Zig Forumsmblr

Why is Zig Forums being a more left leaning board a bad thing? I thought Zig Forums was for free speech.

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>More left leaning
All we do is bitch about the left. Not our fault discord fags and SU spam the board

>left leaning
>free speech

It's a "bad thing" because it goes against the perception of how Zig Forums is supposed to the edgy outsider of the internet. Some people genuinely get upset if you don't find years old antics funny anymore because "that's just how things are bro", while they ironically parrot whatever newest buzzword's on the rise.

That aside, Zig Forumsmblr's largely just a meme because people happened to enjoyed actually talking about interests and could be relatively pleasant, most of the pop media boards share a similar mindset.

bro you don't say cuck or simp? bro that's cringe...

>Implying the right values free speech

I know this bait, but damn. Try harder

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I just fucking hate conservatives

Oh really?....Well then, let me just say....The word

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>Zig Forums is supposed to the edgy outsider of the internet
this except unironically

Because communism is gay, my dude. Fascism is straight ballin'.

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I'm pretty sure you're allowed to say "nigger", user.

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Lmao Fuck leftoids

The SJW and Tumblrshits on Zig Forums are authoritarian. Zig Forums was libertarian.

He wouldn't...not on this board! He couldn't! M-mods?! MODS!?

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In my experience, Zig Forums, Zig Forums, and /ic/ are outwardly hostile at slight provocation.

I'm gonna be honest with you, OP. It's not about free speech. It's about US vs YOU. Zig Forums was created as a safe place for conservatives to speak freely without fear of getting ostrichized. A place where hard working, god fearing christians could be themselves. I've been using this site for nearly 5 years and I'll be G*d damned if I'm gonna let the left take over my only home.

They sound based af then, not gonna lie

The right unironically supports free speech far more than the left.

Because the people who enjoy animation are also more left leaning. Also we don't just have Lefties on this board as you imply there's also a large amount of people who hate politics all together and a group of nazi larpers.

How do you guys type with those big hooked noses blocking your view of the keyboard?

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>amerilard christians unironically believe in a country were every single elected president is a christian they are persecuted

What does any of this have to do with comics or cartoons?

Except if you disagree with them then you're a sjw cuck who needs to die, free speech is a meme they use to validate their politics and nothing more

It's blasfamous to use the lord's name in vain which is why I censored it.

Zig Forums was never for free speech.It always for the speech of the ones that shout the loudest and spam the more wojak
You fags are so edgy you are turning into an ISIL for neckbeards. That's why every well adjusted person rightfully hate your guts and why your continuous existence will cause the pendulum to swing backwards in reaction to your bullshit and effectively give more ammo to everyone who is pro Internet censorship

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They claim to now. Not too long ago it was the other way around. Odds are the pendulum will swing left again.

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if a homestuck thread gets deleted before this, then it's fine

Of white male free speech. If you raise your voice otherwise,you have your period or you're uppity

>Zig Forums was created as a safe place for conservatives to speak freely without fear of getting ostrichized.
Fox called us a "hazardous leftist internet hate machine" back in the Bush administration so, i kinda doubt it.

You got banned from /trash/
Stop pretending you're innocent

Disagreement is not censorship. The right disagrees with people who speak out, the left actively silences people who speak out.

>Zig Forums was created as a safe place for conservatives to speak freely without fear of getting ostrichized
...no it wasn't, pol was created for that purpose but not the entire site

And? Zig Forums is the best, most mentally stable sub on this entire site.

y'all keep saying that, and yet you never post any proof of when or why.

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>Zig Forums
>left wing board
Ironically enough, Zig Forums is probably more racist than Zig Forums

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Disagreement is not censorship

Extremely aggressive disagreement is still pretty close

Not even remotely close. The left actively censors people.

>I've been using this site for nearly 5 years

and then right again... almost as if that kinda thing happens and we have to be aware of the world we live in at the moment instead of hoping for some ultimate solution

The entire left or just the cherry picked examples that come to your mind? What Zig Forums describes as the left "censoring" people is just extreme disagreement that they're equally as guilty of

yeah, this is fine

porcoddio madonna impestata gesù appeso

>free speech
Lol no.

Zig Forums is for shitposting. It's contrarianism on top of contrarianism, in other words, this except unironically, and if you agree you're a retard and if you disagree you're a bigger retard.

>freeze peach
nigger kike

I mean leftist governments pass actual laws restricting what people can say.

>in America

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>Why is Zig Forums being a more left leaning board a bad thing?
because that's how you get Steven Universe threads

I've been banned from Zig Forumsmblr a dozen times for saying rhe nigger word.

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>right leaning
>free speech
And before you respond, free speech is only promoted among the right because it's under attack for them. Who do you think were the ones toting free speech during Fascist Italy?