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Geeks #613
Cp regret (sfw)
I love Alice so much, does anyone think she will be on live today?
What's your religion?
Do americans reaIIy?
I would unironically fight the chimp on the left to the death for the girl on the right
/r9gay/ #1232
Straight men are officially out of style
What are some comfy games games to help deal with depression better? What are you playing user?
Daily thread about our godess keaaara
Fembots, are you thicc?
It's More Like 90/10 Thanks to Tinder
Coomageddon, Death of Pornhub, Other Sites will Follow
Can we accept that this board has a fair amount of active females now. 20% of users are female
Omegle Thread
Did you start drinking already?
I am a fembot
How do I get a qt white bf that looks like pic anons?
I wouldn't be bi if dicks weren't so sexy. I literally don't care about any other part of the man...
I thought that board was for incels, but it appears to be for faggots and simps
>tummy tuesday
I wish it was normal for women not to shave
My post got Copyright warning for a PICTURE?
Friendless People
Easiest/most painless way to suicide?
Your age
Where can I get a cute femdom gf? I want one
Triple A games are a scam and cashgrab .And this is coming from somebody in the industry...
This PAWG serves her black king!
Femanons, how can I convince you to e-date me?
If I have to hide my emotions from women even when I'm dating them, is it even worth having a relationship?
Body Counts
Avatar/Pfp Thread
Don't buy VR
Reasons to date a cripple girl
Why not be a femboy Zig Forums?
What games have Zig Forums started playing recently?
Any anons know if sodium nitrite is painful way to commit suicide...
Reminder that Donald Trump supporters like Nick Fuentes and Laila Mickelwait killed Pornhub
Bugs will solve world hunger and global warming
/ssg/ - Secret Santa general LIX
Is it gay to be EMO in 2020 ?
Blackpilled about the future of civilization
Belle Delphine reveals how much she makes on onlyfans
Whats something that makes you happy?
Well, Zig Forums, how many?
Be muscular Zig Forums guy
Is it possible to live on jobs like janitor, fast food, cashier, etc? i have a hard time believing that you can't...
He would've been incel just like us
Thoughts on my hand, r9k? What type of person do you think this hand belongs to?
Pick a Witcher waifu and I'll judge your quality of man
Friend search thread
Emo/scene/goth are the peak of what a robot hopes to achieve
Another night of fantasizing what it's like to cuddle with a female and feel her warmth
How are you holding up, bros
What is your opinion on the increasing number of women posting on Zig Forums and Zig Forums in general?
Hell is a real place, and you are going there if you don't repent and change your ways
Who even fucks girls like these? I can't even imagine the chad who can manage to be selected by them
If he could afford a gun he could afford a hooker...
Does losing your virginity in mid 20's feel like waking up from a coma?
I can't leave my long distance bpd gf even after she deceived and lied to me...
Virgin thread
Using reason and logic, please explain how eating meat is morally acceptable
Is victim mentality a meme or is it an actual problem?
I want to slit my stupid fucking throat open and die. There is no hope and it never gets better. I want to die...
Why do normies try to argue with this...
If you wish to scroll past this thread
Is this really what men are like? It's so gross.....they are literally all coomers
/drugfeel/ You Can't Spell Heroin Without Hero Edition
Alcohol thread or whatever
Friendly reminder that this board doesn't belong to us anymore
Ive tried to find a robot bf here but its impossible
Imagine justifying someone being a whore
How do i get a blonde qt white e-bf ?
Why is Zig Forums full of antivaxxers?
Do you drink tea, user?
This is you.. right user? Come here it's a safe place
What do you robots think? Do you like?
Dress well
Women actually care about height and penis size? Or am I really just that detached from reality?
Just paid $70 for some sloppy head from this cute escort
Anny other BPD males here with stories to share?
Somehow an online gf
How long can you money manage?
My standards are unbelievably high and I don't know how to change that
Give me a greentext of your day pls & ty
Imagine working hard for more than 3000 years in order to create a functional and peaceful civilization where your...
