Are these the two best shows Cartoon Network has made?

Are these the two best shows Cartoon Network has made?

Ignore the vs, both are amazing.

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Steven Universe is better

Fuck off, OP was serious.
Yes actually. Or Maybe Billy & Mandy was kinda better than EEnE.

EEnE aged like shit

thats not Mike, Lu and Og

how exactly?

>Ugly visuals
>Outdated references
>Kids today doesn't play outside

Hard disagree. Only the first season has age issues.

Courage is one of the few shows I can say has the least flaws in it. Its high points exceed those of its companions, but its lows are still very great. EEnE is somewhat contested with Billy and Mandy. They're both comedical series that are incomparable with the other Cartoon Cartoons, just like Courage. EEnE was a more slapstick-heavy, while B&M is more dark humor-heavy. They both have their strengths and weaknesses.

The thing is, 1999-2002 was the peak of the Cartoon Cartoons

>Outdated references
I can only assume you've never watched the show.

>Kids today doesn't
You must be enjoying your time away from school, huh kiddo?

It’s biggest flaw was that it was extremely formulaic

It is outdated, Eddy has a record player at his house, no kid today would know what that is.

>>Outdated references
Hard disagree, the show has timeless references. Have you even watched the show.
>>Kids today doesn't play outside
If you open your curtains or take a walk outside for once, you may know better

The biggest problem with EEnE is probably its first season. But the show is probably a prime example that increase in animation quality throughout TV animation is possible.

dilate you tranny
you will never pass

What does that mean?

No kid had a record playing when the show was airing. The show is meant to take place decades before the show aired.

Wasn't Ed Edd n Eddy the last cartoon in history to use Cel animation?

For me it was courage and PPG

I say Samurai Jack

i saw an interview with antonucci once and he said the show is meant not meant to take place at any specific time, so they purposefully didnt include things like cell phones or video games, because a few years later youd be able to go 'oh that phone design is soooo 2003'.
old tech exists in eene, but it's never the focus. it's never presented as new or cutting edge. it's just there in the background
and kids in the 90s/00s would definitely know what a record player is...
and kids today probably have hipster older bros, and so theyd know what a record player is too

I would say EdEddnEddy had the edge. The got the bigger push out of all the shows on CN at the time. Even the bumpers they had show it. They were the SpongeBob of the Network(But DIDN'T steal spots.)

But every show had it's place. And made a solid lineup.


Attached: 1584578013409.webm (504x336, 966.77K)
>Fuck digital. Just draw
- Danny Antonucci, 2019

Um hello it's the based department calling

They are the best two shows from the Cartoon Cartoons era, from best to worst:

Ed Edd n Eddy
Powerpuff Girls
Billy & Mandy
Dexter's Lab
Johnny Bravo
I am Weasel
Evil Con Carne
Cow and Chicken
Time Squad
Robot Jones
Sheep in the Big City
Mike, Lu and Og

Ed Edd Eddy is fucking shit, Courage is kino tho

>time squad and sheep that far down
shit taste confirmed

Time Squad was FAR better than Evil Con Carne, Cow and Chicken. And that's not up for debate

No way. PPG was everywhere back then, it got the most push out of every show. The merchandise alone must have made CN millions.

Yeah, no. PPG was the face of the Cartoon Cartoons era, it always was. Execs fucking loved the pilot in 1996 and pushed it hard. It was the Ben 10 of the 90s and early 2000s.

Time Squad and Sheep are very underrated.

They aren't bad shows, but they aren't as good as the others.