I watched this movie yesterday

Aside from being boring as fuck, i can't stop thinking about the really fucked implications that the movie does at the end

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Movie was so forgettable I don't even remember what you're talking about.

>The fox girl is from the Chicken Little movie, where she was basically this really rowdy, rude school bully type
>At one point during the movie she gets brainwashed by aliens into a dainty, girly belle. At the end of the movie the other characters notice that the brainwashing hasn't worn off but they decide they like her better this way and leave it

>>Fucked up implications

You mean when the bully girl was braindamaged into being the pig's sex slave?

That she had everything she was, everything that made her special ripped away and replaced with something cheap and artifical?

That every day for the rest of her life when she feels his crushing weight on top of her and his hot stinking breath on her neck that somewhere deep inside she's screaming?

Yeah that was kinda dark for a kids movie

I can't believe they featured mind break in a kids movie desu

I loved this movie.

If you start to think and realize all the implications that this thing has, it's really fucked up

Fuck this movie

This film was so bad that it made Shark Tale, which came out a year before, look like an animation classic in comparasion

That's fuckin hot

Home on the Range was worse, but this was still a pretty lame way for Disney to get into CG animation. They only got better when Lasseter, of all people, started to help them out

It was cute, funny, and fine, stop acting like a bunch of faggy “OH NOOOOOOO IT’S SO DARK” TV Tropers
Fox girl’s getting porked more than Astrid

It's funny how the academy nominated Shark Tale in 2004, yet even they were not stupid enough to nominate this film the following year

She really did become the pig's sex slave at the end

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i like it even the gba game

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Reminder that the tomboy fox bully - the only "civilian" that actually fought back - got mindfucked into being a subservient bimbo for the worthless fat fuck pig guy, and despite the aliens offering to turn her back, everyone just let the shitstain keep her like that as reward for being friends with the "hero."

Reminder that canonically she is being fucked by a greasy giant pig every night, a Stepford Wife smile plastered on her face, while somewhere in her mind her real self is screaming and begging for the sweet release of death.


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>It was cute, funny, and fine

You don't have to pretend to like Disney's worst movie just to be a contrarian.

I don't know, this is the kind of shit that bugged me at a young age. Like how the girl who would look weird and unique would get the makeover to look normal and then the guys sudden loved her. Just felt like everyone wanted the same looking person.

Admit it, they were a cute couple

Attached: chicken-little-disneyscreencaps.com-8585.jpg (1920x1080, 355.49K)

The Breakfast Club fucked me up as a kid specifically because of this

In a just world, he would have been the first casualty.

Not first casualty of anything in particular, just in general.

heh and i always tought the pig was gay

Isn't that pretty much the Stepford Wives?

I'm not even being contrarian I liked it as a kid (Home on the Range too)
Like now I can see that it's not that good and definitely a disappointment when it was Disney's first independent attempt at CG but it's not as terrible as a lot of people think

I mean I can understand, and I have had similar thoughts
But Foxy Loxy or whoever was just a bitch so I didn't really care that she got mindwiped

>Film ends with a literal obese pig taking advantage of a brainwashed tomboy-turned-bimbo
This is like something straight out of an NTR Doujin

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Home on the Range 2 when

I love that the only things people remember are
1) Stepford wife Foxy being given as a gift to the worthless fatso
2) The worst dad in any Disney movie
3) They wasted Don Knotts' last movie appearance on this shit.

Exactly the film I was referring to. She was cuter before than she was at the end!

She was a bully, but still no reason to get brainwashed into a bimbo

See now when you say it like that

>I liked it as a kid (Home on the Range too)

I don't want to hear about your fetish for rolling around in your own filth.

>but it's not as terrible as a lot of people think
Chicken Little's father is an abusive asshole!

Reminder that Disney themselves is ashamed of this era and considers it to be bottom of the barrel stuff, in their own words

She was a bully, but also a kid. Mind death (which is what anyone over the age of 13 would be able to see it as) is a fucking harsh punishment, especially when paired with being turned into a prize for the bumbling fat fuck retard comic relief.

Its bad on multiple levels, and I'm sorry that you can walk away from something that awful and go "it's good, it's cute, and its funny!"

I mean, if you were in the Chicken Little Universe, you'd probably bully the pig too!

I'm just saying how I viewed it as a kid

I strongly prefer tomboys, don't get me wrong, but I couldn't get attracted to anything in this film and I thought it was just deserts and funny that the mean girl turned into a Pollyanna

Obviously it's a little meanspirited and I wouldn't do it myself but let's not pretend it was "holy shit so dark bro like woaaaah"

And it still showed up in Kingdom Hearts 2

I really wanted to. He just deserved it. Even fucking Augustus Gloop and Üter would bully him.

That remind me I thought the pig was a Jew for a little while
I thought his cap was a kippah/yarmulke

The way you described it made it sound like she's the sixth kid on the Willy Wonka factory tour.

>She was a bully, but also a kid.

So were Ed Edd n Eddy yet EVERYONE is ok with them getting molested, footraped, and stripped of ALL their clothes by the Kankers against their wills.

Wonka mind.

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But it is holy shit so dark. Not through competence, but through sheer bloody-minded incompetent writing by people who did not deserve the paycheck they got.

Similar to how Disney managed to fuck up Star vs. The Forces of Evil so badly they gave the "hero" the biggest death toll of innocents of any Disney character. It's not a galaxy brain thought or anything, it's just what they managed to write because they were bad writers.

Why didn't you save her, Zig Forums?

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Ed Edd and Eddy's episodic nature made it clear that whatever happened to the guys, they would always get better.
Chicken Little ended with the explicit statement that Foxy never will.
Plus it also gave rewards to characters that really didn't deserve it. The fucking dad didn't earn jack except a DNR from his son years later.

That's irrelevant, since that game came out around the same time. Disney started to regret this film over time

i can't really read this as feminine. more like a dude in drag.

Well it was a bad movie on many many levels. Less ugly than Mars Needs Moms, but Disney only distributed that shit.

Remember when George and Harold did the same thing to ms. Ribble?

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>Fatty is even eating on the dvd cover

I love that you couldn't find an English cover calling it a "Disney Classic." Yeah, maybe in Mexico its a classic, not here.

I just searched a high quality resolution of the fucking boxart

Why is the irrelevant porcupine kid in the cover instead of the ugly duckling girl, which was actually a major character ?

I'm fairly sure those are all stock images they had laying around rearranged around a generic background. Most likely they didn't have a good shot of the duckling that would have fit in.

Most likely Marketing. I remember how everyone said the porcupine was their favorite character because he was cool.
That being said, this movie was nice and Abby is cute. Foxy Loxy deserves her punishment.

What's the problem?

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This actually played in movie theaters before the film starts. Disney was trying too hard to be Dreamworks around this time youtube.com/watch?v=TIVnvLuZkS8

Its bad when its unintentional horror. If they'd been doing it on purpose, that would be a different story.

Well, that was painful

Wasn't Chicken Little voiced by a nerdy black guy?

What's this about the dad being abusive?

I know, right? Foxy Loxy gets turned nice, docile and perfectly feminine against her will, and everyone's happy with that, especially the guy that adopts her to be his girlfriend when she's too brain-fried to protest. Tomboy taming is top tier.

The movie itself isn't that bad either.

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Here's all that you need to know about this monster

That's funny, but is there a serious actual reason in the movie he's considered abusive?

He was awful, but i found the Paranorman's father to be even worse

>sings lollipop song
that song is about blowjobs!

The porcupine was in literally all the trailers and marketing because of the “woah” joke and because sunglasses = cool according to Disney marketing

He was even on the theatrical release poster

Even the poster was a reference to Men in Black 2

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This and Home on the Range were the two worst movies Walt Disney Animation Studios ever made. And they were back-to-back, truly the dark ages.

Sounds like a doujin plot.
Except replace the
>tomboy into southern belle
>delinquent into shrine maiden
I know it's not 1:1 but eh good enough.

lol really?
Maybe rape did happen

Nope Zach Braff from Scrubs

>Wants less tomboys


Really is, isn't it?

Lobotomies aren't taming. That's just cheating.

Brother Bear wasn't that great either. Not as bad, but quite the drop in quality from Lilo and Stitch and Treasure Planet

I was pretty young when I saw it, and I still thought it was fucked up and dark. All during the credits I was expecting it to wear off or for something to change her back, because overwriting someone's personality because you "like it better" when they're subservient is super-villain 101.

Brother Bear looks phenomenal, the villain is decent, and it has a solid emotional core. It just makes a few mistakes here and there. Not even remotely an abomination like Home on the Range and Chicken Little are.

Brother Bear was fine. Respectible. As good as Pocahontas, possibly better than Hunchback but lacking the stand-out scenes Hunchback had. Chicken Little was just fucking "wait, DISNEY did this? I thought they were competent!" bad.

It's fine and easily one of 2003's best animated films.

>Liking Chicken Little and Home on the Range
OK Zoomer

Brother Bear? Sure. Its fine. I'm not going to put it on my "Top Ten Animated Movies" list, but I'd be damn proud if I was an animator that had worked on it.

I remain fucking astounded that this was written and directed by the same guy that did Emperor's New Groove and Cats Don't Dance. I guess no matter how good you are, sometimes you just shit the bed. Last I heard his career nosedived so hard from that, he's now working on a Funko Pop movie. Oy.

Well, situations can change, people you used to collaborate with can leave, you can get bad ideas into your head, etc.

He likes the movie with Rosanne and the one with the lardass pig. I think it's just a fat fetish.

I'm not seeing the downside to your complaint. Bitch woman becomes upstanding citizen woman bound to a deserving guy.

Something about that head to body proportions is bugging me.


The only thing I remember from the movie was that Spice Girls song and Ain't No Mountain High Enough playing

This. Even as a kid, I remember thinking, “This is pretty messed up.”

Maybe she shouldn't have been a bitch that got everyone to hate her, then. Ever heard of just desserts?

It's a cartoon you sõyboy, applying real world morality to a throwaway gag doesn't make you intelligent or deep.

Dindal wrote the story, not the script. Even then, Eisner is the one that pushed for the aliens stuff

I remember for some reason the trailers for this movie made it seem a lot funnier and more interesting a take than it turned out being. I was a kid and actually wanted to watch it in theaters but then had no idea why it turned out so different.

I enjoyed this movie and the licensed GBA game. I recognize that both are objectively bad, but I found them fun and do not feel bad about that. Fite me.

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She's a kid. Destroying someone's personality and replacing it with another is basically murder. They killed a kid for being a bit of a bully. Not even a major bully either, she picked on kids that would have been picked on in any school in any country. Good lord, the pig was so fat he doubled the time it took the cgi scripts to compile.

yea i always womder why that ignore so hard

>the pig was so fat he doubled the time it took the cgi scripts to compile.

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Imagine having to explain to your child that a Disney cartoon character will spend the rest of her existence smiling like a doll as she is violated over and over, praying that maybe tonight he'll finally crush her to death

Kids aren't that dumb.
They know.

I think it's safe to say they greatly overestimated how much the audience could dislike a middle schooler just because she was a bully.
What I wonder is, eve if they had made her despicable enough that we'd be okay with her brainwashing, do you think they'd get away with it today, with treatment of female characters being the minefield it is?

They'd get away with it because nobody would go see it now, just like how nobody went to see it then. Except in Brazil, where it's considered a classic because... I don't know.

Eh she was a cunt. Who cares?

Finally, a snuff film for the whole family!

Holy fuck get over yourself. I hope piggy is still impregnating her with little foxpig abombinations to this day.

You forget the part where they left her like that only because the pig wanted to fuck her

It's like that FOP/ Jimmy Neutron crossover where Carl ask Wanda to turn shrunk Crocker into Jimmy's Mom

But a million times worse

What if Harold hypnotized George into being a girly bimbo haha

>I will defend bad writing to my dying breath

Hey, you have the right to do so.

What sins could Foxxy Loxxy have possibly commited to deserve such a fate?

The Nazi from I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream wouldn't even deserve this

I want to strangle character designer of this pig

Everytime I see him I'm reminded of the reveal of the Gluttony Victim from Se7en

I fucking hate this cover mainly because it gives you a wrong idea of how the movie is going to pan out

>Chicken Little in a spy getup which implies that he's some famous spy given the presence of reporters.
>Hedgehog guy is on the cover for some odd reason, and looks like as if he's a major character unlike the actual movie where he's just an extremely minor character used for one-liners.
>Pig and Fish somewhat look like they're just minor characters that just happened to bump into the story.

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Again, it's Mark "Cats Don't Dance, Emperor's New Groove" Dindal. I'm going to be generous and assume that everything looked like ass because he was coming from 2D and had some VERY incorrect notions about what would look good in CGI.

The pig is a spineless coward who collects dolls, listens to Streisand, and has a deeply overpowering mother. He's probably spent every second of his existence hating women because of Foxxy and his mother, dreaming of humiliating sexual revenge fantasies

We underestimated how fucked up Foxxy's life was gonna get
The Pig isn't some ugly bastard otaku

He's Edmund Kemper

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See, that's the grimdark galaxy brain take. Nothing in the movie to support that.

Foxxy getting mind-murdered and turned into a Stepford Wife? That's just what's in the script, not requiring any extra reading into things.

Oh my God those are actual graphics?

The song is the only good part of the movie.

They thought he would be a breakout meme character. He wasn't.
Still better than Meet the Robinsons having Lizzy (the girl with the ant farm) on all its advertising despite her only appearing briefly near the beginning of the movie and having no relevance to the plot whatsoever.

Mr. Enter unironically gave a good breakdown.

I don't need him to tell me it sucks, I know that.

Sure, but I mean in it he goes into specifically why Buck is so terrible.


Brother Bear didn't have a villain, just a series of unfortunate events and circumstances

Literally every aspect, starting with design and voice, then his character arc, his dialogue... everything.

Fuck, this was Don Knotts' last film? That sucks, he deserved to go out on a better note.

Brother Bear is a classic, just for getting Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas to basically reprise their roles as the Mackenzie Brothers.

Did that actually happen?! Christ, why not just alter the character design

He reminds me of Mr. Creosote.

Late 2000s Disney was a clusterfuck of bad decisions, wasn't it?

Mind control where the person is in control but essentially a passenger in their own body now is the best.

You guys are really fucked in the head, it's A KIDS MOVIE

post the scene user

A kids movie with rape in it desu

>Brainwashing against will and being used as a fleshpuppet is fine

In a fair world everyone would be forced to endure the dumb things they say at least once. I would love to see if you kept this up after awakening from your mindwipe months after your shaved smooth boipussy was used by a fat fuck as a cumdump

>Abby Mallard
This. I only care about Abby and the funny part is i think her kiss with Chicken Little is the only thing people semi remember about this movie,i saw that "i always found you very attractive" line was used a lot on some fanart in the mid 2000s

I know when criticizing a movie,we love to exagerrate things but the characters we're talking about in this scenario are still canonically kid,user

Oh please dont have such a knee jerk reaction, the other user meant if and only f you're interested in an in-depth review

It was just a joke.

Did you guys know that the book Lolita was inspired by this movie?

>tfw you will never mindrape a foxgirl

does anyone else find foxy attractive

I think you mean early 2000s. They started to turn the corner with either Meet the Robinsons or Bolt (depending on who you ask) in 2007/8.

If aliens came to earth and offered you one free mindwipe, who would you choose?
I always had this crush on a coworker.

Before or after she got lobotomized?

>You guys are really fucked in the head, it's A KIDS MOVIE

Okay? They still managed to basically murder a child in it, overwriting her personality with a different one that a fat slob found more appealing. Not our fault that the writers fucked up so badly they put that in a kids movie. "They took her personality, how she acted and what she enjoyed, and erased it" isn't some edgy interpretation, its just the script.

Sometimes writers don't think about what they're doing.

For real i understand what you mean but the fact people can only criticize that part with "lol Runt raped her" jokes is getting old very quickly

Well, I mean... "where do you think you are" and all that. Movie ends with her being handed off as a gift girlfriend to one of the most unappealing characters ever animated. Of course that's what Zig Forums's going to say.

And even if it is a Zig Forums-level exaggeration, it's not without basis. He basically went "don't undo the mindwipe... I want this Stepfordized version of her as a girlfriend!" That's already damn fucked up. It's not even a long walk to get to the rape jokes.

>Haha what if this joke were taken seriously? Wouldn't that be dark and edgy?


I don't get why people hate the dad. If your autistic son ran around screaming and causing thousands of dollars worth of damage to the town for what seems like no reason, yeah I'm gonna let him know he's being a retarded faggot.

>Its edgy to look at what happens in a movie and say its what happened in the movie

It's a whole pattern of worthless spinelessness. He'd even be terrified of saying what you just said to his son.

But it's a joke. It's not meant to be taken seriously. This is like Mr. Enter bitching about that spongebob episode where spongebob forces gary to compete in a race and gary's shell explodes. It's just a gag, you're not supposed to be crying over some fictional spilled milk.

>It's a joke
It's a plot point. Spongebob is an episodic show where everything that happens gets basically reset. You set Squidward on fire (twice) and he walks it off. He's fine. With Chicken Little you got the exact opposite of that. Instead of the joke "she got turned into a generic girly girl" thing being something that was undone at the end of the movie, it was made permanent. They basically killed a kid, erased her entire personality to make her into a shell of her former self and hand the results off to an incredibly unlikable sidekick. You can say its a joke, and okay, fine, sure, but that's still what they did. Because they were really shitty at writing.

Which one was the "better" film ? This or Chicken Little ?

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Reminder that this movie was written by the Open Season writers, as well as the guys behind the sequels of Cats and Dogs and live action Inspector Gadget. It had shitty writers behind it

Who's to say she didn't change back some time after the movie? It's still just a joke that the writers thought kids would find funny, nothing more. Do you feel bad for the hundreds of guys that get killed in Regular Show too? Those don't get ignored, Mordecai straight up says at the end of the series those hundreds of people died because of his and Rigby's shenanigans.

What do you expect, he's a big chicken.

imagine if the brainwashing worn off suddenly, after she's married to the pig and had kids. that's some twilight zone shit right there.

It's one of my favorite films along with Valiant
Not like Abby

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Goosey Loosey though