Google warns Android might not remain free because of EU decision

Google warns Android might not remain free because of EU decision

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and this is the problem with permissive licenses. If it was under the GPL Google couldn't just make it all proprietary.

Isn't Android based on a linux kernel and can't be for sale?

1. Android is not Linux, the kernel, it is a kernel.
2. There is nothing wrong with selling Linux.

This is a good thing. The pricing model will be figured into the cost of the phone, most likely.

thats the need for permissive licenses so there are consequences when some faggot pirate government steals your money with (((fines))). taxation is theft. google is within they're right to hire a hitman squad to murder the eu buraecrates.

Free software is software that respects the users' freedom. It is neither illegal nor immoral to sell free software. When people say you can't sell free software, what they actually mean is that you can't earn a profit selling free software when you do it according to a particular business model of selling proprietary software.

The true problem here is tivoization. If it were easy for people to install compteting OSs on these mobiles, this would have been little to no problem.

Selling free software is O.K., as long as source code follows or it costs no more than the binaries.

On the one hand, I hate Google for their datamining, on the other hand I hate the EU for their corrupt bureaucracy. I really don't know which is worse.
t. Snownigger


Fuck Jewgle.

Most companies which "sell" free software most of the time aren't actually selling the software but instead selling a guarantee that the software is going to work. The license that Canonical sells is really a service level agreement in which they guarantee to the customer that Ubuntu is going to work with 99.99xxx% levels of reliability and that any downtime which exceeds this will incur fines to be paid by Canonical to the customer to cover any losses.

The license agreement Google has for Android probably has similar provisions, its just that now they will be charging for it.

It wasn't Google who bitched about MS force bundling IE, also that was only a small aspect of the antitrust case brought against MS.



liar, liar, pants on fire. Even in 2009 Google was still going on about it.

It's not even force bundling, Google actively steers you away from relevant results on their search engine.
For example, search about freetube on google and and compare the results.

Yes it is force bundling as well.

I forgot a
there, sorry for the confusion

The mental gymnastics are incredible

There's (almost) no tivoization here; you're free to install any OS you want (assuming unlocked bootloader). The problem is the proprietary drivers (companies drop support left and right for old SoCs) and the porting nightmare any OS developer is faced with.
You see, mobile phones don't have a standarized platform like the IBM PC to build upon. There's no BIOS or UEFI equivalent for phones, so each phone's booting process is varies.

I honestly don't give a shit. My next smartphone will be Librem 5 and the current one is running LineageOS without google's shitware. Besides, Android has been FLOSS for years and even if they stopped making the source code open picking up from v8.1 is fine as there's absolutely nothing innovative google can introduce that isn't tightly bound to their services. Touchwiz, MIUI, EMUI and LineageOS can develop independently of Google's Android and can remain free of charge.

I wasn't actually aware of that, I only knew of the actual case which the US Gov brought against MS back in 2001 for the shit they did in the 90s.

There's no rape if you let Tyrone fuck your wife

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Do you realize there are billions of spying devices running Android around you that might make any attempt at securing your own privacy futile unless you're a hermit.
This affects all of us.

You cannot control what other people choose to carry for themselves. You can only control yourself. If you believe that other people's Android phones will intrude on your privacy out in public, you cannot compel them to stop using their phones. If you believe that your right to privacy is important, then the only logical conclusion is to become a hermit and stay away from them. That is the only way that doesn't force society against their desire to carry their phones.

Fuck off

joogle and amerimutt corporation worshippers btfo

And I use none of them. All my apps come from F-Droid.

This. If it was standardized and writing free software drivers for most phones was actually feasible, we could potentially be running Replicant on our phones right now. (And the telephony still wouldn't work because it's not and never will be open. Thanks, kikes.) The way things are looking, Jewgle is going to lock Android down and swap in Fuchsia while they're at it. Now if you want an OS for a cianigger phone or even just a tablet for reading pdfs on in bed, you're going to have to settle for one of the DE's attempts at mobile interface and the (lack of) apps that support mobile devices.

