I don't get it

I don't get it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=trump raped a 13 year old girl

The case against General Flynn fell apart, illustrated by a briefcase falling apart, and the subtext implying that it fell apart because it was built on lies
Ben Garrison doesn't really do subtle commentary

Trump is trying to pretend Flynn is innocent (he isn't) as a pretext for a bunch of pardons to protect himself (because he's a criminal).

Well the corruption of the DOJ and its attempt to undermine the president hasn't been subtle either.

You're supposed to undermine criminals, that's literally the job of the Department of Justice.

Go back to Zig Forums faggot

And yet every supposed crime this president has committed has turned out to be nothing more than false narratives with absolutely no evidence. Fuck you should be happy that Trump is president because this is easily the first time we've had a president that hasn't done anything illegal because you can bet your ass he'd have been taken out of office if he did.

It implies that he case against General Flynn has fallen apart due to corruption. It hasn't actually fallen apart and there's no real indication, but Trump has his shills trying to meme this into reality.

Except his Russian collusion was clearly real. Literally the only way he could evade being implicated was by pinning it on his son, which was a scumbag move.

Wasn't Flynn and his son caught trying to kidnap a foreign dignitary for the saudi prince?

you never actually read the muller report or followed the russian collusion case did you?

Sorry to burst your bubble but there was no collusion. Get over it faggot

Just some art that Flynn hangs on the wall of his cell.

So you haven't heard the news?

>Except his Russian collusion was clearly real.
russian shitposts on facebook has about as much power over the election as any blueboard has over their hobbies they discuss.

That trump and his supporters think they can pretend Michael Flynn wasn't guilty?

Is that a Bill Cipher reference?

I sure do love it when we have Zig Forums threads on Zig Forums. That's my favorite fucking thing, when a board that's already as unforgivably shitty as Zig Forums goes off topic for tired political arguments that have nothing to do with the board's purpose.

Looks like you didn't read it either. The report only said there was no direct evidence of collusion that can be submitted in court, but much evidence of crimes surrounding collusion as well as obstruction that destroyed evidence of collusion. Maybe don't get your summaries off Breitbart next time.

>And yet every supposed crime this president has committed has turned out to be nothing more than false narratives
I guess Cohen, Stone, and Manafort don't exist, then? Even Flynn isn't actually exonerated, his case is pretty much closed and these documents don't indicate innocence. You're sticking your head in the sand at this point.

If you genuinely believe all these guys were just independently doing their own shit you're a true retard.

>you never actually read the muller report or followed the russian collusion case did you?
I have, that's why you can't gaslight me on this.

At least they aren't Biden supporters who are pretending Biden never sexually assaulted anyone.

>russian shitposts on facebook
..Which isn't what the case was about at all.

>literal delusion

Whoa what a shock, you're pushing the tara reade story too.

Anyone who has actually bothered to read them knows the collusion was real. The case was killed by a lack of courtworthy direct evidence. There is, however, a mountain of documentation of crimes indicating obstruction and destruction of evidence.

but he no combbided grimbes

>Cohen, Stone, and Manafort
Were found guilty of completely unrelated crimes. When you go digging for evidence of literally anything to help your case you're gonna find shit. Hell the crimes they got those guys on weren't even substantial let alone related to any of Trump's affairs.

I Notice how you can't actually explain why Mueller's report exonerates Russia from electoral interference. Did you just not think that far ahead?

No, that new evidence confirms Strzok was gunning to remove Flynn from his position from day one and even intervened to keep the investigation going despite a complete lack of evidence in the hopes they could catch him on some bullshit process violation.

>Anyone who has actually bothered to read them knows the collusion was real. The case was killed by a lack of courtworthy direct evidence.

Attached: tears.jpg (640x480, 39.4K)

>The case was killed by a lack of courtworthy direct evidence
hey buddy you know you can't arrest someone because you think they did something wrong right? Otherwise I could have you imprisoned for raping me. I don't have any courtworthy evidence but let's incarcerate you because my attorney has an feeling that you did.

I don't get it, how is what you're saying not Zig Forums either. It's a similar reflex just from the left side of the aisle. "The President is not a criminal" is a Zig Forums-tier position you belong on another forum. Maybe reddit perhaps. But anything that isn't "the Jewish people are attempting to subvert the white race" can float fine outside of Zig Forums.

>I guess Cohen, Stone, and Manafort don't exist, then?
Manafort was guilty for bank fraud. Not for colluding with Russia. This is literally spiteful vengeance for playing a part in Trump getting elected.

So three of the president's most closest advisors end up convicted for crimes? What a corrupt administration this must be.

The brain tumour is meant to be John McCain, in case you didn't realize.

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>The case was killed by a lack of courtworthy direct evidence.
"Ugh! Evidence? Really?"

Tara Reade's story is getting more corroboration every day. It's recently come out that Reade's mother phoned into Larry King shortly after the time of the assault about whether her daughter should go to the press about what happened. Have fun making excuses for a rapist though.

Let me ask you something? Did Brett Kavanaugh sexually assault Christine Blasie Ford?

because it literally doesn't present any evidence of direct russian interference in our election your stupid retard. What more do you want me to say other than you being a delusional lying sack of shit that gets all his news from legacy media and twitter.

>hey buddy you know you can't arrest someone because you think they did something wrong right?
Correct. I'm not saying Trump should have been arrested. His team did a good enough of destroying evidence and obstructing investigation. However, to anyone who has actually read the report, it's clear he isn't innocent, he just cleaned up after himself. Or rather, his people did.


Hello Alyssa Milano

You mean the FBI agent? Who has zero reason to hold a grudge against michael flynn? That Peter Strzok?
Also wasn't Michael Flynn caught at an airport trying to abduct someone for the saudi prince?

They're saying that the case against Flynn is lies. In fact it's the exact opposite: what has been revealed is that their strategy was to catch Flynn in a lie himself, which he obliged by lying to federal investigators and got into serious trouble.

if you're gonna just go full tin hat you might as well post on /x/

It's not even tin hat. Read the report. There is a fuckton of documentation regarding this.

Paul Manafort was guilty for some bank fraud...while working on behalf of the russian government.
Also didn't paul manafort let people gangrape his unconscious wife?

>Also didn't paul manafort let people gangrape his unconscious wife?


Ah I see, so if there is no evidence the person in question is just really good at covering up.

Why don't MIGAtards stay in their general?

But Tara reade has already been on record last year saying Biden never sexually assaulted her.
Also really suspicious she only comes out with a different story just as Biden cinches the democratic nomination. People say she's a bernie bro but then why did she praise Biden for years on twitter?

>yo we couldn't find any evidence and even though we spent 2 years investigating this and found no evidence of tampering we still think their was evidence tampering.
i must have missed that part of the report. For fuck sake dude the Clinton administration couldn't hide a blowjob, you want me to believe they could coordinate all of this with the Trump administration, an administration that is notoriously leaky?

>Except his Russian collusion was clearly real

Attached: hit.png (747x521, 52.08K)

Multiple national intelligence agencies do.
Why would multiple national intelligence agencies as in Intelligence agencies from multiple countries all confirm that russia interfere in the 2016 US elections?

Well, he got one of those wishes

>Whoa what a shock, you're pushing the tara reade story too.
>The case was killed by a lack of courtworthy direct evidence.
You must be eager to get those Clinton emails then huh big guy?

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Ford's Attorney admitted her claim was politically motivated over paranoid delusions that Roe V Wade would be overturned.

Because national agencies are corrupt?

I'm sorry to break the flow of actual conversation on here for once but come the fuck on, he has to be leaning into the joke that he overexplains everything at this point.
I didn't think this was real until I checked his website. What the fuck?

no, they're Trump supporters who are pretending Trump never sexually assaulted anyone

>So three of the president's most closest advisors end up convicted for crimes? What a corrupt administration this must be.
If your goal is to convict a person of a crime and you don't care what the particular charges end up being, it's not difficult to get a conviction.

I guarantee if the resources of the FBI were tasked with convicting you of a crime they could no doubt find evidence that at some point in your life you shoplifted a candy bar, parked in a no parking zone, or gave two slightly different responses to an interviewer's questions.

Apparently Paul Manafort drugs up his wife and let's people fuck her unconscious body while he films it.

Difference is consent, faggot.
As hard as it is to believe, women actually wanted to fuck Trump.

Because he didn't. He just fucked whores like every other rich shitbag. You're going to really die on a hill for E. Jean "Rape is sexy" Carroll?

sounds like sour grapes made up my the msm that they didn't have anything concrete. Sounds like that would've been getting reported more

That's how blatantly corrupt the trump administration is user, they do a horrible job of a cover-up but because all Republicans are grifters they formed a circle around Trump.
Take Dan Crenshaw for example, this Navy SEAL was elected to be a Mccain maverick but he ended up just another sycophant for the president.