No more homemade
Why is r9k so obsessed with this ugly boy?
Anyone one wanna be my friend? orginally
Roll for your wojakfu
Why are women so brutal?
/ssg/ - Secret Santa general LVIII
Why isn't being nice enough to get a nice gf?
Gwoup chwat :3
I was raped by two black men
Once Jenna settles down with a beta provider and has some kids, do you think they will find her puppy pics and videos?
Does anyone else here have a small penis?
Femanons tell us about your nemesis. that one fucking whore you hate with all of your life force and want to piss on
For the past few years I have been becoming gradually more evil and vindictive...
Pornhub removing over half of all videos
Am I wrong and weird for wanting to get pregnant and raise children...
What's your purpose in life? What's stopping you from backflipping off a building?
Why is this faggot has such disgusting, unhealthy, flaky cum?
Who won this debate?
Add foid from here
Was there a girl with huge tits in your class or at work? Tell me about her
Incels should just have sex with each other
Arthoes Taste
Arisa is here to collect her daily dose
Why are godchristfagtards so RETARDED
Feminism is good for humanity
Would you have sex with a black woman?
If you're uncut like a true chad, do you take proper care of your dick...
The *real* achievements of feminism in the US:
I get called a roastie pretty often here despite the fact I'm a 24yo virgin...
Why do women hate being feminine so much?
For those of you who have not had sex yet, which sex position looks the most appealing to you...
Do you guys think you can go from where you are now in life to having a wife and kids, a good job, and a house...
Fembot here
/r9gay/ #1231
I try my best to look pretty and workout everyday to get with an unattractive boy so that he will love me forever and...
Did Belle Delephine ruin her appeal by doing this?
Quints and everybody dies in their sleep tonight
How much money do you have rn
Ok since every incel hates me even though I'm a virgin like most of you guys (legit though...
What do yall think about SSRIs?
Is masculinity harmful to society?
Believe on Him
Add robots
Is it just me, or are the true robots finally gone from this site? They're here no longer...
Can anyone explaim this webm to me
You wake up as your teenage self. Everything is the same as when you were a teenager, and your memories stay intact...
What stops you from loving yourself?
I hate YouTube
How do i stop wanting a bf? I cant stop thinking about men and love. inb4 just get a real bf
Fembot Porn Preferences
Post your pfp robots
Why are you so short? Did your mom not feed you properly?
Rate my plan for meeting someone rich
Tell mom every time she hugs me that I don't want to be hugged
Tfw no sweet and wholesome bf who will cherish me as much as i do him
What is the worst thing anyone has ever said to you?
Why are guys so needy?
/ssg/ - Secret Santa general # 57
Fembots, what do you want your boyfriend to do to you? In and out of the bedroom
Youtube pedo hunters
Do you boys really want this?
Asian girl I'm friends with tells me she's buying a whip...
Went to a rape/sexual abuse support thing
Do you think women will ever get better or are they going to stay awful?
My therapist wants to put me into a mental hospital
Do all females deserve love?
White women thread
Get high and end up fucking my little brother's girlfriend
I have a real question for femanons
Why is happiness so unobtainable?
Femanon here...
What exactly is bpd
E boy has left me on read and i still cant get over it
You finally get a date with a femanon but she's getting bored. what do you do or say to impress her
Do I just fuck an escort already? Almost 30, still a virgin...
Should I start drinking alone?
Why do so many men have little pixie voices nowadays?
What was the saddest, most traumatic time in your life?
I just got kicked out of a lecture for yelling at everyone to stop bulliyng me
I'm a tranny, AMA
Sleep deprived
Day 6 of nofap
Change Your Life
Im a near homeless neet femanon...
I'm 5'4". Convince me that life is worth living
How am i supposed to get laid i am a triple amputee with no legs and one arm it's not fair
Fuck this board
Let's say you meet a girl, and she's the ideal girl that you've been dreaming about all your entire life
When you are born an ugly girl, nothing can compensate it
/ssg/ - Secret Santa general # 56
Letter Thread - Goodbye edition
Is it literally as simple as getting a chin implant?