Nigger, have you seen the LOS maintainers? Support is hit or miss if you don't have a Google or Samsung. Many "supported" phones aren't on Oreo yet. It's because of drivers and Linux kernel modifications that haven't been open sourced yet. Sure, they could theoretically fork Android and begin working on LOS Plus - all our own work edition, but it would not be able to run new apps and new phones would not be supported. Keep in mind those phones don't last forever due to planned obsolescence. All we're going to have if this goes through is the Librem 5.

I hope they don't do this, because while I really don't need a phone, I'd like to have a less botnet airgapped tablet that isn't bloated so I can use it as a notepad, calendar, cheap art tablet, and ereader. Librem Tablet when?

open drone hardware. open assassination software. permissive licenses are the endgame and the arbiters.

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That's nice and dandy until it effects your personal life, digital interaction with friends and communication with your coworkers. NEETs don't have these problems though.

meant to quote


They just text or phone me, which is already insecure. You guys are my real friends though.
Company email. If needed, I can look into getting a separate full botnet phone, only using it for work, and locking it in a safe at work when I go home.

Sort of. They still own AOSP so they can change the license whenever. Everything released under GPL however, must have the source code available.

Are you selling your ass to men? Do it now, or you're not a capitalist.

Everyone has a price.

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This should have been done to Microsoft in the 90s after all the fucking ridiculous shit that they did to force Internet Explorer down people's throats. Anyway, whatever is bad for Google is good for me, so I hope they just keep making Android worse and worse and hopefully it won't exist in ten years and people will actually have options and be able to choose what they want to use. Then again, these phones shouldn't exist to begin with either.

When did ir go so wrong? Technology boards in *chan are shit if even the fucking Verge has better comments.

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Then stay there.

Hey fags is chromium safe privacy-wise?

Wrong. Google could still make it proprietary since they own the copyright.

Hey, fag, Chromium is proprietary and literally authored to be integrated with the Google ecosystem.

Chromium is entirely open source. But the codebase is not developed for a "deGoogled", privacy-sensitive use case. It's pretty much Chrome without the branding.


Pay $1 million for 1000 programmers to write a new browser.
Pay $1 million for 1000 programmers to debotnet Android and patch for a long time.
Pay $1 million for 1000 programmers/designers to make RetroShare/GNUnet usable on Android.
Pay $1 million for 1000 celebrities to show some tutorials how to use Android without the botnet services every day.
Pay $1 million for 1000 politicians just because.


Chromium is not entirely "open source", unless open source encompasses blobs and unlicensed code that you can't redistribute.

Year of the Replicant Smartphone never ever, unfortunately. :'(((((((

Attached: replicant.png (700x200, 15.73K)

You can buy a Technoethical phone right now for, like, half a thousand euros. At that price, though, I think it's a better idea just to hold out for the Librem.

I hope for the love of God this is bait.

Search "White man", "White woman", "White couple", "White woman with baby" etc on jewgle images

He's trying to be funny as to how the 5B figure was calculated without understanding that it also works as a detriment for (((american companies))) to fuck consumers over, like how ford decided to just keep selling death traps since it was cheaper to pay compensation than fix things.

I cannot install another OS on my phone. I can't remove Google's apps. I can't remove the Google search bar. I can't even fucking change UI colors. Android is a locked down, dumbed down pile of shit that has no relation to "open platforms." And it's already not free because people pay hundreds of dollars/euros for a phone. Who gives a shit what it costs to manufacturers, you aren't getting it for free as customer.

And you're just describing the bare Android system, depending on what phone you buy, you get some shit apps preinstalled on top of the Jewgle shit.

android 8.1 already had google built in on the launcher. Haven't tested los15 but I think some builds might get even dirtier unless they reimplement trebuchet

Don't let your AnCap dystopian dreams just be memes.

That's chrome not chromium