Harley Quinn TAS


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Other urls found in this thread:


Who claims The Last Jedi is not canon?
People just think it sucks and breaks momentum for no reason.


It's just someone saying that they prefer the EU over the new trilogy.

Disney SW isn't canon.

damn this cartoon wrote this material 2 years ago
no way not possible
they had to have done some tweaking to their material to fit the snyder cut stuff in

every damn time



It'd be nice if we see man babies who own houses. Like let's just cut one of the neckbeard stereotype

There's a commercial for a commercial

They really didn't do anything interesting with the finale of season one, did they? I would be fine even with a take on Batman Who Laughs or something equally stupid.

My house doesn't even has a basement.

>mary sue powers
>batman not in the show
>virtue signaling

So mods are just okay with the rampant shilling? Nobody gives a shit about this show. Hell the threads are nothing but shitposting

Same people that think Wolverine defeating Lobo isn't canon. Delusional people.

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Pffft whatever, I'd be insulted but I'm nothing like th...HEY I HAVE THAT SAME SHIRT!!

as if I would wear those shirts like some no life having loser

Who owns a house in this shitty economy? Especially when these chuds spend all their money on Star Wars toys?

Hopefully the prices of house will go down after Covid-19

>chuds spend all their money on Star Wars toys?
Had to

I've seen a number of people saying that "only Legends is canon".

Seeing Snyderfags chimp out on Twitter was pretty funny

The shilling never ends. At least these threads are good for shitposting.
Reminder that Ivy will cheat on Kiteman in Bachelorette for literally no reasons other than being drunk.

The end of season one was just an excuse to write off the Justice League to explain why "Why didn't X save Gotham?"

Kiteman's romance with Ivy was the best part of the show

Ummm, no?
They are making fun of soulless fatsos and sunburned baldies.

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>I'm going to deal with the one character who has a better healing factor than I do off screen

Nothing in that mini was canon because the whole fucking thing was decided through fan votes

Jason Todd's death was decided by fan votes too. Its canon. You need to learn to deal with it.


what was the fall out of this cross over and has it been referenced since? Because from my understanding JLA/Avengers is the only canon cross over

Wasn't it later shown that Lobo took a dive for a massive payout?

Now that I completely believe, what could wolverine even do against lobo? Couldn't lobe just chain him and drag his ass through space to kill him?

reading this comment section gave me a headache

Provide the scans then instead of mindlessly believing in that fan-fiction.

The bald guy is non white, likes harley quinn and seemingly a lot fitter

Cucks and simps refuse to hear any kind of truth regarding TLJ.

>The bald guy is non white
Yeah, no. Unless you are somekind fringe Zig Forums puritan that nose is clearly of what normal people consider "white" genosphere and is distinct feature that is regressive and thus will not appear on those with mixed hereditary.

That bald guy is either really into sun tanning or is using some tanning agent.


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Why didn't Booster Gold save Gotham? He wasn't in the League.

That was pretty funny

holy shit is this the 7th fucking thread today

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Reading any Youtube comment sections will give anyone a headache

You got to hand it to them when ever they find anything remotly close to proving their point they rush here to get the yous and praise from the hate force

Why there are dildos on the counter.

did you see the last scene, its all sex man


is this real?


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Yes, though its mostly just used to show Harley is an idiot but no, go on take it to the other Zig Forumssters who don't watch and just want proof their hate is justified.

I do, fuck the mouse

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I stopped caring about this show when I saw the plans for the superman family show that was scrapped for it.

Context is important but not when you want to blindly hate-

--Zig Forums motto

used to prove Mr Freeze is a good guy, those pinons are portrayed in a positive light, let me guess your next post will be claiming it's ironic

your anger is misplaced

"Oh no, Harley's making fun of us!"
>Isn't that the show that can't decide what blood does to King Shark, has Dr Psycho block Wonder Woman and then can't lift a table, have Ivy constantly forget she can use her plants, constantly shoves in really bad political dialog, had Ivy tout the common sense gun control after shooting two unarmed men, and then implied that Harley choosing to be a murderer is a better thing than if she'd been manipulated into it?
>Well, glad they had a way to make them feel better after the movie bombed.

but nobody really calls her out on it except for Mr freeze, even though it made me cringe.

No they are used in earnest, why would they be Ironic

How is it misplaced, please explain it to me

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So what exactly is the context of
>Its been 30 long years since a female villain had a crew
That makes it not stupid.

