Why do nerds love goths so much

Why do nerds love goths so much

Attached: gew4reh.jpg (564x617, 70.48K)

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How many lunch tables were at your school? At mine the MTG nerds and Goths always wound up at the same one.

There is a large intersection in their venn diagrams.

I got expelled before i got a chance to look

I didn’t think Cody was really a nerd.

You get bullied so much you start to like it.

They're both socially awkward countercultures.
Also goth girls just have more interesting character design.

Post your favorite goth jam and goth girl.

Attached: The Deetz.jpg (500x445, 21.97K)

I prefer nerds with tomboys

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Despite this being a popular dynamic you don't really see it in media, not even porn

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For the same reasons these losers like chink girls. No girl has ever thought they were attractive, and they feel that these girls are “different, like me”. Sad, really.

Not a goth unless her stomach passes her boobs

What do you mean

Goth girls are ugly externally and internally, the "goths" you see on media are bitches cosplaying goths.

You know exactly what I mean

Never seen a nerd go after a goth since most of them are uggo

>most of them are uggo
The goths or the nerds

You can't just say that and not tell us what you got expelled for, user.

I slapped an old teacher with a pizza slice in my hand

>He got rejected by a whale of the night.

That's badass user

What platform do these images come from? I literally only lurk this website.

They bill themselves as social outcasts, which makes them seem achievable
It also doesn't hurt that their chosen subculture involves masking themselves in tons of makeup and stylistic, flattering clothes which makes them seem more plowable than they probably really are

twitter mostly

Two lines of three or four lunch tables, but I went to a small religious school and so it turned into the normal kids all hanging out at one and me and four or five of my fellow weirdos hanging out at the other.

Because Goths are fucking nerdy.