people into thinking the internet would break if you didn't give them their free ride.

And we, the channers, are the main protagonist. *sigh* what a cruel, sick, world...

Its fake, reddit


I want all data to be treated as just data and nothing more.

So how long is it gonna take? Will you redditors apologize in 6 months from now when still nothing has happened?

It may take years for something to change. But first it would happen with smartphones.
Unlimited internet would also still be provided, hard for that to disappear, but I bet it would become more expensive, especially more than the facebook-free plans.
It would be fun to watch non-serious sites such as Facebook and Twitter losing users because they're not worth the trouble of being paid for.
Or maybe they'll be forced on every single bundle after they make a deal with providers.

Only time will tell, but 6 months is too early for anything.

Weren't mobile networks literally the only exception?

Wow, the irony in made me cringe and not in a good way.

I too would like to subsidize trans-PoCs streaming capeshit in 4k with my ISP bill.

"Unlimited" internet doesn't exist. If you exceed a certain threshold (may or may not be stated), your ISP will deem your use "abusive" and "reserves the right to throttle you". That shit's been in any ToS I looked at since the early 2000s. Still 100% beats retarded caps and overage charges tho.

Yup, NN never applied to mobile. That is why mobile networks were able to provoide data cap exceptions to partnerned services without it being a NN violation. Thats why I expect with time wired ISP's will become like t-mobile's data plans(Xgb full speed, then a slow down, plus streaming/cloud services that don't count to the cap), but with higher caps because of the higher potential throughput and more mature infrastructure. It sucks but it's not the end of the world imo. Putting ISP's under title 2 might even help new ISP's get into the market and drive prices down... except in areas like mine where comcast makes illegal deals with local officals to maintain a monopoly.


Usually when an ISP states certain speed, it also mentions that this speed is only guaranteed within ISP local network and infrastructure boundaries, but speed and latency to remote resources are out of their competence. At least it is how things go in my country, not sure about Burgeristan.

That's not how it works, retard. It's like saying that the government owns all factories because it imposes health and safety protocols. The Jews created a false dichotomy between isps and the government to remove your freedom