Why is the linux file structure absolute ass

Why is the linux file structure absolute ass
when will they ever consider fixing it
fuck off

Attached: linux-vs-windows-file-structure.png (1002x335, 21.17K)

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t. I'm to lazy to read FHS and see the reasons behind this type of hierarchy
fuck off

where is my program's data installed?
C:/Documents and Settings?
C:/Documents and Settings/nigger/Local Settings/Application Data?
My Documents?
The other My Documents folder that says access denied when you click on it?
the registry?
a combination of multiple of the above?
fuck off

where is my program installed?
C:/The Program?
C:/Nigger/The Program?
C:/Program Files (x86)/Some Company/Some Other Bullshit/The Program?
C:/Program Files/Some Company/Some Other Bullshit/The Program?
Inside Steam/Origin/Epic Launcher?
fuck off

same problem with wine

Can't really blame wine though, blame the fucked up Windows structure.

It's divided so that you can mount directories over the network by their type. E.g., common data to your whole lab, common binaries just for the Sun cluster, etc.. It made a lot of sense back when disk was very expensive.
But Linux's structure is fine anyway as a normal user has no business outside their home directory, and private program data is usually tucked away nicely in one .program file or directory (except for GNOME, fuck you, Miguel). That's very different than Windows where user files are FUCKING EVERYWHERE.

Linux has never crashed.


lmfao linux nigger in his ghetto enjoy your fucking dot files

How about we make a new os!

I'll prototype some logos...

Is this /g/ leaking? Go back.

Nice point tardo.

wow you just listed a file structure that makes sense and has a breadcrumb trail behind it rather than the nigger tier linux file structure.

where a program is split into multiple fucking directories like some goddamn hoarder throwing shit all around their house and claiming they know where everything is.

C:/programs files

You dumb nigger how hard is it to understand

the %appdata% is a location used to store temporary files from the installed programs to access, you have no business being there unless you need to remove files.

If linux dipshits had any brains they would create virtual folders where all the programs are installed in neat compiled and together rather than separate like the dumb shit way it's currently being used.

This never fucking happens you braindead shit, next time list an actual reason for being fuckign retard

There is logic in both systems, it's the fags that write installers that are retarded.

Windows being shit doesn't make posix-shit any better!

You're either trying too hard or are legit retarded. Either way you're embarrassing yourself.

If it's too hard for you, I think you should probably stick with Windows

Attached: poke noire.jpg (1055x1005, 106.3K)

It's called whataboutism and it's how these brainlets think.

Gee, I wonder why?

if you get a blue screen when installing programs on windows, that's on you

good point about program data location, appdata was a bad choice and writing to install folder was sadly restricted via UAC
Still, install location is almost always chosen by the user itself, which is great.

hi /g/

The problem with windows isn't necessarily the file structure it's that nothing follows any standard, it's all a clusterfuck
And god help you if you need to do anything with the registry

Actually, the linux approach to configuration really bothers me. Five gorillion different files, each with it's own special snowflake syntax. Shit can even differ between distributions.

Almost everthing on win follows a standard, the issues are that there are a gorillion different standards for the same thing, the eccessively lax ones are popular, and there's a lot of hand rolled solutions because devs didn't know about the standard covering their specific case.

Why force users to care about any of this?

Attached: Macintosh_System_7.5.3_screenshot.png (615x461 8.58 KB, 65.62K)

t. luser problems

Don't like it? Make your own Linux distribution with whatever file system tree structure you want. Smarter people than you have done that and it resulted in very cool ideas being implemented: GoboLinux.org

This has nothing to do with file structure.

Wrong. Minecraft installed all its files to AppData/Roaming

It's a retarded argument against a retarded OP. At least I got some (You)'s from triggered windows users. was the best.

/usr/bin was "invented" because some AT&T employees ran out of disk space in the 70s. /usr is the UNIX weenie way of writing "user" and originally held the home directories.

