ITT: Tales of tech laziness

I accidentally locked myself out of remote root access to my server, and I'm too lazy to walk ten steps over to fix it.

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I compile chromium instead of turning up the AC.

I have a fully assembled server sitting behind me.
I just need to flash the firmware and I'm finally free from the tyranny of the cloud.
It's been three weeks.

I've been planning to buy a CRT to reduce eyestrain due to LCD "blacks", but I'd have to drive to the next town over to get it. Six months.
I've been seriously considering paying twice as much as the monitor costs to get it sent by post.

Those were the days.

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Here is a photo of OP.

Attached: https:?? (470x549, 40.8K)

Laziness is the mother of invention.

Install gentoo

Since I got R5 2400G PC two weeks ago, I'm planning to install updates (Gentoo) on my laptop, but whenever I'm using it I'm away and would have to use exclusively the laptop's weaker cpu, and whenever I'm home, I'm too lazy to set up distcc, even though I've already figured out proper use flags to use instead of -march=native and installed distcc on both machines.

I created a needlessly complex script to search files based on my lazy filesorting habits instead of sorting my files.

Wrote an awesome bashrc script that shows man page for word under cursor (so yes | wc shows man page for wc). Since I've gotten I've yet to copy my bashrc to the new pc.
Talking about sorting files. I have circa 500 cat pictures and I'm planning to sort them to at least have emotion-conveying cats separately - for six months now.

this is not even funny


I added an arduino + relay to my fan and ripped out the analog buttons. The relay is controlled by RF24 module which receives from a rpi with the same module connected.
I created a program in c++ thanks to the corresponding module library to turn the fan on and off. I have to turn that fucker on by ssh into rpi and running a program, its tedious and I have to make a webserver for it, but im too lazy. Its been like this for over a year

Got a new HDD and was too lazy to install it for a year.

I've had a Raspberry Pi 3 model B sitting in my drawer for over a year and I haven't even turned it on yet. I even have an empty 32GB microSD for it. I just look at 5 or 6 things that I think "oh yeah, let's do that" and then I can't decide which one and so I put it back in the drawer. pls hlp


you funny boy

It does have wireless, including bluetooth

I have an inactive Macintosh Portable that I've been wanting to gut and load with all-new shit to make the ultimate supercharged laptop with every autistic thing I feel like shoving in there.
I think I got it about five years ago. I even have the nice padded carry case for it.
I really should get to that, because there's so much cool shit I can do with all the room it has. I could cram multiple motherboards in there if I wanted to, a new screen (or two, or three) would be a given, the guts of a small UPS, a switch, a RAID cage for compact server HDDs, even an SBC cluster if I really felt like shelling out not all of these things at once of course, but the possibilities are endless with this thing.

Attached: macportable.jpg (450x311, 25.79K)

Made virtual soundcard and streamed audio from PC to laptop using RTP instead of enduring the journey of 2 paces to my right to pick up and unpackage a $2 USB DAC.

I once botched an update to the point where I couldn't run any binaries except busybox and managed to fix the whole thing in 2 days so I would have to setup my stuff again.

I once uninstalled Wicd by accident and decided to reinstall the OS because I didn't want to download the binaries of Wicd and its dependencies on my laptop, copy them into a pendrive and then onto my regular PC.

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I wonder if it's "possible" to have a home server in the countries where everyone lives in flats instead of freedom private houses.

why, most LCDs have PWM which is a flicker barely higher than your average high quality CRT running 100Hz anyway (for example LCDs will flicker at 200Hz, but a CRT flickers in a raster scan pattern instead of blanking the entire display, so I wouldn't be surprised if a CRT at 100Hz causes less eye strain than a 80Hz PWM LCD). CRT flicker is only claiemd to cause eye strain at very low refresh rates like 60Hz

but what about stray x-rays

I live in an apartment in burgerland, I have a server it the bedroom. I had to modify it so it didn't sound like an airplane taking off but otherwise it makes a good nightstand

How'd you modify it? I've got a DL180G6 that's very difficult to sleep around.

There's a brand of fans called Noiseblocker that are dead fucking silent. I bought 4 of those and modified the connector because HP uses a proprietary one. The only issues are that they don't move as much air and the BIOS thinks there's an error with the fans so the error light is on. But otherwise it works and the hard drives are louder then the fans

A shot of Aristocrat vodka and some burnt chicken tenders, daily, will sort out the majority of mankind's radiation woes in the modern era.

I always thought of this picture as a joke saying like the gave birth to the disk.

For a while I unironically used a gamecube keyboard+joystick as a mouse because it has a much longer cable than any of my other usb devices. Too bad I don't have tiny jap hands otherwise I would keep doing so.

I could really put in HDD and install arch on a laptop I recently bought and cleaned but its been weeks and all I do is error test the RAM in the BIOS menu.

Is it really an LCD thing? I am using a TFT LCD and possibly an inverter CCFL on my old monitor but I can't sense any bad flickering even with lowered brightness (maybe because inverters handle voltage pretty well).

I turn off the circuit breaker, wait ten seconds, then turn it back on to reset the switches because I don't want to wait for the asshole with the key to open "the closet up"

you have a goatee, don't you

Some day I'll fix that shit.

I wanted to shutdown my laptop fast like win+x,u or win, u,u on windows so what I did on Linux is go to another tty then press my laptop's power button. Works like a charm.


I have full-encrypted disk with more than 30 character password, but I'm too lazy to change my 6 character root password.

I used to pull out my hard drive and put it back in to cause a kernel panic instead of waiting for the computer to shutdown

I actually can't grow a beard. Both because it won't grow and because I'm not allowed to. ;_;

hold Alt+SysRq
then press R,E,I,S,U,O

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Instead of reinstalling the linux distro when I buy a new computer, I just use dd to copy everything from the old drive to the new.

Why don't you just swap the hard drives?

Regularly reinstalling helps keep your distro clean and bloat-free.

Maybe he's just retarded but it could also be possible that the new hard drive is a different size (e.g. laptop vs desktop) or different type (IDE, SATA, mSATA, M.2 etc.) than the old one.

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Bind a key combination to run poweroff

not to mention the linux install might be using a different fstab config.
It's also terrible thing to do since copying is random and won't put the OS files at the beginning of the drive (thus making it slower and bloater).

a better choice would be using an install script and make the script configure anything else

My home server has been out of order for months and I haven't fixed it yet since I have no display to plug it into to see the error (and thanks to systemberg there's no /var/log, and I can't be arsed to figure out how Poettering Log System TM works, will probably just restore the whole thing from an old backup).

I have a debian with lxde and I loathe it but can't be arsed to rice it up. Not even apt install i3.
Also I have an old netbook I want to put GuixSD in, but haven't even bothered.

Just re-formatted and restored my entire root partition from a backup because I couldn't be assed to change the partition type in /etc/fstab.

CRT draws entire display too, and at least lcd display is constant if it doesnt change. It sounds like youre bullshitting youself. Mod one with your own special backlight if you care so much, but going crt route because of your eyes is sooo wrong.

CRTs draw one line at a time, 5 mins of programming on a 2600 will teach you that. However I agree that switching to a CRT for eyesight is laughable.