Sonic Monopoly is unironicly fun...

Sonic Monopoly is unironicly fun. They took the literal torture chamber than is the base monopoly ruleset and streamlined it while adding a fun boss battle system to keep games from going on forever

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>Sonic Monopoly
... That's a thing? Why?

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Because licensed merch makes fucktons of cash.


Did IDW make this?

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>modern designs

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But Sonic the Hedgehog and Monopoly have fuck all to do with each other.

fuck the game, I want those playing figures

There's like a zillion Monopoly games themed with various licenses at this point though

That doesn't justify putting square pegs in round holes.

There's a monopoly version of everything.
This isn't even the only Monopoly Gamer set.

Monopoly Gamer is a seperate subset of Monopoly, it is pretty fun, I got the Overwatch version but I dont think that's getting more expansions

Is that supposed to make this okay? Cause it's not.

>Overwatch Monopoly
Oh shut the fuck up.

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Like he said, theres Monopoly for EVERYTHING.

Theres even a Godzilla one coming out.

At this point monopoly is like scooby doo, it crosses over with everything.

Its like wheaties. the case is so totally horrid you have to put something people actually LIKE on it.

My university has its own Monopoly set.

I... I don't want to go down this particular rabbit hole.

And yes, I already looked it up. Frozen Monopoly... Arendelle is a monarchy for fucks sake!

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We'd be better off finding out what hasn't already been made into a monopoly yet.

Shut the fuck up you baby why are you on a cartoon/comic board if you aren't aware of how brands work.
>"What the fuck does Superman have to do with a lunchbox? Why did they put his logo on a lunchbox this makes no sense"

Monopoly is just a bad game from a design perspective. There's thousands of better games out there. I can recommend Bohnanza if you like trading, Ticket to Ride if you like route building, Acquire if you like negotiating, and Ra if you like auctions

MLP lacks in the diverse merchandise department.

>Zig Forums - Comics and Cartoons

Monopoly is only shit when you play using the official rules. There are tons of alternate rules that make the game far more fun.


Sonic is Zig Forums.

Horse show has a Monopoly, though. I actually own it.

Why is this thread here?

I think you meant another Hasbro property.

You know what IP also has a Monopoly game? Steven Universe.

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I kind of get the feeling that anyone who'd actually buy that would suck at the game.

I’m a beast when it comes to playing by Monopoly’s official rules and I bought the HT-exclusive version.

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Monopoly isn't that hard, though

That's a surprise. Most licensed monopoly game boards are as lazy as possible, and barely even try to cleverly match the theme of the license to the monopoly spaces.