Turbo Pascal

Look at all this software socialist education has produces. Student loan debt slavery and LGBT awareness have only produced Codes of Conduct. Without the constant stream of socialist educated Europeans American "innovation" would dry pretty quick. America is a parasitic cancer on planet Earth that produces nothing.

Attached: blender.png (800x491, 1.42M)

At least you tried?

This is a good thread op. Today op is not a faggot.


But user, you can just go and make a contract with a friendly small business willing to lend you the money, for a small fee, naturally. This way you can freely chose to get an education and only have to spend decades slaving away giving cuts of the value to produce to someone just because he was rich to begin with! If you instead want smaller cuts that go to actual education instead you are a communist.

Blame the jews. It didn't used to be that EVERYTHING has to be about money.

The teachers, janitors, administration own and democratically run the schools?

Attached: socialism for dumbos.png (961x974, 97.35K)

back to leftypol

That infographic is cringey as fuck and factually fucking incorrect in numerous ways. Go back to your containment board, tranny faggot.
>>>Zig Forums

kill you're self

Not only your opinion is retarded and it's only tangentially relevant to this board, you also managed to murder grammar while typing it.

Attached: RUARetard.jpg (1224x1445, 119.82K)

Wow, you shits are still really bad at trying to make memes. How do you spend years on a chan and just not get it?

redditors go home

What is this kike D&C?

Reminder that under this definition, the Soviet Union was not socialism. Kill yourself, Zig Forums.

Attached: 92cadd7d9688f3d0e48ae14090bf0e357017987476559ee72d6dded4f56752e4.jpg (700x468, 74.17K)

Also fascism is a kind of socialism and that's a good thing, Marxism is for fags and Jews and basically every other kind of socialist laughs at Marxists and their inverted-Hegel memes

Attached: commieball economics.png (644x598, 111.96K)

/lefypol/ can't meme

Attached: 77c7a9c09019368d01ab07573b644dbc2346b53d0e1d7a5667a3883faddad1a8.jpg (953x772, 242.4K)

Tell you what is cancer, A fucking 1.42MB image that is only 800x491

Attached: GayOP.png (752x455, 46.67K)

tbh I'm glad that I was born and raised in country where I don't have to pay for university.

pick one

he is and you are too


Attached: Tyrone laughs for 20 years.jpg (620x670, 51.6K)


Nice try. All of the wealth built in Europe during the 20th century was during times of free market reforms.