He had participated in the neo-nazi ‘Unite The Right’ rally in Charlottesville, Virginia last summer


When will Left wing hackers realize that Nazis are the one who need Tor/Secure Free software?

Its seems like you can be far left wing and work at Tor, Debian, Firefox and EFF

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Other urls found in this thread:


Seems pretty clear to me. "Fascists" and "White Nationalists" are welcome. Harrassing "Fascists" and "White Nationalists" is not allowed.

Meanwhile for the last 60 years white nationalists were invited as guests to black supremacist conferences with black speakers given the same honor at white nationalist conferences as they both shared the same enemy. You used to be able to see these talks on youtube until they were censored.

Give it another decade and this historical fact will be considered a conspiracy theory that was never true.

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The left already won. Many on this site have already accepted this fact.

What is hope and how it is relevant other than it's shitshow like defcon?

Maybe on >>>Zig Forums. The rest of us are still not tired of winning.

The only concrete example provided of a "le ebil white nashionalist" harassing a conference goer is that he called the police when said-goer stole his property. WTF? And that event looks more like a gay pride parade these days.

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You gotta think different. Your thoughts are not diverse enough.

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This is so empowering and thank you for posting this on Zig Forums. It takes a brave person to face down oppressive fascist racist white supremacist misogynist anti-semitic transphobic bigoted pedophobic sexist trump supporting homophobic bully; it is worth it though, because people like us, the awesome people, we are on the right side of history. ENOUGH. #TakeBackTech #TurnTechBlack #BlackTransSisters

roundup of the tweets here >>>/g/7407

2 guys with trump hats were seen at HOPE. One also had a pepe badge. There was several different reports about these guys trolling, intimidating people, being weird. stories of HOPE security ignoring reports and belittling people.

Someone stole the hat off their one of their heads and was banned from the conf. The trump hat guy called the police and the police were invited into HOPE, angering lots of anarchists. twitter SJWs went crazy about it, saying you have to ban fascists. they made an open letter about how HOPE sucks. HOPE conf was in a hard place. If they were trolls trying to divide and conquer they got exactly what they wanted.

Barrett Brown figured out and told (during anti extradiction talk) that one of the trump hat guys was occupy wall st. infiltrator Thomas Ryan. The trump hat guys did not come back the next day. Immanuel Goldstein was shaking when he apoligized about how terrible this all was near the end of HOPE. Maybe because he was involved in a near death segway accident. but he was pretty shaken up and distressed.

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Handing over the huwhite house to another jewish puppet is winning? Best of my keks tbhq family.

Reading that I assume that they weren't really being weird and that the security knew the complainers were a couple of soft fags. Also what's HOPE exactly ? Is it a tech/cybersec hangout where everyone is a crossdresser and no one really knows anything about cybersec ?

im starting to realize all of these hackers are degenerates with zero innovative ability and just want to larp about muh opinions.

hahahahha best timeline


I now understand the fema camp caskets etc.. its for these fucks when the day of reckoning comes.. cant wait lol.

The useful idiots that help spur communist revolutions are always the first ones to be shot.

It got invaded by the CIA like gaming and everything else. The Government always sends in goons to invade subcultures. Don't believe me? Just look at this faggot:

This is because all of the tech companies hire these far left wingnuts for most positions available. It's a positive feedback. They want to create a cohesive environment for people to work thinking that it will make a more viable environment to work, but it leads to these kinds of nonsensical tirades arguing politics for hire that have nothing to do with the original project or company program.

Wow, looks nice!

tl;dr pozz overflow

It bothers me that people need to politicize technology.

Attached: I am become death.png (500x583, 233.68K)

Dumb looking cunts

If it isn't explicitly right-wing, it will eventually come to be dominated by left-wing, who are low IQ dysgenic retards.

lol that LARPfest schedule. What kind of fucking moron would actually attend that crap?

You do realize that the tor foundation, the i2p devs, signal messenger, etc are all literally anarcho communists right?

Anarcho anything at a conference where "Hillary Clinton on server security in the age of Putin" wouldn't look out of place. Yeah right.

Unless they're hacking flesh, I don't see how they can do fuck all about stopping white supremacists from gathering and speaking.

These people co opt everything because they're socialites who spend all their time hanging out and getting drunk with people. They're natural virus spreaders as the first to turn up and the last to leave (as long as there is booze).

Technology has always been political and always will be. You have to remember that technology requires money on both ends. No one is going to fund better stuff for the pure novelty of it existing. They have a purpose and that purpose will be political.

They're just straight up communists who only larp that they're anarchists. These are the people who go to the free state project and sit around in public smoking dope. Then they wonder why the locals fucking hate them and want to drive them out. They graffiti everything and try to fuck up any government system that works to "stick it to the man".

One of their favourite tactics is to get a parking ticket and then take it to court. Dick around as much as possible (Chewbacca defense style) so the everyone behind them who's just there to pay the ticket and bounce wastes their entire day. That 90's stereotype of the stoner faggot with dreadlocks who talks about UFOS and government conspiracies is the exact type of people involved in these groups.

