Zig Forums tropes you love

>the screw-up/comic relief has to save his friends single-handedly

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Other urls found in this thread:


>"evil" twin wanted to have fun with you
>sluts it up just to troll you for being no fun

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>two or more villains form a team-up
>the team-up actually sticks for the remainder/majority of the series

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>Character makes a love confession.
>Girl already knew about it.

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>scene/episode that centres around a group of periphery characters who have never interacted before working together
>old time-y Fleischer Bros style episode/scene
>villains on their days off
>henchmen banter

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>comic relief character is actually a badass when the time calls for it

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How is this considered a trope?
I can only think of one other instance where this happened, and it's not even Zig Forums related.

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>its a villian centred episode
>its about them doing some mundane stuff instead of evil shit

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>Protagonist starts out as useless
>They slowly, but surely, get better at fighting

>SEASONS of teasing
twist harder mommy!

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This shit gets me hard AF. I love hidden badasses that do what needs to be done with the chips are down. Makes for much more interesting and tense moments as opposed to characters that are arrogant or know how powerful they are from the beginning.

That's the stuff.
I absolutely love this. Too bad Wakfu barely had any.

>show has a movie where major events and character developments happen
>they stay canon to the show from now on

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>villain joins the good guys
>it's not temporary

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>new villain shows up
>regular villain is disgusted by how much more evil he is
>teams up with heroes to help take him down

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>love interest are on the different side of the conflict/law
>they fuck fight when they interact

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>Jerk-ass character constantly upsetting the heroes' plans throughout the story arc.
>At the end of the arc, it's revealed jerk-ass had a DAMN GOOD REASON for doing it.

>Girl who is normally sweet and innocent, saves the day, becomes a badass, destroys the bad guy, etc.

True. Episodes like this are actually pretty comfy, especially if there is some comedy involved.

>Final battle with the big bad is a brutal fight with both sides getting roughed up.

>tomboy ends up with the goofy boy

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>episode antagonist is a janitor

Name one

>Character touches another character.

>Team of villains having a mission
>They are incredibly incompetent

That's the good shit right here.

>Character puts another character through hell and seemingly gets away with it.
>Karma bites them in the ass at the last possible second at the end of the episode/season/series.
Though Stewie had it coming in pic related, Brian was still a dick for not paying him back but fuck it. It's the only example I can think of at the moment.

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>funny, charismatic villains is just as capable of being a genuine threat
>the shifts from comedic to absolutely evil never feel out of place

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Reverse it
>Villain promise good guy to join the dark side
>Not temporary
Wish there's more of that trope

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