When the operating system grew too big to fit on the first RK05 disk pack (their root filesystem) they let it leak into the second one, which is where all the user home directories lived (which is why the mount was called /usr). They replicated all the OS directories under there (/bin, /sbin, /lib, /tmp...) and wrote files to those new directories because their original disk was out of space. When they got a third disk, they mounted it on /home and relocated all the user directories to there so the OS could consume all the space on both disks and grow to THREE WHOLE MEGABYTES (ooooh!).Of course they made rules about "when the system first boots, it has to come up enough to be able to mount the second disk on /usr, so don't put things like the mount command /usr/bin or we'll have a chicken and egg problem bringing the system up." Fairly straightforward. Also fairly specific to v6 unix of 35 years ago.The /bin vs /usr/bin split (and all the others) is an artifact of this, a 1970's implementation detail that got carried forward for decades by bureaucrats who never question _why_ they're doing things. It stopped making any sense before Linux was ever invented, for multiple reasons:
Standards bureaucracies like the Linux Foundation (which consumed the Free Standards Group in its' ever-growing accretion disk years ago) happily document and add to this sort of complexity without ever trying to understand why it was there in the first place. 'Ken and Dennis leaked their OS into the equivalent of home because an RK05 disk pack on the PDP-11 was too small" goes whoosh over their heads.
That's another thing wrong with everything in UNIX. Something well-designed like Multics, Common Lisp, PL/I, and Ada has good reasons for everything that's in there. The reason C and UNIX do something is usually incredibly stupid, like they ran out of disk space or they just didn't know how to do it right (and if you use UNIX, neither will you), which sucks.

A solution to this problem was found in the 1970s, but instead of fixing anything, the AT&T employees preferred to bureaucratize and standardize their mistake without any solution. If that /usr disk became full and they still needed more space, they would have had to pick another random directory. Maybe all this bullshit is why UNIX weenies think UNIX was the first time anyone attempted a hierarchical file system, because nobody else screwed it up this bad.

For reasons I'm ashamed to admit, I am taking an "Introto Un*x" course. (Partly to give me a reason to get back onthis list...) Last night the instructor stated "BeforeUn*x, no file system had a tree structure." I almostscreamed out "Bullshit!" but stopped myself just in time. I knew beforehand this guy definitely wasn't playingwith a full deck, but can any of the old-timers on this listplease tell me which OS was the first with a tree-structuredfile system? My guess is Multics, in the late '60s.

TFW Linux is fucked forever because some retard put their steam games on another drive.

You're not serious

I'm sad that I missed out on Apple during this era.

The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard sucks a lot. stali's approach to fixing it was nice but unfortunately it's dead.
/bin - all executables go here/bin/kernel - linux kernel/dev - devices/etc - system config/program config/user setup/network setup/etc/rc.{start,stop} - init scripts/home/root - root's home/home/* - user home dirs/include - include files/lib - libraries for development/local - non default stuff/mnt - mount points/proc - linux procfs/share - man pages, locales .../sys - linux sysfs/tmp - permanent storage ;)/var - spool, run, log, cache/usr - softlink /
As far as living Linux distros with alternative filesystem hierarchies go, GoboLinux exists and takes some inspiration from NeXTSTEP and BeOS. I'm not very familiar with it but Wikipedia and gobolinux.org/at_a_glance.html have summaries of its approach.

He is. The Multicuck has no care for simplicity or consistency, he'll wolf down any shit which frees him from the Unix bogeyman whether it's actually an improvement or not.

You're probably assuming this is something that works on top of a UNIX-like file system, instead of a different way of utilizing disk space and organizing devices. It's no more a registry than the UNIX directory structure with /dev and /proc and mounted drives is a registry. Everything uses the normal way of naming and selecting files.

The sequence of selectors used to specify an object selection is known as a hierarchic name. Although in many cases such a name uniquely defines a catalogued object two successive selections with the same hierarchic name mayselect different catalogue objects - if, for example, a new version of an object has been created between selections. The OpenVME system provides a means of establishing an efficient reference to a particular object, a process known as selection. Such a reference is known as a currency and represents not merely the selection of an object but also the context in which it was selected, including the security attributes associated with that selection. A currency, for its lifetime, always represents a localised, temporary reference to the same catalogued object; once established, it may also be used as a starting point for further object selection.

Inconsistency is a huge reason for bloat and duplication in UNIX. I care about simplicity, which to me means not needing tens of millions of lines of code, not shaving a few options off of "ls" and needing "tar" (a tape archiver) to copy directories.

Of course it's an improvement. Suppose Rob Pike made a "successor" to Plan 9 and declared that you could name a file independent of its physical location and that "users and user groups, volumes, devices, network connections, and many other resources" were also named in the hierarchical file system. UNIX weenies would be calling that the culmination of the "everything is a file" philosophy.

