I...can’t....because I didn’t hear you that well over black crime statistics

>I...can’t....because I didn’t hear you that well over black crime statistics
>finna *lips smack* we wuz-
>*Hal arrests him*
This was a great run

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it gets better when you realize that Green Arrow, a privileged high-class elite businessman is just standing there like "yeah he's got a point Hal, why aren't you doing anything about blacks? poor people have rights too you piece of shit!"

middle class white kids acting like they know inner city crime is fucking funny

I went to a majority black school and went to sleep every night hearing gunshots. Niggers are animals.

Post moar niggers

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Shit wrong panel

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Green Arrow had lost his fortune in Justice League of America v1 #75, which made him realise that the working class are shat on.

I fucking hate casuals.

>Nite Owl and Rorscharch
ok what's the source

Not him, but just because someone doesn't know the specifics of a 50 year old story doesn't automatically make them a casual

That's blue beetle and the question

How do you not know who those are or where that page is from?

Same difference

No one can save the black community but the blacks themselves. The biggest road block are the very people that live in those communities.

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I know who they are and I know Rorschach and Nite Owl are based off of them so the writer pairing them up like this is not a coincidence. So I ask for the source.

Sure you did user.

Jeez, do black people really bitch that much? Not Hal's problem that he got to patrol an entire space sector. Can't cater to a specific population in a single country on a single planet when he got an entire space sector to protect.

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Black old drunk blames super hero because his wife left him and him having regrets for throwing his life away.

This comic was racist as fuck, it makes black people look like children who needs help in order not to end up like a hobo.

>Nigga, he has a fucking galaxy to police. He ain't got time for your shit.

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Reminder that upstanding middle class blacks are probably some of the most based people in the US

If it wasn't just social and political agenda lamp-shading, a writer would have brought this up.

I lived 5 years in majority black neighborhood and i hardly ever heard gunshots. I saw few fights though.

Poor excuse in this case.

Somehow, fighting super-villains, evil aliens, and world ending threats has been of no value to black people what-so-ever.

The best US president in the past four decades was black.

Donald trump isnt black

If he knows enough about Green Arrow to know he's been rich. If he knows enough to know he's a social liberal, then he should know enough to know his current circumstances in one of the most well known stories that Green Arrow co-stars in.

The guy who was Bush all over but everyone chose to ignore him authorizing drone attacks on civilians and generally being a shitheel who kept or worsened tons of Bush era policies because he was black and not-Bush? Yeah, he was great.

He's a Superhero. Getting involved is what Superheroes have done since 1938.

Nigs gonna nig

>fast and furious
>killing two us citizens with a drone strike
>using the IRS to gain confidential information on campaign donors during an election year
>wiretapping a political opponent during an election
What part of Obama's presidency wasn't an unmitigated disaster?

>we're not racist! the sjws are the real racists!
>proceed to post extremely racist shit
Every time

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...They're not? Because that's how they're pretty much treated these days and you're the first person I've seen complaining.

Considering the context, Hal going to the million man march or pointing out how insignificant humans are in the big scheme (the red ants and black ants argument) would help a lot, specially the latter. Still politics don't mix well with capeshit because the latter only know to resolve problems by punching people and capes are conservative by default