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Geeks #593
Living with your parents is slowly turning into a flex thanks to the economic downfall in America
My brother drank most of my whiskey and added water to make it seem full. what to do frens ?
When I was in school: Befriended every teacher, listened silently and respectfully in class, never got in trouble once...
Tahlia sextape allegations
Is there a good German alternative to sanctionedsuicide? I like that site...
Heloo why are there so many incels and pathetic bakas on r9k now? Are you an incel, user? Why are you on r9k?
Do you think you could kill a fully grown male chimp bare-handed?
Leaving for Costa Rica
I need all the streams of Tahlia
Femanons, if you had a boyfriend and he made this for dinner, how would you feel? Regardless of how healthy it is...
Helooo everyone~
Comfy Thread
Why won't the white man take responsibility? For hundreds of years they've used us, raped us...
Why do robots have this impression of the fembots who come here being pink haired...
What's your most autistic hobby?
Be 27 and in my prime, get 18 yo gf, also in her prime
I got a goolge warning for searching loli
You cannot be a good person if you are not vegan
Be me
Femanons are retarded
Is this what feminism is all about? Kinkshaming people for having legal, consensual sexual encounters?
Do you like or hate trans people? Why?
Is there anything more pathetic than trying to be funny?
Start work in 7 minutes
Fembot horror stories thread
Why are women unable to sense danger?
Last time you got banned, what was it for?
You finally get a girlfriend
I just wanna be somebody's cute femboy bf
I just want a woman to be sexually attracted to me
We have the most ruined and degenerate kids and teens ever in the history of mankind
Any dutch frens?
A thread for smart people only
/r9gay/ #1100
So when are we going to exterminate all the pajeets and nuke their (literal) shithole of a country...
Why do people say 25 is still young?
/Rei/ General
My gf has strech marks and she won't stop telling me how much she hates them...
Are you a mask cuck? Remember anxiety and "breathing difficulties" are exemptions for not wearing a mask in the UK...
A NEET virgin should be more worthy than a normie with kids
Do you ever think about the fact there are billions of people out there you will never know in this life...
I'm tired of being bald
Why do people become heroin addicts?
Most depraved degenerate disgusting things you've done?
New Zig Forums Hate Thread
ITT femanons tell me why they would be great gfs
ITT: strange opinions
Feels bar thread
To this day nobody knows why he did it
Looking for a tall white bf drop discord kings
What's the worst fucking thing you've ever done?
What happened to beautiful angel Lily? Haven't seen her in a while
I want to live for someone else. I hate the idea of doing things for myself...
This girl has a crush on you
She's so purdy :)
So I just had sex for the first time at the ripe old age of 30
Post your country + BMI
Topped by Multiple Trans: AMA
Have any of you had covid? If so, how bad was it, how long did it last and did you go to the hospital?
All of you mentally ill people need to commit suicide and do society a favor
Are men actually wired to be disloyal pieces of garbage or is it just an excuse. Why do we let them get away with it...
Which is best and why is it chaotic neutral
It's late and you fall asleep one lonely night
Zig Forums Eras
/r9trans/ #3
Why is it hard for you robots to bee urself? What do you have to lose?
/r9gay/ #1099
Femanon here. Can anyone here calmly and rationally tell me why pic related is a problem?
Do you like cheese?
~ BPD Hate Thread ~
Why do feminists hate sex workers?
Are there even any benefits to being unattractive?
Creative Thread
Greetings, Zig Forums. I'm a girl looking for true robots (otcasts, NEETs, hikkis...
Good afternoon Robots. I am kicking an idea around, and I would genuinely be interested in knowing if it is worthwhile
Emotional bf found out about the sexual bf
Tfw no dick sniffing gf
You have no fucking excuse
Is it possible to find a guy who will let me give him infinite blowjobs as long as he lets me blindfold him (eye...
Men hate thread
Aroused by cucking other men
Is it true all spics and joggers really want to be re-colonised and made into tongueslaves for Tight White Boipussy?
Fembots, your future bf will want to try jerk off on your face eventually, are you aware of that?
Do femanons shave their butthole or are you all natural down there
Would you ever under any circumstance think about considering dating an autistic woman
My mom is schizophrenic. I visit her once a month at the hospital. She says the same stuff everytime. Take a shower...
Is this a good way to commit suicide?
