Post characters without make up, whether edited out or canon

Post characters without make up, whether edited out or canon

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Why did they remove Asami's eye lids?

Goddamn I always wondered why Azula was so much hotter in that episode and now I know why

Suki with makeup does things to me, man

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man. Asami is such an ugly character. How did people think this was okay?

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Azula and suki are top tier, fuck that middle nobody.

But Suki's lips are naturally juicy.

Attached: Sukis_Yummy_Lips.png (1440x1080, 1.82M)

This but unironically

This was retconed later



i think she does that thing some asian girls do where they tape up their eyelids.

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Suki is both wholesome and lewd. She's a keeper.

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everyone on tumblr deserves unhappiness

Same to me bro

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Those feet though

I always thought the Joker just hiding like that was silly, since anyone you easily spot him, but I guess it was a better disguise than I thought it was.

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Oh Elsa, why

avatar kioshi tier

An improvement. Elsa always looks like a whore.

Wait, Kyoshi showed her feet?

Asami looks like she's 12.

Asami being an overdeveloped 12 year old would add a dimension to her flat character.
That'd also make her relationship with Korra /ll/

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It would be i/ll/egal.

It's like team rocket, the disguise is so flimsy that it just works

Asians use ridiculous real time facetuning. 50% of the results aren’t makeup but computer witchery.

Honestly Elsa’s makeup is not flattering and doesn’t suit her features. She only has such dark makeup because she was initially conceived of as a villainess and vilenesses usually have darker makeup.