The Last Jedi fucking sucked bruh
This Harley Quinn show fucking sucks bruh

Everyone did

Only cucks like that dogshit pile of a movie

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>Get out of my store.

Wait a minute, shouldn't it be something disparaging about Marvel? Why would DC go after itself?

an user tried to claim it was ironic a few threads back, I don't think he understood that we actually watched the episode

That's okay. I hope they don't complain when they get made fun of back.

>I don't think he understood that we actually watched the episode
Can you blame him for thinking nobody had?

I my self am an old EU loyalist who refuses to accept the Disney continuity or have anything to do with it. You've got a problem with it?

Most of the angry nerds I know/have met live in those multi-building apartment complexes that are called like Brook View or Forest Hills to try and distract that you're surrounded by big box plazas and business parks.

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This is who really ruined star wars everything else is created to fix his colossal fuck up.

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yes since the new shill tactic is to claim anyone who posts criticism of this show don't actually watch it.

Yeah, other then Kotor the EU was shit

The woke virtue signalling is repelent, it's true. Thankfully, there have been only two examples over the course of the show that make me cringe: the very beginning of the first episode with Joker trashing "white people" in something that would be considered disgustingly racist if it was done to a group of black people, and Mr. Freeze going a small woke rant.

Oh, and Disney Star Wars is apocryphal cancerous horseshit that needs to deleted from existence.

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People like you should be fucking castrated and torn apart at the limbs. Kennedy and JJ and rian ruined star wars, no one else.

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No they didn't. That whole glass Ceiling thing was pretty fucking dumb and saying female villains get treated worse than male villains. Hell I like Ivys quips but they should ended the joke when Luther said they have a women in their league or at least show Cheetah with a reward.

fucking incels probably aren't even hyped for the game of our generation

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it would be more funny if they accurately represented those kinds of people

>started watching the first sequel movie
>it fucking sucked, left the theatre after an hour or so after it didnt get better
>watched the trailers of the next two ones
>they look like shit, heard they also dragged back Palpatine or something
>never going to watch any of them

You don't have to wolf down a toilet full of turds to know its shit.

The EU had plenty of good stories. What the fuck is with this meme that it's all trash?

>This is who really ruined star wars e
>Toys, merch, and shows were all doing spectacularly well following ROTJ, with mutiple venues all producing massive profit year after year and even maligned characters like Greivous being heavy merch movers.
>Kathleen gets a hold of it and within 3 years merch sales lost over 100 million for Hasbro, yes, they LOST money just making that merchandise, the movie had become the highest sequel drop of all time with a staggering 700 million, and by the end of it all the entire Star Wars section in retailers had dwindled to less than a shelf and the last movie made less money than The Joker despite costing 5 times as much.

George had skill these losers couldn't dream of.

Disney fags on damage control

The only thing he really fucked was selling it, the PT was his attempt to end it and set those millions of autists free. it didn't so he sold it to a talentless hack who hired other talentless hacks to churn out empty space movies that have no morals or point beyond profit

People like you are why this franchise is in the toilet. How can you sit there and honestly believe the prequels are so bad that the shitfest Disney put out is superior?

Not saying the Nu-Canon’s any better, but most of the EU was bloated, unfiltered junk

Ironically, Katheleen has succeeded where he failed, even Daisy is bitching nobody cares about it anymore.

Suck that dick any harder and it might fall off. The Prequels are and will remain the worst star wars thing ever made, and that includes the Ewok cartoon and the Holiday special

The prequels shat on the legacy of Star Wars while you were still in diapers kiddo. Disney just made money parading around the corpse.

Oh I know but they've been trying to claim that the sjw screen caps are taken out of context. As someone who has seen every episode I can tell you that the context doesn't change how cringe this show is.

>thinks the sequels are actually good in any capacity

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And God bless him for giving us Star Sara in the first place

Based. Fuck Snyderfags and fuck his DCEU movies.

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Because they EU--no Legends Fags want to yell and scream about how the ST ruined the lore, but ignore how Legends took the lore and stomped it into the ground

This goes for you too, samefag

You dumb clonguses. You absolute boblongoses.
You realize they pull this shit to make you retards outraged, so you bitch about it, so their show gets more popularity? How have you morons not realized this?
If you didn't realize that by the time you realized what shirts they were wearing, you're fucking hopeless.