Asexuals losing their virginity before us
Size doesn't matter bro, 5 inches it totally enough
If you were to make a video game what sort of game would you make?
Unveiling a secret R9K plot, HAPPENING GET IN HERE
How do you deal with the emptiness in you?
Having pity sex with a robot was the biggest mistake I've made...
There are anons with STDs posting right now
My circumcision
Robots with big cocks shall post their cocks in this thread
User, I'd love to be your girlfriend, but aren't you worried about what your friends on Zig Forums will think?
This is what it's like to have a daughter
Anyone else refuse to be a beta provider for a women...
Weekly Family Thread
Matchmaking thread
Everyone would be bi if guys looked like the ones in our cartoons
Moon is hanging low and its full every day
You become a genie
How to cope with the amount of evil in the world?
The world is amazing and being alive is a wonderful gift...
What are robot's thoughts on the death penalty?
Tranny Or Improover? Make Your Choice
Why do people hate WMAF so much?
Circumcision is better
Describing your future gf/bf
/ss/ - Secret Santa thread # 55
Zig Forums's Death Note
How the fuck can people play runescape...
Post cute cuddly images!
Close family member unexpectedly confesses romantic and sexual feelings for me
Try to do music: fail
Are any of you desperate enough to date a fat girl with 80 IQ points who just wants to stay at home, stuff herself...
They've gotten inside my mind. They are now able to perfectly replicate my personality, thoughts, and actions...
Are all women attention whores? every girl I've dated has talked to desperate single guys, even one who was a virgin...
Nobody deserves sex
Would you be okay with your wife not knowing how to cook...
/Rei/ General
Manlet hate thread
He converted so many right wingers into socialists
Why do you hate reddit?
I'd rather masturbate furiously to the thought of a fembot's healthy body than have real-life sex with a Stacy...
What do you think about 2000s? I think, that this was the golden age of the internet...
25+ and over
Why does dick smell so good?? I swear it's like a drug
Why not get an Enby gf, robots?
Should i commit suicide?
NET Life
Imagine sucking on your mom's tits while she jerks you off
Who else despises Christians? The most self righteous, hypocritical people I've ever met have been Christian
Well lads? What's your score?
By some miracle you get a gf
Femanon in prime child bearing years
I guess you were right all along R9K, I truly am a worthless woman, I can't have children
So how many of the "most popular" porn categories do you frequently fap to?
I am a B-list celebrity. I was in a very popular Broadway show before it was shut down due to the virus...
I never thought I could fall in love with an 18 year old zoomer as a 28 year old but I did
Embrace Your FEMININITY, anons. Abby Shapiro demands it
Would you date a girl with an innie?
I can't fucking do it anymore. Why do fucking roasties ruin everything? Everything has to return to them...
Try to answer questions
Femanons tell us how you give blowjobs and robots will tell you how to do it better...
Go on Zig Forums
I'm thinking of starting a discord for friend making and dating for socially awkward people...
/ss/ - Secret Santa thread # 54
Why haven't you taken the gaypill yet, user...
Uni is so damn overhyped it's not even funny
How do you actually get laid? where do you meet women?
Whats the most painless way to kill yourself...
/r9gay/ #1230
What's the main reason you're so hard on yourself?
I'm, um... kind of sad. I was married to a man for 8 years. I had an affair for those last two years...
Share your issues that parents caused you
R9k rooms
Tfw yelled at people in public again because i fucking hates couples
Why are men so into straight shota? It's weird...
Femanons you finally get the perfect bf, which position do you fuck him in first
Lazy art thread
Oh my God, it's all real isn't it? This is all really happening?
Were you ever molested as a child?
Just ordered her incel bros
Something inherently wrong with californians
Do Latina zoomers in the US like white guys at all?
Looks don't matter at all and you can manipulate any girl into being your gf
How common is this where you live?
Holy shit I love the Chinese now
Cheating at a children's game
/ss/ - Secret Santa thread # 53
I didn't have sex in 2 years
Why did you vote for trump?