Weekly Family Thread
What does my bf mean by this?
Faces 0f Zig Forums
/coom/ - Porn general
Do you own a puppet?
Why do incels hate this girl so much?
How do I find a sugar daddy? I've talked to guys online who want to give me money but how do I meet, live with the guy...
Surely you can soIve this, user
Waifu General - /waifu/ #384
Femanons can go take a shower right now and play with their soapy titties
What cartoons do you love user?
The fallacy of self improvement
It's bullshit
In 500 years, people will claim diversity and feminism destroyed the American empire
It's your birthday
Girl with bpd
Why are all Zig Forums girls mentally ill sluts...
Anyone else notice that white women with yellow fever are usually somehow 10x worse than white men with yellow fever?
Tahlia is cancelled party
Tell us about sexual things, fembots
Most men are happy to be "just friends" with women
Reminder that you are the agressor, you are the bad guy
Would robots date a girl with self harm scars?
Why do you eat meat, user? its immoral and unhealthy. animals are sentient and conscious...
Anons that have had sex, get in here
Being a college cuck
Have ex gf cheat on me
Smartphone addiction
Why not just have gay anal sex anons? Doesn't matter if you're straight...
What are your fetishes, anons? For me, it's handholding, cuddling and hair stroking (ig petting)
What are your sexual fantasies?
Should sexually inactive men be allowed to have a job?
Which of these are you femanon? and why?
Discord/edating/whatever thread
Bpd is hell my bf left me so im sitting here hungover with my thighs slit not knowing what to do next it feels like my...
NEET, 25
Breath life into r9k again, also /life/
Help me robots
/r9gay/ #1098
It's for fun
/Rei/ General
How true is this essentially? Have you ever met an autistic girl that actually seemed autistic?
Give me all of your most life destroying black pills
Please tell me i can escape this mindset, ive been this way for so long...
I'm a 23 year old girl, I like to dress in anime style skirts and socks. My husband has a low libido...
Why do arabs hate black people
Do you feel like you missed out on the typical high school experience?
Good news, anons
Tahlia Spammer
Jeff Bezos did nothing wrong and deserves his billions
You have committed suicide
Create yourself thread: saturday night fever edition
What music are you listening to Zig Forums? Share your favourites :)
Just replied "fuck you" to a hiring manager who rejected my job application
What's your favorite conspiracy?
Tahlia posting a femcel server on soc with confirmed vocaroo
A woman deserves to be loved as a person, not a number on a scale or body type. If men loved the whole person...
Im a spic manlet
Why do men want to hurt women, just because they giggle a lot or like shopping or are attracted to attractive men...
What is it a woman needs to do to get a man to actually stay with her...
There exists no fembot in the world who would do this for me
New Zig Forums Hate Thread
What's the perfect age?
Why is this so true? And fembots, what category does your boyfriend/crush fall under? Be honest
Gay discord drama
Letter thread: stinky pinky edition
Bored art thread
Why don't guys like incels just start making a lot of money and then paying women for attention. Like sugar babies...
Fat gurl support thread
I've been completely addicted to one particular style of JAV lately, and it's ruined all other porn for me...
Attention Newfags
So... you guys hate women, why?
Why are all men such garbage these days?
One of these threads
Femanons, post your 10/10s
Is it worth fucking an escort to lose your virginity?
Can cuckolding go too far?
Why don't you become a based cute femboy anons? You'll get all the attention you deserve
Got a longterm girlfriend
Is it high IQ to like small boobs and butts?
If you don't have any luck with women of your race, why not give black women a try?
Can you guys please explain why we hate communism?
Does getting your dick sucked feels as good as it looks?
Talk to a femanon for a few months
Hi bros, I just got reviewed like a fucking video game :^)
How tall should girls be?
Friend tells me that their main problem with me is that I have poor reasoning skills
Zig Forums /Asuka/ General
ITT women approach men
Do girls like this type of body? What would a skelly have to do to achieve this?
Dear Femanons, welcome to the designated attention thread. No matter, big, small, skinny, fat, dumb...
Big boys are talking on the mic strategizing
Why do most UK nieghborhoods and towns look creepy and unsettling...
One of my roommates is black
Im a young, attractive woman, ask me anything
It's over. I see that now
Got some free time today so Im gonna go fuck another prostitute, should I go with pic related or
There are Stacy femanons this board
Are you good at job interviews?
