Any other examples of side romantic love interests way more beloved than the main one?

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Any in Miraculous Ladybug that does not involve Marinette or Adrien in any way.

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the best thing to come out of that comic sadly the hardest thing to get

i wonder how she would look as a milf.

Jackie is unironically one of the hottest character designs in all of cartoon history. Yes, I would have sex with her and yes, she is hotter than any "female " or tranny posting on this board, that is why they seethe, omegalul.

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I can't believe they wasted this character design on an ultimately insignificant, purely human background character.

Is Jackie supposed to be Hispanic? I never watched this cartoon.

jacucks will never recover

Attached: this kill the jacucks.jpg (1280x720, 117.47K)

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Also I love how OPs question isn't being answered and this is now a jackie thread

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She wasn't developed enough to be hated. All that potential, fortunately wasted


imagine this descending upon ur dick.

no wonder marco quit it, he thought he would never be enough.

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>It's another giving characters stupid as hell tits when they are flat as males because you want to sexualize something that isn't attractive thread

t. star

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>Wendy Blerble Corduroy
JK I just wanted to post my Mega Milk edit

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I didn't even read it till you just pointed it out kek

Jackie is as flat as Star lol

So beautiful

This should have been the way of destroying the curse of the bloodmoon, Marco always struggling with it trying to affect his mind, his and Jackie's love managing to cut it away from his soul

Just how pathetic do you really need to be to convince yourself to believe that?

If you have never seen girls in real life because of your faggotry that makes you act like a simp in front of them is your problem, but I've got news for you. Girls develop totally different from one another, some may develop at certain similar rhythm, but usually a small group of girls will difference from other small group by miles.

Now, this here is an example of just how small/flat Star actually is, using the neck as reference to line their backs.

We totally got the worst MC.

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Reminder that Jackie had zero personality besides being Marco's love interest and skateboarding.

Keep screaming Star cuck

Attached: Jackie_Profile.png (360x450, 209.91K)

Second image to compare.

Star is in a position where she is pretty much pushing her chest out.

Jackie is slightly bowed, in a "chill" position after their kiss.

This time I moved Star slightly up, not using the necks but the chins to more or less accomodate them in a similar height.

In both cases Star's body is just too small, probably because it's that of a fucking trans.

Attached: size difference2.jpg (1592x918, 216.18K)

Prove me wrong, you can't.

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That's some solid proof, right there.


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