Why do women get in so many relationships?
Being a rentie
Sure is a shame you guys don't date fat girls
OnlyFans Girl Makes $300,000 Per Month
Femanons have a fetish for all the angry smelly neets here, stop kidding yourself whore
She Only Wants Chad
Spent years on r9k as a khv incel. crying about no gf
Picrew Thread Time
Fembots, can you describe your emotions when a guy cums on your face?
/mbti/ thread
Hello does anyone here wanna be friends? friend thread
Best Friend is a Tranny Now
How are you preparing for the upcoming civil war?
You have to interact with people to find work
/Rei general/
/vocaroo thread/
Current year
Lonely men vs “lonely” women
NEET and Hikikomori General Thread
Why does inceldom and racism always go hand-in-hand?
I am sad no femanons want to be my e-gf
Seriously, who is this girl?
All non-white women are white supremacists
What would you do if this was your daughter and the video got sent to you?
I still love her bros
Hello, cunts. I have now achieved perfection
How do I get over my fear of talking to women?
In this thread, post your IQ
Do any of you lads do hard physical labor like the manly men of yore?
Fembot here, how do i loose 40 lbs in 1 month? i dont care about the dangers involved
Men who lust after children under the age of 25 should be castrated
Do women become more feminine
Is there a place for incels on Zig Forums? On every board, they are mocked, despised, and ridiculed...
/ss/ - Secret Santa thread # 52
Would you rather date a girl with big tits but a flat ass, or date a girl with a flat chest but a big ass?
How much are you set to inherit when your parents pass?
9 years trying to complete a philosopphy degree
Tell me about your medical issues
Which are you?
Ctrl-f no /drugfeel/
A-are femanons actually w-witches??
Women Hate Thread
Daddy Issues Thread
Finally found a male to let me study while listening to him breath. score. what was the highlight of your day?
I have 2 tabs of acid and no one to do it with. Should I just take both tabs? Never tripped before
I need help. I'm black but I like white girls
/r9gay/ - 1229
Believe on Him
Hey its me again. I made a thread this morning but no one really talked to me. gonna give it another try rn i guess...
I can't handle any kind of social interaction, without breaking down into tears
Anons music tastes
At how much wealth does an average/slightly above average guy become a complete pussy magnet and most sought after...
Fembot general
I want to join a gang. Where do I start?
FEMBOTS, please answer the following:
I've never had a single friend in my entire life, ever
Is this true? Do fat/thicc girls not like skinny guys?
People with BPD are the most abusive people in the world, but claim not to be so...
Tfw dicklet
Why dont women like to be informed?
Dating an underaged girl
How many femanons want to be a guys pet
Height thread
If Asuka was 3D she would look like this, but what about Rei?
I'm going to see an escort today
If you could go to jail for 8 months to get 30,000 dollars would you do it?
How does one go about acquiring "simps"
Gypsy Crusader is the hero we don't deserve but the hero we needed
Why do you suppose women are so deadset and people believing that the dating market is completely equal and not totally...
Every girl who browses this board is a pick-me girl...
Hire a hooker
Redflags for guys
Why are Americans so stupid? Is it the environment or genetics?
Do Americans hate this game because it hits too close to home for comfort?
Why can't normies empathize?
Gf has a few stuffed animals on her bed
Fembot Feels
What do you have to look forward to next year?
I'm importing a Russian titcow
What do NEETs do all day long?
Bros...They got me...the vtubers got me
Why do women allow trashy men in their lives?
I think my 1 friend doesnt want to be my friend anymore
Pedos ruin everything
I love how Incels pretend he was ugly just to maintain their retarded meme ideology
Why yall aint let him live?
Describing your future gf
This is your daughter. How do you react?
So i started dating a girl from my youth group that i knew about years ago. Shes easily a 10/10 in looks...
I feel so bad for being attracted to little girls. They are cute and I feel an intense desire to protect them...
Tfw no cute Japanese gf to hug in the snow
Is it a problem to girls if you shower once every 2 weeks?