TikTok and Twitch
Why are Asians immune to nihilism?
I want to talk with an ugly femanon. I'm very interested in what they have to say
I don't entirely get the appeal or how people fall for these e-girls and e-boys on here...
Man will not get his wife pregnant, now she's asking me
Is Adderall the perfect drug for 21st century man?
1. Your eye color
Why not just settle for a fat girl? Sincere question
Do you like coding, fellow robots?
Do you robots have any tattoos? I have one tattoo and its a grenade launcher
After 2 years of lifting, I decided that I want to use pictures of my body in tinder...
What's your favorite style/fashion on a girl?
Robots, why won't you settle for a 5/10 single mom gf?
Come home
5:00 AM
My life is such a fucking joke
All hail the QUEEN Tahlia the Great!
Post the current contents of your bank account and explain
Tfw got left behind because nothing irl worth improving for
Do femanoids masturbate while browsing Zig Forums?
When is it cheating?
You know what it is
Fembots, do you ever play with your own tits?
Feederism is fucking degenerative
/r9gay/ #1097
How do I move to japan if im on probation for being black and have a criminal record for drugs
How to get a loving mommy gf?
Are you depressed?
Crazy Girls
You have two options, robots: pick and choose
Meet cute girl
Why are a you a robot? I'm a robot cuz my boobs suck. And before you say tits or GTFO, here they are
On the Joe Rogan Video game controversy
Why don't you cry more often, anons? It's healthy for you. Crying doesn't make you weak, it makes you human...
Is it true that girls that come from a shitty family in wich they didn't have a father figure or had divorced fathers...
Robots and fembots hookup en masse
Why do drugs exist?
Don't fall for fembots bros
Man fuck being a spic, spanish is such a shit language with nothing to offer but I feel obligated to learn it
For Newfags
I fucking hate this god damned state sometimes. Does this shit happen where you live?
Threw my dildo away
Non-blacked pornstars
Genuine Question For Femanons
How are you numbing the pain tonight?
Fembots have two giant milk factories on their chest that they arent even putting to use
The world would be a much better place if every woman had the shit beat out of her at least once to help them learn...
Am I ugly r9k?
NEET and Hikikomori General Thread
Ugliest gook male in korea here girl walked by and laughed at me
See yet another robot is depressed and suicidal over a girl
I'm a celestial being. Mortal issues affect me not
Does any cute girl want discord nitro? I am so desperate to talk to a female
Who was in the wrong here lads?
Why dont you have a gun Zig Forums?
My friends are going to a festival without me. My girlfriend is at a party of her own...
Satanist pedophile elite starts getting exposed through pizzagate
Just remembered this exists
/r9trans/ #1
The symbol of America is literally an incel who learned to take responsibility and to grow a pair
My boyfriend has had sex with 35 women...
Women are whores
Misaki Friday
How can African men complain when their women are this thicc?
I like to bulli people who have a smol pp. It's always so funni how defensive they get. Do you have a smol pp, user?
When did you realize that antinatalism is based?
Vocaroo bread
What do you bots think about the
If there's any country that needs feminism, it's Japan...
What do Marky's lips taste like?
Fembots and balding guys
Any anons here with actually zero friends, including online ones...
Be me
How do i get a hot escort?
Hey anons, tell me whats getting you down
Being a short male is better than being a tall male
How is ur life going in 5 sentences
All people are equal. We are the same, it is literally just the skin color that is different
Blackbots feels? Black it feels
How can I get an arthoe gf like chxrryxblossom?
Why are asians girls so perfect ?
The disparity between attractive women and non attractive women is actually insane. The same goes for guys...
I hate them why do asians get to have such cool hair i hate this world
Hey asian anons, post your eye pics
How fucking dare you
Be the center of attention always and everywhere
Why dont you take the pink pill and become a cute trap/femboy?
Any data hoarders anons here?
Squat toilets are common in Asia and Africa. In Africa and the Middle East, they wash their asses after a shit, in Asia...
Why do u wanna die user? Does life suck that much?
Imagine if whenever someone posted an anime girl...
Here's some sage wisdom from a BPD fembot:
How tall are you, user? Are you a manlet?
All 6 liquor store cashiers have started calling me by name
What was the worst physical pain you have ever felt?
