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Other urls found in this thread:

Welcome to our board, my fellow greenskins.

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Cue the boss music

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those bastards need their own miniseries

Not so fast, foul mushroom xenos!

How much Dakka is enough?

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Fuck Ragnar, it should've been Yarrick

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Celebrimor, grab The New Ring


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>tfw no animatrix styled anthology series with different artists working on different stories within the dark future

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Why don't you shove your references to Fuck Tolkien: the Game all the way up your fucking ass, faggot?


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God damn I need that


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I unironically think he would do them good

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He has the mentality for guns, explosions, and gratuitous violence, so it makes sense for the Orks. I’m not sure about the cheeky Britain humor of the Orks tho.

Well, who would be the best artists/studios to recruit for it? And which will do the "Second Renaissance" styled origin story for the Horus Heresy?

>imagine gw shilling anything but Primaris
Another faction suffers due to furries

Studio La Chacette or Studio Madhouse, maybe Bones or Titmouse Studios.

But I thought Orcs are now cancelled because they are racist?

Not 40k orks, DnD orcs and Tolkein orcs the ones that are racists

Its specifically D&D Orcs that are being "cancelled" but all the boyz gotta gather up cuz we like greenskin badasses. But anyway D&D has always been under fire, been accused of worshiping Satan and now being racist, I'm sure they're immune to bullshit now

The only good orc is a dead orc. Death to all knife ears

>not sure about the cheeky Britain humor
Yeah, at the most he'd find the accents funny, but I still think an Ork production by him would be fun

Why doesn't GW put out good comics anymore?

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Wtf based

Because they still haven’t collected the stories from Warhammer Monthly, those soggy bastards.

You talking about Orcs or Elves?



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Surprise bitch

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ORKZ land on the last Zig Forums related media you saw, what happens?

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Fook off ya overgrown fungus

Warhammer orcs are soccer hooligans not blacks so it's fine

Oh so they're Everton fans

By the Omnissiah, you go into your sleep cycle for 6 hours and suddenly your board has a fungal infection. Welp, better call in the Centurio Ordinatus.

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>Poncy Eldar, eh? Well, I guess dis might count as an ambush. Limber up at least, boys. Don't strain yer'selves.

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>Enuff dakka
>That unobtainable standard we must ever reach for

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>Landing (crashing)

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So we can all agree space marines have no dick but what about Orks they don't reproduce sexually so they have no need for an extra physical weakness

"Giblies" are occasionally referenced.

I don't know how cannon it is but I belive in DOW2 an ork says something along the lines of
>Its gon' be a long trip, you boyz better pee before we go
so they at the minimum pee, at least in that games canon anyway. Whether that means they have a dick or not is still up for debate though

>Its gon' be a long trip, you boyz better pee before we go
That reminds me of a really terrible short story i wrote about Abbadon the Despoiler.
The joke was that his legions acted like his kids and had to be strapped into car seats on their Space Hills and it ended with a Creed joke.
The forum I posted it to no longer exists, thankfully.

Now you've got me thinking Guy Ritchie should make it.
>you gotta take the rings off before you feed em to the squigs, gives em a bad stomach it does
>just kidding, squigs eat everything


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What I wouldn't give for a Deff Skwadron animated series.

How are the orcs still a thing when the other races are so fucking crazy?
Is it just the amount of orcs that keeps them alive?

Why is /tg/ the best board on Zig Forums and not only? they're the best DnD groups out there. Any other DnD/rp/writer group is abysmal.

Orks are actually fucking terrifying in the setting. Big enough WAAGHS can produce Orks that are almost as big, if not bigger, and stronger than Space Marines, and whose gleeful attitudes towards war makes them kill their opponents in the most brutal ways imaginable. They have the numbers and the firepower to bring entire Hive Worlds to knee and at the height of their power almost achieved what Chaos couldn't, destroy the Imperium.

They reproduce via fungal spores which release when they die. Also they’re tough and can make weapons and vehicles out of scrap.

wut da zog iz da larst ouf uz?

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I love how Ork tech just works because they believe it does.

You forgot they are incredibly resilient and self-healing. They can literally stitch an ork's head into a different ork's body with fucking gum and he will stand up in a matter of hours... just a headache and some teef missing but he's a-okay.

Here, have this

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Sing you gitz

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>Remove squigs from tender areas
>Lore states that squigs are bred in latrines leading to the occasional incident.

There was probably a discussion about this but How would the 40K universe react to Ben Tennyson?
This isn't about powerlevel wank but more about a story standpoint.
The Mechanicus and Imperium would probably see a dude using a magic watch and turning into Xenos as extremely heretical fuckery.
The Orks would want to fight him all the time, Ben could probably blend in with several of his aliens as long as he paints himself green, Just imagine Rath or Jury Rigg infiltrating the Orcs
The Tyranids would want to eat him for all that sweet sweet genetic material the Omnitrix holds

Orks are basically war loving brits that somehow can or never will be obliterated completely, and that’s why I love those green gitz.

>Orks are basically war loving brits
Why repeat yourself?

Asterix: The Mansions of the Gods.

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Because there might be some brits here.

We need a 'We da numa one" version
>Are you real orky?!
>Nah, not really
>'ave you ever put a bigwig to your bosspole like a commissar?
>Nah *grots shaking head*
>'ave you every looted a Baneblade?
>Nah, nah *furious headshaking*
>Olright! I see it iz up to me to tech you gitz 'ow to be ORKY!

What was the sphere at the end of Astartes? My brother thinks it is something to do with the Necron and I think it has something to do with the Ctan.

Probably Ctan but I want Dark Age Tech.

you know what? good for them, this place is a fucking dump

paint some red on it and make it go somewhere

Primaris still haven't get their plane

Go read Deff Skwadron ya git

Forgot the picture

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I'm pretty sure even peak human tech wasn't that eldritch in nature.

The Warhammer galaxy is big, and considering it was an original astartes chapter vs. some original enemies (the psykers), then the guy could have made up his own thing.
That said, the sphere looked like they could have been made of living metal like the Necrons, so them bring C'tan related is possible. On the other hand, the golden man statue they walked past might have something to do with the Men of Iron/Gold, though that's a bit far fetched.


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I love baalbuddy

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It was confirmed by the creator as an artifact from an original minor xenos race, just like how the chapter, evil psykers etc are OCs.

I can hear him


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Doomguy would be too busy destroying Chaos to bother with the Orks

Baalbuddy seems like a funny fellow.


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Follow up it seems

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Back to the subject at hand

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Peak comedy right here lads. But for real though, it made me chuckle quite a bit.

That's all I got orc related.

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Thank you my fellow user.

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He was the one that brought us "no way fag" btw

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>no way fag
I thought that was Plague of Gripes?

Chestlets, when will they learn.

Huh, I did not know that Baal was such a legend.

It's generally agreed upon by the civilized races that if the Orks were to ever truly unite they would wash away all opposition. Luckily they're as enthusiastic about killing each other as they are about killing others

That's right, I'm wrong


It is plaugeofgripes, sorry for the lies.
Although I find the follow up much funnier.

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What defense do Orks have against biological warfare? I get that the Old Ones probably gave them the best immune system in existence, but still. All you have to do is find that one perfect virus and BAM, you've destroyed every aspect of Orky ecology and industry. Furthermore, I don't think their duct tape and dreams centric technology would fair well against an invisible threat like a virus.

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Okay this is actually funny, but why did you fumble your words and lie about this?

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>Orkus negra

I hadn't seen it in a while and the styles were similar enough.
Have my favorite Baal as recompense.

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>a succubus with a good lawyer
That is the scariest thing I've imagined since I saw the last episode of Primal.

If it would have worked they'd have tried it by now is all I can say on that matter

Gork and Mork beat up Nurgle so now Orks can't get sick anymore

>Orks believe that shit ain't gonna get them sick
>Reality bends itself around so they can't get sick

It's like you know nothing about 40k.

>big titty darkelf gf

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I think in the octavia war the nids amd the ork spores were fighting on a macroscopic level. Orks are more tham just the bodies of Orks, they're an entire ecosystem focused on war.

Their "it works because I think it would work" powers doesn't extend beyond the metal boxes of scrap they call technology. If it did then it would allow them to win every single engagement 100% of the time just because they think they can take that well fortified hill or destroy that baneblade with a headbutt. It would no more work against a virus than it would against a laz beam or an exterminatus.

I think the GW writers have just successfully avoided every engagement between a Nurgle daemon and Ork? I'm not too deep in the lore myself, but I think its best to assume they'd react like a human would to sickness, coughing sneezing and all that jazz

their ungodly immune system would krump the virus
if the virus DID kill them chances are the spores are gonna spread anyway birthing new orks
orks are sturdy bunch of motherfuckers who can survive a lot of shit

if you want to put orks infestations away you should always have a flamer on hand

The fungas that create the Orks would recognize the problem and start creating orks and fungi thay are immune to it.

Yes, that's what immune systems do. The problem is that any immune system is not truly perfect, just like how any antivirus software or tank armor isn't perfect. There is always a backdoor to exploit. That's why pathogens still exist despite every organism having an immune system.

>It's a Ben accidentally wakes up the Necrons episode
Just imagine what an upgraded Mechanicus could do.

His art works good for these short comics with a joke

Less so with porn

Will you fight for her?

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When did Earth-chan get oppai?

I like to imagine they have balls but no dick. It's in this sack where all the spores are held and upon death it explodes, sending the spores in all directions.

God I love them.

NYAAH! Fuk u ORKS! ti's a night Goblin board!

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t. Whitestrake Pelinal

fucking elitist ORKS! always shitting on the Goblins. The Night is ours!

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Shut your mouf and git in the gun

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Are Uruk-Hai welcome?

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I miss the Chris meme

Wez tired of your shit, ORKS! either you give us the Night or were forming a union.

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Alright, that's a whippin

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AHH You fokken smelly willies! One a these days you'll find your gear not-maintained and your choppas malfunction! YOU'LL REGRET THIS.

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Uruks are always good for dissecting lowly orc maggots.

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The White Hand of Saruman is an awesome symbole, and i'm sad that we don't get to see it more

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Apparently MARVEL's been handed the task of colouring some old comics.

Imagine trying to make any kind of sense from Deff Skwadron. It's like Casablanca- there's no need for colouring in when it's just so perfect as it is.

You'd think so, but there's a lit of people who can't appreciate black and white films. My roommate thinks they're all trash and won't watch anything older then ten years ago(save for some movies from his childhood). I try to explain the artistry of it, and he says "yeah but that's subjective. You might think its pretty, but I and everyone else think its ugly". I try to explain the historical and cultural importance of certain movies and he says " yeah, sure, they were great back then but they're not great anymore. Who cares? Watch something recent. It is, by definition, better in every way because of technology and how the industry has evolved".
It fucking infuriates me because he won't watch Seven Samurai but hell watch a double feature of Avengers End Game and Avengers Infinity War. He won't watch Bubblegum Crisis, but hell watch some garbo anime about chefs that cook so good they make people's clothes explode. Why am I best friends with such a fucking plebeian?

That's the cinephile trap of wanting your friends to appreciate film the way you do. It's never gonna happen. You ain't ever gonna convert him. Just watch what you like and leave him to his own devices.

Jesus Christ what is wrong with your friend

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As expected, they fall distracted discussing each other for useless things.
Activate the throne.

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Such a curse. He does have a point that Im too critical about new movies tho. I watched Infinity War on his request and it was... okay. There were some aspects I liked but in general the scenes and the overall movie had a weird pace(It's like it's a set piece or something, like an arena) and I found the humor 50% of the time groan worthy and/or out of place(why is chris pratt and green woman having a super emotional scene, then Batista batista-bombs the the scene with a "I am le sneaky" joke? It completely deflates the moment. Was that the intention? What the fuck?). But some shots looked really beautiful.
I will still continue to call the movie Purple People Eater and the Jazz Hands of Doom just to piss him off, though.

I don't know. But there are some things he's introduced me to that I think are legit great, so, like I said, he has some validaty for saying I need to give more modern stuff a chance(my media consumption putters out at around 2010 and full on stops a couple of years after that. I mostly watch 70s, 80s, 90s, and early 2000s stuff, with a fair bit of 60s and 50s. 40s and 30s I like as well, but 20s and earlier are extremely hit or miss for me)

Orks are the best.

They literally have the ability to alter reality just with their belief.

Orks will paint a car red because they believe red cars go faster, and because they believe it, it's true.

They can fire empty weapons because they believe they are loaded.

They can also do interstellar travel in crudely welded together "spaceships" made of trash because they believe that it will work, so it does.

>What if the Blood Ravens are just a clan of Orks who looted a Space Marine chapter?

When she changed from being a weak planet to the most important in the whole galaxy

To defend her and the son-leader she gave us.

Of course.

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It has been said that Orkz sometimes follow a nurgle unclean one beliving it to be an avatar of Gork or Mork.
They have also turned sometimes to follow Khorne because the warboss is from a klan that loves rulez so they follow the martial and fighta ideals of Khorne as well as the blood spilling, but those are small cases.

As far as I've seen Orkz rarely fall prey of daemons. Ork skin is already covered in parasites, grease and exhuding spores, they rarely get sick and when they do if the bozzes and the big bozz order them to ork up and stop acting like gitz they either fall and are killed or git gud and feel better as their communal psychic abilities probably protect them.


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>Loads Bolt Pistol
>Puts on helmet
>Picks up chainsword

Its go time.

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Reported for racisms.

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He's one of the Lost Primarchs
Guess who the other one is?

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Also they have bullshit hax force field technology that gives them the best short distance teleportation technology in the galaxy, absurd and dangerously ingenious weapons, and significantly tougher ships than their scrap covered facades would lead one to believe.

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>At the point in time when bullets can pass through the interdimensional walls. When firepower takes up the entirety and eternity of space and time, all beings stuck in a neverending life and death cycle as bullets recover and destroy their bodies in quick succession. No one is able to think about anything but the sheer force of the bullets rapidly flying literally everywhere in the materium turning the warp itself into nothing but a sea of semi-automatic weaponry. Then there will be enough dakka. Or, at least almost.

You know, I think it would actually be really interesting to see how having a sister would effect the Primarchs on a personal level
as someone who has a sister myself, I can safely say that the big brother instinct to protect her does exist, and it never really goes away as you get older

I say, now that the presence of all of us has been established, would it possible, I venture, under the rules of sporting philosophy set out by Friedegger, the great philosopher of Uberwald, to engage in a resolution of the physical conundrum of militaristic tribalism being used to a collective societal advantage, that resolution being the use of 'teams' to strive for a ball in a competitve game of a good and friendly, if ferocious nature, to wit: does anybody fancy a bit of a kickabout?

Orcs vs. Night Goblins?

Sire, your friend would do good, if he cannot abide black and white films, to watch The Elephant Man. Truly moving.

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it would go like this:
>half the primarchs want to protect her
>the other half wants to fuck her

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>Not wanting to watch one of the pillars of Cyberpunk
What a fucking pleb your friend is.

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>good, those are good brothers

>disgusting, fuck those degenerates

Did anyone actually build this army?

If anything, the Orks would probably think of Doomguy as one of thier Boyz, just smaller and oddly shaped, for some reason. Hell, I could see a band of them making him thier warboss

>I'm pretty sure even peak human tech wasn't that eldritch in nature.

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>lands on planet full of Orks
What happens?

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Basically Planet Hulk followed by World War Hulk

>orks find out Doomguy is human
>they don’t care because he’s one of da boyz

To be honest I feel like she'd prefer to go towards Tau at least considering her bird parents but I ain't a metroid buff so I don't know for sure

as late as this is you know nothing about 40k

He wouldn't concern himself with orks unless they went war of the Beast and threatened Terra again. He's got other fish to fry

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I love doomguy/doomslayer but that's some trash tier fan fiction, the warp isn't something that be "defeated", nor the Gods of chaos. Cool idea and I'm sure Doomguy could run around in it for eternity killing daemons but "beating" it? No.

He's right. The "it works because they believe it" has always been overblown fanon

>Ya know Boyz, stardin' ta 'dink dis Emprah git might not be so bad....

That's literally how WAAGHS work, people overblow how big one has to be to circumvent the laws of reality but shit working because they think it does is how orkzoperate. He's also asking why Mycoviruses don't work like regular viruses. That user's a retard and you shouldn't defend him.

Think again boyo. You ought to read the priests of mars books

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Becomes the new Warboss after krumping half the planet.

I forget where this comes from, but the Eldar believe humans might be the most dangerous thing in the universe because they out number the Eldar 100 to 1. The humans worry the orks might be the most dangerous thing in the universe because orks outnumber the humans 1000 to 1.

can we all agree that japanese pig orcs are the worst

*the best

This happened in reverse once. In one of the final stands the imperium was doing on some shit hole planet the guards were running out of ammunition. In desperation one guard pointed his rifle and yelled "bang". The ork he "fired" at exploded like he got shot from a sniper shot. Long story short, the guardsman survived long enough for extraction, but the event hasn't been repeated anywhere else.

There are also accounts of orks who have been infested by demons. Its the only time I've read frustration on a level it could be felt. Essentially ork hierarchy is so ingrained, its not a conscious choice. If there is a dispute, the bigger ork is right. If they are the same size, they fight to determine whos right. So a demon infested ork would sadly be smaller than a warboss, so even though the demonic powers would make him stronger, it literally cannot convince to ork to fight the warboss for dominance, nor command the other orks in the area because the ork it infests isn't the biggest.

Oh obviously, any ork over those

Do you even know what you are arguing anymore? Orks can't do literally anything because they think they can. There are limitations.

Imagine being a centuries old warrior monk, who has spent every waking moment of his life preparing for battle, only to get trampled by a horde of screaming green retards who were literally born yesterday.

I presume that only applies to warbosses, else ork on ork battles would be battles, it would just be a bunch of orks running at each other and then thousands of tape measures being broken out as orks shuffle past one another seeing which army has the bigger orks, because no smaller ork would dare shoot a larger ork.

When someone stole all her oceans. Now she fights to find the fucker who did it.

On Octarius, apparently the Ork Spore can resist the Tyranid phage cell. When they engineered the Krork, the old ones didn't leave much of an opening to beat them on a biological warfare level.

Maybe, but even in the case inter ork conflict its mostly each side believing their warboss is the biggest, and they take orders from the biggest. Their warboss sez krump dem grotz, dey krump em.

Discworld is a good pull, but I'm not sure it's going to land here. Good luck anyways.

do know what you are? the argument was made that a virus could be effective against sentient fungi. Fungi viral equivelent to a virus is mycoviruses. Secondly orkz tech is routinely dysfunctional outside of Waaagh! fields which by themselves are a rule of cool field that lets bullshit happen like summoning Gork/Mork in to the material plane. the moment a warboss hears that a subsection of his force is somehow sick and unable to fight and decides to beat the crap out of them until they stop being lazy gitz it's over. They fucking fight Nurgle's daemons and recover with a medical system that works because they think it does.

Exactly This!

There is the tale of an Ork Warboss that literally began a fight so bloody and terri le that Doomguy would feel a bit jealous at the least.

Tuska and his massive crew of orkz were flying through the warp, when he heard that some monstrous thing had invaded the ship, a daemon wthat was killing da boyz, so he rushed with his powah klaw to face it, the battle was titanic and although he was a bit hurt, da boss had a pair of new horns for his trophy rack.

He then went to get as many weird boyz as possible, got as many more orkz as well woth the promise of an eternal war and invaded Cadia system by surprise, the orkz were so fucking quick that the Imperium was scared that if a Waagh reached Cadia they would be trapped between daemons and orkz, but the huge ships just ignored hummies and went straight into the eye of terror.

There Tuska and his boyz fought daemons for who knows how long.

Depends, saying "full of orkz" is a bit difficult to answer.

I asume you mean a planet were orkz have been fighting over themselves for a while so the planet is full of small medium and huge warbandz fighting over each other all the time.

Two psossibilities. Hulk is confussed by an ork and by anger grows into power of one of the many tribes, then if things go well he can ascend to be the ultimate warboss in the planet but since he is no ork, he would miss to have the orky logic of ordering the orkz to do a waagh, so he would lose power constantly and regain it in an eternal cycle.

Other option is if any warboss has a good smart-boy as a kouncelour or he has the smarty hat then the boss could understand Hulk is not just a huge beast and want to either caught him, alcohol him and drug him, to make him the orkz new fighta mascot, if enough orkz believe this to be possible then it might happen - same scenario if smart boss decides to use waaagh power, weird boyz.

Hulk has been demostrated tl be particularly weak against magic and psychic powers with small exceptions like valkyrie blade (happened once) and proffesor X mind control (also happened only once).

>Fungi viral equivelent to a virus is mycoviruses.
As if that pedantry matters. Mycoviruses are viruses. The rest of your post isn't much better. Goodnight.

>Mycoviruses are viruses
the way they infect fungi cells differ greatly from how viruses affect us and are closer to a parasitic organism. the entire premise is flawed due to ignorance like your understanding about Waaagh! fields and ork tech, ork physiology and your understanding of the setting as a whole.

>he keeps going
The minutia about exactly how bits of genetic code in a casing of lipids co-opt cellular machinery in a fictional setting doesn't matter and the fact that you think it does is almost funny. Almost.


i thought you were going to sleep. But before you do read up on the life eater virus and it's affects on orkz during the second war for Armageddon.

I'm now posting from my bed.

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>Guess who the other one is?
The other Doom. Samus being a f*male who was modified by aliens disqualifies her. Both Dooms embody Emp's autism perfectly

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>sufag is ignorant about college level bio and 40k orkz
next time announce you're low IQ so I don't mistakenly direct my autism towards you.

Orks aren't natural creatures, they were designed from scratch by the most scientifically advanced race that ever existed for the sole purpose of fighting and winning.

Kudos to your consistency pretending you have some sort of intellectual high ground by spouting inane wikipedia facts as if because you are the one the that brought them up (despite not mattering) that you deserve deference.

Hey, Ottawa is the capital of Canada. I said it, not you, therefore you need to shut up and go learn something before talking to me. You obviously don't know anything.

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Hmmm, what a magnificent artifact. May I have a look?

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Perturabo snapped her neck after going full cyka blyat on his foster planet.

But Perty's never been the poster child for being well-adjusted.

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> they were designed from scratch by the most scientifically advanced race that ever existed for the sole purpose of fighting and winning.
So are tanks.

What's up with itehattsd? It started before Games Workshop split the WH40K galaxy in two, right? So why did the emperor say to deactivate Guilliman's life support? It sounds like itehattsd predicted Guilliman waking up before it happened.

>consistency pretending you have some sort of intellectual high ground
how is regurgitating info from college intellectual posturing? If you read lore you'd know about the bullshit that orkz pull off in proper Waaagh! fields. At least have the decency to say you don't know much about the setting if you aren't going to argue in good faith.

It was originally just a joke because TTS Emps was being tortured with the endless chanting of the Ultramary Sues, and just wanted to take it out on Girlyman, and tell his smurf village to shut up.

*takes it from you*

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God I hope so. I'm pretty partial to the loyalists, so I might make these boys if I ever buy an Ork army.

I also love Doomguy, but I have to agree. He could probably undo quite a few daemonic incursions, fuck up a few daemon worlds, murder some traitor marines, and generally make eternal war in the warp to an extent that the Imperium could tangibly benefit from, but he alone couldn't unmake the Chaos gods.

Don't you fucking dare you smug egyptian cunt

He actually could if he has the right equipment, knows what to do and when to do. It would take countless millennia but he's capable

Well, as somewhat of an expert on the subject, I can say that while I don’t know how they’d interact in 40k, I DO know how it’d happen in warhammer fantasy, because a similar event already happened.

Several centuries before the end times, a greenskin waaagh was smashing through the empire until they got to Nuln. While there, the shaman found a strange book. He decided to read it and then accidentally opened a portal to the realms of chaos. A titanic battle between deamons and orcs ensued. Focusing on the Nurgle bit, there were two very interesting things that occurred which were highly unexpected.
Firstly, while the orcs were indeed killed by nurgle super aids (the kind that cause stuff to die and disintegrate within seconds), the viruses were incapable of spreading from one orc to another. It had to be directly administered from the demons, other wise the others wren’t Affected.
Secondly, and hilariously, the baby nurglings and the coward goblins ended up saying to hell with the battle and went off to find the best place with a view of the battle. The gang of gobbo’s found their way to the top of a bell tower, and the lil nurgle imps got to the roof of a wizards tower. The two groups proceeded to have friendly exchanges of joking insults before deciding to play a game. They ended up spending the entirety of the fight bellow by flinging garbage at each other and trying to score points based around the rules that they all agreed upon. After the crazy chaos portal started to close/fade away, the demons all began to weaken and retreat. But before the nurgle ones left, a Great unclean one went to pick up the lil imps, and after he saw how well the gobbo’s treated them, he asked for the flag the the goblins used. After handing it over, the demons left with a goodbye. There are in fact, rules in the demons of chaos 6th edition that allows for a player to include an orc banner in their nurgle army which gave a ward save to everyone nearby.

Orkz vs Orcs, and it's beautiful

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There has been codex art with Nurgle-corrupted Orks within it. Considering that the Codex in question was somewhat recent, it's safe to say that this happens.

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>wasting precious tactical dreadnought armor on a rouge trader

Based future cyborg terminator.

Your friend IS that NPC meme.

Yeah Ork's won't be cancelled but we might see a rewrite if this gets too huge. Hope not.

Before all this shit started my godson, who's black, wanted to be a Half-Orc for his first ever game i'm gonna DM. I'm putting in chaotic evil drow with the black skin now, cause fuck it, lets go all in on the stereotypes. Probably work in some Gnolls to.

The real problem is when Ben inevitably gains an Orc form.

Oh ho, you're approaching me, greenskin?

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former brothers why must we fight?

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FUCK the ORKS! The Night is ours, praise Skarsnik!

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I hear you, brother. And fuck the Skaven too! Waaagh!

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Urist... get the book...

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Only the mighty Lord Skarsnik could praise us with trips like dis! Chaaarge!

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Leave Grobi, or face the full might of the Ancestor Gods! For the Karaz Ankor, and for the Angrund Clan!

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You seem lost and outnumbered, little dwarf waagh. Bringing singles to fight Skarsniks blessed trips?

Forgot my face.. too many battle-shrooms.

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Aw, that's sweet.

Why's there no proper Orkino


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>Gobbos and Nurglings being friends and playing games together
That’s strangely adorable and wholesome.

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I liked the Warcraft movie.
It wasn't good but I liked it

If it had been two movies, it would have been way better. One movie showing only the human side, the other showing only the orc side. Especially if both movies released very close to each other. Hell same weekend would have been a super interesting experiment.

>blessed trips
Bah! As if those trips of yours are gonna stop me from killin’ ya!

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what about 12 angry men?

praise the Emperor.

Defeat them the same way as Lotr
one ring to rule them all, in4b hal

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Doug Jones apparently kept a diary of all the executive nonsense, he says that representatives of the Chinese firm that funded the movie were on set daily making demands

>Chinese firm
Why is is always the chinese that somehow ruin everything?

There was so much to like about it, but also so much wrong. The orcs looked amazing. I actually liked the change that it was dwarven handguns that turned the tide at the final battle. But... all those things done bad.

Got it

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Matches the MO and the few visual desctiptions we have of Yu'vath technology.

>leads an army of orks
>are actually shorter because they can't get bigger than the boss
>all orcs become stronger the angrier they get

Hulk leads an army of overpowered manlets.



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>I think it would actually be really interesting to see how having a sister would effect the Primarchs on a personal level
Said girl already exists. And it's a pretty one

Forgot pic

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