What's Zig Forums's thoughts on Confinement

What's Zig Forums's thoughts on Confinement

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Interesting cartoon, and interesting take on SCP. I want to see what happens to Conner.

it's alright but SCP is shit

Getting progressively worse. Is there a new ep that you're shilling or what? I'd have thought a broken ass would still 'excuse' the video despite the pandemic

No I just thought it was neat and wanted to see what Zig Forums thought about it

So Conner is

>Being possesed by a SCP, likely some sort of demon
>This was done through some sort of ritual, as we see in the origin part
>I still don't know what the kids made of light and the giant ass creature with the laser was
>Conner's parents might have been part of a cult, as we see news headlines stating that something killed a lot of people in a small town. He was abandoned in a hot car
>Apparently people who are attracted to him have some thing affecting their brain, and Dr. Powers has been trying to access his file and neglecting her health checks
>Possibility that everytime Conners is revived, someone dies
>SCP Sword recognizes Conner as a demon.

What is to be made of deepest lore?

I got bored of SCP stuff after a few months. Kind of want to see where Bung Chronicles was going. It was atheist hat tipping but at least it was fun. Breaking his ass must done a number on him.

I try not to

He's the child of SCP-231 and everything they told him about his mother and being found in a car was a lie.

That actually makes sense, but then what are the flashbacks and the giant monster thing? Was that how they created the girl?

There's so little point in making posts like these that I'm honestly wondering how garbage your lives must be to insist on doing so.

Great show, 100% comfy

I like SCP in general but Confinement is just appeals to popularity

Connor's design feels kinda generic to me.
Like if I saw him in real life Id probably think he has a tumblr where he post stupid hipster photos.

>Like if I saw him in real life Id probably think he has a tumblr where he post stupid hipster photos.
That implies he'd know what Tumblr is.

>ask people what their thoughts are
>get upset when some people don't like it

I wish it just focused on SCP and not Connor. I especially do not like how the thing possessing Connor is stronger than the SCPs he’s faced—it comes off as very Mary Sue.

I dislike their take of how the SCP Foundation would treat a D-class SCP with a rare anomaly like Connor (scp-181 did this concept better) also the art style is just dull.

It's most likely a child of the Scarlet King, possibly a Leviathan. The number of things that could wreck Connor's ass is still monumentally high even with that, but the majority of them aren't in Foundation containment.

I think the Foundation in Confinement takes more after the more heavy lolfoundation stuff than anything else. Which is fine on its own, but it's definitely not what later interpretations of the Foundation would do, or even what they did to 181 as you said.

Isn't there a theory that the woman in Anomalies is Conner's real mom?

Well there is good stuff in SCP, the problem it has is the same as all fan fic.
A few pearls in a sea of shitty ideas and bad execution.

Animation and VA is fine for a free youtube thing
Premise is fine
Characters are fine
7/10 I enjoyed watching them. I however have zero faith in another episode ever happening. The Two-part Ikea nightmare was a clear demonstration of the creators reach exceeding his grasp. If the series dials back to just "Conner and SCP-X interact" then we'll be plenty fine. More plot wounded the series and will likely kill it

>fan fic
Original fiction.

yep, I was thinking armature in my head and it came out fan fic,
Also note the professionals produce 80% shit.

nice theory bother

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>. More plot wounded the series and will likely kill it
how high are you?

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There's a lot of good shit in SCP. P3ople just get too held up on the bad articles they find, obsessed with nostalgia, obsessed with politics or some combination of all of the above. Even the more mediocre articles have some really good ideas behind them.

It's great.

But man I wish he didn't break his ass.

I like it as a whole, but I definitely prefer the first episodes over the later ones. Being an episodic SPC of the week series with short episodes keeping the connor lore confined to small bits sprinkled every now and then fits it better imo than the direction it's taking. I prefer it to be about SPCs, not about connor.

The thing I like about it is, all he can do it with it is survive. He can't just think of a thing and blow it up, his only benefit of having this creature is being a living test doll.

