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Geeks #582
Kissless, friendless, jobless incel here
Does anyone here have an anxiety disorder? mine was getting better but it's really bad now...
Honestly, I hate women. But not because I'm sexist, but because I'm jealous how easy they have it
Depressed cycle
Everyone on Zig Forums is making their own album
Do women like sucking dick?v
Egirl here
You find out your sister has an only fans. Wat do?
Why aren't you impregnating black girls RIGHT. FUCKING. NOW??
Question Thread
How do i live a life like pic related? I honestly think it's impossible in this day and age
20 years ago today this incel loser killed innocent people who were minding their own business. Why
Tahlia livestream
Nobody cares about your pain if you're a guy
Suicide General
All memes aside, would you take responsibility?
Unpopular opinion: Chess is the ultimate brainlet filter...
/r9gay/ - #1028
Post your age, height, job and dream job
I'm 32 and just split with my husband. Should I consider dating younger guys?
Cross Product
Why do people actively insult incels and virgins when a majority only harm themselves...
What are the biggest tits youve ever seen on a woman IRL?
How good does this feel? I would pop in on the shower wall to fuck it while standing...
RIP Elliot Rodger
User we're always talking about my relationships, the guys I like... but what about you? Do you like anyone...
Asymmetrical Warfare
Porn is disgusting
/soup/ general
Aint nuthin worse than a pencil dick
Is a girl who uses pads instead of tampons a turn off for guys...
Have you ever been told you look like a celebrity before?
What the FUCK is going on on this board? Are we being raided by females or something...
Dickpill is the final pill. Happiness is a lie
Why do i feel disgusted by my cuckoldry in the mornings?
Co worker found the trap folder
Why don't you have an asian GF yet?
White guys, do you get along with Latina girls?
Psychological test v3:
Finally get a girlfriend after 27 years of existing
Dear fembots
Why do women insist on throwing away their virginity instead of saving it for their future husband...
Are you a degenerate user? If so then in what way?
Rest in peace Hana
Movies only robots can understand
Kicked out of home for not supporting my 13 year old brother "transitioning" into a "girl"
Fembots why don't you have a kid yet?
Do you of you anons have federal agents that follow you and keep track of you?
Found with her neck and wrists slit
Add robot on discord
Why would God give me such an ugly body and a feeble mind? I hate living, this place is a prison...
Any theme park autists on Zig Forums tonight?
Friday night, why are we here?
What is it that you really want?
Tfw no bf who's as depressed as you so that you can understand each other's feelings and struggles...
Anyone else losing weight this year? How's your progress looking?
Anyone want to get drunk on voice call with an overweight autistic woman tonight?
ITT: Stuff incels need to stop doing in public
Roll dubs or die
Is she worthy of the criticism and hate against her or is it blown out of proportion...
Has anyone had experience w/ fleshlights? how realistic?
Bpd girls > Autistic girls
If you could eliminate any group of people from existence who would it be? for me it's pedos
Ideal significant other thread
Fembot friend asked me how if I would ever wear a chastity cage if I had a gf and she wanted me to wear one
Is it possible to recover from being TOPPED?
Blackanon here, I've noticed you guys aren't very fond of us. What's your solution...
How are you today femanons?
A Canadian "anti-hate" group is offering a $300 bounty for the dox of incels
Would you date a redhead?
Do people really start to resent you if you're a dude and you cry infront of them?
Why are men so mean to each other? Why do you bully each other constantly and mock those weaker and uglier than you...
If I had a greek nose, then I wouldn't be an incel
Is there anything more pathetic than trying to be funny?
Self-improve in every possible way
Tfw I'll know how does doggystyling a girl feels like
Is having a findom gf worth it?
Any socially akward robots with some experience. How do you talk with girls...
Guys don't want to date me because I'm 6'1
I am 23 and never had a gf
Is jerking off everyday too much?
Spill the beans whats the cruelest thing you've ever done
Prone masturbation
Stop crying about your manletism or chinletism or virginity. Stop worrying about it and focus on what you can control
Your opinion on these predator hunters?
Don't drink enough water
User you’re so big and strong, can you help me move this saturday? I’ll buy you pizza!
Is there any group more hostile to the incel community than Irish girls?
What's the point of even attempting to have sex is you're not big?
New gentle femdom thread since the old one hit the limit
25+ thread
Do you think your life would be different if you were born a girl? If yes, how so?