Why do Prequelfags always fall back to “m-m-muh Sequels” whenever someone calls out their shitty movies for what they are?

Because the sequels are watchable, the prequels are a sleeping pill


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What in that implies I think the sequels are good retard? I don't care about the sequels. The franchise was dead before they even wrote the scripts.

Also I never really understand what they mean by taken out of context? I watched the episodes that showed those lines and while the first one was a it funny the rest was just awful.

But theyre good, you just have mountain of shit taste
>b-but disney shit good because it look like OT
Kill yourself

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From what I remember the prequels were able to sell merch

ANything is good compared to those things I would rather watch the room for a whole week then 1 second of that shit

This show is a national treasure, honestly

>Because the sequels are watchable

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synder fags are the scum of the earth

But i don't have black friends

Probably cause most is either a joke or bullshit

Yeah it's impressive really, it seems disney paid billions of dollars to just end it which is pretty based of george. But how many more movies did star wars really have? Because as much as I would've loved to have seen a proper sequel trilogy I can't really see what the point of making it past 9

>durr hurr let me attack the prequels and pretend i dont care about the sequels to instead defend them
Not failing for it, sequel shill

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Dude, you're trashing the prequels to make Disney sound good. You're a pathetic fanboy.

I never even once said that the Sequels are good. That doesn’t change that that Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones aged super poorly. Revenge of the Sith was decent, but only because of a few scenes.

I wish they didn't encourage snydercutfags but that was kinda funny

EU was cool. I grew up on njo and loved it, but it's not some holy grail ornuntouchable master piece. I do prefer the njo to the st, but I think it's cool that Disney has a lot of.places they can go now, st aside. Lots of freedom not being bogged down.

And none of it makes legends any better or worse than it was.

>the sequels are good

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Men love basements. It's women who hate it because it provides men with solitude.

It's comfy

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But I don't. I just, thankfully, am not a reactionary autistic faggot like you, so I can call two different turds turds all the same.

You're crying about the ruination of a franchise that only had two good movies out of six.

That's what it felt like. I feel like the first part felt like more like a joke while the rest was pretty bullshit.

>I never even once said that the Sequels are good.
Then why are you defending them

ok user explain why those jokes aren't coming from an political ideology

Oh, sorry didn't realize you found ridiculous speech and grade school level cgi so riveting.

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>Who claims The Last Jedi is not canon?

Disney appently, given how much they tried to recon in Rise of Skywalker.

Pretty much, men need their own space where they can just be by themselves. I never understood why women can't grasp that.

Why do you have so many pictures of the same dude?

disproportionate amount of them are street shitters as well

Oh wow, you're one of those faggots? Please tell me how amazing Empire Strikes Back was. Tell me about how the wooden acting and blatant plot armor made it one of the greatest films of all time.

>shits on 2003 Titans manchildren
>shits on the Snyder Cult
uh hello based department

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At what point was I defending them, you you illiterate fuck? All I said was that the Prequels were shit and that the Sequels were just propping up a corpse.

I feel like Ed truly captured the appeal of an older brother living in the basement and watching movies while reading comics

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Senate scenes were cool, mountains of reylo romance was not

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You are such a fanboy. How much did you pay for that Daisy Ridley poster in your room, bud?

Women are afraid of going under ground. It's also dirty and filthy. Lolis and Stacie's are afraid of basements

By saying the sequels are better then the prequels and attacking the prequels instead is your method of defending the sequels, mouse shill

If you can't be yourself around your wife or girlfriend you probably should break up

Why does no one care when fans hate the new Star Trek movies

>crossover event is canon

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>The Last Jedi
>2020 (2019 in production time)

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Not an argument
I. DIDN’T. SAY. THE. SEQUELS. WERE. GOOD. They’re shit in their own ways, just as the Prequels were.

>umm hey how about them prequels, those were worse right?

I wonder which trilogy sells more merchandise

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FInn got like three different girls...you know to show he ain't gay

user, Basements bring out women's natural urge to tame the beast. They will also use the basement to to laundry and use themselves as bait doing high test exercises.

>seems self aware that its made giant piles of shit
>continues to make giant piles of shit

Seems like a weak way to defend its constant stream of failure

The new Star Trek movies weren't a 4 billion dollar gamble to introduce woke politics into major movies, them being able to kill Star Wars of all properties is next level dangerous to pushing that.

Not gonna lie, I ran a comic book club ar my college. My group had a guy like this, they are out there, and it is funny to laugh behind their back

Yet you claim the prequels were worse, in your passive aggressive defense of the sequels

it's not about hiding who you are, it's about having your own area. Men need to be alone every now and then, they can crave solitude after a while.

Prequels because of Berserk Anakin Larping like a Shonen hero

Go away Ladderbro

Neither sinces The Clone Wars, Rebels, and the Mandalorian are what sell the merch right now

Disney has this insane obsession with trying to control the online narrative to prop up their 4billion dollar investment.

Show me where I claimed the Sequels were worse. I’ll wait.

>JJ ruins star trek
>is rewarded for that by being allowed to ruin star wars

>TLJ retcons midichlorians and shits on Sheev impregnating Shmi theories by reaffirming episode 4's point that the heroes were ragtag bunch of misfits
fandom deserves nothing

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I am convinced Nerds don't understand that men love solitude and women crave cock enough to dress up a cheerleader and superheroes for their attention

>Show me where I claimed the Sequels were worse. I’ll wait.
Thats the problem, you didnt

Marvel/DC crossovers have always been one-sided wether or not they happened in main continuity. Marvel has never acknowledged it's crossovers with DC while DC has made mention of the crossovers. So yeah it can be canon DC wise that wolverine kicked lobos ass but not canon to 616 marvel

This is TTG levels of bad
Imagine being so insecure about your show that you feel the need pick fights with disgruntled nerds for publicity

>TLJ retcons midichlorians
No it doesn't, it just implies Rey has a lot of them.

She doesn't need to come from anyone special, as far as we know Yoda didn't, Mace Windu didn't, Obi-Wan beat Anakin and he didn't.

>still crying about Midichlorians
Good fucking lord

Fug I meant Prequels. In any case, I heavily dislike both.

I am convinced that Sheev just want his documentaries or history channel special at this point

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Yes. Small nods in DC titles make mention of the crossovers that have happened and DC is the only one that has used access in some of it's issues

>Obi-Wan beat Anakin and he didn't.
Wait until the High Republic and Obi-Wan's Disney+ series comes out

harley quinn isn't canon

It seems like a weird point to make after rogue ones moral was "Do you know how many brown people had to die to make your lily white lie?" He also shit on the rag tag concept of it by showing that when a group goes off on there own they fuck everything up, you have to listen to stronk women who condescendingly won't give you any information even when you're on the brink of total defeat

You see how they change the narrative? Star Wars was never about lineage or special bloodlines, Jediism isn't hereditary.

>tfw Rey and Ben said "ok boomer" and didn't turn out like their grandparents
>Rey isn't Lady Sheev and Ben isn't Vader jr
kek and based

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Nerds were made fun of before Nu Cartoons.

They just switched from math to comics

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Well I know Korona was a DC villain and the cosic egg that he became at the end of JLA/Avengers was used in Busieks trinity mini, were their any other references?

>nerds create something they enjoy
>it gets destroyed by corporations and trannies
>get told to shut up and stop being incels
I sure do love cultural imperialism

please learn the difference between nerd and geek

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>be *by* themselves
>not "be themselves"
When a forty-something physics professor/keyboardist who dresses as a ninja can saliently point out how absurd his ex's idea of "spending your alone time with me" is, you might not have a leg to stand on when you try to argue you should be with your girl 100% of the time.
Also, learn how to read.

Forman is the best both sides are gonna get

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Uh, Krona

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That would mean that Disney would be introducing it just to claim that the other movie was right.

Is this actually selling. I mean I assume nothing comic related is selling but I am curious is this is another go woke go broke moment.

Not that guy but.
That being said, you are being quite defensive to a guy who just asked a question and wasn't making a baseless claim.

>guise all popularity iz good!


We don't know, DC Universe has a TINY subscription base, and both seasons of this show were greenlit to air around the BOP movie, and thus far it hasn't been renewed for a season 3.

it's only on DCU and TBS I think. DC is putting all their eggs in this basket hoping for a success. I canceled my DCU account not wanting my money going to this shit, so I have no idea.

Wasn't he a villain before the crossover though? Does he just taunt the DC heros with Marvel constantly outselling them?

>so their show gets more popularity?
This worked out wonderfully for Terminator Dark Fate. Remember how much everyone talked about it post the "Shaking in their boots" comment?

Blockbuster, that one, and not just another laughing stock.

Did it have a decent selection of comics?

>The Clone Wars
You mean, the thing that takes place during the prelogy ?
You mean, the thing that is supposed to link prelogy and original movies ?
Only Yeed sells. But yeah, it's a decent to good serie

Kinda sad when you think about it.

Not as sad as defending the Sequels

it actually had a decent selection

No it's sader

Well you can enjoy the EU but it's still not canon anymore

My only issue with it is the blue milk. Everything else is fine.

Funny how this is the not obnoxious guy.

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Wait, forgot about Rose. Her whole character and freeing the space horses was unnecessary.

The Nu-Trilogy isnt canon

yes goy the sequels are bad you should only watch the prequels on Disney+!

Yes it is.

The PT is truly a pleb filter

What is canon? The story of Star Wars means jack and shit right now. Apparently everything was a longcon by Palpatine to electrocute himself to death. I'll just stick to enjoying Star Wars media that's unrelated to the Skywalker bullshit.

Nuh uh

You guys realize this thread is exactly what they wanted right

I've been debating for a while about getting a tablet to have a decent comic reader and I'd like o get dc universe. Though I'm surprised that the damn thing isn't on the switch or the PS4 for the broadest possible net of subscribers. and you'd think that being able to get their comics in the hands of kids who own the switch would be in their best interest

What is or isn't canon has nothing to do with quality.

>all publicity is good publicity
you sound smart

Who is they? I just hate Disney.

Thanks I get that a lot

Actually im quite woke I was just playing devils advocate, thinking that the show will have the nuance to portray the reality that there's some people who's idealogies they quite disagree on and yet like them.

That's not true, but the Sequel Trilogy doesn't make sense chronologically or just logically with the whole rebillion 2.0 and empire 2.0 nonsense

This. And it was so Kennedy could destroy the legacy of Lucas and replace it with Feminazi propaganda.


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I don't think it's that deep. I think Disney just wanted to make a lot of money by appeal to OTfags and band wagoners and Star Wars was an unfortunate casualty of that venture.

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No it is that deep.

>I think Disney just wanted to make a lot of money by appeal to OTfags
That was Disney's reason. Kennedy had "Galaxy's Edge" changed to be Sequel-based instead of OT based because she wanted HER Star Wars to be the major attraction, because the OT is for 50 year old men, or something. So, yeah, it really WAS that deep.

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>we aren't taking away your starwars you incels

>he can't be mixed, hispanic, indian, or middle eastern

Why wouldn't they make their new theme park based on the sequels? Yeah, they're dogshit movies but it makes perfect sense from a marketing perspective to promote the shit you're currently making rather than the decades-old version. Not to mention braindead kids are probably gonna be more impressed by the new stuff than any of the old just like there's a generation that was raised on watching the shitty prequels. They're the movies that all the current toys are based on too so it makes sense to appeal to their base like that.

That game isn't even woke at this point, tho. It's just an edgelord's fantasy.

Why would DC trash their previous works and the people who liked them even if they were shit?

Jokes like this are a sure sign of weakness. If they truly believed they were making something worthwhile, they'd just ignore detractors all together. But they can't, because those people are free publicity, something to vilify and use as strawmen to make it seem like underdogs with a message. They can't actually form an argument for why their version of Harley is better than the original, because they don't truly care about her as a character. She's just a vessel for their shit comedy writing and self insert soap boxing.

>I made my Rob Liefeld insert beat up 2 of your favorite characters. GRRM would be so proud of me.

Kids won't even buy a cocksucking funkopop of kylo ren. OTfags buy their Kenner shit in pairs of 3.

And I guarantee you the OT-fags are the older audience because I doubt most kids nowadays hold a fondness for the OT compared to the sequels. I doubt Disney would want the bad optics of Star Wars land being filled with nothing but manchildren, it's bad enough already with the adult fans of the sequels as polarizing as they are.

>The people who liked Snyderverse are also the same guys who hate nuWars
Damn how much more tone deaf can this show get?

>reading any youtube comment section
Do you hate yourself that much?

The Original Trilogy didn't have a problem with resonating with younger demographic. Does Han and Chewie need to dab when they shoot down Vader's tie fighter? Is this really because of just dated effects?

Georgie boy, we as people didn't deserve the gift that was your unfiltered autism, this punishment is one we must never forget and forever learn from.

>Is this really because of just dated effects?
Yes. Kids on average have shit taste, I liked the prequels better than the OT because it looked newer, had more flashing lights, and Jar Jar but I realized the error of my ways once I was old enough to understand why the OT are better films.

Oh, shut up. Like anything homeboy made after the first three original SWs was? TRASH. THANKS, DISNEY!

>Snydercuck is a manchild complaining about a show he never watches
>Anti-sequel chad is chill and doesn't sperg out about anything
Seems pretty accurate to me.

It's fucking Thursday and the show is released in a few hours. Relax and take break from Zig Forums if you can't handle it. This isn't new.

Those are beer bottles....

AGREED! The only good thing he did was marry that hot Black economist, who probably convinced his ass to sell everything move the fuck on before he damaged MORE of his legacy.

why would a snyderfan watch Gotham?

>Anti-sequel chad is chill and doesn't sperg out about anything
No need to rage when the Sequel Trilogy when the trainwreck of tangled fire and metal is long since past you. Now it's about trying to recover and moving on.

If only Snydercucks could do the same.

Chuds mad

>Guy wearing the "TLJ isn't canon" shirt is a reasonable and decent looking dude.
What did WB mean by this?

I don't care about the show, but making a joke about rabid fanboys is harmless humor. If you're legit insulted or disgusted, you should probably go outside now and then, although not now due the rona.

>cartoons are just now animated slave wage click bait to get people to watch their show now.

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>merch sales indicate quality
Cars is of course the best Pixar property

>over 9 threads
no usually new episodes for things only get 2 or 3, unless your SU

Jesus christ this shit is so cringeworthy.
Do white people unironically like this shit?

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So.......it was more funny?

punching down the weakest and safe punchline isn't humor.

The argument was about what killed the franchise, it's obvious which trilogy did that

What is canon? Why does Disney get to tell you what matters? What makes them your boss, and you their slave?

George Lucas created Star wars. And while his involvement in the old EU was minimal and he said it did not match his headcanon, he did approve of it and said he considered it an alternate universe. Which in my book makes it a valid star wars universe.

On the other hand he has disowned the Disney sequel trilogy. He has called Disney "White Slavers". By Iger's own admission Lucas feels he was betrayed.He foolishly may have sold the legal rights to Star Wars to disney, but that gives them nothing more than the right to profit off their own fanfiction. They hjave no moral right to decide what is canon IE what does or does not matter.

For me the EU is a true Star Wars continuity approved by Lucas and has value, while Disney's is not, and has absolutely no value.

I accept the true version of star wars has been discontinued and is "dead". But I will keep loyal to it and keep it's memory alive.

Meanwhile disney can and will continue to produce it's valueless non canon shit. And I will continue to denounce it.

>I accept the true version of star wars has been discontinued and is "dead". But I will keep loyal to it and keep it's memory alive.

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Good. Snyder cut people are annoying. You have to know when to let go.

Fanboys gave DC the benefit of the doubt when they paid to see a trash-fire Harley Quinn movie. Not saying making fun of fanboys is sacrilege, but eventually DC is just going to reflect on their decisions someday when there aren't any fanboys sticking around.

>And I guarantee you the OT-fags are the older audience because I doubt most kids nowadays hold a fondness for the OT compared to the sequels
Everyone loves the OT. It was well-written, it had good and likable characters. It wasn't made by a douchey little spoiled Jewish asshat who ruined Star Trek out of petulant fury because no one was buying HIS Star Trek merchandise.

No one gives a shit about the Sequels, get used to it, Disneyfag. Your Feminist dogshit, that tried to get rid of the "50 year old" fanbase, didn't sell. No one fucking likes it. It is an abortion.

>They're the movies that all the current toys are based on too so it makes sense to appeal to their base like that.
You mean the ones that NO ONE IS BUYING? The ones that fill up dollar-aisles or free-toy bins?


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Fucking retard, I said I don't like the sequels whatsoever so I don't know why you're sperging at me. All I said that the average kid would see the lower stakes action and older special effects and not understand why the originals are better, that is if they even watched them in the first place. Most kids don't care about quality so basing their theme park on the newest movies which kids are more likely to have seen makes sense and isn't part of some insidious conspiracy like you make it out to be.

>All I said that the average kid would see the lower stakes action and older special effects
You are legitimately retarded if you think the OT had "lower stakes action". The Sequels had "no stakes action" in comparison. Children aren't all about flashiness and fast-paced, dipshit. They like well-developed things as much as anyone else. Which is why they aren't buying the Sequels.
>Most kids don't care about quality
Oh, yeah, sure, which is why low-quality games and movies are doing so well... oh, wait, they tend to go bankrupt or sell like shit cakes. Most kids DO care about quality, especially when it comes to toys and entertainment, it allows them to lord over their fellows over how much "better" their stuff is, compared to their peers.
>isn't part of some insidious conspiracy
Oh, yeah, the former VP of DISNEY was just making stuff up to make Queen Kathleen look bad... fuck off shill.

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shit, i might have to watch this now

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>You’re shitting on this but if you don’t shit on it the exact way I think that means you’re a shill
Are you genuinely autistic? I’ve seen kids popularize worse garbage and just about every younger relative I know is crazy for lightsabers and shit without even touching the originals so the average kid is not the most intelligent consumer. Most snot nosed kids are not gonna understand that the sequels are all flash and no substance, they usually just see the flash. No kid is going to appreciate the special effects of the originals compared to the new.

Snydercucks are trying real hard to turn this into a positive, they're even using the strawman as their profile pic, but their faux smugness slips when everyone calls them out for being low iq retards

Anyway, the reason for this horde of annoying pajeets existing is DC and DCfags, so fuck them

Honestly, were the people who say “kids don’t care because they’re kids” retarded as children? Kids are just small people

Pretty much. They're the kind of people who think dumbed-down trash will sell to kids, because they think kids are too stupid for higher-brow stuff. Batman: The Animated Series shits on that way of thinking hard. Kids like quality. They can easily spot shoddy knockoffs, or something shallow and patronizing.

>No kid is going to appreciate the special effects of the originals compared to the new.
Aside from being able to tell that the OT is more realistic instead of soulless CGI, you mean. They might not be able to articulate it, but they WILL notice it. Or, rather, their brains will notice it. It wasn't the "flashiness" that got me into Star Wars at age 3, it was the characters and world-building. The special effects were just the icing on the cake. The music and the tone were FAR more important to me as a tot, than ADHD-fueled battle sequences. It's what I found horribly boring in Episode I at age 11, I might add.


This is pretty spot on to the comments in pretty much every Zig Forums thread about the show. If anything they toned things down.

Based as fuck

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Art imitates life.
t.Manbaby who still hasn't fucking moved out yet, lousy economy

The most unbelievable thing in this picture is that the guy has an x box. Though it's never a good sign when a show resorts to meta commentary so soon

I'm not a snydercut retard so I don't care

I'm going to die at 90 years old and people will still bitch about fucking Star Wars as i take my last breath

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>Who claims The Last Jedi is not canon?
Zig Forums and reddit

Do black people exist??

>suddenly my opinion about the art consume isn't valid because the corporation who own the characters said otherwise


Hey, as far as making fun of "those misogynistic nerds" go, this is pretty subtle

I have two houses from my parents. But again, I'm not american.


This is so hammy it strengthens my belief that the shitposter who responds to all criticism with “have sex incel” is someone from the team looking to stir up attention

only canon is that Jason Todd exists as a character and that Batman told him it's okay if they kill people by manslaughter in Second Chances because they are playing dangerous game.
Everything else is bullshit.


After thought and consideration I have chosen to believe The Last Jedi is last Canon movie and Rise of The Skywalker never happened.

There are people who like last jedi?
There are people that like Snyder?

Access appeared in a couple of DC issues throughout the 90's as a quick cameo looking for heroes before popping off and mentioning Marvel hero. The best example would be when he appears looking for Kyle Rayner can't find him and then mentions that maybe the silver surfer can help

of course not
that's why they targeted a movement that already gathered more than 100 thousand $ for charity, is globally known and even made haters like Dan Slott support it
none of which can be applied to not-Ayer or not-Dini, or even not-Palmiotti Harley Quinn product these days

The typical tactic of sjws when things go shit is to clinge of someone else's hype. And of course it's everybody else is wrong except them.

No wonder they put ginger guy in Snyder Cut t while making Luthor a n

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based goy

>Who owns a house in this shitty economy?

That's fine. Sometimes, you have to laugh at yourself.

>the DCfag is a fat caucasian
>the mousefag is a nig chad

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Shitty economy? I thought Trump has made it better than ever.

They mean fuck The Last Jedi it's so bad.

Shit I might actually watch the show now

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they needed somebody to play the straight act for their strawman. They obviously couldn't have a normal guy hanging in the basement so why not pick on some other nerd group too?

How am I supposed to read this, up to down? Left to right?

There are only about two threads a month on Zig Forums about the Snyder cut. For comparison, there are about two threads A DAY about Harley Quinn.

Going by that, Zig Forums is about 30 times more "Harley Quinn" than "Snyder cut".

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Nice try ladderbro


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Only white girls

Rian pls


Hang yourself Chapotard

have sex incel

But how's the isolation in a basement? Do new homes even have basements?

>Guy with an anti-TLJ shirt looks good and is reasonable
>Guy with a pro-Synder shirt is ugly and dumb

Begrudgingly, I must admit this is based.

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Sometime hate is justified, like if you're a slave and you hate your chains. Your master would preach at you to not hate

Kino connoisseurs

Actually it was "Obama's Economy" but it's in the shitter thanks to rona. Watch as when this virus shit blows over and the economy does well again, it'll still be his.


>It's just someone saying that they prefer the EU over the new trilogy.
EU is better than any of the Disney garbage.

She killed Star Wars land and turned it into Galaxy's Edge. and Uninspiring hole with a bar a strip mall and two carnival rides.

americans are so cringe

I'm so glad I have the balls to admit and know that movie was trash.

>Making the guy who dislikes TLJ into a reasonable guy

Based DC

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Is that Penn from Penn and Teller?

I fell asleep during The Force Awakens because of how predictable it all was. So no, they are not watchable.

If she was on the on the run from some new Authority then we'd have a story. But no its just Butch Deadlift who we're supposed to sympathize with for some reason.

I'm so glad this shit movie game is getting shit on so hard.

>Because the sequels are watchable
Ewoks is more watchable than the Soiquels.

Them holding up those guys up as a heroes is great.

They'd probably take most of them on Helicopter Rides just to be safe.

>Helicopter Rides
yes better that it's a right wing nutjob who suspends the constitution, runs the country into the ground all while terrorising his people with a secret police both inside and outside his country

Force Awakens disgusts me. Not because of how straight up copy and paste the damn thing was.

But because I was fool enough to actually have hope it would be good.

HAHA that is a sad one

I enjoyed the first season but I’m iffy on the second season.....needs more “no mans land” shenanigans

no not really, most men who don't have a basement use a garage or a den

I laughed with the Snyder guy, but, who the fuck likes The Last Jedi unironically?

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Ha poor deluded coast babies, in the midwest if you don't have a basement you'll die.

Can I say I like stuff in TLJ, but also really hate other thing

Nu males or Contrarians, anyone who's Hollywood white

hey asshole, not one of them, but Im a coast baby, and I have a fucking basement, fuck you

they "like" it for political reasons

I like it, but I will also admit that the rebel part of the story doesn't really work like the Jedi part of the story works. The ending also worked

Nobody hates or likes anything days they just scream what their political ideology tells them to scream

You're...not very smart huh, Gonna guess New Jersey


close enough


Lel, Snyderfags btfo. This show is great.

so awesome when this show btfo of incels

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Talk for yourself paleface
I hate what Zack Snyder did to the DCEU and Nu Star wars sucks

Zack Snyder is the type of retard who read watchmen and though the comedian raping the silk spectre was badass

The ONLY bits of Star Wars that are canon are the ones that have George Lucas's(pbuh) blessing and support.

I always found something and about people that just flat out refuse to accept something as canon when it is. It's like the nerd equivalent of the whole "not muh president" thing when Trump and Obama won

i think it might be.

I feel called out.

I'm just happy they confirmed they are not releasing the Snyder Cut and actively hate Snydertards

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looks metal as fuck
homosexually transparent

>Jason Todd's death was decided by fan votes too. Its canon. You need to learn to deal with it.

FUCK THAT! I’ll just punch reality itself so hard that Jason Todd will come back to life.

they already put a Wonder Woman shot from Snyder Cut in one of their recent promos. It's coming.

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holy shit, queened and slayed

Your first mistake was watching modern DC animation.

Why would that be a mistake? The show is awesome.

Harley Quinn is unironically great, and if you can't take a joke like this, you're the exact type of person this video clip is lampooning.

Can someone tell me what the Snyder Cut is? Is that like Occam's Razor or something?

I don't consider Disney Wars canon period

Liberate yourself and accept that "canon"is meaningless.