Christcucks literally destroying themselves from the inside
Greentext thread
Post gender and fetishes to see what the opposite sex thinks
What is it like to be a Chad?
Do yourself!
Should i get a normal dildo or a vibrating dildo for double the price?
When did you realize that your penis will never enter a vagina?
You can travel back in time and change 1 thing but you only have 5 minutes todo so, what do you change
Self Harm/Depression/Dark Shit Thread
Which are you?
Women Hate Thread
Your goal should be to simply try your best, irrespective of failure or success. Even if you fail...
Robot General Thread
Kill bugs that come in my room because i genuinely cant sleep knowing bugs are in my room
Some people unironically don't shower every day
Are you a college student? What is your major?
Previously on Robot woos his oneitis
What are some thing a girl should do to take care of herself? like looksmaxxing and skincare etc
I finally realized that i don't need bf because the love i have for myself is the most important
Do you watch any youtubers, anons?
Which subreddit do you hate the most?
2021 - The Year of Girlfriend
Daily Laugh at Asian Penis Thread
Why are boys so weak nowadays? Especially in the west coast its pathetic...
Did he post here? I think so
Are you a NEET?
Tell stories from when you were a 14-16 year old boy
What would your occupation be as a post apocalyptic survivor on earth? How would you survive...
You know whats the worst part about being a loner...
The intoxicating smell of cock musk
Does Zig Forums listen to ASMR? If yes, who do you listen to?
Emo revival faggots
Are you autistic Zig Forums?
I dont understand where I went wrong. How am I supposed to have a normal conversation when girls never respond
Femanons and robros with an incest fetish!
Should I send this to my ex?
Is this feminist intellectual right? Should you ask for consent before sexting?
Vocaroo Thread
Weird fetish you can't act on
What would you do if your gf became skinnyfat? Not fat-fat, but just incredibly untoned and pudgy
You guys are always talking shit about girls being "not like other girls" but tell me...
What made you a racist?
Come on. Things won't get better posting here. Why not take a first step and help yourself? Get fit. get good advice...
Bein' pedo
There are femanons here who hump pillows
How can you sit and whine about not having a girlfriend or whatever when everyday you're being taken advantage of by...
Is Onlyfans Really that Popular?
/Rei/ General
Fembots, has a guy ever rejected your sexual advances?
How come so many trannies came here? Why?
Why do you unironically desire a virgin gf? What's so bad about her having a few sexual partners before you?
Go on omegle
Fembots and robots should get together!
Why is everyone here an anti drug faggot...
Marissa puts all other arthoes to shame, shes the hottest girl Ive ever seen
Anyone else here fucking hates BPD user, too?
/r9gay/ - 1228
Post the gayest image on your computer
Former NEETs and Depressed losers
Share the times your low self esteem stopped you from getting brutally humiliated
One shot at life
How does one cope with being a 5'9'' male, it's actually the worst thing
Comfy euro thread
Jews Always Win
/clg/ Cocklust General
Aren't you like the other girls?
This white PAWG serves her black king!
Do Americans...reaIly?
Creative r9k
Tfw no grad school dropout 30+ year old bf
Is getting a gf really this fucking hard? or am i just retarded?
Veganism and animal rights
I will not feel guilt for being white. I will not apologize
Self harm thread cause why the fuck not
Virginity loss thread?
Fembot survey/data mining thread
People are actually dying because of this shit and thats just bizzare to me
How come you can't find a single picture of Bill Gates wearing a mask?
This account has a million followers and a huge chunk of them are normal women with normal Twitter pages...
User, you really thought that I would hate you for having a small pp? I love it, it's cute
Life advisor here: AMA
Ugly girls get horny too guys.. :(
Describing your future gf
Vocaroo thread
Tfw no Aussie gf
Who won the debate between me and my manager at McDonald's
Tummy tummy
Post your Picrew and ill do a collage with it
Let's play the political bingo
Who /unemployed/ here? How can some robots even do 40 hour weeks without wanting to jump off a cliff...
My favorite color?
