Have there been detailed writeups about why korra doesn't work as a show? wouldn't mind doing some reading up on it

have there been detailed writeups about why korra doesn't work as a show? wouldn't mind doing some reading up on it

Attached: Korra_The_Legend_of_Korra.jpg (365x273, 23.48K)

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watch this

I wish I could care about anything as much as E;R hates Korra.

the Hate boner of this man is so massive it has it won gravitational field

Aside from any of the threads we have 5x/day?

looking for something more considered, thorough, and less reactionary

Serialized vs. Episodic is the main issue, but there are a host of others. There are good Youtube vids and articles on the matter out there.

I believe part of the problem was Nick. If I recall correctly, the first season was just supposed to be a miniseries, but then they extended it to a full season, which probably just added filler, then they got renewed for season two, and after two they got renewed for two more seasons. So for the first two seasons they didn't even know they were going to have more show, which explains some of the disjointed feeling as compared to Last Airbender. And there was also that shitty clip show episode which was a cost saving measure so Nick wouldn't force them to fire a bunch of people.

So fuck Nick.

>I need someone to explain to me why I hold an opinion

This is mostly right but his bitching about tech is way off. Especially with a 70 year gap between the shows. IRL, in 1850 horses were the fastest way to get around. Less than 70 years later not only were cars everywhere in major cities but airplanes were being used in warfare.

*But then there's one thing that really does make no sense. Why does nobody have guns? You can't have cars/planes/radios/cameras/skyscrapers without guns.

Because it's an American cartoon.

But Americans love guns

You don't need a detailed write up.
1. The protagonist is insufferable, thinks her shit don't stink, butts heads with her mentor and law enforcement.
2. Love triangle bullshit.
3. Most characters aren't memorable and it needs to rely heavily on its predecessor for anyone to give a shit.
4. Wastes its first season villain by outing him as a bender. Its S2 villain is an evil spirit and her uncle gone mad. Its S3 villains are terrorists and discount versions of characters from ATLA. They're cool, but came way too late. Its S4 villain was a woman whos mostly right.
5. Ruins the legacy of ATLA in universe and outside of it.

Porn. Is. Its. Only. Redeeming. Quality.

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Would you really need guns with large part of population having lethal powers? Weapons were invented for effective killing, wars and self defense. Majority of people in the universe are living weapons themselves and last major conflict ended like 70 years ago by hands of nuke guy. You can't have major weaponery advancements when nuke guy enforces peace.

Why own guns when people can shoot elements from their hands? Logically they were "invented", just made illegal everywhere and therefore not produced by anyone as the designs were never improved past what they needed to be for other tech to advance.

A guns quicker unless you're fighting a metalbender. Not everyone can bend either.

You forgot the gay pandering.

>Would you really need guns with large part of population having lethal powers?
People with bending powers are a minority, that was kind of the entire point of the equalists in season 1 of korra. IRL, guns were the equalizer between commoners and nobles, all the knightly training, pretty plate armor, and expensive war horses in the world don't save you from Johnny the farmer pulling out his colt 45 and killing you. Same principle with bending.

>Why own guns when people can shoot elements from their hands?
Because guns are way more effective. The brain is literally incapable of reacting to a bullet, by the time you even hear the gunshot the bullet has either missed you or hit you.

That only came later in the show and was just hamfisted for quick views. Dunno, but if you just go with Korra being glorified fanfiction with a budget thats a satire of what an action cartoon should be its not so bad. Korras design itself is pornbait.

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The fourth season was excellent until it snatched away the main villain's motivation out from under her. She didn't need to be justified as "afraid" - her justifications of hard line unification were solid in the first place and were a better way to test Korra's spiritual position as Avatar.

Also, the whole "Avatar powered by spirit of light" thing a shit. Killing off all the previous lives defeated the entire concept of the Avatar simply being someone who remembers all of their experience.

I would agree with this more if they didn't use that roaring 20's/prohibition era aesthetic. It doesn't gel with the world that A:TLA set up and it's wasted as a setting. It's almost like they came up with that concept just to have an excuse for some announcer guy with a mid atlantic accent to do the recap for every fucking episode.

Agreed. It's a bizarre missed opportunity because there's a real life example of a modern 1920s east asian culture they could have drawn on, Japan. Hell they could have even kept some superficial American cultural elements if they wanted to, Japan had the first foreign baseball league.

The industrialisation part is totally fine if you ask me. The world entered a long-lasting era of peace thanks to Aang and the Fire Nation could share its industrial revolution with the rest of the world. Stuff like Metalbending, bending in general accelerated the economic development. When LoK started, I was content with the setting because it had potential and was different from TLA. Just the same would have been boring and unrealistic.

In the comics, they explained the United Nations thing well. The Fire Nation had occupied parts of the Earth Kingdom and Aang decided that instead of giving them back to the Earth Kingdom or letting them stay at the Fire Nation, they should be free to be their own nation. Not like Sozin in the slightest. They probably put the statue there after he had died, no big deal.

She's a Mary Sue from the start but regularly gets her ass kicked later, both sucks in a way. Her being able to control 3 elements from the start is retarded, but the training part later makes kind of sense: Aang probably feared that if another huge threat came around, travelling the entire world in a hassle like he had to would be risky. In order to ensure the Avatar after him is well prepared, he ensured that there would be coaches and training facilities coming to her as well. The way they pulled it off is shady, too restrictive, but I'll be generous and say Aang hadn't planned it that way.

Korra's first steps in Republic City made sense to me as well. It showed her as a severely flawed character that has much to learn, totally fine if she learns from that and has character development. She was annoying from the start and after the first episode I was a bit in doubt already, but it's not like everything was lost from the very start like this video pretends.

There have been a few posts that have been screencapped in the past about the show's failings. Unfortunately, I don't have those posts. I just know that they exist.

I'd be down to see those if anyone has em

Where are the pubes, fag.

t. faggot who doesn't know shit about anything

>The world entered a long-lasting era of peace thanks to Aang and the Fire Nation could share its industrial revolution blah blah
t. doesn't know shit about how the world works

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I only wish he'd review more games, and be less of a pleb when it comes to Star Wars.

War can propel technology, but so can peace. It's only natural that they portrayed the world as technologically advanced because of the peace that came after a devastating 100-year-war.

>be less of a pleb when it comes to Star Wars.
I don't this guy, what does being a pleb at Star Wars mean in his case?

*I don't know this guy