Date: Tue, 19 Nov 91 08:27:49 EST From: DH Yesterday Rob Pike from Bell Labs gave a talk on the latest and greatest successor to unix, called Plan 9. Basically he described ITS's mechanism for using file channels to control resources as if it were the greatest new idea since the wheel.Amazing, wasn't it? They've even reinvented the JOB device.In another couple of years I expect they will discover theneed for PCLSRing (there were already hints of this in histalk yesterday).I suppose we could try explaining this to them now, butthey'll only look at us cross-eyed and sputter somethingabout how complex and inelegant that would be. And thenwe'd really lose it when they come back and tell us how theyinvented this really simple and elegant new thing...

That sounds about right.

And how would Unix benefit from this catalogue bullshit? You claim to care about simplicity and reducing code, yet instead of looking for a saner filesystem hierarchy you push another layer of complexity and excuse it with "you guys would totally like this if Rob Pike promoted it because he's adopted other systems' ideas before." This kind of cancer is the stuff destroying Linux and you're too blinded by your clever little ideas to wonder if they actually fit the OS' design philosophy.
Then write your own OS designed around a different philosophy instead of polluting an existing one and making it even less consistent. The suckless movement and projects like musl are already doing a great job at reducing LOC, inconsistency, and complexity in Unix, they don't need your whining about how Unix isn't exactly like your favourite mainframe operating system from the 20th century. Catering to fags like you who want everything even if it doesn't fit together leads to clusterfucks like C++.

GoboLinux tried to change that. Sadly, it never caught on.

Attached: gobolinuxabout.jpg (1912x5174, 1.16M)

BTW, what happened to stali? Any mention of it has been scrubbed from suckless' website and git repos. Is there a backup anywhere?

Why does it have to "catch on"? If you think it's good, use it. Contribute packages to it. Fix the problems that you have, if any, and contribute those fixes. Patch user space programs to make them more compatible.

I honestly have no idea where this lemming mentality comes from. Will you people never be happy unless your distro becomes literally windows in terms of popularity? The red pill is even if you're the only user of that distro, it's OK as long as it works for you. The guy who made gobolinux had a new idea about how things should be done, and he had the will to make it happen. The only thing that matters to him is whether it works for him, whether he thinks the system is "correct". Who carea how many people download it? It's like you're all living in some "lmao let's change the world" fairy tale. You change only yourself.

I have no idea. Maybe there's an explanation in their mailing list archives or something.

Huh. That's actually a very interesting piece of history. Always thought /usr meant user space, as opposed to kernel space.

Standards bodies are garbage every single time; not sure why anybody expected them to care about these issues. They just want everything they already have to keep working, dammit. Keep your subversive why questions to yourself.

Oh hi, I didn't see you there. I was just passing through.

Attached: GoboLinux_1.jpg (1024x768, 196.66K)

This is probably bad decision. Root's home directory, /root, is kept on the root partition so thar you can keep /home on a separate one and log in as root to do maintenance without having to mount /home at all. While it IS inconsistent with the rest od the scheme, there actually is a good reason for that.

Unless you can somehow make /home/root part of the root partition with the rest of the user directories separate...?

It's worse than most GNU+Linux distros.

Because it's a social form of software. Encouraging people to reconsider ideas is important.
Yes you can change yourself when it becomes untenable, as a line in the sand. Otherwise it's a healthy thing.

The legacy horseshit is dead. Long live the legacy horseshit.

While /usr did originally mean "user", overtime it has become "Universal (or Unix) System Resources", since /home has replaced it on some systems. I think plan9 still places the user directory in /usr though.

The point is stop giving a shit about what other people do or don't do. Linux is unique. It lets you put whatever you want on top of it. You don't need to put GNU POSIX shit in there if you don't want to. You can mount the API file systems wherever you want. You can swap out init systems. You can do anything. So do it and stop worrying.

This is one of the reasons I still use Windows and haven't totally dropped it. I like having the ability to install software into a single directory. I do hate applications that by default install into places you cannot change and dump a bunch of shit into %APPDATA%. My Program Files folder is nice and organized, but the Windows directory is a pile of shit as bad in my opinion as the linux filesystem, but at least on windows I can separate the stuff I install from the mess that the OS makes.

literally doesn't happen unless you're using windows 10 in which case you're hopeless. XP and 7 don't have this problem ever. at worst a program is incompatible and will crash.

I agree appdata is shit, but in most cases I will tell a program to install under, for example, C:\Program Files\Utilities\Program and to store it's data there as well.


Does anyone know if there is a way to change the default file system of linux? Being used to windows and DOS it would be nice to have a non-shit OS with a non-shit file structure

Shit, I'll try this. I've never heard of it before.

sorry for the mass replies everyone.