So basically you dismantled you own narrative within your own post. Go back to shareblue. Bernie, Yang, Trump fine. But fucking defending Biden on the Americanimation section of a Japanese picture-show forum is beyond any normal browser of this site. Does Star vs. The Forces of Evil, Pincest, and Autistic Asuka fighting a voluptuous butt witch really attract people willing protect the living embodiment of American moral and psychological decay and decadence? I doubt that.

That's pretty fucked up, senpai. Where'd you hear that?

>Mccain maverick but he ended up just another sycophant for the president.
Good I'd rather not our youth die in the sands for a brain tumored war cooing chicken hawk.

>blatantly corrupt
>still can't find any evidence of corruption
You wanna take a moment just to listen to you circular logic? It doesn't make any sense that an administration can be so incompetently corrupt and yet so competently nefarious at the same time.

So they're all lying about Russian interfering with the 2016 US elections because?

>So basically you dismantled you own narrative within your own post
What was my narrative and how was it dismantled?

Seeing as the main document that started the whole conspiracy was the Russian Piss document made up by a retired british intelligence officer, yeah.

>It doesn't make any sense that an administration can be so incompetently corrupt and yet so competently nefarious at the same time.
This. Rather he's Dr. Robotnik levels of incompetence or secretly a Machiavellian Lex Luthor with gold hair.

>Take Dan Crenshaw for example, this Navy SEAL was elected to be a Mccain maverick but he ended up just another sycophant for the president.
What so you're a fucking neocon now? Holyshit so you're willing to believe that the fucking Orange man is savvy enough despite the heaps of detractors from within the neoconservative ranks and bureaucratic apparatus to organize a vast conspiracy to bury every scrap of evidence through somehow convincing every single one of his many enemies who surround him everywhere he goes to the point where the guy can't say something at a meeting like "reopen the investigation in the Burisma" or "can we buy Greenland" without us hearing about it.

t. niggers who genuinely think OJ didn't do it.

Ha! What are you losing track. So she's not playing for the other-side but all of a sudden she has a change of heart. She gains nothing from this but the torpedoing of one of the biggest losers the Democratic Party has put forth in 30 years. I'd be surprised if the DNC itself didn't put her up to it. She's doing God's work and the fact that the media has been so reticent to cover it means that this thing is going to have some legs.

Instead they can die from covid-19
Trump's covid-19 pandemic, killing more people than 9/11 AND Vietnam war.

Why would he make it up?

How the fuck do you pronounce that?

>What so you're a fucking neocon now?
Well user I'm not the one defending the republican president now am I?

Because Trump was an outsider and therefore a danger to the lobbyists, career politicians entrenched bureaucrats that have long since maintained a circlejerk system focused solely on enriching themselves while playing up the "rivalry" between the parties to give the masses an illusion of choice?

>implying anyone would ever imply orange man did any crimes on his own
there's a reason so many people close to him are in jail and it's not because they're innocent, retard-kun.

>Instead they can die from covid-19
Good thing i'm not a boomer.

So is Trump a Neocon or a Russian puppet, make up your mind schizo.

No lobbyists, career politicians entrenched bureaucrats in the Trump admin

>What are you losing track
What are you, ESL? But let's talk about how Tara Reade's story has changed from "he never sexually assaulted me" to "he did sexually assaulted me" in the span of a year.

Funny that Trump immediately became the lapdog of lobbyists and filled his cabinet full of career politicians and entrenched bureaucrats not even days into his tenure. Turns out he's just a Neocon on Adderall and cocaine.

>Except his Russian collusion was clearly real.
[citation needed]

Remember when the WHO there was no evidence of human to human transmission?

Good thing covid-19 doesn't just kill the sick and elderly.

>Except his Russian collusion was clearly real.

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This, war is a trick to get us to kill our strongest/smartest/most likely to rebel people, literally all of it, the revolutionary war is the only exception I can think of, even the civil war's purpose was this but Lincoln managed to salvage the country instead.

Trump is an idiot supported by neocons and Russia because neocons got wise and realized they can be like Russia and just steal the country's wealth.

I don't think user said the admin was free of lobbyists and bureaucrats... but this administration has cracked down hard on it with actions like the new restrictions like the five year ban on lobbying activities for all former government employees.

>Trump's covid-19 pandemic
Ah yes, the fact that retards like Andrew Cuomo from my state failed to act even when given due time by the federal government and plenty of warning. The fact that our retard Mayor thought telling people to go to flushing and Chinatown in the midst of a Chinese originated pandemic has nothing to do with the fact that the outbreak has been the largest and most severe in NYC. You're not only trying to renegotiate the contract between the states and the feds which clearly states that this was the states job to be on top of but you're trying to excuse the flagrant incompetence of NYS's leadership. Why oh why can fucking California get the job done of acquiring masks and ventilators where NYS has to beg big daddy Trump for everything. How can you hold such flagrantly incoherent positions.

>everyting labeled
Personal politics aside, if you can't follow this your IQ must be double digits.

trump is the least "outsider" president there has ever been, all he has ever done is took all the worst parts of established american policy and made them worse.
>most pro-israel president
>least health care-giving president

you're a retard because you can't realize trump has no internal values beyond whoever is puppeting him at any given moment and that's exactly why it's only retards like you who'd ever put him in a leadership position
>we should take away the guns due process later whoops my puppeteer said i can't say that guns are good more guns for everyone
you don't have a leader you have a fucking muppet in a chair

Then why is it that Dems are supported by the 5 richest companies while Republicans aren't?

Putting people in jail for procedural bullshit =/= putting them in jail for colluding with a foreign government
Nice try though shilll-kun

If there's hard evidence that Trump "cleaned up after himself" why not prosecute him for obstruction of justice?

It works the other way, too. Massive companies with existing lobbyist bases just got given an even bigger chunk of power.

>But let's talk about how Tara Reade's story has changed from "he never sexually assaulted me" to "he did sexually assaulted me" in the span of a year.
Hey, women can change their stories. Ford did afterall.

>they let you grab them by the pussy
>let you (as in, they consent to you grabbing)
>Trump is a rapist because he brags about women consenting to him grabbing him by their pussies (which, who cares if they do?)

Ngl, Trump pointing out Bill Clinton's victims in the audience during that one debate was powerful. Same debate where he said "because you'd be in jail" iirc?

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a guy case fell apart, and that nice general is trying to warn him, because that guy did his book report early, you guys are fucking idiots

This administration has more CEOs than any other administration. Shit they had the exxon ceo as the secretary Of state.

Shh, we don't talk about women's morals vanishing in the face of power and prestige here.

Pressure from the DNC not torpedo their golden boy oh well too late, truth's been out for too long. Sorry sniffer your man is going down. No more sniffing for you.

The very moment that Garrison is no longer able to draw, his rivals will defame him in the same way that he treated others. Hopefully he gets to see it.

Reminds me of the sexism/rape uproar that occuered when that Fifa streamer asked a cover girl if he could motorboat her and she was more than happy to let him.

trump probably used back channels to extort ukraine to hurt biden's election chances
>The democrats are rushing through these proceedings too quickly, they can't possibly be sure of what they're claiming!
>We can't have witnesses, this whole thing is taking too long! We need to get back to Helping The American People™
they were just constantly trying to "turn the tables" and call in the bidens and the clintons when their guilt was literally fucking irrelevant, this isn't ace attorney.

>Trump is an idiot

You don't make billions of dollars unless you have some smarts.

Ah yes, the most Pro-Israel President ever to withdraw from the Middle East.

True. His dad was smart.

Name me those companies and tell me how that comes even closer to being backed by a Kleptocracy.

Kanye West doesn't strike me as a smart dude.

Because turning the poor against each other is smart.

Um, all those buildings, businesses and products with "TRUMP" on them (which he got most of his wealth from) weren't his dad's investments.

hot take: trump obviously has connections to the russian mob etc, he's a fucking NY property developer for god's sake. if his phone's contact list isn't a who's who of the criminal underworld it would've been illegal to sell him so much as an apartment.
but his election win was basically down to a surprisingly competent campaign while clinton's never missed an opportunity to shoot itself in the foot.

She never changed it from "Kavanaugh never raped me" to "oh wait he did."
You know what Ford also did differently? She went to the press before Kavanaugh was even nominated.

OJ was a simp, son

He's still a better songwriter, composer, producer and collaborator than you'll ever be.

>Trump is not a rapist
We know for a fact that he raped his second wife.