What's the biggest mire you've ever gotten on this site?
What’s one of your wildest dreams?
Tfw have really long hair
Chubby girls get my blood pumping. Where are all the chubby femanons? Do you still want to lose weight?
Ruins life by mouth breathing
Girls won't fuck losers
Do you enjoy sucking dick?
If you could nuke 5 countries off the face of the earth what would they be?
Be seeing gf for seven months
Tfw I got called a tranny again
Hello mr...
How many of you are in long distance relationships?
What the hell is the point of life. Day in, day out. Shit sucks. The only ones happy are the ones deluded
Sex and intimacy relief therapy
We hear all about self-proclaimed "nice guy" jerks. Do other people consider you a nice guy?
/r9gay/ - #1096
New OCD thread
Where do i get cute shut in awkward bf
All femanons gotta do to get a bf, is 3 things
How do I find a gentle femdom GF who will peg me and lock me in chastity robots? Does anyone have any tips to share?
Tip on getting a girl: Go to an escort
So i met my r9k ebf irl
Would you date a tranny if they were actually hot?
How do you guys all say ur geniuses when Zig Forums is filled with brainlets?
What's the stupidest fucking thing you've ever purchased?
HEY! everyone call me a fat, stupid whore so I'll finally have enough motivation to pull the trigger!
Just purged my steam and discord friends list
Apparently tomorrow I have to fight a "chad" what fighting or wrestling moves should I use to fuck him up?
Should incels be allowed to have gainful employment?
Dude Nietzsche LMAO
Creative Thread
What does user think of Tahlia?
Do you want to reproduce?
For newfags
What religion should I convert to? dubs decide
Wtf how do we ever recover from this bros
6 inches
Is this true fembots?
I wish I joined an alternative group in high school. Now I'll never experience this
Tahlia Thread
Tfw no titcow gf to bully me for being flat chested
Hey fagbots what do you think a day in the life of a girl this pretty and innocent is like?
Who else here /Seasonal NEET/
I'm going to kill myself in a few hours, I'm tired of being alive. Living is nothing but sadness and pain...
Where are the mean femanons?
Is this true, I thought if I got a gf I wouldn't want to coom to femboys and yaoi anymore...
Dad confronts me about jobs again, mostly just berating me as I sit silently
Are there any r9k minecraft servers?
Want to turn my gf into a cooler/ slut
I hate this bitch so fucking much bros
Women fun
Fembot here ama
Would you date a 34 year old girl while being 25?
What's an unattainable dream you have?
Why do whites make fun of asian men for being feminine when they are not any better?
Why do you bootlickers worship this guy so much?
8ball Thread
I want to talk with an autistic femanon. It's as fun as talking with a guy, cept it's not gay
Went out to get a dose of reality...
Is fucking femboys gay?
Why not become trans r9k?
Do all straight men want a ffm threesome? If you were/are in a relationship with a girl you loved...
Be black girl
Is it possible to get a gf that will cuck me and let me buy her stuff?
R9k for women
Tfw would rather date a violent meathead douchebag Chad than give one of my sweet caring beta friends a chance
Asian men
Self improvement thread
No notable global exports except maybe some cars, guns, food. all things other nations can produce
She sees you as a friend and you knew her your whole life and she knows you like her
Forget women
Have any of you known a fembot irl?
Imao "states rights" am I right?
How true is this Zig Forums? And is it based to take this course of action?
Watch the video. Read the comments. Yes it's a skit. The comments are real though...
My parents think that am gay because I've never brought a girl home. I still want inheritance gibs...
Handwriting bread
I am watching a show about friendship (mlp). Now I want frens
The true "Dose of Reality"
Went for an interview today
ITT videos that help put your life into perspective to enjoy life and not fret over the minor things we have to deal...
You could've had him and neetbux for life
Is there a scientific reason why men want sex and not relationships?
Im taking egf applications. I have a bigu 9 inchu pp and a bigu brainu
Holy shit, what's the fucking endgame in this situation...
Is it ethical to want/try to change other people's behaviors if they do not actively consent to it?
This cunt is a definitive example of black pill
/Rei general/
153 000 dead burgers
Would robots ever consider dating a taller girl?
Does the will to play games ever come back?