- The directory structure is split so you can NFS mount them by usage type on a heterogeneous cluster.
- /bin is statically linked tools for when something's preventing pulling up a full system with dynamic linking, or to be used during boot prior to the system being ready for libraries.
- It's /root instead of /home/root in case your user directories are on NFS, it's a home directory that is always local to the machine so you can fix problems (like with NFS).
ITT Zig Forums learns everything they bitch about is actually excellent design and they're outed as faggots.








Cuz even if I use it, or there's another distro with a similar scheme, most other people won't, no big distro will, and it'll still be a pain in the ass to change the existing standard. Doing my best to avoid fucking systems feels exaustimg enough.

wew lad no need to flex that galaxy brain of yours at us peasants


Fuck me

because educating users is important, and because the alternative you propose is trash: keeping track of every single file and folder being moved around is a performance nightmare that scales horribly as the file count goes up and is a confusing mechanism that can easily lead to bugs, and asking programs to use only a single file for system wide storage is insanely inconvenient for everyone.

that is minecraft's fault, also appdata is for long-lived files, it's not %temp%

not all registries are window's registry, that would be painful.
also the thing he's describing seems to be a db more than a registry

because tiny userbase means skewed perspective: you don't get feedback from anyone but a small group of like-minded autists, nothing good can come from that.
the red pill is that your sticking to said distro is a memetic dead end: you are only delaying the inevitable, making the future change more and more difficult while sticking to less and less useful tools, and nobody will remember your stand.
learning when to let go would be a good start.

wtf do you think a registry is?

Attached: question.jpg (400x504, 36.32K)

You could bind mount /root (and somehow hide it) to /home/root and it should mount regardless of if /home is mounted or not.

why is a registry bad?

it's just a file cabinet list of where everything is installed and located.

Attached: images.png (238x212, 4.59K)

If you're using linux and are using installers instead of a package manager, you have bigger problems.

Registries are bad as you can't easily move a program's whole settings around, you have to surgically cut them out and splice them in.

I only install Windows applications in Wine and shortcut them to my desktop since Linux apps are so shit and M$ is evil corp and Linux better OS

Daily reminder that if you're using a modern major distro, use systemd, or use an initramfs, /bin and /usr/bin are symlinked to each other and contain the same contents.

Windows is worse in every possible way. In UNIX and GNU, you can just copy your anime on a HDD and mount it on your old animu folder. Also, there is the whereis and which commands on the GNU system.

Ubuntu here (obviously using systemd). You made me check and they are not symlinked and have different contents. Where did you get your info?

Cutler was right
Unix bullshit like this is why it stays behind cleaner designs

I bet you're the faggot who always demands to run as root.

which century do you think we live in, nigger


ls | wc -l33ls -a | grep "^\." | wc -l60
This is fine because in Linux the user is a nigger.
Your browser cache is even stored in /home fucking lol. How many mongs are archiving their cache when they muh elegantly backup their home folder.


It's a lot of historical cruft that hasn't been relevant in decades, but continues due to muh backward compatibility and retarded grognards like and who think because they suffered it themselves then it must be preserved as some retarded initiation rite.

Windows gets to break backwards compatibility because they give no fucks. But even Windows has retarded things like

I just install all my Windows software I care about under D:\Games or D:\Programs, which ends up being D:\Sandboxie\DefaultBox\drive\D\Programs\ because I'm not a pozzed faggot. On Lunix I'd consider using GoboLinux but it's such a shit distro aside from the file tree that I just accept it.

Really 99% of programs should just be portable with static-linked libraries. I already have no issues with space usage by programs, and I wouldn't mind buying a few extra drives just for the privilege of enjoying a hassle free file system. Most programs don't use that many big libraries to get much benefit from dynamic linking, and many of the libs they do use could have been swapped for smaller ones or sometimes just importing the one function. There's a lot of people who import 100 MB libs to use one 5-liner function.

Typical childish behavior we've come to expect from them.
Anyway, OP is right, the unix structure is garbage. You can demand people to read about the original idea behind it, but that doesn't change what it is: outdated and absolute shit.
This is just one of the reasons why linux will NEVER get a userbase beyond a handful autistic users. It desperately needs a redesign from the core. A massive overhaul.
But spergs hate change and can't handle constructive criticism, so it'll stay shit, if only out of spite.

