Good programmers write good code. Great programmers write no code. Zen programmers delete code

Good programmers write good code. Great programmers write no code. Zen programmers delete code.

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Well that was nonsense.
But there is such thing as elegant code.

What I got out of that: deliver your experience and skill level the more you're in love with adding code.

But not writing any code doesn't make you great.

How many here can write an algorithm.
None I bet.

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if (poster.race = white) addToIgnoreList(poster)

that's not an algorithm

Coding wallpapers thread?

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"Amateurs write about programming on imageboards like this one."

Zig Forums is full if great programmers, I see.

Yes it is, and you didn't even check his quads you dumb nigger.

I wrote a fizzbuzz once.

Good programmers write code, GNOME programmers delete basic usability features.

That's what Terry always said. Keep it simple.

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Yeah but now nobody uses templeos rip

He be a manic, bible-thumping madman, a raging racist.
And he be dead.

where do you think you are

See, the joke is that you're pairing a leftist post with ebonics, implying that only a stupid nigger would say such things. Good joke, but subtle enough to fly over the heads of dumbasses from /g/, so I thought I'd clear it up.

Are you kidding me? Implementing an algorithm is easy:

if your sloc goes down while you keep improving the codebase you are god


yeah in your case it's not actually pretending