He never made any money, he squandered his father's money, constantly went bankrupt, burned every reputable creditor and eventually got bailed out by foreign mafia.

Doesn't make him smart

>dude the DoJ led by fucking Bill Barr is totally against the president and Flynn
I can't imagine how much of a retard you'd have to be to buy this. You'd literally have to not be paying attention to anything at all since the election.

>"let you" equals consent
Those women let louie CK masturbate in front of them, does that mean it was okay for him to do it?

Smarter than any of us are.
It's one thing to have a lucky break ("small" loan of a million dollars/hit single), it's another to turn it into a lifetime career worth million/billions.

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Russians didn't prevent Hillary from campaigning in Minnesota.


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Remember how Trump bankrupt a casino? How does that even happen, you're the house and the house always wins. You can literally print money as a casino owner.

Amazon, Facebook, Google, Disney, and Apple

Why is it the evil greedy corporations aren't backing the evil greedy republicans that are giving them more money with their evil tax cuts?

sorry meant for

More proof Trump's intelligence is misunderstood:
Speaking at a low IQ level to masses of people (who, statistically speaking, are 50% likely to have an IQ of 100 or less) is a sign of intelligence, not stupidity. Fucking Aristotle talked about this.

Judge a person by their actions, not by their speeches. The fact that Trump was elected despite having the entire system rigged for him to fail is proof he is no fool. Smart men in dangerous circumstances ought to hide their power level as well as their true intentions - something Trump is excellent at.

If lefties can't even understand rhetoric, then those liberal arts degrees are absolutely worthless.

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>clinton's never missed an opportunity to shoot itself in the foot.
And the DNC and media blew it when they seemingly fucked over Bernie.

>We know for a fact

Attached: wat.gif (375x426, 2.88M)

>Trump is an idiot supported by neocons and Russia because neocons got wise and realized they can be like Russia and just steal the country's wealth.
Ah I see, and Russia just so happened to choose a multi-millionaire/Billionaire to do it. A man who by all accounts has made Russia's life considerably harder by arming Ukrainian troops with AT launchers. Killing Russian contractors in Syria. Empowering Turkey to act with a freehand in its own backyard. Selling F-35s to Poland and advocating for the creation of an intermarium alliance in Eastern Europe one which I might had, has been gifted US funding to start up. Not only that he's put pressure on Germany and Poland to stop using Russian oil. His Presidency has been demonstrably more problematic for Russian than the Obama administration which rolled over at every point.

Which was basically the same executive order Clinton made in the nineties. Also, what is the real difference between a two year suspension and a five year one when this government is so stagnant that the same people are doing the same things they were doing since the Iraq war started.

yeah agreed.

>We know for a fact that he raped his second wife
Show me the proof.

Trump is actually billions of dollar in debt so I guess by your logic he's actually a fucking retard.

Half of a musician's success comes from the labels making them do shit so the labels make even more money. When a star begins to show that they aren't relevant, they suddenly stop making money because the studio drops them fast. Kanye has teams of people organising his shit.

He had 5 businesses out of over 500 file for bankruptcy and is still a billionaire and the Prseident of the United Sates.
Wow what a loser.

Most of Trump's wealth comes from legacy inheritance of land and properties from his father in the valuable districts of New York along with working alongside his father to develop properties across the world like his Hotel chain. He's bankrupted most of his ventures, including his Casino because he's known to not be bright and his insistence on "Winning" a deal over compromising makes him an easy mark for other companies.

Yes. Imagine a world where asking people having some fucking agency if politically incorrect. Go fuckyourself.

>user hasn't embraced garrisonshitposting as a Zig Forums tradition
lol faggot

imagine worshiping casinos which are made just to keep poor people poor to own drumpf.

Most americans have debt.
The entire country is trillions of dollars in debt.
What's your point?

Remember how trump raped a 13 year old girl?
What about the seven year old? Oh I guess believe those wom-I mean little girls more than I believe Tara "I was never sexually assaulted" Reade.

>groupies are a myth

Well then where's your hit single smartypants?

Power dynamics are a thing, retard. People having emotions is a thing. Someone being too shocked to deny a person that holds power over them doesn't equal their adoring consent.

Sure you can. Cops for example pull people over all the time, claim they smelled MJ or some other shit and then proceed to search your car or slap other fines on you.

Because Cops never lie (hell even here cops are always believed) the system effectively rewards corruption at the cost of citizens livelihoods. But this is going even further off topic and ignored because its mostly targeted at blacks/poor people who can't fight back.

>Most of Trump's wealth comes from legacy inheritance of land and properties from his father in the valuable districts of New York along with working alongside his father to develop properties across the world like his Hotel chain. He's bankrupted most of his ventures, including his Casino because he's known to not be bright and his insistence on "Winning" a deal over compromising makes him an easy mark for other companies.
Ah yes his Father's highly desirable low-income housing projects.

>Most of Trump's wealth comes from legacy inheritance of land and properties from his father
Trump's father didn't even own any real estate in New York and cautioned hinm against trying there.


imagine feeling threatened by old fucking ginger comedian who lets cum roll down his stomach like pancake batter. sometimes OVER THE PHONE!

>Remember how trump raped a 13 year old girl?
>What about the seven year old?
Neither do you.

>Power dynamics are a thing, retard. People having emotions is a thing
So you're saying they let Louie CK jerk off in front of them because they would get something out of it. That's unless you think Louie CK is great and powerful which is a just a whole other level of retarded.

>Russia just so happened to choose a multi-millionaire/Billionaire to do it.
Russia chose a man who is deep in debt. Trump actually owes money to the russian government. I would say the russian mafia to be more concise but the Mafia is the government in russia.

>He never made any money
Objectively false.
>constantly went bankrupt
He owned over 500 business entities and less than a dozen went bankrupt. Isn't that a good performance record for an entrepreneur who is often trying things in new fields?

Then what would? What is intelligence? He clearly has useful skills for his life so by some metrics he is smart.

Sure he does

Yeah i remembered how they quickly vanished along with the porn actress that was represented by Gloria Allred which is an automatic admission of fraud.

Trump put his name on various products and he gets paid even if the product or company does poorly in the end. That’s an example of Trump taking the LEAST risk in a deal. The other parties take larger risks and frequently fail. Trump gets paid either way. All parties to the deals have lawyers who review everything. Trump isn’t taking advantage of people with his licensing deals. Licensees are knowingly accepting the riskier side of the deal because they also have the biggest potential upside.

They let Louie CK jerk off in front of them because
>at first, they thought he was joking
>after it started, because at that point, you have Louie CK, beloved depressed funnyman in front of you jerking off doing something fucking weird and violating while assuming your consent. If they deny him at this point it COULD negatively impact their careers and if they go public with it they're dragging themselves into the public spotlight, permanently tying their name to "that girl that louie CK jerked off in front of" and opening themselves up to the people that think they're lying for whatever reason.

Attached: conspiracy-theories-everywhere-600x327.jpg (600x327, 37.93K)

2020 is the gift that keeps on giving

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That's exactly the point, how do you lose money as a casino owner.
Also I don't think you thought "gotcha lib" moment through because you're defending a casino owner here.

Trying to argue Trump isn't successful financially is idiotic. Not sure why people do it, there's plenty of other reasons to attack him. I guess they want to attack his image, but it comes off as elitist. Like if Trump's success isn't enough, where does that leave the rest of us?

Admit it or not, but Louie CK at the time it happened was a pretty big fucking deal. He had his own show with a fictionalized version of himself as the star on top of a booming standup career. If you're just some schmuck intern he's asked up to his office and then he starts doing THAT, you'd probably be pretty intimidated

Sounds like they made some bad choices in life if that's where they found themselves.

It's poor people coping. They're bitter and jealous at the fact that he has money and they don't.

Most americans aren't president who are stilled tied to his business. Remember how trump allowed a saudi prince kill an american journalist because the prince promised him a tower?

>Russia chose a man who is deep in debt. Trump actually owes money to the russian government. I would say the russian mafia to be more concise but the Mafia is the government in russia.
Then you must love Donald J. Trump based on everything else I wrote. Not gonna lie though this is the most basic bitch take on Russia I have ever heard in my life. You sound like my neoliberal college history teacher LMAO. Anyway, Trump could just sanction any of these "mafiosos" with not consequences besides the loss of his debt kek. Making someone that owes you money the most powerful man on Earth is really big brain.

This says more about how disguisting Hollywood is than anything else.
Makes me glad I pirate everything thses days.

>squandered his father's money

Yeah, he sure squandered it when he took that small loan of a million and turned it into a net worth in the billions... retard.

Being a "victim" gets you on a Time Magazine cover and 9 digits on Gofundme. Why would anybody ever try to aspire to be anything?

Why does Garrison keep drawing an objectively ugly fat old man who subsists on mcdonalds as someone handsome and fit? It's so fucking weird, man.

Actually Trumps been accused of rape before.

But like everything in life, he just buries it under mountains of lawsuits. Its the one skill he is actually good in life.

Where do your smarts lie, then? In what ways do you apply your intelligence?

I do remember a journalist talking shit about the leader of a country where they routinely kill gays, women, and the opposition, but we're not allowed to talk about that because it's islamaphobic or some bullshit.

So the Russian Mafia is full of people who like bad things happening to them? Are they masochists?

Then how come am I saying that Trump raped a 13 year old girl? We can always google it too
>lmgtfy.com/?q=trump raped a 13 year old girl

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Would you want to be known forever as the guy that [ugly celebrity] molested for money? That's some heavy shit, having your legacy tied to something so gross. People have had meltdowns over having their name tied to a successful song they didn't like, and that's something entirely different.

>>"let you" equals consent
That's precisely what consent is. You're allowing someone to do something - and what's another word for "allow"? "Let".

If you LET someone have sex with you, you're allowing them to. You're consenting.

>Why is it the evil greedy corporations aren't backing the evil greedy republicans that are giving them more money with their evil tax cuts
but they are. Walmart, the Koch brothers and ExxonMobil all back Trump through a variety of superpacks. The sad truth is the Democrats and Republicans are two different wings of the same international trade conglomerate, just with different specific backers. The Dems are entertainment, technology and big pharma while the Republicans are energy, finance and real estate. Or did you think President Trump, the real estate mogul, making the covd-19 stimulus check payable to mortgage companies was a coincidence? All those government gibs going right into the banks pocket to prop up land prices with Trumps signature on the bill...

I can google flat earth too, doesn't make it real.

And Trump still bounces back from the casino so what good does cooing over that incident do now?

>Obamacare paid for my two surgeries and cancer treatment right after I graduated HS
I will fight tooth and nail for the ACA for the rest of my life. Fuck anyone who opposes it.

>Trump is actually billions of dollar[sic] in debt

Gonna need a sauce on that

Attached: trump_trudeau_smackdown_web-1536x1110.jpg (1536x1110, 524.93K)

>making the covd-19 stimulus check payable to mortgage companies was a coincidence
Ah yes, it's not like people's pensions would be wrapped up in mortgages. Let's let people's mortgages go subprime. That would be just a great fucking idea.

>Not sure why people do it
Because A) he isn't and B) campaigned on the idea that as a great businessman he would also be a great president
Now neither are true.

There's "make an animated version of someone more flattering than the real thing" and then there's THIS

He's a billionaire, that alone puts him above almost everybody in the world. What's your net worth?

>evil greedy corporations
Funny how you omit George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Google, Twitter, Microsoft, Time/Warner, etc., who are as wealthy if not more so from your list.

You were already able to stay on your parent's health insurance until you turn 26 before the ACA you underaged retard.

>comics never, ever exaggerate or fantasize for comedic or artistic effect

People fake slipping in grocery store or getting hit by cars for money. Also people want to be famous for all kinds of crazy stuff like the women who had a 26 foot long shit..

Spken like someone who places their personal gain above the well-being of the majority.

You are a selfish piece of shit. My premiums went up and i haven't been able to actually seek medical attention because of your worthless ass.

>accusation is proof

user, you raped me.

Good luck, only the IRS knows for sure and Trumps taxes are being argued over in court. He's mortgaged for upwards of a billion but he claims 3-4 billion in assets so to hear his math he's 2+billion ahead. I wonder how much he's lost in the covd-19 stock market.

Attached: trump_weightlifter-1536x1196.jpg (1536x1196, 420.4K)

Shut the fuck up, nigger. It still helped me and my family. I wasn't the only one going through cancer at that time.

Except what you wrote is a lie user, one would think me pointing out how much money he actually owes to russia would tip you off.

First of all, neither of those are "animated."
Secondly, what's the difference?
>they're not attractive
>Trump isn't fit
Thye're both unrealistic.

>Spken like someone who places their personal gain above the well-being of the majority.
It is to be human.

Attached: trump-president-ben-garrison_1_orig.jpg (1014x800, 250.31K)

Does Uncle Joe have a chance? It really looks like the voting is going to be For or Against Trump.

>he isn't

Show me your portfolio, user.

Consent is not that simple especially, again, if you're someone holding power over an individual. It depends on a bunch of factors. If you're, say, a landlord, and one of your tenants can't pay, so you start coming on to them? Even if they say yes, nobody's going to look at that encounter in a positive light and most people would probably say you shouldn't be landlord anymore.

If you were taking 12 credit hours of school, which does fuck all for all the people not in college working jobs that didnt give you health insurance.

>I had cancer
Smells like bullshit to me.

>let their mortgage go subprime
Where's your invisible guiding hand of the market place user? I thought "market corrections" were a fundamental part of capitalism? Why hasn't Trump allowed the market to correct naturally for the pandemic?

So like...legit question. IF Biden is to win the election will this guy go on a meltdown or kill himself? I'm concerned and curious.

The funny thing is Garrison legitimately thinks Trump needs his help and makes comics like this. Kinda wonder what hes gonna do when Trump is out of the spotlight.

>campaigned on the idea that as a great businessman
6 failures out of 500 successes isn't bad.


user we're still in Germany and Japan to this day. Even running away from Afghan, we got plenty of bases elsewhere in the ME and aren't going anywhere since Trump/US is personal whipping boys of the Saudis anyways.

We have the ability to rise above our base instincts. An animal only has fight or flight, a man can have courage.
It's what sets us apart from animals.

Hey, maybe we should try and take efforts to make sure that everyone receives healthcare so no one has to worry about that? We shouldn't have to choose between which one of you dies because one of you can't pay to continue living unless you're a sociopath that believes that poor people deserve to die because they're parasites

Not in your dreams. It's gonna be funny as hell seeing the libtard and tranny meltdowns.

Attached: 1549751480884.png (1076x1105, 2.66M)

>unless you're a sociopath that believes that poor people deserve to die because they're parasites
They already tried that in the Soviet Union.

Trump's behind in Texas, Ohio, Florida, California, Pennsylvania, Newyork and only dead even in Illinois, NC, VA, and WV. It's not looking good.

Who knows, it'll depend on whether Trump's 4 years of splitting your country in half creates more people motivated to vote for, or against him.

Your country's dogshit political system astounds me.

Even in terms of how horribly non-functional it is, and how it actively tries to stop people voting.

>We have the ability to rise above our base instincts
Not him, but bro we're all going to die on this planet because of our instincts.

Attached: trump_derangement_syndrome.jpg (2040x1588, 855.95K)

The same thing he does now, just blasting the new president while having a muscly trump off to the side saying "Things were so much better with ME in charge!"

Attached: trump_on_offense.jpg (1800x1229, 659.75K)

>Consent is not that simple

Yes it is.

>Hey, I would like to have sex with you.
>Okay. I would like that.

How would this not be consensual?

Hes definitely going to have a meltdown and behave like the people he depicts.

>and how it actively tries to stop people voting.
That's just the Republicans and formerly the Democrats before they switched each other's platforms.

One is just the individual, but prettied up to the extent you'd expect. That's like any logo on the planet.
The other is Trump consistently depicted as heavily muscled, slim, and more handsome. You can do a flattering caricature of somebody without turning them into some kind of manly adonis.

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Sorry to break it to you but the simple fact is people will just fuck you for being a name they recognize. Trump's situation is not as simple as a Landlord/Tenant relationship.

>Even in terms of how horribly non-functional it is
By design, the founding fathers didn't want a government that was capable enough to curbstomp it's own citizens so they nerfed it.
>and how it actively tries to stop people voting
Voter suppression is a tradition in America.

Most poor people in America are poor as a result of their own decisions, not because of muh corrupt system.

We're all going to die on this planet because casual space travel isn't viable (yet).
Our decendents might not.

Garrison has a serious unhealthy homolust for Trump.

>he still trusts polls after 2016

Have you learned nothing? One poll outright said Hillary had a 96% chance of winning. Even so, "if the election were held today" hypotheticals are completely meaningless. The election isn't being held until November. Some chucklefuck poll taken 6+ months in advance doesn't mean jack shit.

I don't even know what country your from but i can already tell ours is better than yours.

>homolust is unhealthy

Nice, a political cartoons thread. Mine if I join in?

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>California and New york
He wasn't going to win those anyway he's running as a republican remember?