Read more carefully, notice the first line of the post and then read Thanks for another (You).
Just like systemd. That was a nice massive overhaul. That outdated SysVinit garbage is just horrible. Yes it works, but it's old so we have to replace it.
Yes, your post is a prime example of constructive criticism:
tells me so much, thanks. I'll immediately start working on absolute shit part, I know exactly what to do.

I don't get it why you fags have so much trouble understanding linux filesystem hierarchy. It's not that complicated, you just have to stop sucking dick for one second and read the standard. Shit.

I hope this is sarcasm
but I do agree that the filesystem heirarchy could use an overhaul.
From your link, etc used to mean et cetera, but now it's where the configs go. Ok, cool. WHY ISN'T IT CALLED /conf?!?
/bin and /sbin are pointless. Just have it be /bin.
/opt is pointless. What is an "optional software package"? Is that just anything that didn't come preinstalled with the system? That can't be it, because installed programs end up in /bin anyway. Get rid of it.
I can kinda see the purpose of /usr. Kinda. I think it could use a rename. /usr looks way too much like "user", which is very unintuitive. I don't have a good name for it that fits in like 3-4 letters, but it should be more obvious to know what's in there at first glance.

Root canals are not a good thing you fuck

Program Files is for 64bit programs while (x86) is for 32bit programs.

Appdata is for your programs to install temporary data to access whenever it loads, it writes a bunch of shit into there so it dosn't have to reload it all the time.

c:windows is where your windows installation/drivers/fonts files are. you don't need to mess with it unless you really need to.

An utterly superfluous distinction, not enforced by OS and not obeyed by devs.

As explained by other posts, there are multiple such directories and no consistency regarding which is used. And while I'm here, let me just give a great big fuck you to all the games that put their saves in My Documents.

Whatever WIDF

Why is it? It makes perfect sense. /bin/ and /lib/ are for the basic bootup process and bare-bones single user mode for recovery and maintenance operation. /usr/ is for anything installed above and beyond this base, /opt/ is for site-specific modifications done without your package manager (ie things you compile yourself), and so on. It makes perfect sense because it's always been this way since the very early 1970s. You're just confused because you're a Wintarded baby.

holy FUCK I hate this shit. fuck microshart and fuck linux too. don't forget the \users folder, nobody fucking uses it apart from normies because that's what windows uses by default.

Ideally I'd have
|_Program Files
| |_category 1
| |_category 2, etc.
|_media, documents, etc.
|_OS only shit

and that's it. it's the current year for fuck's sake, I don't care about the extra space taken up if I don't let programs share libraries. I would rather spend $100 on disks than have to deal with a convoluted filesystem.

how the hell does this even happen? use windows for a week regularly, and try to install any fucking program and it throws "DURR CANNOT FIND API-WIN-MS-CRT-RUNTIME.DLL HURRR" when a search literally turns up that exact fucking .dll among all the other .dlls that work just fine. the only way to fix it is reinstalling the Visual C redistributable (which is a shitshow in itself) multiple times, and usually that doesn't work so your best bet is reinstalling windows.

It's really about time, I know there are arguments either way but at least shit would work. If there is a security flaw with a certain library it should be up to the OS to contain it anyway, a perfect OS would allow no library to usurp its authority and expose a vulnerability.

this, the extra size doesn't really matter to me. However some libraries for programs are huge, but generally those programs don't have libraries that other ones use.

One problem is that the end user doesn't have the freedom/flexibilty of having the libraries, but instead has a single binary program which is less trustworthy. Open Source still doesn't mean that the binary file a user may download is secure, the only way is to compile yourself from source but this isn't practical for most users, and even for people who know what they're doing it can be a hassle.

I would personally be fine if programs just included their dependencies in a single folder, and this is also on developers to sort out. I would much rather unzip a folder and get to using it than download an installer and make unnecessary registry entries.

Gobolinux fixed this, but communists hate usability, love bureaucracy, and are the loudest faggots in the room, shouting down any sensible changed whenever they can.

Here's some insight into how the fhs became such a dumb clusterfuck

That's the kind of bullshit that people are desperate to defend.

Attached: 1409192824978.jpg (703x703, 34.39K)

pure cancer

I have been using their package manager on Ubuntu and I have to say that it's finally package management done right. Spilling all the binaries and libraries right into the system was an awful choice and has led to the problem where you can have either stable and outdated software, or have everything bleeding edge and as unstable as a late-game Jenga tower.

