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How long has it been since "Fuck you, Batman" wasn't the most interesting interaction he's had? It feels like decades that everyone's been telling him to eat shit. And he deserves to eat that shit, but there's got to be something else right?

She was right tho'. If she didn't cut the ropes, they'd all be dead, period.

Catwoman giving Batman shit for him being a selfless person, and treating him as a sick person for acting as a hero? Oh, my, what a surprise.

Catwoman has always been a shit character.

Selina has always come across as too hypocritical to be able to point any fingers at Bruce.

But she always does it, anyway. Catwoman entire existence has been her giving Batman shit.

Man, Hush was already a bad comic, but this DCAMU adaptation was all around shitty. Still Catwoman sucks as well.

The cartoon was gay for the way in which it diverged from the book, but in isolation, Catwoman is right here.

What’s with the obsession about making Batman out to be be a bad thing? Just let him be, Like nobody says being Wonder Woman is a bad thing when she runs around in a swimsuit and punching shit.

But a guy dressing as a bet and saving people is sick, SICK! He clearly needs professional help. Don't you SEE?

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What about people dressing as a bug or a bootleg Robin Hood, do they need help too?

And his response is "I had to try to save him" and he didn't wish the guy was dead.

This is what some writers think is insane for a hero, that's how divorced they are from the original ideal. This is like a Star Trek show where they whine about poverty-oh, right.

You ever wonder if we're overanalyzing just really shitty writers? This whole thing can boil down to 'Wow, these people suck at writing, maybe let someone else try'.

You are probably right, user - it's jyst bad writing. Batman is supposedly to be a genius so he should asessed the situatuon and just let go because it was mission impossible. He totally should lick her pussy for the rest of his life for savig his.

she is so urly.

>saving people
More often that not he's just beating people up and pushing them into a system that coddles psycho clown killers.

She's right you know.

Jesus christ this was dumb

>Catwoman giving Batman shit for his no-kill rule
That's the exact opposite of what happened in the book. Catwoman tried to STOP Batman from killing the fucking Joker.

Tired of this BatCat shit.

>This is what some writers think is insane for a hero, that's how divorced they are from the original ideal.
There comes a point where the things Bruce does and believes can't be justified any longer. Him having a No Killing rule does not mean he has to tolerate murderers. Who's really divorced from reality: a writer who recognizes the flaws of Batman or the fans who think he's a perfect symbol of justice and fairness?

Nope....Catwoman is a cunt.

Did you even watch that movie? Batman was trying to save the antagonist against every odds. If Selina didn't cut the ropes, she, batman and Hush would be dead. If batman would just let go - it wouldn't be a murder because the guy was beyond salvation.

No. On every conceivable level, no.

>Did you even watch that movie?
No, why would I?
This scene is completely out of character regardless of context.

Batman so deserves a happy ending; and Catwoman sucks. Talia and Wonder Woman was a much better match for Bruce.

Why didn't they just stick to the source material instead of making shit up

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>There comes a point where the things Bruce does and believes can't be justified any longer.
And its not him wishing he could help someone AFTER they died, that would be pretty stupid to hold. What, do you think he's going to tape the Riddler back together?

> Him having a No Killing rule does not mean he has to tolerate murderers.
It does mean he's going to try to help them and bring them in for actual justice.

>Who's really divorced from reality: a writer who recognizes the flaws of Batman
That would be pretty neat, where are they?

> or the fans who think he's a perfect symbol of justice and fairness?
Its stunning you think fans believe he can't fail when the scene in question is him being sad he failed and the only issue being the bizarre and badly written reaction from someone else for some really cheap drama.

Oh no, he's sad he couldn't save Riddler, he's not happy the guy is dead, what a terrible flaw to this character. Also why does Picard get to have legacy furniture? That's not fair to the poor people in a world where you can craft anything at any time, a real flaw on his part.

Everyone, who still accusing Bruce because of his "Code of Not to Kill" AND most important - His Code is the only thing, that didn't turn him into a monster, that took his parents' lives.

So at the end - you have an option:
Accept and respect his Code, or just get out

Time to think seriously about that...

Batman is a hero, dude.
Lets take the context of the stupid movie in mind here for a second.
The Riddler killed Tommy, tried to kill Nightwing, and almost killed Catwoman. Hits very personal to Batman, but... Batman knows this and also feel he should be professional about it. On the field Tommy isn't a friend, just a victim. Nightwing isn't his adopted son, but a colleague. Catwoman isn't his girlfriend, but a colleague. He should put his feelings away and do his job. Capture the Riddler and make him stand trial.
Catwoman is angry because he should be angry and get even with the Riddler. She's letting her personal feelings cloud her actions.
Well, that's on her. She should known that when you're on the field they stop being a couple. They're "heroes". They focus should be on rescuing lives and capturing bad guys. Not dishing out vengeance.

Batman is basically getting shit for being a professional.

Because, despite the bad writing, I don't think the scene can be analyzed out of the context.

"I changed, but you won't."

Lady, you want him to change into a murderer for you? That is not even remotely comparable to the kind of changes she made what the hell man.

No one loves Batman more than talia.

>If batman would just let go - it wouldn't be a murder because the guy was beyond salvation.
He didn't say it was murder to Selina who cut the ropes, he said he was sad he couldn't help the guy and that he didn't have to die, a statement that could have easily been he didn't have to put himself in the situation where he couldn't be saved by Batman despite all the effort. What makes this really badly written is that in several scenes Batman went out of his way to save Catwoman from the exact same threats, and she herself was briefly helping in that jarring and pointless timeskip. So she knows some people can be helped and knows Batman is the only one truly trying, but just for the sake of this scene invented for the movie that wasn't in the original, she's just going to forget all that so we can have some CW level drama shoved in because the writer had to break them up and is just, well, bad. They're bad writers, why are we overthinking bad writing?

DCAMU likes to shit on the characters.

I’m glad they broke up. ..

This is right here is my favourite batman

Seriously, what's up with everything DC related constantly shitting on Batman at every level, even on the fact of him trying to be a hero? I also been noting a trend of Catwoman constantly fucking with Batman despite DC also trying to portray them as some sort of soul mates. That High School novel where Bruce is a chink recently, for example.

No, you don't get it, she's mad because she had to give up stealing shit so she could live in the lap of luxury in a super rich mansion and actually be liked by the cops and citizens of gotham that she saved, that's a huge issue. He should now be willing to not feel bad after someone dies, not "Don't let them go", not don't fight them, not even kill them himself, just not feel like he could have done more and shrug it off without a care after he just fought the guy to the death for her.

He wanted her to be a little better so she demands he become far worse.

>He wanted her to be a little better so she demands he become far worse.
Every Batcat story right there. It's either this or her demanding that he gives up the cowl in return.