White peoples make me sick

White peoples make me sick

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Don't huff our farts then

Bro what is that picture lmfao

Seeth more white boi, your insecurities are leaking.

Seethe more monkey boi, your insecurities are leaking.

Are you upset that you don't have a father to do this with?

reddit personified

nice way to start a nigger-hate thread

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It's probably from bathing with your adult child

Why? Most people are better than you regardless of color. You’re here on 4-Chan which means you’re a degenerate piece of human garbage. You complain about others but if you weren’t one of the scum of the earth you wouldn’t be here with the rest of the degenerate filth. If you were even a slightly decent person you wouldn’t even know this place exists. So keep trying to make yourself feel better by insulting others,deep down you know what you are.

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wow Zig Forums le secrete h4x0r space!!!!!

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nigger lover

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>White peoples make me sick
>your insecurities are leaking.

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Your thinking of your mom nigger

Lol he has breasts and he’s sitting nakey on his daddy

That's some faggot shit. I feel bad for white kids tbh they get so fucked up by their pervert dads

>inb4 at least i had a dad jamal

Even though this sort of applies to you, I meant it for .

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It's Tyrone, ya dumb crakka


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