JOE editor - why are you using literally anything else?™

JOE editor is a minimal, clutter free text-based text editor available on pretty much every BSD/Linux OS. It combines the straightfowardness of Nano with the clean layout of VIM and the power of emacs. It's faster than all 3 of those as a bonus :-).
So what are you waiting for? The answer is VIM or emacs to load anything! (or better yet do man joe)
Screenshots: img2 and img3

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note: while mcedit is very fast and has text highlighting it suffers from depending on too many bloated things and has a lot of screen clutter. it also doesn't respect terminal preferences, which is extremely annoying

What terminal emulator are you running? st or nothing for me.

im using terminator, a terminal comparable to xfce's term with tmux-like features.
tl;dr bloat because im lazy

Who on Earth loads 3GB text files into their editor?

Why would you have a text file that's 3GB to begin with?

Because I'm not a faggot, and Vis does everything I need in a neat manner.

Never underestimate the size of log files.

Ah, didn't think of that.

Because ed, mg, and Emacs do everything I need already.

This is not even close to the true power of Emacs, of course, but how would I set up linting in Joe?

yeah, no

You've obviously never properly used emacs in your life

There's really no reason to use Joe other than 'Bisqwit uses it'.

I wonder why you don't see more people evangelising Micro Emacs because Torvalds uses it.

I think Torvalds explicitly says he only uses it because it's what he's used to and that it's not actually good, so that dampens it a bit, even if it doesn't stop it completely.

wow when will the patriarchy be stopped

When non-emacs people talk about "Emacs" they usually mean the text editor part, not the operating system Emacs/Systemd.

The fact that it's possible to implement half an OS in Emacs is a side effect of its power.

If Joe doesn't have the same programmability and robustness then it doesn't have the power of Emacs.

Joe self identifies as a emacs.

Joe doesn't let you program the editor, letalone while it's running.

Non-emacs people are the ones who mock it for being an operating system. Which is true.

Because I'm used to vim and I don't want to nor I have the time to learn a whole new set of key strokes.

some data files I used to deal with were pushing the 1GB mark. Before, thankfully, they went to binary.

Because in-editor linting is useful.

Because I use ed - the standard editor

so its only useful for admin monkeys on a remote line?

You get a far smaller attack surface with terminal programs than GUI programs. A text editor works perfectly on the terminal. You really don't need a GUI to manipulate plain text.

how many exploits targeting editors are there?

There has never been a single one.

then why do you care about attack surface?

Not him but why would you want to make things more complex and bloated with a GUI when you can do it all in your terminal which you use daily already

I think I tried joe once upon a time, but since I know Emacs & vi it had no use to me.
$man joeNo pronoun entry for joe

*puts up hand*
Sometimes you need to look at the raw dataset or log file to figure out what's not going on.

Better mouse support, proportional font support, support for images, support for different text sizes, more advanced syntax markup possibilities in general, support for UI elements with widths or heights less than a character, better cursor indication, for a start.
And that's just what I get from Emacs, which makes relatively lousy use of GTK because it wasn't written with it in mind. But even then it's vastly preferrable.




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uEmacs is basically Vi with GNU Emacs bindings. It's nothing like GNU Emacs, otherwise.

That's in part because GNU Emacs modes are a toolkit unto themselves. Also >>>/emacs/

Oh, boy! Does this mean I can use it on Android?

It's mostly because Emacs is used to running the main event loop itself. All of GTK has to hold still whenever Emacs is doing something. Emacs can use bits and pieces of GTK functionality, but it's not really a proper GTK application, which is why it doesn't run natively in Wayland.

You faggots aren't funny. Fuck off.


Shit like this is why Neovim said "fuck it, the GUI is a separate process". No one is stepping on the other one's toes.