If bung gives the guy wings and makes immediately OC donut steel teir, then it becomes less fun.

We haven't reached the Shark Punching Center yet, user.

Got potential but bogged down by the creator's paralytic neurosis.

There's a reason there was a huge schism in the SCP community and the site needed to be purged multiple times

Alright Anons, Describe your favorite SCP as obscure as possible, and have others guess its number or what it is.

>Novel hands out dreams.

I liked it at first, but the Ikea Nightmare wasn't good

I like that one, made me sad

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This dude has for the past maybe three videos had severe sound mixing issues.

>Shit that never happened for $500
I love how easy it is to tell when faggots don't know anything and are just talking out of their ass.

imagine being so wrong yet so confident that you're right

>Doesn't know about the various article retcons, purges, and editing fits
>Doesnt know about the other SCP website that reverted back to older articles due to massive editing
You must be 18 years or older to post here

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Vous me rendez malade

Image being so wrong yet so confident in your faggotry.

>Doesn't know about the various article retcons, purges, and editing fits
Name one. There's literally not been anything done to articles that wasn't directly approved by the authors.

>Doesnt know about the other SCP website that reverted back to older articles due to massive editing
You mean RPC? The site made because a bunch of Zig Forumsfags got really fucking pissed over non-issues and created a site for themselves, that quickly imploded with its site admin holding the site domain hostage after going mad with power and actively needed to plagiarize from SCP just to survive? *That* other website?

You shitposters are always fucking wrong, and you refuse to admit it whenever you get called out on your bullshit.

>The Mass Edit was the major attempt to delete poor entries after the decommissioning idea fell out of favor. The idea was to review every entry on the wiki and decide which could stay and which would be deleted. Every member on the wiki would be able to get their vote, and it lasted from 6 Sep 2009 to 6 Dec 2009. The result of the Mass Edit was the deletion of a significant number of entries, and a boost in wiki quality.
>The Mass Edit was performed by having staff members comb through every entry in one block (i.e. 001-099, 100-199, etc.), and placing entries up for review. There was a time limit in which volunteers could edit or rewrite the article, after which it could be saved or deleted, depending on the response. This was done manually for each entry, and as one can imagine, it took ages to get any of them done.
>It wasn't just SCP articles which were affected by the Mass Edit. Almost every -J article was deleted, with the exception of SCP-014-J, SCP-4444-J, SCP-4445-J, SCP-1344-J, and a few others. If you've ever heard of the "old times" where the -J articles were all bad pop culture references, this is the time where all those got deleted. -J entries had also been on the main list at this time, and the remaining entry was removed after the rest were deleted, and put with the -J section. A repository of what the main SCP list looked like prior to the Mass Edit can be found on the SCP Classic wiki.

>You shitposters are always fucking wrong, and you refuse to admit it whenever you get called out on your bullshit.
You can't whine like that in your same post, user-kun

We can start from the beginning and name Dr Kondraki's faggotry and this mod post from 2009

user, you're dead fucking wrong

I enjoy it very much, it's a fun light take on SCP that still maintains some of the better horror elements.
Plus, there are some elements that intentionally diverge from "canon" SCP, so he's free to do what he likes with the plot and not give a shit about the details.

you see you die

I still listen to "Fine and Dandy."

now watch him refuse to admit that he was wrong

I like it

Just stop. Doubling down when you're wrong doesn't make you seem smart or cool, it just makes it even more obvious you don't know what you're talking about. This is not even up for debate, anyone who went further than just reading articles out of curiosity would know that there were multiple schisms within the fandom and many edits and revisions made to the sites and wiki. Hell just read about some of the SCPs that were killed off like the count and you'd know about the OC doctor power trips that caused a shitshow.

I swear to fuck, I can recognize this SCP shill in every fucking thread made for this. Every single one, he shows up.

>using something that's almost a fucking decade old as "proof"
You are literally, genuinely 100% retarded.

>SCP has always been perfect and there was never any dissent, mass purges, or userbase splits


>It happened in the past so it didn't happen

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So does that mean war crime accusations from past wars are no longer valid? Hold on, calling Israel

Let's go through this one step at a time:

>Muh Mass Edit
Almost a whole decade old. It's not worth shit in terms of factoring in the current state of the site or community. And in fact, if you weren't a bunch of disingenuous shitposters, you'd realize that the edit only happened because the general quality of articles back then was piss-poor. When you have a literal ball of tits as one of the things people are writing and it's poorly written on top of that, then you need to do a fucking check.

>Muh purges
Only really happened to exceedingly low quality articles and the general lolfoundation era stuff like the zany Doctors and named OC's. Also treated as a necessary act.

>Muh schisms
Literally a part of every major site and community. We are literally no better in any sense. Next.

>Muh other site
You will have to explain what you mean. There have been dozens of these. All dead.

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I see LOLFoundation is making a comeback

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You are gay, you are a transgender, and an outspoken homosexual.

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>Doubles down so hard he actually begins agreeing with what he was arguing against to save face

I knew SCP was full of trannies and faggots but you take it to a whole other level

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It gets better.

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>Muh politics
Also irrelevant. I can count the number of majority political SCP articles on a hand, probably with fingers to spare. Unless you're the kind of idiot who obsesses over politics (and at that point you have bigger problem), you'll never see them.

>Muh jokes
Have been there since the site's inception. Next.

>Not muh 4chins humor
Name any site that actually wants to reflect Zig Forums behavior in any sense. I'll entertain this and wait on your answer.

TLDR: You have no genuine complaints. You're just getting angry over literal nothing. And judging by the "muh trannies" non-arguments being dropped, it's clear that this is just a bunch of bored Zig Forumsacks being their usual selves.

haha nice joke i don't get it though

You claimed there was never a schism or a purge, now you openly claim they're "part of every fandom' and "necessary steps", then pretend none of it is valid because it happened in the past (ignoring that it was during a very active period of the fandom and thus more relevant than today). You better be trollign because otherwise you're genuinely unfit to live.

It's a genuine SCPfag, they show up in every SCP thread on Zig Forums.

You brought up politics, retard-kun. No one else did and if you think your shittily formatted posts deserve a tl;dr then you're even dumber than I thought. You claimed there was no friction and the most active point in the site's history doesn't count because reasons and then directly went on to agree witht he anons that initially called you out while still trying to maintain the notion that you're correct. You have autism

We need to go back

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>Paul Manafort's Big Mistake

Slowly coming apart

Not even the guy you're sperging out at. You brought up the Mass Edit as though it were a recent site-destroying thing. It's not. It never was. It was literally them going through their shittiest articles at the time and cleaning them up or deleting the worst offenders.

Anything else is pure schizophrenic delusion.

>why won't he shitpost X thing with us!!
Because you have no earnest criticism of that thing. This is just the usual tantrum-throwing over SCP because it's not a complete carbon copy of this website.

And once again, it derailed the entire thread into being about that shit.

the only person who derailed the thread was you because you couldn't stand someone criticizing SCP

Silence, SCPfag. Go back to your subreddit and power level debating on any place but here.

Grow thicker skin

>You brought up the Mass Edit as though it were a recent site-destroying thing

No one did this, the claim was that the SCP community has always been fractious and been rife with edits and purges, which is true. How you could even garner the idea that anons claimed the site was destroyed is beyond me and seems like shilling

yo whatever happened to this comic

as someone who never read SCP i liked it
it was cool and mysterious
i really wanted the ikea 2 parter to be much more. like a whole miniseries in itself. conor in there was basically my ideal isekai setting. plus the ikea seemed to have so much cool shit going on

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>this isn't a -J
I think that's enough to cement never going back to SCP

if only you knew how bad things really are

This is blatantly on a fake site, right? How the FUCK did this get approved?

SCP mods are SJWs now. They'll support their teacher's pets who abide to their beliefs and give jack to everyone else.

And SCPfag wants to defend THIS? No wonder he chose to ignore older SCP posts because even those faggy whiners are better writers than current gen

>fiction is bad

It's well done and entertaining and although I do like Connor's backstory I do wish it didn't take the spotlight completely from other SCPs. The other problem with there being lore tied to his ability is that as it progresses the status quo will be broken and it's likely Connor won't be immortal anymore, so we won't get to see more interactions with the many cool SCPs still not featured.

It might have worked better as a series of standalone episodes featuring Dclass, doctors and security agents dealing with daily life in the facilities. I would have loved to see security teams like the one that went into the heart-stealing monster dimension or the ones that went exploring the extra-dimensional foundation building.

5004 is really enough to convince me

like, what the fuck


it's free media there's nothing to consoom

No, retard, never claimed that. I'm saying that article is atrocious, doesn't mean all of SCP is, stupid cunt. I honestly wonder how you childrne function in society. How you can look at blatant political bias in an SCP entry and be okay with it astounds me.

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Not even getting paid for consuming?
Even worse! Look at him and laugh!

it's creative writing. a polticial dumbfuck writing a short story that amounts to "hey look at this imaginary universe where communism works" does not affect me

reporting in, I am nearing the end, and someone actually just said NANI in surprise

this is a modern, non-J article with more than 300 upvotes

SCP is dead, long live LOLFoundation 2

nah, I'm pretty sure all of SCP is beyond saving if an article with this in it can get 300+ upvotes

seriously, what the goddamn fuck was ANYONE thinking

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>"hey look at this imaginary universe where communism works" does not affect me

Why the fuck are you here then? No really, why the fuck did you feel the need to post if your post amounts to "I dont care"? Is your opinion important, riveting, or thought provoking? No, it's retarded and so are you.

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this is post-post-post-irony and it is hilarious


I am now reading the comments, and shockingly it's by a popular writer who makes snippy comments at negative critiques while a pet moderator backs him up and himself attacks any criticism.

this site has become a joke

I like how the SCPfag vanished after getting BTFo and these articles got posted. Even xe can't defend this faggotry

Conor isn't interesting so it kinda sucks

You know, I was thinking of maybe trying to write a few SCPs in the future. But not hyper dangerous Mary Sue SCPs. The kind of scps I want to write are just simple fun anomalies. Some are dangerous, some could be powerful, but overall, they’ll just be fun
But seeing what the site has become, I’m not sure if I should even try

About what I'd expect from an Adult Swim SCP show.

yeah, I'd been kicking around an SCP idea in my head for a while now, but this just completely took the wind out of my sails

it's so blatantly bad, and gets so praised while a actual mod plays defense force because it's by a popular author, it's just disheartening to see that this is the current state of the site. And this is completely independent of the politics involved.

What was your SCP idea? Mine was a joke SCP called Mr. Happy Endings. It was an indestructible walrus capable of moving at speeds up to Mach 9. Whenever the walrus is presented with a problem, it will create and then immediately destroy a solution to that problem, before laughing and rocketing away. He was created by a couple of reality bending pranksters who wanted to taunt people by giving them a way to fix their greatest problem, and then immediately ripping away that solution

He just wanted to make some friends

an entity that looks like a kid dressed up as a bedsheet ghost who wanders around a site and must be given candy when he knocks on a door or he'll play pranks on the person who did not give candy. Rocks are not to be given under any circumstances.

>class: thaumiel
I almost stopped right there. Then there was the talk with G.W.Bush and I felt physical pain.

That's pretty cute and based. Onions SCP mods wouldn't accept it

I'm not him but I had an idea for a horrifying, lanky monster with patchwork skin and a teddy bear's head. It'd kidnap humans at night, then take them to it's workshop, where after months and months of torture, it would break and mold them into the desires it wanted, then stuff their insides into toys. It'd then happily gift the toys to lonely children, giving them gifts that would willingly obey any order they made, to suicidal extremes.

That sounds really cool and pretty fun
>what happens if you give it a rock?


I prefer when SCP entries don't explain every detail cause they lose a lot of charm when they are explained

Already been done and also is Five Night's at Freddy's

The one that's blatantly fetish fuel

I think its at its best when its just about showcasing other SCPs and how much they can fuck up Connor
Hopefully we get a couple more episodes of that before the big lore shot start happening

you're going to have to narrow it down at least a little

Just the answer I was looking for Yeah, I agree
That sounds pretty cool, Woukd the foundation find its workshop? Or would it remain uncontained like the Yule bro

Also, I’m currently writing an anime inspired story where one of the background elements is that there used to be an organization that was basically pre-lol foundation, but it was destroyed/absorbed by other government organizations during the story’s semi-apocalyptic event. I’ll probably just use a bunch of my SCP ideas as beings that escaped from that organization during its destruction since the SCP wiki is so corrupt

it was great until sjw colonized it

Based Selachian pugilist.

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I forget.

>Possibility that everytime Conners is revived, someone dies
Where does this idea come from?

>"It sure is taking me a while to find my chemistry class"

In episode 5 when exactly that starts happening

Jesus Christ. Kaktus has some good articles, 1730 comes to mind, but Good God, that article and the comments section is a mess. Everybody is talking about how silly and stupid it is, then they laugh and give it a vote anyway. The one guy who criticises it based on it's stupidity immediately get's jumped on in the comments. I guess the old days never really went away.

I think Kaktus just let the endless (often deserved) praise go to his head

Those aren't people that are dead, those are just husks made to store the souls of the people killed by the sword. Connor's soul never fills one, so they just keep being made and dropped off empty.

I think he is referring to the fact that everytime a new conner goes through, a guard/metal guy dies.

I wonder, if someone counted the exact amount of times conner "died" in that episode, and the exact amount of deaths total in the episode by anyone but conner, but they be equal?

Making something halfway decent out of something largely mediocre. Sadly falls into a weird sort of trap where numerous OP OCs are bested by the author's OP OC. I think this could've been done a little better but some things cannot be helped.

Kaktus is the main reason why the website was ruined


Does Conner actually beat anything by actively doing anything? The only time I remember him fighting was against the robot, and he got his ass kicked. In all the episodes besides the most recent one, he is just there at opportune times to see people die, and he succeds in the last episode mainly because he got brain wiped and something came out to play.

I will never eat another fucking root vegetable again.

A joint Nazi-Soviet space laser that escaped a reality shift or something that has the power to destroy the planet. It's used by Foundation as a orbital gun, but was originally pointing at space when they first found it. Not the most creative or unique idea, but I always think about what I can do with it.

the Foundation does not use SCPs, as a rule. But otherwise alright.

A baby succeeds where all others fail.

Not him, but that rule is frequently broken.
Especially when necessary to protect the planet.

Fun fact: When that article was first posted it struggled staying above +20, with hundreds of people voting. It's only when the contest it was submitted to was close to ending that it got as high as it is.

I'm not a fan of the ikea SCP because as soon as it came out it seemed like everyone wanted to jump at it but it was based on a meme that I think began life as a tumblr creepypasta that got reposted on reddit too often.

A SCP youtuber I follow just made a video about the garfield SCP and I'm so done with that meme. It also began life as a twitter or tumblr not quite creepypasta that reddit then latched onto and took too far before it became an SCP.

Fucking annoying how that works. To all the kids at home who call everything they don't like reddit because they never learned why people don't like reddit, it's the regurgitation of memes that is less of the dominant feature of that site now.

I remember when I was in my senior year, I was the first user to show this board containment, and they loved it.
from general consensus I've seen many anons like it, but they tend to prefer more episodic episodes that focus on the anomalies rather than the longer more conor focused ones, also lots of scp talk cause it's got alot to talk about
any way time to now shill a guy who animates stories from the SCP wiki
he produces stuff at a rather fast pace

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lmao all those Zig Forumstards getting triggered

First episode he dies multiple times and no one else is dead.

He does at a bit condescending in the comments of that article. Shame.

LOVE everithing SCP related in the show but conner is an unfunny character that steals the spotlight from the SCPs

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I had an idea for a SCP that is essentially an, in-universe, knockoff of JTHM starring a now long deceased self-insert of a teenage edglord. Anyone who criticizes the comic in its presence will eventually disappear, and a new issue of the comic will appear, depicting said critic as a character within the comic who inevitably gets brutally tortured and murdered.

There are at least two anomalous MTFs.

>The one guy who criticises it based on it's stupidity immediately get's jumped on in the comments.
I liked that SCP specifically because it's fucking stupid. It's the Under Siege 2 of SCPs.

>start out with cool unassuming anomalies
>make it a bit of a creepy gore fest where the MC can die so as to keep continuity
>start shifting into comedy
>start shifting away from anthology using the power as a prop into a continuity using the power as a focus
>start shilling OCs more than anomalies
>too lazy to animate
>too greedy to pay some weirdo leech to do it for you until it's WAYYYY over schedule

there's nothing wrong with stupid SCPs, but it really should've been a -J over a mainlist.

Good series but they should do a gag about the J-SCP doorknob for xomplete imersion.

Broken ass or not, the last video was weirdly off/low-effort in places, owing to what I'd assume to be his announcement that he's farming out parts of production because he's learned to hate animating. Does not bode well in general.

>Trump is a reality-sink

i fucking can't holy shit

if SCP is this decimated, does that mean we have a Netflix series to look froward to in the near future when someone makes a series deal on a creative-commons agreement?

I don't think we'll ever see an actual professional-grade SCP adaptation just because of how many people would need to be paid for rights to various SCPs. At best you'll get knockoffs like Lobotomy Corp.

I think the way it works is that owing to the CC license, you can't restrict the spread of material that's under the license. Which is complete anathema to tv producers, which is why it'll never be touched. The closest we can get is knockoffs like Control, though it's a videogame.

By focusing on lesser known SCPs most of time?

You have to eat all the cake

Because the poop remains, they aren’t actually stopping the cake from consuming everything. They have only delayed the inevitable

Ikea Nightmare was a pretty blatant appeal to popularity

And it added a bunch of fanfiction

Fuck Mexico one

A simp fucking melts

It was only one so far

It's trash so it's incredibly faithful to the source material

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I have given up arguing on this site about anything anymore. Nowadays I just think that I'm right and let it pass.

why even come here anymore, then?

Local group of birds filled with determination

Yeah. There are just way too many of them now for me to be invested in.

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Mass murder who Reincarnates into a different human when killed

Part of me wants to believe that you're the SCP shill, but that's probably too good to be true.

Kaktus was always a piece of shit. Guy can't take one ounce of criticism (See his shitty version of 049)

There are too many meta articles on SCP nowadays. Far, far too many.

>>Possibility that everytime Conners is revived, someone dies
So basically Planescape?

Yeah, reading through the comments on that trump article earlier he was being super passive aggressive, while some mod called out every criticism in the first few pages for being too personal or whatever. Goddam, I thought they purged this kind of shit from the site back in '09 I think it was, or maybe '10.

the weirdest part was the mod demanding that -1s be justified

I have nowhere else to go to

Possibly, though it might work a bit differently.

sit next to me on this bench and let me tell you why shit's fucked

love it but thought a thread with over 100 replays meant a new part came out and now I am just disappointed

How would the series work if connor was mortal though? You can't really show scps powers without killing off the main character. Connor being immortal but basically helpless in the face of everything makes the show more interesting.


Containment is good tho

I make toast

Any site where I can read the originals?

Christ you’re an obnoxious faggot