Do you think you'd be a good father?
What is your favorite anime to watch, Zig Forums? I need something new
Do you guys own guns? It's my only remaining enjoyable hobby
Bros, help. i had a hooker take a shit on my chest. what is this?
You can have one as a wife for life. Which is it, cunt?
Waifu General /waifu/
ITT: We pretend we're on a airplane
Is this what really satisfies women?
The cheese always knows
Its another femanon makes fun of you and your accent for being british episode
What in life is interesting to you now?
Do you enjoy this image?
My cat is 29 years old in human years. I'm 26
Do any fembots have cute pajamas? Would you wear these?
Femanons of r9k
I'm going to make Arisa with a penis in Cyberpunk. Thoughts?
BREAKING NEWS: /r/happas and /r/asianmasculinity discords
Tfw lonely fembots hump their pillows because they're horny
WTF is wrong with me, am I racist?
Fembot survey/data mining thread
/drugfeel/ heroin edition
Lol this is hilarious wow she got rekt
Letter thread: Regrets edition
Why do you crave abuse?
December 2020
Weird pornagraphy
/r9gay/ #1227
I will be 27 in two days
What is it you want from life, if you could have one OBJECT, what would you choose?
Name him
Any anons would like to talk about stuff? im feeling really lonely rn :(
Am I the only one that got a good experience with an r9k female?
This is the small peen size of Cyberpunk 2077
Femanon here
Another picrew thread faggots
Believe on Him
Just lost chess
People Who Say Lmao
Fembots, whats the craziest thing you did during your slutty phase?
Guys where is that British Fembot that posts on here and TikTok? Asking for a friend
I have never been this depressed in my life. I genuinely have no idea what to do...
That kid
Why were games better in 2005ish?
Rich wagie makes a bunch of money, like 40 an hour
Did you actually think I would hate you for having a tiny little pp user? It's cute!
Greentext story thread, anything goes
Do women honestly understand how easy they have it when it comes to sex/relationships
Describing your future gf
Femanons, are you willing to suffer to satisfy your boyfriend sexually?
Manga dump
Nobody on Zig Forums knows anything about anything
Wife is stripping
Red flags in men
Was fresco too real for normalfags to relate to?
Ideal female body type? What say you?
What hobbies are high IQ people into? What are their interests? What separates them from the midwits...
I bought instand noodles from a country other than korea and i'm afraid to try them...
Masturbation Makes You Docile
I want to heal a lonely user's touch starvation
How am I supposed to compete
Video games are the absolute worst loser habit you can have
Dear women: I resent you
I don't think loyal girls exist anymore
I just want a daddy bf who will be kind and faithful in return for my undying love and devotion...
How do you fap?
Strap your boots and grab your weapon user, we're going on an adventure
Anyone else disturbed by all the China hate? even like my liberal parents think china is some awful evil place...
Ask the magic 8-Ball anything
Would you be okay if your gf had slept with black guys in the past...
By some miracle you meet the girl of your dreams
So how many of the 'most popular' porn categories do you frequent?
To all of you incels considering computer science, daily reminder this is what women think of you:
What are your thoughts on cosmetic plastic surgery?
Any updates on Tahlia? Where is she now? Did she rope?
Picrew Thread: Heterosexual Normalfag Edition
Room/Battlestation thread - Early clapistan morning edition
Extreme anger
Does virginity matter in a long term relationship?
Being born a woman has to be the single worst blackpill there is. I might be a loser but holy shit it's not that bad
/drugfeel/ humpday edition
So user, what are your hobbies?
My age is 19 years and 89 days old
It can't get any worse
ITT: Ask a man who just ate pussy for the first time anything
Boyfriend is humming merrily while putting clothes in the washer
Have any fem-bots hit the wall? What does it feel like? Are you worried about your future? Depressed about your past?
Give me one good reason why you aren't lifting
Why is Christianity the only religion that people openly attack?
Sequel is harder than the previous game for no reason
Should every male take part in a competitive sport?
My favorite VTuber just got fucked on stream
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine