Is he the J.J Abrams of comics?

Is he the J.J Abrams of comics?

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Nah I would say Scott Snyder is, very Flashy with no real substance and mysteries he sets up that largely go ignored

I mean, you can describe Johns like that as well.

I'd say he's a better version Michael Bay. Johns's philosophy is doing what's cool but he also does emotional stuff.

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No, I actually like SOME of his work.

It's nonsensical that you would even draw this comparison. Johns is certainly guilty of more than his fair share of shitty stories, but it's clear he has a love of the craft. He loves the characters he writes. His Superman stories are some of the best around.

Abrams on the other hand, never once gave a shit about anything he ever worked on. It's all just a job to him. He takes something that was already made well, then apes it or reboots it into a warped facsimile. If that thing underperforms, he couldn't care less. He makes his millions and doesn't even try to change his formula for the next thing. He's just going through the motions and collecting fat checks.

He's basically the MCU of comic writers but takes things a bit more seriously.

Cates is comic Michael Bay

Nah, Johns actually made some good things

Both are bad, but stylistically, he seems to be the anti-JJ Abrams.

No, because for all his problems his payoffs are still comparatively better to JJ Abrams'.

That’s because he’s an actual writer who has an idea of what his ending is when he finishes the outline of the full story. JJ and his ilk just make mystery boxes and have no real incentive to give them real endings

Henry Abrams

No. JJ Abrams makes successful movies. Geoff Johns eats cereal and writes comics on his lunch breaks at his real job working as a producer.

>No. JJ Abrams makes successful movies.

Sure, if you want to compare a director/producer to a comic book writer/producer

That's literally what this thread is for


No, because it's about their writing ability.

Nah, Michael Bay made some good movies before turning into explosions guy.

>>Abrams making successful Movies

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The real question is he truly the Quentin Tarantino of comics?

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Cates wishes.

This isn't a question. It's Grant.

>fans want to be comic creators someday
>one fan becomes a comic creator
>fans hate this fan for becoming a comic creator
Explain this faggotry.

Tom King is

Cates is Rolland Emerich with the personality of Josh Trank

>when you know the works of all those hacks
I've wasted my life.

Be fair here, Trank got some notoriety for being on here and then denying that he was on here, and Emerich was responsible for ID4 and Godzilla 98 so he has the reputation as the Disaster guy

>fans start writing comics
>we get fanfiction tier comics
>the whole industry burns and crashes

I dunno, I feel like Bendis falls into that camp more.