If right wingers were smart they would troll the shit out of these groups by making them witch hunt their own. They're already scared and paranoid so you just lay some bait. Set up groups on social media called "authoritarianism in tech". Talk about how hierarchy is important, how the slave/master hard drive set up matters. Luke warm dog whistle shit. The kicker is you start talking about infiltrating tech conferences to push your message. Set yourself up to be this group of would be ninjas who are going to attend the event in disguise. Get a guy who looks like a WWF parody of a KKK member dressed up in a Stephen Universe shirt and post it from a dummy account saying "ready for the conference guys, they will never tell we're not one of them". Repeat with the way these retards dress, maybe even attend a few conventions. Do not do anything wrong, don't break any rules but look as intimidating as possible. Do this at a few conventions and you will cause a witch hunt that will burn the place down. They won't tolerate any one white or male due to intimidation factors and then they have no one to pay for the event. Shitskins and roasties don't make up the majority of these events. They're in the back room with no one attending their events.


That's their response when asked why they politicise their conferences. Don't support that shit.

That's the destructive approach.
Lol no. White men MEN, you faggot. Not "males" make these conferences happen, not shitskins and roasties. No white men, no conference. Not for the lack of money, but for the lack of organizers.

Most of them may be leftists, a lot of them are full of shit, but they're not stupid. Here's a constructive approach: Make them walk the same path as /b/ went. Many anons were leftists at some point in their life, then libertarians, then right wing. Despite all successes in the LGBT community, you won't be able to divide hackers. Try shifting their overton window in the libertarian direction by showing them their safe-space echo chambers will only make them more vulnerable to manipulation, censorship, and surveillance. There's nothing they hate more than that. This open the door for actual free speech.

Communists are compelled to assign functional things to their ideology because it's the only functional thing about it. Everyone else uses what just werks and damn the consequences.

They're not wrong you're just a whiny bitch. The left realizes that everything is political, the young right realize this and it's just centrists like yourself who haven't woken up to it. You're too busy telling everyone to leave you alone to notice you have no power to make them do it so they won't.

Hello Mr Enlightened centrist or should I see crypto leftist as the proper title is.

Hahahaha. Men throw each other under the bus constantly. They will still host the conference.

Doesn't exist. You're just an idiot who thinks you can play silly fuckers with insane people. Only an idiot wants free speech, it does nothing but enable the left to be increasingly destructive. You can't tell pedos they're not welcome if free speech is the top priority. As long as they don't rape any one it's just words so got to tolerate it!

It's people like you that enable the left to co opt things. You are worse than a leftist because at least a leftist stands for something.

is right about the hacker community. The so called hacker community consists of 90% larpers, 5% CIA plants, 2% harmless tinkerers, and 3% idiots soon to be in prison. It could be said there is a (or a remnant of a) hacker ethos, but that has been disloving in the vat of corrosive ideological sludge that makes up leftist culture for a long while now. Hackers wouldn't be caught dead at a confrence that bills it self as being for hackers, especially if it receives any amount of press coverage. That would be like rapists going to a "Rape and ribs bbq" at the local police station.

you kids really have trouble with the concept that people you don't like can be good at things

Neither of those things are hackers. That's why it's larping

Unless it's starving to death communists are worthless.

Certainly LARPing as decent programmers.

Zig Forums once again demonstrates they are incapable of searching for even basic info before they get something totally wrong.

Yeah they should write it in C instead where one memory error leaks your private keys everywhere.

Want to see my feminine penis?


Guess it's better to use Java with OpenJDK gettings more CVEs per year than dicks your mum sucks.

And what do you think OpenJDK was written in? :^)

As Rockwell once said, racism is our only HOPE.

Because they want to be nice to everyone, which more often than not means being complete bastards to anyone who isn't a gigantic asshole. The only thing a conference should do when someone brings up something unrelated is tell them to forward their complaint to /dev/null and fuck right off. Don't like someone's hat? Fuck off. Don't like their opinion? You can fuck off. Don't like their beard? Fuck off, start your own cuckference if you want to.

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I'm glad someone is aware of this.

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this is not Zig Forums
stop sending FUD and blackpill horseshit to Zig Forums
>>>Zig Forums
>>>Zig Forums

wow great point schlomo

It is not technology. There is no technology being discussed. This thread is about politics with a tech speech being the setting. Technology is not the purpose of this thread.

nothing to see here folks its just politics this is a technology thread

You newfags are ridiculous.

Politics is not technology. You can have one without the other.

No shit. But almost any discussion of technology is political. People had political feuds over editors, init systems, instruction sets, how much data a website should use etc.
Now I dare you to tell me that that political conversation is ok but one about a tech conference is off limits.

Those discussions are actually all about the technology! Differences in editor techniques is technology. Distinguishing init systems are technology. Accounting of data usage in a website is technology.

Fascism is irrelevant. White supremacy is irrelevant. Identity politics is irrelevant. The tech conference is the setting, not the purpose of the thread. The purpose of the thread is to bitch about facism and white supremacy, it is not about the technology.

A hat has this much power.

While you're right, don't forget that discussing about the (((corruption))) of technology is impossible or forbidden everywhere (real world or net); if you also forbid it in the "sewers of the interweb", they'll really have won.
Only niggers and bluepills use this expression.

Hey tardo you'd have been saging the fuck out of the init system shitfest threads too. Whining about fascism or anarcho syndicalism or whatever fixation you've got.

Let me guess, you've never met any hackers irl.
You don't seem to know where you are. Back to facebook, newfag.

Obviously never met any hackers either. Try going to one of their conferences. No, tumblrcons like HOPE don't count.

Mostly for purely technical reasons, or because they fell for shitty bait.

are there any left that AREN'T tumblrcons at this point?