Just did this with my gf. Incels are missing out
No education, no job, no money
You look fun to have sex with
Your future girlfriend did this dozens of times with multiple men
Coffee tastes like burnt popcorn and cream and sugar is for fags what should i do
/drugfeel/ mescaline edition
Long shot, do any of you know what site was used to create this...
Fuck why cant it just be winter already. Any winterbots here? If that's even a thing
Do guys like it when you cut for them? do you think this guy will want to be my bf if i keep cutting for him?
Face, and more specifically the jaw, is literally everything in the eyes of women
Hellooo everyone~
Unironically MGTOW
You'll still defend him because you're a simp homosexual in denial
White people, why do you colonize? And don't act like you not responsible for it
Who /Stoicism/ here?
What does your internal voice sound like user? And what accent does it have?
What kind of person are you attracted to and what kind of person do you attract?
I got an aspie gf ... and it sucks
This happens all the time here. does this happen in your country?
Attention all Robots ATTENTION ALL ROBOTS
Why are some incels (surprisingly) attractive people?
Would you crossdress for your girlfriend?
Faceposting bread
Would you finally be willing date an asian girl if she agreed to use a white woman's egg to give you full white...
What type of underwear are you wearing, user?
Honestly, why are white girls so awful?
Why Incels exist and can only be male
On a scale of 1 to 10, how attractive are you in your own opinion?
Just one more hour. Half hour if I'm lucky
I unironically developed a black cock fetish from shitposting about black cock
Found blood in my shit again
What did your parents do at your age?
Asian Male Feels
How do you deal with the fear of death?
/r9gay/ - #1095
Why the fuck do so many normalfags love Nietzsche?
Is this erotic?
Do you live in a red state, blue state or swing state?
How long have you guys been here?
Normalfags Leave
Dad cancelled my therapy because it's too expensive
Why not just pretend to be in a committed relationship?
Hospital Stories Thread
Why is cuckolding so popular nowadays? Is porn to blame?
Lonely coomer fembot thread
What is r9k listening to?
Tfw no chad bully from my high school to pound my Mom and treat her like a woman is supposed to be treated
I hate my life on this earth
Stockholm syndrome
I'm completely alone and I need to talk with somebody
Anybody else chose not to drink alcohol at all?
Femanons, how does it make you feel knowing that guys are checking out your ass every time you go outside?
I want to kill my sister's pet
Thoughts on glow niggers?
Do you ever get freaked out by the fact that you exist?
Why did the native Americans get so addicted to alcohol?
Do guys actually like goff girls? I've been mostly ridiculed for my makeup/style...
My little meatcuck don't you cry
So. . .. how did you lose your virginity?
All passion is folly. Seek enlightenment
Zoomers of Zig Forums, do you relate to this?
Im a fat chubby disgusting ugly fembot who loves attention from losers like you and me online and i cant fucking stop...
Femcels, why not settle for a fat guy?
Compassion thread
Create dating profile using a picture of some really hot guy
Ghosted yet again. *sigh*
Do girls ever get breast envy?
When was the last time a girl told you she is missing you?
So I met a girl online and we met in person, spent the weekend with me. She's an autist just like myself...
Tfw I made an exclusive Female majority r9k discord server and you gross robots aren't allowed in it
Are modern day white people the most subhuman race?
Females don't like virgins not because of inexperience, but more because of their circumstances
Is it okay to twist the knife, even in a situation like this?
I turned 18 two days ago so I decided to semi-ironically make a bumble. I got one of my friends to help me out...
Life /general/
Is this a worthy NEET battlestation?
Most men don't know that women laugh nervously when we are uncomfortable...
Depressing music
Christianity thread
TikTok waifus
Date a guy from here
Work is sIavery
Why dont robots go after trans girls...
What was life like for you on January 1, 2003?
Ok listen up losers. I'm tired of your whining. Here's how normal people get laid:
How would life be like if women were the stronger and taller sex?
Why won't normies simply admit the brutality of women's genetic culling...
The simple truth is - everyone the robot hates they hate from envy
Why am I so turned on by being a sissy? I've dressed up its me in the picture but I don't have the guts to go it irl...
Who do you think about the most?
Why do you choose to be an incel?
How do people become sugar babies?
Anyone else has the desire to give girls money when you don't masturbate for a day
I love this fucking image
I just bought this. There's no going back now is there?