For your anus.

You seem really upset by this.
Do you have some unresolved feelings about attractively depicted men?

You tryin to tell me drawing a fat old man as a routinely shirtless, one liner shouting muscleman could be a sign of lustful adoration?
No fukken way


the only primaries that were canceled were democratic primaries. Sounds like the only party trying to undermine your vote are the Dems

>the NY times
lol I use independent news outlets, usually the brits and Spanish.

Based Dr. Suess.

Palpatine telling Anakin to torch the Jedi temple. That's all.

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Seems fine to me

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Even most of the conservative europeans I know are strongly defensive of socialized healthcare because as it turns out, allowing everyone to receive healthcare regardless of their financial situation is universally popular once it's implemented.

Trump actually looks like rocks in a garbage bag full of shit lmao, how insecure of a fan do you have to be to draw him looking like a wrestler

>independent news outlets
Fucking facist.

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Both states have flipped before.

He didn't? The Jedi Temple was still standing by Return of the Jedi.

You have a very loose term of success as I wouldn't call being billions of dollars in debt successful.

The fact it's been politicized so hard in the US is hilarious.

I watch Jojo, what does that mean for me?

Unlike you, Trump has actually competed in professional wrestling.

Trump has the secret majority thing going for him. Nobody is going to out who they vote for on some retarded fixed poll. Their vote is between them and their god.

>Primaries are trying to undermine the vote
You okay, bro?

>"allowing everyone to receive healthcare regardless of their financial situation is universally popular once it's implemented"
>free stuff is popular
No shit?
I guess that explains all those "new Europeans" they're getting.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-01 Nixon - Pointing Their Pens Herblock and Fellow Cartoonists Confront the Issues Exhibitions - Library[...].png (721x895, 1.36M)

unironically yes

>it works in countries with barely 5 million people, so it must work in a country with 300 million+
>also hahaha ignore the higher tax rates

If you have to ask you'll never know.

Attached: teddy clone no jutsu.jpg (540x643, 59.34K)

Imagine thinking this helps your point at all lmao

>free stuff
it's more like free not dying


Trump has allowed more american deaths than 9/11 and 'Nam, there is no secret majority when texas is in danger of flipping.

Of course its Republitrannies and their Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Everyone dies.

People want to immigrate to a functioning country, who knew?

Attached: teddynought.jpg (540x356, 35.67K)

Yeah that socialized healthcare really helped during the covid out break didn't it? Oh wait no it didn't because per capita you fuckers still couldn't keep your people safe.

>he still can't prove that this supposed debt even exists

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We already had that in the US even before ACA

He didn't know about the virus or how deadly it was you see. He also stopped the Chinese from coming here the first chance he did learn about it.

>importing people from fucked up countries is a good idea
There's a reason those countries suck, and it's not because of colonialism.

Still coming out better than the US.

Attached: the faceless maidens.jpg (500x641, 92.35K)

Don't like Trump and I would agree it is. Before going full retard as president 80s-early00s Trump had a sense for business. He just completely lacked morals often didn't pay his workers, made use of illegals, and often had to go overseas doing shady shit for more money something didn't work out. But business and morals are separate so eh.

But you can't deny he became a name brand and had a sense that many other investors looked up to and hoped to learn from.

>accusation is proof
Well if you have my dna on some ripped clothing of yours and requesting mine; I'll be happy to lawyer block you for the next few decades.

Why do people keep posting shit of him from like 30 years ago.
Hes a fat old man bro

I've demonstrated that Trump's wrestling ability is powerful enough to get him into professional wrestling. He even won against the head of pro wrestling.

Attached: consider.jpg (569x428, 24.59K)

>be citizen in country with socialized medicine
>die waiting for treatment
>"a-at least it was free..."

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Why is NY doing so bad with corona?

Attached: traingrapplers.jpg (540x426, 71.35K)

user, thats a soap opera for chuds

>how deadly it was
It isn't though. Most deaths from Corona have been people who were old/fat/sick in the first place.
More people die every year from heart disease, but you don't see the country shutting down over that.

>Trump has the secret majority thing going for him
Trump's got a diehard 30% of the vote and another 15% that will vote red regardless. The problem is beaners infiltrating every state (and whether any of them can actually vote lol) and that 5-8% who are consistently "independent." Independent voters hated Hillary but they seem ambivalent towards Biden while it's real easy to criticize the president so the vote will come down to a couple million in three states, Ohio, Texas and Michigan. If Trump wins 2/3 he's in, if he loses he's done.

Difference is Obama actually commited crimes on par with Nixon.
>fast and furious
>utilizing the IRS to gain confidential information of campaign doaners during an election year
>drone striking and killing two american citizens without trial
>wiretapping someone running for president with false intel.
Just to name a few

Attached: where do you work out.jpg (488x545, 55.75K)

>be american
>spread the virus because muh freedoms
>still die
>family now owes money

Why is Montana doing so good?

>The rapid death of people from a virus doesn't make it deadly.

Because young Donald is a e s t h e t i c.

Post physique when you make it to 70.

Attached: donald-trump-michael-jackson.jpg (2500x1811, 1.19M)

>Why is Montana doing so good?
So well, user.
So well.

Nixon and Bush Sr. are the last two good Republican Presidents we had. You need to cope and kill yourself.

>be citizen in country without socialized medicine
>family is now poor for the crime of trying to save my life

I speak at their level.

I thought that was to be expected from a shitty non socialized medical system?

Still sad that per capita Europe is worse than the US

>still die

You have a larger chance of getting hit by a car than contracting the virus, and even larger than dying from it.

The US is doomed

Again, it hasn't been all that rapid or deadly.
he death toll from niggers shooting each other in Chicago every year is comparable, and again, no shutdown.

Remember the political environment he works in. If it’s any way humanly possible to recontextualize his work or opinions into bein nazi or “nazi dog whistle”, it will. He’s already facing a deplatforming campaign as is. So he plays it beyond blatantly obvious.

>doctors and hospital staff should not receive compensation for their labor

Why the fuck would I go to medical school for a decade, which is expensive enough as it is, only to be treating people FOR FREE?

>Bush Sr
Are you kidding? I can see the glow from that nigger in the daytime.

>tfw Republicans are unironically embracing death from a deadly virus to save their stocks

I never thought I'd see America go full Jihad over capitalism, but there it is

You're getting paid, just not by me.

So you admit your system is shit and we can point to the many deaths as proof, thanks for playing!

Hey, I'm an American and I say nothing of value lost.
Fat people cost us billions in health costs alone.

Teddy was a good wrestler, he also boxed and did judo. Probably the best fighter among presidents. I doubt he'd beat a professional like Trump, but for an amateur he seemed impressive.

>be euro
>have no freedoms
>be arrested for twitter post
>let your child die because your governments health care thinks it's a lost cause.

Sup Terry, I thought you died

>hippocratic oath
>lol pay or die goyim

Hey at least i don't claim mine is the shit while it still let's millions die because of a lack of resources. Thanks for playing

If you aren't even smart enough to know doctors in countries with socialized medicine get paid, you probably shouldn't be applying for medical school in the first place. Stick to beauty school.

Taxation is theft. I ain't forcibly giving up my hard earned money for strangers' medical treatment.

the founding fathers didn't really think that one through desu
setting aside the increased risk of coups from separation of powers (because the US hasn't had one) you still run into the problem that it makes it a nightmare to roll back the government, as well as making it a nightmare to expand it. (because downsizing the government still requires getting a budget passed, passing various legislation to approve it, and then getting the presidency to actually carry that out. just the same as expanding it, but in reverse.)

though being fair to them, they were trying this out for the first time so that's not too surprising.

Stop just repeating him and try to back up your own points, makes you look like a sore loser.

I'm going to violate your NAP and there's nothing you can do about it

Theodore Roosevelt was awesome

Attached: puck2.jpg (500x581, 166.32K)

>us democrats are enlightened and intelligent, not like those knuckle dragging republicans
>yet we can't get even a shred of evidence to properly convict an orange cheeto of russian collusion, or even find evidence against flynn


>implying you're not idiots for letting them get that majority in the first place


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The hippocratic oath doesn't exempt you from the fruits of your labor, nor is charging your patients for your services harming them.

The why do people from countries with socialized medicine always come to the US for treatment?

>they were trying this out for the first time so that's not too surprising.
Second. First time was the articles of the confederation.

Trump has outpolled candidates in their own primaries. Getting over performed by formality. People say they only vote Bernie for online clout or simping over dancing goblinas

Hey, any Spanish flu comics to try to save this trash fire thread?

You're the only user I've ever seen that reads a post's ending and not the rest.