Do big dicks ruin girls for smaller sizes?
Wow user, you really wanna go out with me...
"Just be confident, bro"
Only God can judge me
Can someone explain to me what does an orbiter do...
You're playing video games with your friend who you know is bi. one day he casually asks if you want a blowjob...
Letter Thread
If someone is ugly will you take an immediate dislike to them despite their personality or would you like them aslong...
I've noticed that 100% of girls aged 12-20 are wearing ankle pants and ankle socks
If traps can get married why can't you?
Wake up at 3am
How do I stop being a contrarian?
Finish home workout with my gf
/r9gay/ - #1027
Any /addicts/ here? What are you addicted to?
Why does every girl want to be a slut now? What's the appeal? A lot of girls can't even cum from sex
Why is it wrong for women to be gold diggers when most men are sex diggers?
Reminder that homosexuality is a SIN against god
Fembots, do you want to be a housewife?
Please tell me about how you masturbate user! I need to know
Making a short reply, just typing something like "thanks" or "based"
When people live homosexually, that is a choice they make
How does Zig Forums relate to feminism?
Guys Im'm Fucking TRIPPING BaLLS. ------------------------- It would be illogical to write this around Easter...
See attractive girl in public
What is the most intelligent discovery you have made whilst stuck with your own thoughts?
Want to talk about veganism
Debating in Zig Forums
Potato printer go BRRRRRRRRRR
Robots, what is your favorite female name?
Incels get in here. We need to brainstorm...
Mutiled peens are becoming rare in porn
Can anyone here redpill me on Pokimane?
Dear future boyfriend
Prone masturbation
Why do blacks have to ruin America?
What projects are you working on? What techniques are you trying to learn...
How do I explain to people that I'm bisexual but don't want to have sex with men...
Would you date a girl who's racemixed before?
Made a chadfish bumble 5 minutes ago
A guide on how to live life
Would robots date a girly girl like pic related? I'm not that exciting but I make good omelettes
Is a weak pussy both physically and mentally
Would you date a girl who believes in horoscopes?
Why do manlets do this?
Rejoice! A thot got her Karma
Be honest, are you perfectly okay with the fact that you missed out on teen romance and sex?
This Ophelia
Why couldn't I just be born white? Why did I have to be born a beaner...
Sam Hyde
What's the most chad thing you've ever done?
Let's have a trap thread
Tfw your bully from highschool died of a heroin overdose
Female red flags thread
Dear fembots, why don't you have a bf? Not judging, just curious
163 IQ
How can someone like me even find love?
Just got kicked out of my moms house
So guys why are women so cruel?
Be me, middle schooler, just got my first laptop
Why do people still insist that having a big dick isn't important...
Friends we made along the way #2
Toph will never crush me with rocks and be my tomboy gf
Daily reminder to the white supremacists here that none of you will ever contribute more positive things to society...
Told my psychiatrist I'm +25 and never had a gf so now I have to deal with the fact I will never be able to because...
Why is Zig Forums not comfy anymore? There is hardly a trace of comfyness to be found on this board these days
It may not be Sunday but I am here to witness to you that the Christ is the way and the life...
All this shit about just learn to code to get a good job
My gf fucked a nigger
Who was your favorite fembot that you ever talked to?
How much should a woman weight!!!!
Would anyone be interested in being part of a visual novel club...
Hey girls, how does it feel knowing that if you post pictures of yourself in a bikini on social media...
Average looking girls who working dead end retail jobs and put effort into their appearance...
Why are robots so obsessed with women? they aren't gonna make or keep you happy
Who do you think women want more - a good looking guy or a rich guy?
Why isn't stomach capacity part of physical exams?
Christ-posting Appreciation Thread
Two things:
Daily Beautiful angel ciara thread
I love hearing lazy NEETs make excuses for not working. What's yours?
"Sex doesn't matter, it's not that important."
Tfw no aspie gf to accidentally insult, apologize to, and make up with
Would you rather a girl have hair or razor burn?
Anti-Fembot Thread
/june bugs/
Zig Forums ruined this website and makes it no longer fun to browse
Anybody else hate being black?
Do you have a fetish for hapa women?
Waifu General - /waifu/ #357
What boards do you guys browse other than Zig Forums and Zig Forums?
God put incels on Earth to be laughed at
How are you? How do you avoid sucide, anons?
Post with a name and I'll tell you your fate
Why are niggers like this bros? LOOK AT HIM PUNCHING THIS OLD MAN
"user what the FUCK are you wearing? is this your first date or what?"
New gentle femdom thread
Why not just settle for an average-looking, but comfy, girlfriend?
Duuuuudddddeeee!!!!!! Not fair, rematch!!!!! ....... Haha!!!!
What do you think is the incel rate in 2020 currently?
Would you date a girl who was still best friends with a guy who groomed her when she was 14 into making child porn?
I am going to self-isolate in a monastery starting on July 1st
Hanging out with grandpa (70s) and uncle (late 50s)
My brain is saying no
What’s it Mean when Life is Suddenly Great?
What can be done about the Christian posters?
ITT nightmare fuel
I had my first sexual experience yesterday with a guy
What's the likely end of your story?
What are your thoughts on American breakfast?
A pucci with no bush is for low test men
Would you date a girl who is everything you ever wanted in a girl on the personality/emotional side, but was fat?
Do female virgins exist
Why don't inceIs just TRY talking to women?
This is basically beastiality porn
The unrighteous will NOT inherit the kingdom of God
Femanons, what age did you lose your virginity?
Femanons, how often does your menstrual cycle effect your opinions?
Why do you hate me?
Hows your Tinder coming along, bros?
Does anyone on here cut? I don't want to enable people, but it's a turn on for me.I try to not think about it...
Any egirls on here who look like this? post discord tag
Are you ready for the Zig Forums shutdown?
We've been fostering this girl and I have no idea how to feel about her
My crush is a frequent user of this board, and I've only used it to learn more about him. What should I know?
"Principal user I need you to watch the girls while I take my smoke break. Thanks!"
Being a woman sure must be hard
/general depression self hate fucking whatever thread/
Be me, a lonely femanon
Ask a drunk girl anything
Get Saved General
Browse this site every day
Thank G*d normies don't know this anime
Be me
All robots should be vegan
Gentle Femdom and Role Reversal thread!
Fembots / Femanons waiting for marriage ?
Why does lolicon trigger normalfags so hard...
Zig Forums: SHUT DOWN R9K *NOW*
Any Catholic girls on r9k?
What are your dreamsu about, user...
How do I become Chad if I dont have the looks?
ITT: we laugh at females on this board
Guys I'm so upset right now. Keemstar revealed that Pokimane has been hiding a secret boyfriend from all her fans...
What is your boyfriend or girlfriend like? Where did you meet them?
What is she trying to say here?
Hey Anonymous! How are you d-doing during the pandemic?
Friends we made along the way #1
How do you tell if a poster is underage?
Weebs I went to college with moved to Japan as english teachers
When a woman likes cats, it's because of her maternal instinct (wanting a small mammal to take care of)
Are there any sites like the silk road still lurking around?
Going insane
Fembots aren't normal
Would you give a female Indian immigrant a foot massage?
Whats the most degenerate thing you have ever masturbated to?
/r9gay/ - #1026
Do you support Russia or Ukraine?
How do i know which guitar chords go together? i only know 3 so far (G, D, and C)
Dear fembots, what do you think makes you a robot? EXPLAIN YOURSELVES
Would you dedicate your life towards someone you met online?
Is this brainwashing?
A girl I used to know from highschool ghosted me a few years ago even though she told me we were great friends and such...
Lol the local news here in oklahoma just mentioned Zig Forums when talking about her suicide prepare for an invasion of...
Femanons, would you mind posting pics of your mouth, kinda like pic related...
Are all femanons really like this?
Does this image describe you well? for me it's yes
/sg/ - Sissy General
Christian poster are the absolute worst I hate them so much
Anyone else hate alcohol?
Virgin men
Are you supposed to put in a new condom each round or do you just stick with the first?
He's still not a MGTOW in the year of our lord 2020
Tfw no aspie gf with fucked up sleep schedule
"Um, user? Eye contact when I'm talking to you."
Why not grow your hair out?
It's 8pm and I can't fall sleep. Does anyone want to chat?
My parents have installed a porn blocker on the house wifi
Guys, when can we as a forum and a website just admit that we are serious in our racism/nazi worship...
Now that the dust has settled
Is there a biological explanation for this?
New thread cunts. Get in!
Please Help me R9K
Do you love Adolf Hitler, robots? He truly was too good for this world. He was pure
Catholic thread attempt 2
/drugfeel/ -- Weed Feel
Do black women actually like white men?
Have you ever told someone IRL about r9k?
Father is trying to make me cough up money from my bank account to give to my narcissistic mother who hasn't made shit...
Imagine if you were born a female. Just imagine...
Fembots, what is the sluttiest thing youve ever done...
/NEET/ General
Why do people love watching anime girls play video games
Talk to me
My asian gf just told me she only gets off to bbc porn
Is this an attractive look for a girl (male)?
I have to babysit my 10 year old niece for three days. What should we do together?
Are women less aesthetic than men, once you strip down their deceptions...
Why are so many good looking people mentally ill?
Mean age like wine!
Men are more violent
We need a SFW Zig Forums
How do i learn how to fish? i got a fly fishing rod here and i know how to throw it, im rather good at that...
Your femcel daughter finally manages to get some dick
H3H3 & Keemstar Drama
Welcome to 'tales from an England shithole school'
Why do people even like anime? its Jap degeneracy
Which year would you go back to if you could?
Anons, will I be able to get a match with this profile? I am a KHV dateless. What else should I add...
So what's the point? What's this all leading up to?
I cant believe he fell off so badly
Please is there a cure for depression? Philosophy has failed me for answers
Dear future boyfriend
How presentable is your room to a potential partner?
Fembots obviously like robots otherwise they wouldnt fucking come here
Femanons, why haven't you gotten into findom yet? You don't even need to be pretty for it
I just sucked my first BBC. Ask me anything
Anyone else here who can genuinely call themselves a volcel?
Last thread ( >>58193867 ) was a wonderful thread!
It's happening. It was obvious that it would
Incels Labelled as Terrorists
Why do people act like you're a piece of shit or a sexist if you want to marry a virgin...
Is anyone else sad about the fact that they have never been "chosen" by a woman? I'm pretty much a loser...
I feel very lonely
Another night drinking and trying not to think of her...
Hey I'm drunk and lonely
Zoomer general
I took too long to make mine and missed the chart thread, can we have another?
What does it take to get a real life burnout Zig Forums incel blackpilled hikki bf?
Is discord good for making friends? What's your experience?
Can we have a sad/feels thread? I miss those
Catholics of Zig Forums
Fembot Thread (GIRLS ONLY)
Trannies btfoed again!
Redneck thread
Do guys find it cute or creepy if their ex-gf never falls out of love with them even if they dumped her over 6 months...
Music from Latin America, specifically Mexican, makes me feel macho, like a real badass...
You suddenly get superpowers
Should I become a sissy for BBC?
Christian thread
Can anyone explain to someone without a penis, why i want one so bad? is it really easier as a boy
I don't get the hate for women you guys. I've had female friends before, still do actually...
It's not easy being a femcel
Why does it feel so good to give my money to cute girls?
Not having a pipi like this is already ample reason to have your child circumcised
Which one of ya'll did this? Now they think this place is for terrorism
This is your average r9k user, say something nice about them
What were your best high school experiences?
32 year old fembot
Do you guys think Zig Forums will ever swing left or back to apolitical...
Found in her bedroom with her wrists and neck cut
Turned 19
Femanons how did you react when you found out one (or more) of your guy friends had a crush on you?
If your gf has a lower BMI than you, you're in an unhealthy relationship. Provide for her better
I need a femanon gf that will cuck me and abuse me
Letter Thread
Let's hear some robots. post whatever the fuck
Comfy hapa webm
Now that the shilling has died down. is he the reason r9k is good? more normal fags that we can befriend, more women...
Never change, Zig Forums, you guys are the reason I'm happy
Prove to me that I'm not God, because I've pretty much convinced myself
Would you fuck yourself in the ass if you had a portal gun?
As someone who studied both neuroscience and artificial intelligence I find it funny that eventually the ones who will...
Honest question. Could you truly love a woman who has had another man's cum on her face? If so, how...
Listen to a fucking banger album and become chad
Tfw no shy aspie gf
Why have you not become a trap? What is stopping you?
Some advice from a slightly older fembot to you younger girls: Do not trust boys...
Is inserting big objects into your vagina a good way to prepare for giving birth?
How does getting your boypussy streched out by Chad feels like?
It's 2020. why don't women want to have children and start a family anymore?
She asks what my astrological sign is unironically
The Chinese Patriarchy
Who likes asian men today? blacks have the biggest dicks, whites are the cutest and latinos can dance
Haha guys please date me
I just want a fat gf bros
Your friend is a bi male and you happen to know that he is an insatiable cock lusting deepthroat megaslut...
How bad is sex with a small penis?
Why is he the only good YouTuber?
/r9gay/ - #1025
How do you get a zoophile gf robots?
Haha ratto can't beat turtle
If you had the chance to marry a 10/10 girl but the only condition is to fight to death against another 5 incels...
Describe a day in your life if you were a billionaire
Fiancee is genderfluid, has 9/10 female body but wants to transition at 40y
You fags do realise that China is the most based country in the world, right?
I wish I had a bf I wish I had a bf I wish I had a bf I wish I had a bf I wish I had a bf I wish I had a bf I wish I...
Any other robots been raped? I got raped when I was 14 (20 now) by a teacher, and I'm finally starting to deal with it...
Ugly fembots wants a handsome boyfriend, ugly incels wants a pretty girlfriend
Memery aside, bros
BBC Addicts Anonymous
Sissies and trannies are so fkn disgusting. Call a spade a spade it is either a disgusting fetish or mental illness...
What do you do for a living? Do you enjoy it?
I made an interactive Robot Test 4.0
Why do men lie about their age online?
My dad smashed my Xbox then bought himself a TV. How's your week been going guys?
How the fuck do i deal with my youtube addiction??? This shit is like meth, its ruining my fucking life
This extremely attractive girl liked me on hinge...
Self pity thread: Green text edition
Conversation is just me interrogating her
This is spaghetti code from the infamous Yandere Sim, but how are you actually supposed to do it?
I made an interactive Robot Test 4.0
Tfw I made $12.7K today in the stock market
Chart thread
How do I get a crystal cafe gf? They seem like my type of crazy
Tfw no anxious aspie gf
There's a Brazillian tradition of crossdressing during the June Festivals
Christianity Gang
Anyone else old?
Let's share Oneitis stories
Why do so many unattractive girls like me on tinder? why can't I meet someone I find attractive...
Micropenis General
Get a 9 inch pp and 130+ iq
1991 to 1995, what does this time period mean to you?
You're offered $25,000 dollars for executing these two women...
Here are my whore ex gfs fat tits. hope u enjoy
Tahlia Thread
Feels Bar
Women appreciation thread
I really want to know who gets the flute
How are normies able to date without caring about each others' sexual pasts?
If you keep looking at my ass I'm gonna make you eat it, user!
Audrey Thread
I miss her. almost sent her a text or email last night. fighting the urge to tonight
You have to admit Zig Forums is a very, very effective brainwashing technique. It's amazing. If I wasn't a contrarian...
Simpest shit you've ever done?
FACT: If she smokes marijuana, she slept with her dealer at least once, if not regularly
Tfw virgin fembot
Try to look for things that arent college to learn things to improve my life
What would you do if you found out your gf had watched blacked before but says it's just a fantasy she'd wouldn't act...
Thoughts on jumping in front of an above ground train for suicide ?
Have you guys forgiven your bullies?
Why is it impossible for people like us to find love?
This is an average American high school
NEET vidya
Waifu General - /waifu/ #356
Simps, OnlyFans and the Culture War
Can someone redpill me on oxy's sex tape and what happened to the guy that shared it? random picture btw
I hate myself so fucking much. Holy shit, no one I knows is aware of this...
88 decides what I say to this cute little jewess
Chad has had jockitch at least once in his life
Dear future boyfriend
How the fuck can yall retards have the confidence to even talk to girls
Question to murikans
The Zig Forums thread got janny'd, so post your ideal female body ITT
It's your baby, robot
Fembots with daddy issues thread
How does it feel to have a girl call you "Daddy?"
Why haven't you killed yourselves anons? For video games and porn? What will you do when it's no longer enough?
Does normalscum ever think about the ethics of having kids or is it just monkey see monkey do?
Daily butt crack thread
Depressing music
Last remaining friend got a boyfriend and is apparently too busy to come see me after being actually hospitalized by my...
I just can't trust women
What career does Zig Forums recommend for me to take up...
Letter Thread
Gymcels, what keeps you motivated to keep pushing on?
Now that the dust has settled, is his page the reason r9k is actually good? I mean...
Women want men with superior genetics. They can sense these things! Evolution man
How do I get a robot bf?
