The intimacy war

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Doushite kashira

Alright, Cap and Bucky making out got a chuckle out of me.

why does palcomix art look exactly the same as it was in fucking 2005?

>Doushite kashira

Thoru is my new waifu

nan de ya nen the fuck?


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>why does palcomix art look exactly the same as it was in fucking 2005?
Maybe the audience loves the art style.

you can't have a site's art improve if your team is a peruvian sweatshop where artists get rotated out as they level up and become too expensive.

Who should be Hinata?

this shit looks highly meme-worthy

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That should be the new Zig Forums banner

best storytime thread this month.

Come on OP post the rest

That's actually all I have. it was probably going to get pornographic soon.


Thanos' armor looks really good on anime girls


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dunno, some palcomix stories are extremely slow to go to their porn, sometime it's not even in the first arc.

My Zig Forumsfu is weak, who are the girls supposed to be?

Give link to full story then

Thanos is Haruhi, Cap is Nanoha, and Bucky is Fate. I don’t recognize the others; Thor looks like she is based on a real character.

My Zig Forumsfu is strong and I only recognize the Pokemon black girl.

Why is Starlord a woman already?

Thor is Tohru from Dragon Maid. No idea who Strange is though.

Attached: Tohru_shrug.jpg (800x798, 104.33K)

The https hentaiporn/res/28003.html
w 8 chan.

Must be from when Kitty Pryde was Starlord.

Black-haired hime cut is too generic a design to recognize. Iron Man is probably someone, though.

Iron Man is form idolmaster but I can't recall the name

The The https hentaiporn/res/28003.html
w 8 chan
The new one.

>not recognizing Haru-fucking-hi
>not recognizing the dragonmaid
>not recognizing nanoha

Attached: haruhi.jpg (760x875, 194.33K)

i love the thought of thanos saying "what the fuck"

>My Zig Forumsfu is strong
>Can't recognize fucking Haruhi or Konata
Your Zig Forumsfu is so fucking weak that ironic weebs probably have stronger Zig Forumsfu than you

It's odd, canonically Tohru hates the god and would likely be not welcome in Asgard after stealing Gullinkambi's eggs.

Better than the movie.