Where do you think Steven settles down into?

Where do you think Steven settles down into?

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no idea

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What's with the influx of SU and GF crossover? Even people on facebook have been putting up stuff.

Also, Steven strikes me as the eternal manchild, not because he's into childish thing but because he'll always depend on others to help him deal with his problems. He reminds me a lot of people I used to hang out with who were fun until you needed them to do something, at which point they would have some emotional crisis.

At any rate, he strikes me like a west coast guy, where it's easier to drift and form superficial connections with people.

I don't think he'll end up settling on the road. I think once he's had his fill of traveling he'll end up back in beach city where is family is. Maybe

Hes legit immortal he aint settling for some meatbag.

I have no idea how you got things so flipped, his Crisis comes from not being useful, he’ll do anything for a friend, he’s a whore that way.

Is that Mabel?

A nerd

Yeah there's a SU/GF crossover trend going around right now. Makes sense since the characters aren't too removed tonally from one another

That is not what the word whore means, user

Sounds fun, but Bill Cipher is a better match for Chad Steven

Dating wise? I guess that works

>At any rate, he strikes me like a west coast guy

Funny given he's a guy who grew up on a East coast shore town. Maybe it's being on the beach all the time that did it.

>goes to visit his grandparents
>travels around murica for a while, making human friends and shit, maybe even gets a job despite his fathers money for the "full experience"
>settles down somewhere "only for a week" first but gets stuck for years
>gets an education about his job, he gets more and more innvested
>lives in a trailer, goes on long hikes each day, has a bunch of hobbies and normal friends who are definitely not weird space aliens
>he and Connie just sorta drift apart and agree to end it amicably, both of them wanting to focus on their jobs
>he gets together with a nice local girl, just in time to intoduce her to his aging grandparents
>gets married with her and moves into a normal home
>only during the marriage he planned extensively for months he realizes how much time have passed, His grandparents died, uncle Andy died, his father is old with grey hair, all his Beach City friends are adults now and Connie shows up married to some decent guy from accounting and kids and he is in his 30s
>life goes on punctuated by normal events like Greg dying, seeing Connie elected president on TV, hearing how Onion died in a car crash and so on.
>one day in his forties he wakes up and midlife crisis with a hunger for alien adventures comes back with a motherfucking vengeance


Unadulterated Kino

Fuck You!

A weird guy moves into a weird town, seems fitting

Fortunately for him all his crystal friends are still the same age.

He just craves normalcy more than anything, like his father craved freedom. But you cant deny an alien god-empress heritage forever.

He just wakes up one morning, eats his breakfast,talks about which university his son should apply to next year, reads the local newspaper, kisses his wife taking the kids to school goodbye, then as he is shaving he just suddenly puts down his razor as he sees his gem glow. Mired in wistful memories he just goes out to wander the neighborhood, the well-ordered, geometrical suburbia with old white men watering their laws and old ladies making casseroles. Then he just gets in his car, adjusts the mirror to his half-shaven face and with the merest flick of his diamond powers he shapeshifts back into a clean faced youngster, and speeds off towards somewhere, to feel young again for a day as his phone, still left in the kitchen keeps ringing as his boss and wife wants to know where he is.

He’s got more time than anyone else, let him live his life of normalcy with his wife, who I’ve named Jenny, and then go back to space

Why would he go back?

Beach is nice

What a coincidence that Mabel has star earrings and a star shirt in the very first episode. I wouldn't even be mad.

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star children stick together

According to the ancient prophecy, he will be available at Gurgens off Route 109.

Mabel is for her brother.

Dipper deserves better.

Dump her on someone else, let Dipper finally breathe

in the third panel she grabs steven's foor and presses it against her nose


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