>setting aside the increased risk of coups from separation of powers

I'm not a med student, I was just using that as an example. So what, the hospital/government just pays them? Does that payment cover every single treatment for every single patient they treat?

>The why do people from countries with socialized medicine always come to the US for treatment?
They fucking don't. In fact, Americans regularly cross into Canada for insulin.

>Trump is a moron, a complete dotard, a fool, a dolt, and absolutely no threat to the Democrats at all.

>The Democrats lost.

I'll see what I can find

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studies show investment in social functions reduces risk with a monetary value; Paying for more cops decreases the likelihood of being murdered which increases the lifetime earning potential of each citizen. Taxation isn't theft, it's investment.

>rich people travel the globe picking the best from each nation

>the poor do what they can to survive

I'm not even going to argue against the fact that the US has top-notch medical care. US hospitals are pretty damn brilliant - they're just totally fucking inaccessible.

Faster treatment

No I read the whole thing, the fact that you replied to me instead of him just further digs a hole.
Stop arguing on the internet, you fuckin suck at it.

Found the butthurt canuck

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Only the RICH do, so unless you have huge money no one comes here for a quickie treatment, because that shit ain't going to be quick or cheap.

Yes and yes.

>Paying for more cops

No thanks, we have enough wife beaters patrolling the streets

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My argument still stands, it might work in a small country the size of Michigan with a couple million people, but how could you possibly implement that system here without taxing citizens up the ass?


Amazing how this is all just happening again with a healthy dose of retarded tribalism.

You're acting like being taxed would be more onerous than being gouged out the butt by insurance companies

Better sign would be

>The hippocratic oath doesn't exempt you from the fruits of your labor
Lie #1, it does if it comes at the cost of your patients health or the health of your own community. Inaction is action when it has harmful effects.
>nor is charging your patients for your services harming them
Lie #2. The harm would be circumstantial to the payment and letting somebody die because they can't afford to pay is causing harm. Back to the Talmud with you shekelstein.

bizarre faith in corporations actively incentivized to fuck you in the butt goes hand in hand with burning hatred for government that might/probably fuck you in the butt.

Do you just read headlines, because that entire article praises the canuck system and reinforces the point of "us healthcare only works if you paypig for it".

You've never read the Talmud, besides maybe some fake quotes on Zig Forums

>letting somebody die because they can't afford to pay

If we weren't taxed so much, things would actually be better.

Did you?
>"Canadians often think that the long wait times and bureaucratic roadblocks we experience are simply the price we pay to have a system that is fair and free… but the world tells us otherwise," journalist Michael Bolen wrote in The Huffington Post. He noted that in the Commonwealth Fund report, European countries with universal health care systems that use a hybrid of private and public models have shorter wait times and are ranked higher overall.

Insurance rates were actually highly competitive and very affordable prior to the introduction of government regulations and medicare. The irony is once the government gets involved the cost of healthcare skyrockets while its overall quality drops.

Fake or just completely out of context


>letting somebody die
Funny way to spell "send them a bill which just ends up in collections"

ntter than Canadian health care which doesn't work at all

You can walk into any emegency room in the US and get care, even if you're not a citizen.
They just write it off at the end of the day and the taxpayer foots the bill.

You couldn't. The entire fucking point is to turn it into a tax everyone pays so nobody gets assfucked by an extreme bill. It's the exact same concept as insurance, but with as large a customer pool as humanly possible.

We already do this shit with firefighting and police as well as a host of other services.

Consider this. You wouldn't have needed that $1200 check if the government hadn't kept taxing you to death. And the portion of the stimulus package which actually went to taxpayers was such a small percentage while the government took the lion's share.

>but how could you possibly implement that system here without taxing citizens up the ass
By taxing the corporations. The US is producing more wealth now then at any previous point in our history but it's going to a minority not seen since the late 19th century. Despite the fortune 500 companies constantly crying poverty if tax rates were increased to the same levels as 1955 the US could easily afford a single payer national health care system.

The thing about percentages is, they weren't necessarily wrong. This is like people complaining about 5% chance of rain, and it raining.

>medical insurance is highly competitive

user, healthcare is literally the one area of life where market forces are not felt. Its literally your money or your life.

Honestly if Trump loses this election he will be back in 2024 to try again. He will not stop until he gets a second term.

Attached: oh-my-god-this-is-terrible-this-is-the-end-48665354.png (500x300, 79.25K)

>You can walk into any emegency room in the US and get care
Only emergency care. You aren't getting a kidney transplant in an emergency room.

>firefighting and police
This would be a fair comparison if we lived in a world made of niggers and hydrogen, but health care costs far exceed those of law enforcement and emergency services.

most countries that copied the US's system have suffered a coup because the US system is designed to create deadlock and to make that deadlock hard to resolve. in a parliamentary system it's easy to resolve deadlock: the parliament holds a vote of confidence in the executive (prime minister) and if the executive loses that vote, there are fresh elections. (most of the time the executive can also call an election) then you let the voters break the deadlock. Look at Britain trying to get the Brexit bill passed, for example.

what has happened in systems based on the US is that when the president and congress can't agree, both of them can claim they have a mandate from the voters, and both of them find it hard to call fresh elections to prove that mandate. so if you have some major piece of legislation that can't be passed (or that the president refuses to implement) what often winds up happening is that congress or the president will call in the military to stage a coup and get what they want done.

>the daily show with trevor noah

Attached: dexter face.jpg (458x446, 39.62K)

>one area
No, there's also internet service thanks to good old regional monopolies.

Are you actually retarded? You think this helps your point and this article is somehow a slam dunk?
>To be sure, Canada's publicly funded system provides individuals with preventative care and medical treatment from primary-care physicians along with access to hospitals and other important medical services. Universal health care is a source of collective pride in Canada, which boasts one of the highest life expectancies and lowest infant mortality rates in the world.
>The Commonwealth Fund, a U.S. think tank, released a report two years ago ranking Canada 10th out of 11 wealthy nations in terms of health care. Only the United States fared worse. The report, based largely on satisfaction surveys by patients and health-care providers, placed Canada last in timeliness of care. The United Kingdom was ranked No. 1
>Think tank shows Canada literally better than the US in health care
>"surveys" say they're slow.
Do you not parse information you read with your dog brain? Hey tell you what, go run off for another talking point and come back with something more coherent lmao.

Shouldn't have drank all that FourLoko then.

I stopped after 3 volumes. I wanted to understand the Talmudic tradition and how it differed from the Abrahamic teachings so I read the volumes around the life and death of christ. I couldn't stomach it past the point they called Jesus the bastard son of a whore and patted themselves on the back for getting him killed by the Romans (instead of doing it themselves.) If you're not antisemitic I suggest you read some Talmud.

>This would be a fair comparison if we lived in a world made of niggers and hydrogen, but health care costs far exceed those of law enforcement and emergency services.
Yeah, no shit. Hence the point of having everyone pay in to distribute the fucking pain. Else you get fucked when you get sick.

Do you want your kidney trasplant done faster or better?
A dying person might have a surprising answer.

>trevor noah

Attached: 463.jpg (181x272, 9.1K)

Not the previous user, but the article references a paper saying only about less than 1% of Canadians cross the border for getting medical and its mostly for specialists.

Considering most sicknesses in the developed world are self-inflicted, fuck that.
Stop eating like a fucking water buffalo and go for a walk, fatty.

I dunno about Canada, but here in Yuropoor you obviously get moved to the front of the waiting line if you're at the verge of dying

I don't know what's fucking dumber, thinking America doesn't have waiting lists (we do), or not realizing that Canada has on average better health outcomes than the USA.

Yes, you have to wait longer on average for treatment there. Yes, that sucks while you're waiting. But more people actually god damn get treated successfully there all the god damn same.

Honestly funnier than a lot of the shit out there. Watch the stuff he's doing from home.

Don't they have specialists in Canada?

I’m reminded of the “don’t cough on me” Gadsden flag.

>god damn
okay reddit boomer, settle down

>if i say god damn twice the goy will see that socialism is oh so superior

I tried watching some and couldn't get into it. Then again last time I watched Daily Show was back when Jon Stewart was doing it. Noah just doesn't seem as funny to me.

I'm on a 1k calorie diet and in good health, m8.

>thinking someone is a boomer or a redditer cause they cursed
You must be at least 18 to post here.

I was saddened to find out how many "fake" quotes from the Talmud are out there. There's plenty of real quotes from the Talmud that show plainly its true nature...

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>I have never been to the hospital on my own dime and therefore have no fucking idea what I'm talking about

Could you at least not take the Lord's name in vain to make a point, thanks
>here come the atheists

>god damn is a curse
What crypt did they dig you out of grandpa?