With Guix you can build anything you want, have multiple versions of the same package, and they all sit inside the store without stepping onto each other. You then declare a Guix profile with the packages you actually want to use and switch profiles as needed.

like the retarded naming scheme that makes no sense.

Look at Gobolinux, NixOS, GuixSD, and Tiny Core Linux (if I'm remembering correctly) to get away from FHS cancer. Windows does better than FHS in regards to where a program resides. However, it's terrible in regards to where that program's settings reside (eg, registry).
And no, they won't ever consider fixing it because they don't consider it broken. They made it a STANDARD after all.

Gas yourself kike. I have the full right to view and access my data.

Browsing Linux root folder is like browsing Windows system32 folder. You have no business there.

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It won't because it's not compatible with UNIX.

I already explained that it's not something that works on top of UNIX, but something that works differently. You keep confusing UNIX's bullshit with the actual hardware. A file system is an abstraction created by software.

Nobody has proposed adding this to Linux. What's destroying Linux are C, panics, the OOM killer, hundreds of system calls, and all this bullshit that copies what a PDP-11 happened to do in the 70s.

C++ sucks because nothing in C works and C++ is created by adding bullshit to C. Everything C++ can do could be done in a much cleaner and simpler way if it wasn't based on C.

It depends on the standards body. If they have to write a rationale for what they do, the why questions matter and the quality of work is higher because they have to consider different options and justify their choices. If their job is to "document existing practice" then they don't care and don't want to know because it would make them hate their jobs even more.

That's revisionist bullshit. NFS didn't exist at the time and UNIX didn't have dynamic linking at the time.

That's true when they bitch about Multics segments, the VME catalogue, tagged memory, dynamic linking, and so on. When it comes to UNIX, it's even shittier than they think.

A whole tree in that "standard", /usr, would have been for home directories if a PDP-11 didn't run out of disk space. Why is "configuration" data stored in a directory called /etc? Because the PDP-11 had an extra "etcetera" disk by that name. If they had one less disk, it would have been stored somewhere else. Everything in UNIX is based on the device configuration of a single computer. "They have never separated the program from the machine." Their idea of "portable" is making everything else look like that one machine.

Bullshit. It's only been that way on AT&T's PDP-11s and it has always sucked.

They don't defend it because it's from the 70s, they defend it because it's from AT&T and they can't tell the difference between 80s corporate shilling and academic thinking. Better solutions already existed in the 70s for almost everything wrong with UNIX, but they did not come from what UNIX weenies consider to be acceptable corporations. This is why someone in the 70s could have done something the rest of the world considered good for decades and UNIX weenies will say it sucks until Rob Pike copies it.

The fundamental design flaw in Unix is the asinine beliefthat "programs are written to be executed by computersrather than read by humans." [Now that statement may betrue in the statistical sense in that it applies to mostprograms. But it is totally, absolutely wrong in the moralsense.]That's why we have C -- a language designed to make everymachine emulate a PDP-11. That's why we have a file systemthat forces every file to be viewed as a sequence of bytes(after all, that's what they are, right?). That's why"protocols" depend on byte-order.They have never separated the program from the machine. Itnever entered their tiny, pocket-protectored with acalculator-hanging-from-the-belt mind.

Linux is a kernel.

i hate you all and I'm never coming back

Before fags start thinking usr mans user let me say this: usr is universal system resources.


Attached: TempleOS_logo.png (650x490, 19.84K)

It's installed where you ask the installer to install the files. I know it's a hard concept to grasp, but you'll manage. That said, it is true that the way some programs (games especially) store their shit all around the place because MS told them to is irritating as fuck (user data saved in the document or user directory instead of the actual game directory always pisses me off).

I know, but that's not clear enough at first glance. If that's what it means, make it /res for resources. Or better yet, ditch the entire concept and put the binaries in /bin and libraries in /lib.

Attached: download.jpg (290x174, 20.53K)

fuck off and stay out

What does Zig Forums think of the suckless proposal of a new FHS?


/ - the root home
/bin - all executables
/sbin -> /bin # softlink pointing to /bin
/boot - all boot files
/etc - system configuration
/home - user directories
/var - spool, run, log, cache
/share - man pages, locales, dependencies
/include - include/headers
/lib - static libraries for building stuff
/mnt - mount points
/usr -> / # softlink pointing to /

Based on the Linux assumption:

/dev - devices
/proc - proc files
/sys - sys files

For crap stuff:

/sucks - stuff that sucks, like ugly gnu library dependencies, or systemd fake handlers

Rename /etc to /conf