Zig Forums related channels?

Zig Forums related channels?
Better if something related to hardware projects using various microcontrollers
The results are flooded with pajeets copypasting the same 4 shitty "projects" found on pirated ebooks

Attached: Green Leaf Detection.jpg (1080x607, 74.59K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Channels? Do you mean goytube?


Ben Eater

AkBKukU, Druaga1 and VWestlife

There's a few good jewtube channels
>Mr reditkur

The tech that Zig Forums ignores:
Practical enginnering

Engineering Explained

Colin Furze

More tech that Zig Forums ignores:
Marco Reps
Kerry Wong
Mr Calrson's Lab
Jack Ganssle (also subscribe to embedded muse newsletter)
Applied Science
The Thought Emporium
The Signal Path

Thanks guys, it's what I needed
I only know voultar (hardware modding for consoles) and danooct1 (virus testing on often real hardware)

Don't be afraid of jumping into their related channels rabbit hole, there's loads of good stuff out there.


Keep in mind these channels are mainly focused on older personal computers circa 2005 or earlier and are usually somewhat gaming focused. However, the first two in the list sometimes cover stuff like audio and networking equipment. and are also likely to be on board with shitposting


Keep in mind these channels are mainly focused on older personal computers circa 2005 or earlier and are usually somewhat gaming focused. However, the first two in the list sometimes cover stuff like audio and networking equipment. and are also likely to be on board with shitposting

He's that Finnish Jew that does those DOS programmers videos, right? High-quality stuff from what I remember.

Oh shit
I forgot

The anti-Zig Forums
Why are most brit techies lunatics?

Guess my browser must be broken, waited a whole 2 minutes and the post didn't show up until I had already posted and refreshed the page.

I nearly forgot that was a thing.
I've got no idea, must be something in the tea. Though for the one on my list, I think it's because he's spent years in shitty government housing and his neighborhood looks like Pripyat with more people.

< Hope in Zig Forums restored
Electronics and Engineering Video Blog - best vblog

Why is there no dedicated engineering board on 8ch? Consumer tech, distro threads, botnet, "programming" and latest SJW adventures is all we have here. I want my FEM and SPCIE shitposting threads. Kikestarter product debunking would be fun as well. There could also be embedded generals, analog/digital electronics, reverse engineering and mandatory testgear porn threads. Maybe I should just give in and create an account on EEVblog forums.

Except there is.

No one posts there, people moved to discord.


That's the point, the fgts took the competent ones with them, asshat

Love me some AvE. I also like the guy that makes the wood gears. Mousetrap guy is cool too.

Mousetrap guy is Shawn Woods. Wood gear guy is Matthias Wendel. Guy is cold as ice to cut up those poor dead tree carcasses like that.

because 8ch is filled to the brim with NEETs and people who got a job by reading a book on java

Is it possible to pajeet your way through other languages? I've been looking through some developer jobs on indeed, but they all want you to know haskell, scala, c++, java, python, go, ruby, etc, etc, etc. I get that once you know how to program the language is just details, but still, you have to have to build a portfolio of shit you've done in these languages, don't you?

Once you know ML syntax you know ML, OCaml, F#, etc.
Once you know Java you know C#, Javascript, etc.
Once you know C/C++ you gain an understanding of building software from a rather low level.

Pick 2 of those and you'll get a job. Just promise me to not shit up a codebase I'll actually have to interact with at some point

So let's say I do ML and C/C++. Should I read the book on said language, work through it's problems, then do something like project Euler? Then should I start contributing to open source projects to build up a portfolio? I don't have a compsci degree, though I did have a math minor.