>irrelevant, presumptuous ad hominem that completely ignores the point of the post he's replying to

>Could you at least not take the Lord's name in vain to make a point, thanks
Fuck that. I don't curse IRL since I'm dealing with people I actually give 2 shits about. I'm in don't give a fuck mode here.

Attached: srsly.png (331x249, 91.63K)

I'm not even the guy you're arguing with but I'm kind of mad on that guy's behalf. He made a clear, concise argument and all you tried to rebut was his use of coarse language.

What are you, a Catholic school teacher? You have to be 18+ to post here.

Ohh, scary.

>not knowing what an ad hominem is
>not realizing I WAS addressing the point of the post I was responding to because you didn't understand my point
>not contesting my allegation

>inb4 MSpaint skills on display

Attached: blue_city_blues-2.jpg (1800x1233, 691.08K)

What he's trying to say is that the case against Flynn was based on lies and fell apart. What he actually is sending out though is that Trump fans are so removed from Reality that they just assume anything they don't like emotionally is a lie.

So if trapping a criminal is entrapment, does that mean bait cars are illegal?

>clear, concise argument
It was a shallow argument hinging on an appeal to emotion. The cursing isn't the issue, the cursing to make an argument from emotion rather than reason is.
An ad hominem is a personal retort (from the Latin "to the man") which, rather than using facts or logic, resorts to attacking the character or characteristics of the opponent. You made the argument presuming I've never paid for my own treatment (I have) when at no point was anyone's history of paying for their treatment was brought up.
You weren't addressing the point and it didn't follow the line of discussion. You just threw a rhetorical hissy fit.

go back

>Fuck you should be happy that Trump is president because this is easily the first time we've had a president that hasn't done anything illegal
Basically this
If you guys ever commit a crime with some other people, please, separate yourself as much from the other people doing the crime. It’s how countless drug traffickers and mafia lords have evaded capture.
Also the Russian did hack the DNC, which was done to create the FALSE idea that the DNC was undermining the Sanders campaign, which creates a rift amongst the Democrats, thus helping only one candidate: Donald Trump

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>not posting the benny blog that goes with it

"Justice for General Flynn

It was a setup from the very beginning… General Flynn was framed by the corrupt Obama FBI and DOJ.

Because anyone who supports President Trump MUST be Destroyed.

General Flynn will be exonerated.

The Deep State cabal put General Flynn and his family through over four years of hell. They lost everything fighting the corrupt system. The Flynn family sacrificed so much to fight this injustice, because if it can happen to a three star general, it can happen to ordinary Americans. The two-tier justice system in action, Democrats good, all others expendable.

The Russian collusion was nothing but a witch-hunt and hoax, a false media narrative. How can anyone believe ANYTHING the FAKE NEWS Media says is beyond me. Fake news screamed, “Flynn is a Russian agent” starting in 2016 and keep it going ruthlessly. They are now caught with another hoax red handed. Will they be held accountable?

Will McCabe, Comey, Schiff and on and on, be held accountable?

Disgraced FBI director James Comey teamed up with McCabe and framed General Flynn, they threatened to “destroy” his son if Flynn didn’t agree to their terms and pressured Flynn to lie. They knew Flynn was innocent they purposely held back exculpatory evidence.

And they almost got away with it..

Enter Sidney Powell, the Avenger and General Flynn’s lawyer.

She is on the case and tirelessly working to defeat the swamp. We know General Flynn’s case affects us all. Thank you Sidney Powell for standing up against the Deep State cabal.

Last Friday Sidney Powell filed a motion to dismiss the case based on new Brady information that was FINALLY released by the Justice Department.

“This morning the govt produced to Mr. Flynn stunning Brady evidence that proves Mr. Flynn’s allegations of having been deliberately set up and framed by corrupt agents at the top of the FBI,”

No. Don't steal shit from trucks, retard. You get what you deserve.

I will never understand why political Christian's hold bother holding the pretense of anything other than Satan worship. Here's what you support if my guess is right:
>God created the earth for you as a gift for you and all your children to come, yet in your opinion you don't need to take care of it because if you break this one God will make you another. You don't support care for the environment.
>When it comes to the poor, variations of "let them eat cake" are all the charity you can spare, blaming them for their poverty though you do not know them and are likely guilty of many of the same mortal faults as they are.
>You permit your leaders to speak of Jesus and money as though they were the same thing. It's as though you think the worship vraven idolatry is permitted so long as you take the Lord's name in vain
>And at the end of it all, you are the "Christian" voter because you're against abortion, although a savvy person may not that the subject of abortion has been something of a political scapegoat for many long decades

Why bother pretending at piety? Look a little closer at the guy in a priest's robe who said you have to suck his dick to get into Heaven and you might notice he's got little goat horns.

>FALSE idea that the DNC was undermining the Sanders campaign

Ok CIA Nigger.

>which was done to create the FALSE idea that the DNC was undermining the Sanders campaign
But they've openly done that twice now.

Except muller said it wasnt in his power to bring charges against a sitting president and it was up to Congress to take the evidence in his report and act.

If someone who have the power to fire you and blacklist you from pretty much anywhere ask you to suck his cock, and you accept because you don't want to starve, you consider that consent?


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>he still falls for the "le pedo priest" meme

Public schoolteachers do way more molesting and raping. Why is it you turn a blind eye to sexual predators in every institution but the church? Less than 1% of priests are even among the accused. I guarantee you a higher percentage of schoolteachers are.

>If you don't worship this golden calf that I named "Jesus" in clear spite of God and his laws, you are an aethiest.

They've got a suit of flame just waiting for you in the afterlife, user. Assuming you yourself believe in one.

>he keeps responding to obvious bait

Consent is consent. If you agree to it, regardless of why, you are consenting.

>he believes in a fiery hell
baka senpai

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I wasn't even talking about the church sex scandals. I was talking about fellating a politician just because he says he's Christian and that he needs a massive personal tax break in God's name.

Aethiest? What is "aethy", and what does someone who is the most aethy believe?

lol, no - this race is gonna make Reagan v Mondale look close

>Public schoolteachers do way more molesting and raping
Pic related though.

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Has anyone here ever been polled for a presidential election?

The Libbre David quote in particular being fake almost blackpilled me.
Hence why I looked for a macro with accurate quotes.

man you have direct-ass footage of the conservative senate repeatedly denying witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial up to and including John fucking Bolton, lifelong diehard conservative. He still refuses to publish his tax returns. He's been an NY property developer for decades before he even touched politics. Do you really, reaaaaally believe that he's squeaky clean?

It's amazing how easily people get memed into believing stupid stuff and making it part of their core beliefs.
Your one is still full of twisted and out of context quotations. Just accept that you've been tricked.

Ya know, sometimes I watch/read a feel good story about everyone "coming together despite our differences" and I'm genuinely inspired. But then I come here and realize the American left(Not actual leftists) are so detached from reality, that co-existence is simply not an option.

Unironically yes.
They ask extemely leading questions though so it's easy to guess which side they fall on.
>b-but muh non-partisan thinktanks and media outlets

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I love how the left started rimming neo-cons warmonger John Bolton's asshole as soon as they thought he could hurt Trump.
Such high moral ground they own.

It's not about whether or not John Bolton is a good dude, but he's been a conservative longer than either of us have been alive and he's been thirsty for regime change in Iran probably for longer than either of us have been using the internet, something that's extremely unlikely while dems are in charge. What ulterior reason could bolton possibly have to testify against Trump?

Nah, look at that nose. He's clearly meant to be a caricature of the Jewish people, a commentary on their perceived influence in American politics. As expected of Zyklon Ben.

>co-existence is simply not an option

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Name one thing. Every lead he followed turned up nothing. I read the same report you did.

Why does Joe like making people uncomfortable?

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So it wouldn't count as rape if someone's going in dry in your ass because you said ok when he put a gun against your head?

>he's been thirsty for regime change in Iran probably for longer than either of us have been using the internet
And Trump shot that shit down in a hurry, despite Congessional Democrats, Saudi Arabia and Israel calling for it.
>What ulterior reason could bolton possibly have to testify against Trump?
No ulterior motive needed.

One of my favorite scores of all time that I keep going back to when I'm in a bad way I recently discovered was written by a boomer that took the trump pill. When he's not talking about politics he's just a normal good dude, but when he is, he's intolerable. I thought about that while listening to the soundtrack, and I decided that someone that made something so great, so emotional couldn't possibly have been written by someone that fundamentally different from me. Even though our political programming might come from different sources, I think we all just want what's best for everyone. Mostly. Some people just want to stand on top.

>"Fuck anyone who opposes it"
It's what he said though.

It's not up to the senate to investigate, the house was the one that was supposed to make the case.

I know it sounds bad, internal strife is never a good thing. But they're just absolutely obsessed with being as awful as possible. Trump has his fair share of worshipers, but luckily most republicans are lazy. Meanwhile American DNC followers are so driven to be the center of so many issues. Once can only assume its intentional.

>comparing losing job to losing life
So the Republicans are right for trying to save the economy?

>Trump is directly responsible for disrupting the coolest relations we've had with iran because obama was responsible for it and he has personal beef with him, not only scrapping the nuclear deal but repeatedly waving his military dick around to stir them up
>he has directly threatened military action against them on twitter multiple times


that explains all the scapegoats

Unfortunately the mytique that surrounded many creative types has been obliterated by social media.
It's hard to watch a movie or listen to a song now when you know their opinion on socio-economic blah-de-blah or how often the person takes a shit.
I hate that.

No way, rabbi.

I see someone gets their politcal information exclusively from twitter and comedy central/HBO.

>disrupting the coolest relations we've had with iran
Are we talking about the same Iran who's general was sending IEDs to insurgents to bomb US troops?

The whole thing was a shit show and if you were being objective, it's hard to know what to make of it because it was so political.

For one, clear evidence of cullsion wasn't actually found, and it's reasonable to assume Trump is just retarded. Him being a retard is actually how he avoids legal trouble, because he asks for things and fires people until someone doesn't tell him "no", and then he lets that person go down in flames while he legitimately, honestly reports he had no idea what was going on. Because Trump does not ever know what's going on.

So you have this big borderline crime thing happening, and Trump seriously thinks he's innocent and wants to go on the attack. If he'd done nothing at all, it might have gone away, but instead he tries to fuck around with the FBI and obstruct the investigation, making it seem like he must have something to hide even though the truth is just that he's very, very stupid.

So finally, at the end of it all, Trump fire the head of the DoJ until he finds a guy who said ahead of time he will not prosecute, and when he has the report he gets up and says he will not prosecute.

And people act like any of this proved anything and wasn't just a massive, national embarrassment that should lead to some major reforms and power separations.

>making it part of their core beliefs.
Anti-Zionism isn't a "belief", it's the rejection of a belief.

Is "not collecting stamps" a hobby?

Apples and oranges.
The first scenario, you're not being forced into sex. Just threatened with negative consequences if you don't. You're free not to have sex in the first one, but not without those consequences.

In the second one, you don't have a choice. You're literally being forced into it and the threat is more immediate and severe - unlike the first one you can't even back out.

>he asked me to do it, so I did
>he literally forced me into it

>taxpayers paid for my surgery and cancer treatment

God, fuck off. They made their case, they had witnesses lined up, and what do they claim?
>lmao not our job
>lmao i'll let you call your witnesses if you let us call these witnesses that had literally nothing to do with the current charges but would make our base really happy to see us grill and allow us to get away with refusing to charge trump by scapegoating them instead
>lmao let the american people decide even though the president might have committed a crime

Anti-Zionism is different than anti-Semitism. And a rejection of a belief is still a form of belief.

What do atheists believe?

>lmao not our job
It wasn't there job, Pelosi fucked up

That there is no god/gods

The nuclear deal doesn't exactly scream "dems want to invade iran." As a matter of fact I pretty firmly remember dems freaking out and condemning trump over his sabre rattling.

Iran? The country that's been training and supplying insurgents to pressure the Iraqi government to be more in line with Iran's policies? The same Iraninan general leading those very insurgents attacking a hospital? You think killing him was simply Trump reversing Obama's doing?

anti zionism would metaphorically align to being anti stamp collecting, which would be a hobby. (well, of sorts. the kind of thing people on Zig Forums would do for a hobby.)
the parallel for not being a zionist would be "not a zionist", an anti-zionist is someone who actively opposes zionism. (rather than being like most normal people and not caring what goes on in the middle east until gas prices spike or we're in a new war.)

Is not collecting stamps a hobby?
Is not being a lawyer a career?
Is "not the Patriots" a favorite sports team?

Is there a single good reason for them to refuse to hold witnesses?

So what are the moral and philosophical tenets of this belief system? What is its ethos?

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it literally was not their job. the fuck were they going to do with more "evidence"? Send it back to the house so they can write more articles of impeachment? The senate can't convict without articles and they can't just write articles on their own.

It's a well known fact than misery is totally non life threatening situation.

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"Agnostic" means you don't really have any beliefs.

Atheist means you believe there are no gods.

That's irrelevent, we're not talking about those things, we're talking about beliefs. Though spreading your views seems like a hobby for you, meaning the belief is important to you to some degree.

A belief doesn't need complexity to be a belief.

I mean, you can believe that, but is that really a solid foundation for a belief system? An absence of something?

>nuclear deal (2015)
>Iraninan aggression and US response (2019)
Those are two seperate situations.


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If you're implying that Iran deserves a crackdown
then you're dodging away from the original point, that Bolton had no reason to lie about Trump's guilt as Trump was acting far more in line with his long-standing political interests.

noooooo, not the heckin iraqinos!

>Trump's guilt
Yet to be established beyond thoughts and prayers.

>In the second one, you don't have a choice
Yes, you, have, you have the choice to choose death over anal bleeding if you don't like it that much.

How does ben garisson not know what a bike lock looks like??

Agnotstic means you believe that humans can not have knowledge of God or the soul within the rules our existence is bound by. It's effectively the "relgion is bullshit but aethism is just as bullshit" belief system.

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Testimony from multiple lifelong conservatives and Trump appointees means absolutely nothing to you? E-mails showing government workers panicking over the legality of Trump withholding aid? That's nothing? You need audio of Trump saying "i am here to extort ukraine"

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>case fell apart
No, it really didn't. Flynn still worked with foreign powers and got money from them. The fact that any american would actually treat this is as an okay thing to do is sad.


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In his defense, there are a lot of types.

>having any solid ethos to your belief means it's complicated

When your belief ultimately boils down to "I don't believe X, that's about it" it's hardly a belief.

>bill clinton impeachment trial hears witnesses
>n-no man there's no reason to have witnesses in a trial that's not the senate's job man h-haha

Yeah turns out it was legal and they were panicking over nothing

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How so? All that's necessary is that you believe something to be the case. It might be a shallow belief, but it's a belief.

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>lifelong conservatives
>Trump appointees
"Former" Trump appointees, no axes to grind there.
>government workers
Obama appointees.
>You need audio of Trump saying "i am here to extort ukraine"
That would be helpful, yes.

>"Former" Trump appointees
literally no, you had people currently working under Trump testifying against him during the hearings. He recently fired one of them and went on to imply that it was retribution, IIRC.

>forgetting the house blocked witnesses for the defense
Silly faggot, go back to Zig Forums.

God his art is ugly

What guilt? The reprisals against Soleimani's forces were legal. If Trump wanted regime change in Iran, then he's definitely doing a great job of hiding it by continuing withdraws from Afghanistan and Iraq.

That's how the US has always rolled. The only things that are different is instead of extorting the Ukraine for material things or vague ideological promises he wanted blackmail material on a US citizen.

I don't believe X, that's about it is not a knowledge or an argumented belief, but that's still a belief.

>boss fires an employee for talking shit about them
Wow, never heard of that before.

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>he wanted blackmail material on a US citizen

In this case, it's illegal but okay.

How so?

Because it's the only possible way democrats could have ever won the upcoming election.

The discussion is about whether John Bolton, a warmonger who wants regime change in Iran, would have ulterior motives in testifying against Trump. I don't believe he would have any political motivation because Trump has undeniably been indulging in some sabre rattling (just recently he went out and made the claim that we would destroy any iranian navy boats fucking with our ships) whereas Dems have been opposing conservatives on taking more drastic action on Iran for ages- I recall Mccain saying shortly after Obama's victory that we should have dropped the hammer on Iran by now.

Makes for good reaction images though.

If you're talking about LTC Vindman, whistleblower protections don't apply to his case because reassignment without notice is part of the job of being a lt colonel, which he still is. He recieved no disciplinary action or negative evaluations as a result of his testimony, therefore it would be impossible to prove any actual retribution took place.

NEVER take Trump's Twitter seriously. He takes credit for shit he didn't do even if it would be illegal if he had done it. It's pure showboating.

Because the state doesn't work like the president's private property?

It's weird how the fact that Trump never tells the truth is part of how he gets away with stuff. Like he could admit to a murder and people would dismiss it because they know he's full of shit and probably doesn't know what he's doing.

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