/r9gay/ - #1094
What the fuck do women do for fun?
30 years old
Daily reminder that Zig Forums is a message board for social outcasts only. If you have friends...
/Rei general/
Am i the only one who think having a friend/best friend is better than having a gf/bf ? There is no cuckery...
Be a loyal, supportive boyfriend for 3 years
How do I stop from wanting to cuck people I care for? I know I am a bad person and whore...
Why is being a 20+ year old male virgin a dealbreaker for girls?
Stop playing video games
How do normies refute this?
These are the future doctors of the united states of america
Im so obsessed with having the biggest ass i can possibly get by natural means and i want a beta male to be there for...
Femanons what's your current height and how tall or short would you like to be?
How would you feel if this happened on the night you first had sex?
The Feels Bar is open
Just got this fb ad. What's the best AI gf?
Are you sexually attracted to anyone in your family, user?
Doomer girl hrs
Women Hate Thread
Is there any Zig Forums threads that you think about often? Consider the tens of thousands of threads you've passed by...
Do Latinas (meaning young, US born ones) hate white guys and worship black guys?
Ebf dumped me and said I'm too fat. I'm only 5'5 135 lb what the fuck. E-relationship thread I guess
Normalfag Hate Thread
Magic Cavern Item Scenario
What's your energy drink recommendation
Why don't non black incels here just become sissies and date blackbots?
Be black girl
Be me
Bros I miss her so much bros why did Ciara have to die bros
Are you a good person? Answer honestly
Serious question, if you have a black gf do you have to be really careful how you act or what you say around her...
Cities are not cool and they suck
What would it take for you to become infatuated with someone? Requiring the fewest actions
Get first paycheck
Sure user, i'll go on a date with you!
Letter Thread
Queen Tahlia Tribute Thread
EBT for cash
In addition to raping and stealing, what else would you do if you could stop and resume time at will?
Why aren't people attracted to you?
Bored fembot here with a v okay voice and bit of time on her hands. I'll say anything you want me to... mostly anything
Did someone order a shark teeth, blonde hair, tomboy, high school outfit wifey
Mental deficiency test
Need to simp for a female
The drivers license pill is so brutal...
What are your thoughts like? Are they words, images, or something else?
What is the most popular distro with femanons?
Small brain thread
I had no idea girls did this
Do latinas make good wives?
I lost all my copes and suddenly I realize there's absolutely nothing to look forward to except 24/7 anxiety and...
This is the Rolex Cosmograph Daytona Rainbow 116595RBOW. It's a simple analog wristwatch. It can be yours for $872...
Who here /learning to program/? I know, I know, this image may seem gibberish to the more uneducated robots...
What's the easy trick to find a girlfriend asap?
Do you play vidya ?
All you anons who have been to Japan: Did it meet all of your expectations?
/uni/ thread
BDP, your experience of escaping it
Why there are so many "right wingers" here?
Seven deadly sins test
Fembots, what would you do if you had a higher sex drive than your bf?
If a girl really wanted me she would ask me out first, so why should I even try?
Do you wear watches, robots?
Is it really this easy for girls to fall for a guy?
I have a cousin whos completely retarded , literally no amount of HARD work is going to fix his problems
The "we are not therapist" argument
Failed suicide attempts
Tfw brother is a tall extroverted energetic Chad
Would this be the final solution to the incel """problem"""?
Is sucking cock as fun as porn girls make it out to be?
BWC is brown boy's kryptonite
/waifu/ - Waifu General #380
How do you find femanons to talk with?
How tall is too tall for robots?
Is she right Zig Forums?
What do I have to do to convince my psychiatrist to prescribe Xanax or any other benzo to me?
Gentle Femdom /gfd/ Thread
Why does Zig Forums hate hapas so much? What did they even do?
Pls stop this madness
Weekly Family Thread Part II
The only group of people who have it worse than robots are pigs and cows. LITERALLY thats it. no other group of people...
Do girls like tomoko actually exist irl? If so, what are your experiences with them?
Is female infidelity just something that's expected nowadays?
Why do white guys with yellow fever often date Asians who are ugly by Asian beauty standards?
I grew up here, in r9k and I realise now that you're all just stupid terrible people who poisoned me with nonsense...
I like saving robots on r9k aka saviour syndrome ^^
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine