What'd you think of this?

what'd you think of this?

Attached: EW8aUvTWkAAjpy6.jpg (1024x1024, 320.17K)

I don’t care about Insects.

Anyone have the Blacked pic with Superman and the Asian cunny?

Kind of a mouthful, innit?

That's what she said.

Pacific Islanders are pretty cool. I just like that Superman stops by to play board games with families for fun sometimes.

Didn't know that was a thing.
Turns out May it is also old people and jew month.
Next month is apparently sexual degenerate month.
Then in September it is basically Central American month.
October is disabled/Italian month?
November is native american month.

I find it really weird Italians get a month, but judging from personal experience I could see it categorized as a disability.

Attached: Hz1hSpd.gif (500x272, 507.52K)

Why are all of them white

Asians desperately want to be white. It's why so many of the women seek out only white guys.

It's alright isn't it?

Nigger, they think you smell like moldy cheese and bad milk, they don't want to be you.


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>t. Flip

Sit down & accept it 朋友, your girls are ours.

Completely out of character for Superman.

Attached: Well, if Superman says it's okay.jpg (373x231, 53.78K)

I never expected a Klansman villain to be so based

Superman Smashes the Klan was fun. Sue me

Meh. The modern take of obsession over race and hyphen-american culture is getting tedious because its just insecure people with nothing else to be proud about other than being a hyphen-american because the national culture is so disjointed and toxic to individual identity.

Attached: Superman - American Alien (2016) 07 textless.jpg (900x1366, 221.59K)

I'll see you in court user, you will get a copy of the filings in the mail

I blame it on the decline in the number of cowboys.

Why do the asians look like Europeans?

The coloreds really should act more like us.

I miss him,bros

Attached: 8b7dcdeebb2702f1919f1244fb6af27b5edf1ae1r1-724-841v2_00.jpg (441x512, 48.71K)

>>Zig Forums

Yes, Zig Forums is indeed an example of coloreds trying to act like whites.

Not at all, I just think people should stop thinking of themselves as Mexican-Americans, or African Americans, or Asian-Americans, just Americans.

And of course being American means buying into the culture of the original Europeans that settled this land.

cute picture

>calling people "coloreds"
okay boomer

Slap a Jap

Superman is literally from a superior race and still treats humans as his equals, it wouldn't make much sense for him to discriminate among certain human ethnic groups

>copy of the filings in the mail
You've lost your suit already.

I wanna fuck the loli

Distributor shorted my store on copies for issue 2, so I never read the whole story. Liked what I did get though.

Better than Superman with black history month.

Better cancel than being Bendised.

gurihura is based and draws cute girls

Kryptonians blew themselves up because they believed religion over science.