You're offered $1 million dollars for executing this woman...
Welcome to the N.H.K. is trash
Smartphone zoomers
Why do you browse Zig Forums and why do you post on Zig Forums overall...
How reproductively successful are you?
Was Keem right?
/r9gay/ - #1024
I’m starting to hate women because of past experiences
Example of games with difficult decisions?
Picrew thread
You know we were made for each other
What are your biggest regrets so far in life?
Fellow fembots how do you cope with being ugly? I'm like a 5/10, but a 7 if I do my hair and makeup...
How did your first time go?
How pathetic is it exactly to have only 16 subscribers on instagram as a female when every photoless dog has at least...
Why are girls always like this? She has been giving me more and more bland and uncaring responses for a while now...
Metalhead General
Just found out I have HIV. How should I kill myself? What should i do first?
Why do all these losers become obsessed with "self-improvement"?
Why are women with tattoos and piercings unattractive?
Do femanons use piss bottles or piss troughs? Or do yall piss like normal human beings...
Giving up?
Whitebots seem to hate white women. What do non-whitebots think of them?
Lack of quality men
Daily Reminder
Take note
"uhhhhhh haha user, why are you wearing your shirt at the pool!!"
Is/was your father a nice guy?
Crackers are fucking pathetic
MBTI Thread
Is there anything more disgusting than an incel?
Free (You)s
Turning back the clock
I'm a 32 year old virgin (I'm female). You can ask me a question if you like
Every woman I've talked to says porn destroys relationships and that they don't want their partner looking at it
How do you feel when you see a girl's butt crack in public?
Why are almost all people retards? The best part of being a shut in is not having to interact with them...
Fucked my sister's boyfriend with my sister
Why do you still want to have a girlfriend/wife in 2020...
Would you date a 16 year old heroin addict?
What do you think bots. King shit?
I heckin love this place, I too hate women and say based!
What facial features keeps you from looking normal?
Tinder advice
Femanon here. Rate my Chicken Scallopini
Autistic with 163 IQ for no reason
I am a 27 year-old virgin...
Is anyone else tired of it all?
Looks chart
Are femcels actually real?
Is suicide selfish Zig Forums ?
Why not settle for a blasian art hoe gf?
Incels Explain Yourself
He hasn't read Homestuck
Repent. Accept Jesus Christ (of Nazareth) into your heart. Trust in the Lord. Read the Holy Bible (pick a version)
Pedophilia and feminism
Any Femanons Watch It?
Bros.....bros...... FUCK
Show me your desktops robros
Being a cashier is hell
Im not a chad but every party ive been too ive either ended up getting a bj...
Those who are still virgins at an awkward age (20+)...
Why do white women hate non-white men so much?
Why cant the incels just leave and go to their incel forums?
Vocaroo Thread
Why don't robots simply go to Africa? You can slay 10/10 tight black pussy all day every day...
Is cheating as commonplace nowadays as normies make it seem?
Reminder that chad gets these pictures from your crush/oneitis from just sending a picture of his face
Antifa femdom fetish
I feel so tired bros
If you could transform into an attractive girl or trap version of yourself would you...
When did games become boring to you?
Ugly racist incel gets a doomer gf
Before you criticize women making some bank on Onlyfans...
I just want to be useful to a femanon and do everything she tells me to do
Red flag names for girls
Assuming you were born as a girl instead of a boy, would you become a whore?
Where to get a shy qt gf with social anxiety?
Is there anything you personally hate or hated about University life?
Meet up with friends i used to party with
Hey guys, im FTM trans, do i pass at all? any tips?
My 13 year old brother told our family he is a trans girl. Should I support or go against this...
Describe your ideal GF. Looks and personality
I know a lot of people on this board are in the tfw no gfbf mindset...
There are femanons wearing cute panties on this board RIGHT NOW
Hey Zig Forums how do I get orbiters?
Would you ever date a homely gf?
What's your score user? I don't feel sociopathic at all
If you're so lonely why don't you just date a fembot?
Sucked my own dick, didnt feel terribly special, hand is better
Came here because of this Instagram page, all I wanna say is... you guys are funny like i see on the page...
Discord experience
Weekly Family Thread
A former Christian here
Does anyone want to save me? In return you would get a loyal, 130+ iq, 9 inch pp partner
Why are Americans so obsessed with guns?
Thank fucking god for asian girls
When are you going to take the onapill?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine