You wake up with Toonforce

You wake up with Toonforce
What do you do?

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Lick my elbow

Finally get my drivers license by pulling it from behind my back.

>Functionally Immortal
>Dress up in doctor's outfit
>Go to hospital
>Tom & Jerry style chase with all the 'Rona particles
>Gather them all up in a little jar
>Rinse and Repeat across nation
>Get named national hero
>They ask what I did with the jars
>Wink to camera, iris out
>Reports surface of cropdusters flying over Israel mysteriously avoiding any attempts to shoot them down.

Kill everyone that uses this website. Probably with a falling piano or safe.

>Not sending it back to Winnie the Pooh

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Immediately figure out the conversion rate for large sacks of coins that have dollar signs on them

what's the strongest toonforce character out there?

Uncle Grandpa?

Masturbate until my dick turns into a fire hose that floods the entire neighborhood with my semen.

Droopy Dog

Does it have any limits, or is it essentially “I can do anything”?

If you believe beating up the animator or holding the animator pencil makes you stronger than universe level, Bugs or Popeye. Otherwise, probably UG or maybe Arale Norimaki.

Slap everyone through their screen.

You can do anything as long as it's funny.

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Go back to sleep and hope I wake up as Batman.

Use my argument powers to get powerful politicians to admit their crimes.

>I did NOT embezzle that money!
>Did so
>Did not!
>Did so
>Did not!
>Did SO!
>Okay you didn't
>Did so
>Did not
>I'm telling you for the last time I DID embezzle that money and I did cheat on my wife with a hooker last night!
>Betchya didn't murder her
>OOH I show you, look, here's the gun I used!
>The prosecution rests, your honor.
>*camera pans to a judge that looks like me in a powdered wig. Entire jury is me, even the politician's lawyer is me*

why the fuck would anyone want to be batman?

Become a super villain

Arale got wreck by Bills

Anything I want.

At last!

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based anti-commie robofucker

Immediatly slip on a banana peel. Then, as the banana peel drags me across the house, crash into a variety of objects such as random clothes, a lamp, the family's piano (which we never had but now we do) and the couch. Finally, I fly through the balcony but I do not fall into the ground. Instead I get up mid-air, wonder where I am, look down, realize I am defying gravity, then fall.
Then I land in the middle of the street, resembling a racist caricature of a Fu Manchu-esque chinese man, thanks to all the objects I crashed onto. Mass spread panic ensues.

Get a part time job in a construction field or other dangerous jobs that make good money.

Hammer space out a cure for Corona so I can get out of my fucking house.

Separate Florida and California from the rest of the United States, combine Australia and Texas into the greatest nation in the world

im sick of this condition - i wanna do anything regardless! essentially, be a god.



Find various criminal organizations and undermine their nefarious activities in an extremely humorous manner. For example replacing trafficked humans with novelty sex dolls, or replacing a suicide bomber's vest with stink bombs.