What does Zig Forums think of Billy Batson/Captain Marvel? What is his best story?

What does Zig Forums think of Billy Batson/Captain Marvel? What is his best story?

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>Billy Batson/Captain Marvel
C'mon OP, you already have a thread for that fetish.

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I like him and his mythos, I just wish he and his old continuity was treated better today. His best stories were mostly from the Golden Age, along with the Mary Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr. and the Marvel Family were pretty good stories along with the Monster Society of Evil arc. Those Golden Age stories are basically essential when trying to get in to Captain Marvel.


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Ignore him, it’s what shitposters do.

The last true Golden Age comic we got was Supreme.

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Definitely the embodiment of Golden age capeshit. He isn't always treated the best by editorial, but I love it him and his kin show up.

Alan Moore’s Supreme was the greatest Golden Age Superman comic that isn’t even from the Golden age nor has Superman in the lead.

He's a likable character with interesting mythology. But has constant changes and long periods of inconsistent use which damages his overall reception.

Also if they aren't going to call him Captain Marvel, call him Captain Thunder.

Post DC Buyout

Post Crisis
>>The Power of Shazam
>>Superman Shazam: First Thunder
>>Black Adam

Post Nu52
>>The Curse of Shazam
>>Convergence: Shazam

All Ages
>> Shazam: The Monster Society of Evil
>> Billy Bateson and the magic of Shazam

Interesting take but not great
>>Trials of Shazam

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What are these pages from?

Black Adam is from 52 #16
Mr. Mind is from Countdown #20

Thanks for the info user.

And that leads us to the current SHAZAM! run, with super boy prime.

I can’t wait for that showdown, it’s going to be Prime Time

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Thanks, I wanted to read something of him but didn't know where to start

Wait, what? The mad lads are actually going to put Superboy PRIME in a Shazam comic?

He's a cool guy.

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Is any of the Golden Age stuff collected?

Nope, dc attempted to collect The Monster Society of Evil last year but there was some racial caricatures in it that would’ve been problematic

Praise be to Cereal Lord for that

I remember that. Such crap

I always liked his interactions with Superman like in pic-related.

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That’s the greatest fucking shame, they could’ve easily included a disclaimer that states the racist caricatures and how it’s wrong. But of course, DC are an bunch of pansies.

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he's gonna have to mow through the monster society first, i guess.

Honestly if Looney Tunes could do that it should be a no brainer for DC, but I do get their hesitation as at the time the movie was just coming out and they didn’t want to risk hurting the brand

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i see mister mind shazam in the corner, so i assume the mopped the floor with the monster society.

You say that like it'd be a problem for him.

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In retrospect it really doesn't make much sense for Superman to be pissed at Shazam for putting Billy in danger yet be totally okay with Batman and all his Robins.

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I love this moment and really want this story to get adapted into a movie but it seems like it would be impossible to film due to the connotation

Some of it was collected in Archives but not all of it.

All of it used to be up on the public domain sites until last year, when it turned out that only a portion of the comics were public domain. That said the number of them up on PD sites is still more than DC collected in HC and TPBs, anyway.

Why did they make the wizard look like Saruman?

To be fare, Supes just saw a grown man crying over the body of a dead kid and was like WTF so I could see him being pissed

They were supposed to collect it in 2009 and cancelled it then too.
If they won't grow a pair they should just licence reprints of the Golden Age stuff to Fantagraphics to keep their hands clean.

Clark Kent is a sexual predator.

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Supes tends to do that a lot with kids

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Yeah, it got canceled around that time because of a changeover in management (Levitz was leaving, Didio, Johns, and Lee were getting new positions, Diane Nelson became President of DC entertainment, New 52 was going to eventually start).

I feel like that's the entry level opinion of him that normies think is "smart". They don't get that Superman as a concept is interesting and his best stories aren't about "WILL HE DEFEAT THE BAD GUY?" Superman's best stories are more complex than that.

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DCs Trades department is honestly shit

I don’t get where that came from, all I said was I could see Supes being pissed at the Wizard because the whole situation was messed up

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I completely agree. It also doesn't help that ever since the 80s, a lot fo people have this approach of "Everything has to have this realistic feel to it" and it almost single handedly ruined the comic industry. Some people still haven't grown out of that sadly

Didn't mean to imply that about you. I guess it was just a random thought I happened to have.

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Honestly I thought I misspoke and that’s what brought that on, but I do agree that people only have a surface level understanding and just think of Supes as the strong guy when he’s actually extremely intelligent


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Shazam is a cool guy who hardly ever gets used enough (or well).
Captain Marvel is a pretty controversial Avenger, but then again almost all of them have been dicks at one point or another. Nice Guy status is not an Avengers prerequisite to be sure.

Holy Kek.

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I honestly would love to see a SHAZAM! Animated series in the style of the movies end credits that shit was great

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Cap is my all time favorite. Just something about the power fantasy of a boy turning into a hero and the magical pulp of his adventures are awesome. That said I hate nu-shazam with his lame ass costume and Zach Levi is not him. Should have been Patrick Warburton in the 90s or something.

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I saw pic-related and I know modern WoW is pretty shitty but I still loved this animation. The way Sylvanas changes facial expressions so quick is fucking great.

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Said this in another thread recently but I feel a similar way about how it's such a lost opportunity they didn't make the Beauty and the Beast live action remake in the 80's/90's with Bruce Campbell playing Gaston.

If they did that I would have actually seen the movie.

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He would’ve been great but Levi was fantastic as CM

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While I dont really care for Hector or Eugene, Darla has been the best addition to the family

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Frankly I just think the characterization was off. Billy and Cap were two different characters. Billy was an ass and Cap was a child. I like it when Billy is a good kid and Cap is a goofy adult.
Levi has the chops. I think he could do a great job if the script was better. If I was to nitpick you could tell he was skinny under the suit, just because his neck was so small.
Back to Pat Warburton, he's got an iconic voice and even has the squinty eyes (which i always thought was a very important part of Caps design.)

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Too much money to digitally de-age him, given how little Shazam grosses.
Would have been better as an animated series or even a television/streaming show.
Especially if they used a more classic Shazam instead of Johns inferior version.

Well if we ever get that Kingdom Come movie with Routh as Supes maybe they’ll cast Warburten

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>Kingdom Come movie with Routh as Supes
Absolutely 0% chance.
The budgetary requirements alone would prevent them from using a has-been like Routh.

user he’s no has been, Aside from Shipp and Cryer Routh was the best part of Crisis

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Can anyone rec me like a few episodes of the event that are good? I liked season one of Flash but fell off bad when it got bad.

Yeah that episode made me more pissed off at Bryan Singer for wasting him, Routh seemed way more convincing as Superman in the Crisis episodes.

He and Warburton are tv actors.
A Kingdom Come movie would have a bigger budget than Endgame.

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I mean for the most part there are scenes in it that are great like stuff with Cryer Lex, Routhman, Shipps 90s Flash and Black Lightning and Flash being bros

I would say the strongest episodes are The Flash and Legends episode with the Black Lightning tie in episode being fantastic

Is the black lightning show any good? I always liked black vulcan in super friends.

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It's neat little things like this that make Captain Marvel so fun

I love this pic. Everyone inspired by Cap. Great

Golden Age? Supreme feels more Silver Age to me. Golden Age was the guy who could only leap and who fought the mob, corrupt politicians, and the occasional Nazi. Silver Age was the crazy bullshit era of multi colored Kryptonite and Bottled Cities and what not.

It's still a love letter to what makes comics fun and enjoyable for so many

There is a collection, just not by DC and using shitty, shitty scans. Also it's out of print.

And it's still Silver Age.

So he said the era wrong. Not that big of a deal

I never claimed it was a big deal. You don't need to get offended just because you're wrong.

>But the millions of other cape kids and teens are okay though lol

It’s more of a blend of Golden age and Silver age Superman. I say it balances those time periods quite well, while homaging what made them great to begin with.

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I love the Fawcett comics. Monster Society is still amazing. The exercise in imagination is incredible, and fuck DC for not printing it.

I wasn't the one who said it. I think this user said it best

I'm very confused about what is supposed to be happening in these?

Edits about Carol because why not.


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Pretty enjoyable. His movie was neat too. Sivana and Mr Mind are based

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You can always count on Alex Ross for quality art

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Who’s the artist that did this piece?

Couldn’t tell you, I grabbed it from a previous Captain Marvel Thread

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Not sure if this is true or not but Shazam might be getting a 100 Page Giant

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It is, just check Doc Shaners Twitter, apparently work was done for it like a year ago

Well, that’s a shame.

Billy turning into Captain Marvel.

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Not gonna lie, I really enjoy this artists powergirl

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Who are the two gay iceskaters next to prime in the left?

Also 8man sounds a little to separated to really be inspired by Captain Marvel.

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Thanks for the link user.

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It looks like Phil Hester and Nick Filardi were involved

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I love that scene where Marvel is in tears because he has to break up with Stargirl and Jay Garrick is like but aren't you in your late 20s, she's only 14, etc. Really great story idea and character conflict.

Captain marvel is one of my fauvorite characters I love his Paul Dini stuff with alex ross, also that jeff parker issues, even the grant morrison issue, and the geoff johns stuff. Also a bit from all that pre-darkseid war stuff

The whole thing was so bittersweet and cemented the ship in my head

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I think he's pretty based

The one thing that I’m not a fan of in current continuity is how Mary and Billy aren’t actually related

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Could you post it

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On one hand, I don't like that, on the other hand I'm starting to wonder if they did that to make their version of Captain Marvel legally distinct since the first appearances of Billy, Mary, and Freddy appear to still be PD.

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I miss his cool classic cape, not the lame Shazam one.

Wow the JSA are sure cunts.

Thanks user

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Won't there be two of them, if he do that, though?

At some point Shazam and Star Girl are going to notice the big crowd of men in leather flying on manhole arguing about who is hogging all the pop corn.

I like when he bought a talking ape.

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Would it be more racist or less racist to just label that character as an ape-man and not a african amarican human?


I love that DC have a fan artist an offical job on the Shazam book

I know right, although I wish she did more than 2 back ups, I honestly wouldn’t mind an all ages Shazam Manga by her

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He's wonderful and fun, with a colorful and entertaining rouges gallery but sadly any attempt to discuss him online brings out the mentally I'll such as

Trials of Shazam is the only comic of his life read .... for the life of me I dont know what prompted me to start there but it was alright

This bits fantastic, it's so sad and earnest and ends on a good note, I love it

Supes has always suffered from being quick to jump when he's emotional. The circumstances of how he found out about Billy are a big part of his reaction, keep in mind that there are almost no men alive who Clark respects more than Bruce and has full confidence in his ability to train and protect Robin to the best of any ones ability. On the flipside Supes doesnt really like or trust sorcerers to begin with and certainly doesnt know the Wizard Shazam from the next magic lord of nonsense

>Supes doesnt really like or trust sorcerers to begin with

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Carol fags are nearly as bad as Goku fags

I’m not a fan of the Injustice stuff but I do love the idea of Supes having to grab Billy from School for JL buisness

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Levi may not have bee the best choice but he was still a damn good choice, that movie was fun as hell

By far. I dont care what happens with the modern shazamily but I want Darla to stick around, tho I guess if they get rid of her we can get classic Mary back.... either is fine

This. Crisis changed most peoples opinions of Routh Superman, folks were underwhelmed by him before but folks love him in that role now

Its aight, nothing amazing but I enjoyed the episodes I saw

Some retards constantly trying to push his fetish

I would have never thought of that that way.

That's a good page

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it was the beggining of one of the worst eras for the character, it brought the depowering of Billy, Freddy doing nothing with the title, Black Mary (which i know some people defend cause of the design but her character was awfully written during that time), the only one who stayed with decent stories during that time was Black Adam and even then they screwed him hard at the end in a story that was never finished.
I know new 52 shazam is really divisive around here, but if anyone tell you it wasn't an improvement over that state in which the character where before flashpoint they are outright lying to you.

I think Darla is the one they may keep around considering she was used in other media (like the Justice League animated movie) and seems the most popular of the three new characters. But I gotta know, is Johns or whoever going to reveal she has an Uncle? Cause it's obvious her name comes from Uncle Dudley/Uncle Marvel from the old comics.

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Well her name is literally Darla Dudley so maybe at some point

This, The only character that was actually good post IC was Black Adam.

I will say I do enjoy Trials as a fun story with a unique take of having to earn the name but that’s about it

>Mary isn't Billy's sister anymore
There goes all the fun of shipping them together

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His movie was the best in the DCEU.

....really? You think a group of Superheroes who are supposed to represent the best among us should just be totally fine with having a pedophile on the team?

Way fucking more

Srsly supes is right, most magic users are amoral trash

They literally wanted to beat up Billy because he refuses to talk. Not Billy in his Captain Marvel form but Billy in his mortal form.

Way's to improve on the current status quo
>Mary switches her costume color to white
>Freddy dyes his hair black and get's the Elvis style.

Next reboot
>Decentralize the kids. The Brady Bunch set up where they all have superman level powers and live under the same roof is too crowded. Make them more like a group of kids that hang out together
>Additionally, consider having Pedro, Eugene and Darla as reserves who don't have powers full time, only in emergencies.
>Make Billy and Mary long lost twins again
>Get rid of Philadelphia as their setting and bring back Fawcett City. I like the DC universe heroes having fictional cities instead of real ones as the heroes settings.

>Get rid of Philadelphia as their setting and bring back Fawcett City. I like the DC universe heroes having fictional cities instead of real ones as the heroes settings.

As a Philadelphian I love having Shazam as the city’s hero and want that to continue

Or if it does change put Fawcett close to Philadelphia on the map

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>I like the DC universe heroes having fictional cities instead of real ones as the heroes settings.
Same, I was really hoping Seattle would become Star City permanently in the Green Arrow book, but it just went back to Seattle at the end, even though pretty much everyone was already referring to it as Star City.

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Who knows what Johns is planning to do with the Shazam book.

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I hate Injustice but even I can admit that's its filled with fantastic little moments

I hear what your saying but I've literally not read any of the stuff you're complaining about. The Trials of Shazam is the only thing I've read from that era that really focused on Billy/Shazam/Captain Marvel so none of those other things can color my opinion on it. And by itself I thought it was alright, didn't hate it, didn't love it. Tawny gets some good moments tho which I appreciate

>>Mary isn't Billy's sister anymore
>There goes all the fun of shipping them together
Mary was never Billy's sister but once. It happened in the 90's Graphic Novel and no one else.
Stop trying to casualize this thread.
The Carolposters and the CaptainMarvelNamefags are already a problem, we don't need another one

That's just WildCat being a rough bastard like he always is

Mary classic has the marvel powers because she's his secret twin so she technically got the powers when he did but she didn't realize it until later when she was in danger.

user in most incarnations they are blood related siblings

Besides it's always been half and half split between made up cities and real ones. Wondie's had Washington and
... I wanna say Chicago in post crisis era? And J'onn and Cyborg operate in normal cities in all the solo stuff I've read

Wrong. They were always biological siblings. The difference is that in the golden age/pre crisis Earth S they were separated at birth and in the post crisis continuity billy was old enough to remember her. You're the casual.

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So what is the current deal between Star Girl and Captain Marvel currently?


I also Wondy was based out of Boston for a while post crisis(and she's moved back there recently), before relocating to Gateway City, and then to New York to be closer to the UN.

It's just my personal preference for fictional cities and settings.


>Mary classic has the marvel powers because she's his secret twin so she technically got the powers when he did but she didn't realize it until later when she was in danger.
Classic Mary Marvel had the power of Selene, Hippolyta, Ariadne, Artemis, Zephyrus, Aphrodite and Minerva. It wasn't the same Shazam.
>user in most incarnations they are blood related siblings
1 incarnation isn't enough
It's what I said, she was Billy's TWIN. Not his sister

They had a moment together in doomsday clock.

Maybe we'll get more interaction when Johns finally gets to that JSA guest appearance in Shazam he mentioned was coming up.

Um, If you have a twin sister, she's still your biological sister, even if you weren't raised together.

>Billy's TWIN. Not his sister

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>Mary switches her costume color to white
Can we have a fucking thread where someone doesn't says MUH WHITE COSTUME as if it was supposed to be Mary's real dress?

His only stories were from the Golden Age. National/DC didn't own Shazam back then. Didn't buy him until a decade after Marvel Comics debuted their own Captain Marvel, and they'd been calling themselves Marvel Comics for what 15 years by then? After "Marvel Mystery Comics", the first title their company put out as Martin Goodman's Timely Comics back in October 1939, well ahead of "Captain Marvel" 's first appearance in Fawcett's Whiz Comics #2 the following February.

And of course who could forget that Goodman's "Marvel Mystery Comics" was a re-use of the 1938 Postal Comics (also owned by Goodman) title "Marvel Science Stories".

But yeah because National turned Billy into a rent boy in 1973 on bad legal advice let's keep calling their turd "Captain Marvel". You know why they finally bought him in 1977? Because they were rebranding as DC Comics that year and needed characters with greater name recognition in other media to keep them afloat ahead of the DC Implosion the following year (not that they really seem to have understood that it was coming, but the Shazam! live-action show was still running - it was always called Shazam!, even in the 1974 pilot, because they've never had the right to the name Captain Marvel and they know that). And at the time, Batman's rights in other media were owned by four separate companies, Superman's rights had been fully owned by the Salkinds for about a decade and their promised movie was still not moving along and sounded like crap, and Wonder Woman was already being retooled for the second time (third if you count the pilot). Oh and they were selling about 1/3 of what Marvel were selling at the time.

There most recent Interaction was in Doomsday Clock

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>she was Billy's TWIN. Not his sister
How many brain aneurysms you trying to cause here, user?

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Nobody here gives a crap about Marvel having dibs on the trademark for "Captain Marvel" or their squatting on the name by publishing oneshots for Monica intermittently for couple decades or their pushing a desexualized carol for a decade now.

The only thing them having the trademark means is DC had to call his book something else. Either Power of Shazam or Whiz comics would have been good titles.

They didn't need to and shouldn't had given up and kept calling him Captain Marvel.

Or at least put in fight for Mary Marvel.

That's funny, because Alan Moore was ripping off Silver Age Superman.

Wow, Superman still being a self-righteous annoying hypocrite huh? Never change, man.

>>Whiz Comics
Make it an Anthology Title and I’m down

Is it only Captain Marvel, Mary Marvel and Captain Marvel Jr in the public domain?
We can always hope someone with some passion for the classics want to try some new stories as fan comics.

Weak trolling mate

>They didn't need to and shouldn't had given up and kept calling him Captain Marvel.
But then you'd be reminding your readers every issue that they could be reading a superior character made by your chief rival.

Attached: smug captain marvel.png (548x543, 357.39K)

You mean the REAL Captain Marvel?

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Based. Who drew this?

shit bait aside, she isn't even smug in that image

The only good thing making her "Captain" did was opening the door for TG Billy-Carol stuff. And even then it's improved by using sexy versions of Carol.

At least we can agree that TG Billy-Carol stuff is good, user.

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Doc Shaner

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>They didn't need to and shouldn't had given up and kept calling him Captain Marvel.
Yeah, it's not like they can't use the name anymore.

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>lel there's a whole group of teenagers that do this all the time that have a collective 10% of Captain Marvel's power
If anything, it's less a Superman problem and more a writer/reader problem. It's not deep or cool, it's stupid and makes Supes look like an idiot.

Thanks. Doc Shaner art is always a treat.

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My bad, I think that is Michael Cho. THIS is definietly Shaner.

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fucking grow up.
Things changes.
Was I angry when they changed Spider-Man's origins into being a choosen one?
Yes I was, then I just realized that revamps are supposed to happen and I just said "let's see if it's kino or not" and it was kino

I for one don't really care as much as other people do, but I do think it was an unnecessary change.

Not that user but he’s not saying anything about change, the user was saying that they can still use the name since they’ve referenced it a few times in the current run

The Other wasn't actually that bad.

OMD on the other hand is unforgivable in it's moral offensiveness. To this day I hold by my decission to not support Spider-man unless it's reversed.


Attached: Mister-Minds-LEGO-DC-Shazam-Magic-and-Monsters.jpg (503x623, 27.47K)

Booster Gold is the most powerful hero in DC. Its not even a debate. While Mister Mind was rewriting reality on a mulitverse scale, heroes like Superman, Green Lanterns, and etc were too busy getting retconned. It was Booster Gold who saved their asses by defeating Mister Mind.

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I don't usually watch LEGO films, but I'm tempted to watch this one.

I’m actually hyped for this, the Flash and Aquaman ones were genuinely fun

I like a mix of both, if all the real world cities exist on the DC earth then they should make use of them from time to time, thatvwayvthe fictional cities feel as naturally a part of that world as all the others

I’m just glad they’re not all based in NY

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Go back to your containment thread

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Can you kindly fuck off?

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I always wished that there would be a mini-series of teamups with shazam with the mind of Billy instead of the 2nd personality. I think it would be fun similar to marvels Ultimate team-up miniseries with a bunch of ultimate spider team ups. I just wish Shazam had more presence in team comics. Way back when I was looking for more stories involving him it felt like there was more black adam than shazam.

few things in comics will ever be as funny to me as Marvel being trapped in this endless cycle of releasing comic after under performing comic, often at a financial loss to themselves, out of a fear of Billy regaining the name

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low level

Nu-Marvel's too cowardly to pin their name on a black chick

she looks like she's about to go cross eyed and start drooling

>28. CAPTAIN MARVEL #16 (MARVEL) - 43,734 [22]
>78. SHAZAM #11 (DC) - 22,976 [73]

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I hope you both get hit by a bus

user without context it looks like your making shit up, if your going to Troll try to at least do it well

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The following are still up on the public domain sites (since WB was the one who told them to take the non-PD ones down, they likely checked to see if they still had copyrights on anything):

Captain Marvel Adventures #1, 2, 7-45, 130, 142
Captain Marvel Jr #1-28, 107, 118
Whiz Comics #2, 7-63, 99-104, 119-129, 154
Wow Comics #1-35
Master Comics #1, 2, 4, 7-60, 127, 133
America's Greatest Comics #1-8
Marvel Family #4, 81
Fawcett's Funny Animals #1-30, 81-83
Nickle Comics #1-8

There's other Fawcett comics that are believed PD, too. I only named the major ones. You'll have to crosscheck Comic Book Plus and Digital Comic Museum with the PD Superheroes wiki's Fawcett section to see which characters appeared in what, and if the wiki forgot to add anything.

The characters whose first appearances are in that list are:
Captain Marvel
Mary Marvel
Captain Marvel Jr
Shazam (the wizard)
Uncle Dudley/Uncle Marvel
Lieutenant Marvels
Bulletman and Bulletgirl
Mister Mind
Captain Nazi
Mr. Banjo

And probably some others I don't remember. The downside is though, some aren't public domain. Black Adam, Tawky Tawny, Mr. Atom, and King Kull are ones whose first appearances turned out to actually still be copyrighted for now.

disregarded for having bad opinions

Inspite of being in the golden age, Captain Marvel was ahead of his time, and was the inspiration for silver age Superman.

You could've said Tom Strong, who was a golden age adventurer.

Tom Strong's more of a pulp adventurer, his origin has parts of Tarzan and Doc Savage in it.

Attached: captain marvel recs.png (831x900, 515.58K)

Why do you want Billy to be a even more manly man than like he was already?
Why making him Captain Manvers?

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>but I do think it was an unnecessary change.
You know what else was an unnecessary change?
Make Batman's gloves less dark than his golden age counterpart.
Calling Billy Batson's hero form "Shazam" is a good change that makes you know he is a new character since DC owns the SHAZAM and not the Captain Marvel name.
>since they’ve referenced it a few times in the current run
you also think Morrison referencing the silver age powers of the Green Lanterns will somehow makes it canon to the fact it hasn't been canon for decades?
one you'll grow up to.
or don't. And live in your childhood memories forever

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user you need to chill, let people have there preferences as long as their not being assholes about it it’s fine

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Good enough.

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user Carol isn’t even the best version of Carol

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I see they follow the old Chandler Bing school of thought.

What is this Japanese way of thinking?

Red is her original look, but with this new Power Ranger inspired look having two reds just doesn't work.

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So let me get this straight... Zig Forumsfags

>love the superman rip off that's underage and good
>hate the superman rip off that's underage and evil

There's a reason why Zig Forums is the most despised board in all of Zig Forums. You cannot see your own hypocrisy and ignorance.

PS... get fucked, you retards!

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The milk truck have arrive

>white women
yeah no thanks

Have you not been here long? People love Prime

all throughout rebirth people were hoping he was the non powered Clark running around

You know I just realized something, Prime was locked away in That rock of eternity prison in a very similar way to how Oz had locked up Mxy, I wonder if Johns initially wanted it to be prime

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based and redpilled

I’m honestly really sad we’ll never get to see more than promo art of whatever Monkey Punch and DC were planning

>user you need to chill, let people have there preferences as long as their not being assholes about it it’s fine
They have been assholes about the name change since 2011.
So it's self defense

>Red is her original look, but with this new Power Ranger inspired look having two reds just doesn't work.
in the original they were all reds but Freddy was blue

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I love that Sen actually got to appear in the official comic. I had no idea it was happening, so when I flipped to that page it made for quite the nice surprise.

The good news is that now that Congress seems to have let the Mickey Mouse Protection Act lapse, the onwards march of time should put most of the Fawcett works in the public domain within two and a half decades (unless there's a copyright intricacy which I'm missing).

The delays really killed Shazam. Did we ever find out what snarled up the production to that extent?

But those posts weren’t you were the one being the jerk about it not them

I don't think any of the Shazamily are going anywhere, especially now that the film was a reasonable success & will have cemented them as part of the Shazam "brand" in the public consciousness.

I like the red, but he's right. Unless they want to continue emphasizing how Mary is actually related to him by blood (is she in Nu52 now? I'm a few issues behind) they should go to the white costume so she stands out a bit more in the group.

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Why would you fuck up such great art for such a shitty meme