How does one destroy a galaxy?

How does one destroy a galaxy?

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A punch

Another punch

maybe three punches if you're lucky

idk dont think about it

At least 1.053x10^66 Joules of energy

By being significantly more powerful than Superman.

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To destroy a galaxy, one must first destroy apple pie.

Kick it.



With this.

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Ask Broly.

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Drive an infinite mass object in a star like VY Canis Majoris.

Put Rian Johnson in charge of it.

have it collide with a galaxy of antimatter


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destroy all mass at the core and the rest will scatter away

Pee on it.

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The odds of even one star hitting another are not very great. It certainly would not destroy either galaxy. More likely it would end up as a new, larger galaxy made up out of both matter and anti-matter.

>destroy all mass


There is no theoretical way to do this.

Sure there is. All you theoretically need to do is introduce a galaxy worth of antimatter.

Which - again - would not do much. Galaxies do not impact each other, they are less tangible than smoke clouds. Statistically speaking a galaxy rates as empty space.

And even so, how would one propel a galaxy worth of anti-matter? How manipulate it?

Your mum rates as empty space.

Black hole?

Basic orbital mechanics is too difficult for Zig Forums I see. Also black holes can't grow past certain size because outermost unstable orbit is actually outside of the event horizon, so the only way anything can enter the black hole is if it flies directly into it while it is being frame-dragged into stable orbit, which is astronomically unlikely.

Inside the event horizon. You can't get into critically massive black hole by accident, you must specifically maintain a trajectory that enters the black hole. Your odds of just flying directly into it without maneuvering are like the odds of flying into any object whatsoever while going across the universe in a straight line - virtually zero, you can do this millions of times over and it'll never happen.

Isn’t there a black hole at the center of our galaxy?
I think you underestimate the sheer distance a galaxy made up of billions of stars has
It would take 4 light years just for us to go to the nearest star and light is like 180,000 MPS or something.
That’s one second, I doubt a black hole would do shit even at the maximum size

Meant this reply to

Black holes don't suck shit up. They produce gravity, the same way as stars and planets do. It's just black holes are super tiny for their weight.

Why stop there?

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Nobody said they did.

lol that looks like saggy tits

Is it a theoretical wormhole that has gravitational pull or is that similar to a black hole in terms of gravitational pull?

>How does one destroy a galaxy?
Divide it by zero.