Diversity is b-

>Diversity is b-

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Reminder that every single character except Scot is gay

>Have gay character
>Make his gayness a often discussed topic
>Still amazing character
How the FUCK did they pull it off

Gay men are fantastic characters when written well, and are pretty based IRL too.

They played his gayness for jokes rather than social commentary. The biggest issue he faced was that he kept stealing Stacy’s boyfriends. Modern gays need to be portrayed as empowered in some way and “better” than a straight character. Wallace was only better than Scott because literally everyone was better than Scott. He was a normal guy with a basic desk job financially supporting his best friend.
Basically, Wallace was the mom of the comic, but the kind of mom who’s occasionally a bitch and is so over her adult son’s rut that she isn’t afraid to roast him on occasion.

Wallace actually has a personality besides putting his dick in things.
Granted, it doesn't hurt that he's portrayed as basically a gay chad.

Reminder that the movie was absolutely terrible. Should have become an animated show if anything; characters like Wallace are completely butchered in the film

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That shit they did with Stephen Stills made me so mad

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>you are now old enough to see zoomers that saw the Scott Pilgay movie as tweens/teens to be posting about what an amazing experience it was and how nostalgic they are about it on Zig Forums
Okay granted I was an underaged fag back when it came out but its so weird to see the same board that called SP hipster bullshit when it came out circle back around to nostalgiafagging about it.

That was O’Mailey bitching out of the original concept for him to bang Knives. It came out of literally nowhere though. Not even a foreshadowing for it

>Julie was such a bitch than he turned himself gay
can’t blame him

Didn't see the movie but I agree, an animated show would've been best. Too bad well-written short-running cartoons don't make the big bucks

I was near the end of high school when the film came out. It was a comic I grew up with, so I always had a connection to it. The characters were just so real, and nothing happens but talking so often that you really grow with them. None of that could be shown in a movie

>Not even a foreshadowing for it
>“I will help you to record the album only because i find you attractive”

Scott is debatable
Everyone else is nowhere as gay as Wallace though. He owns it

Thank you for this template, OP

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That would've made much more sense. His interest in a high school girlfriend was foreshadowed at the start of the first chapter.

That guy found multiple men attractive during the comic. It doesn't mean shit.

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The only good things to come out of that movie were the video game and the adult swim animated promo, which should have just been the movie

Bonus: Knives would've stayed part of the gang by dating Stills

Because the "just don't make it their whole character" rule has always been dishonest bullshit.

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Making gayness a character's entire personality is fine, it's funny. Fags don't like the idea of being told they HAVE TO like a character for x or y reason but that's autism too

>"We're making magic"
It was there, you just didn't notice it.

When you encounter enough gays IRL you find a lot of them act just like that though.

This is very interesting. Was his plan for her to keep dating Stills? Or was it just a phase like how she dated Neil in the comic?

Wow cute shota

Knives probably isn't lesbian. She was just kissing Kim because she was drunk and because Kim had kissed Scott before. She even explicitly says that's why she's making out with her.


He's like late 20s early 30s

Even so I still think it works. It is both Julie is such a bitch that she turned Steven gay. But at the same time he ends up getting with a guy that's basically Julie turned up to 11 because apparently thats his type.

The game is literally just River City Ransom with banging music and gorgeous spritework.
So still a good game, but nothing thats not been seen before.

shhh user shhh
Modern LGBTBBQ shitflinging means that if you kiss the same sex once you're from then on out gay forever

All this shit. Yeah, he's a fag, but he's a fag with responsibilities. He's got boring day job, bills to pay, friends to support, he's got things going on that aren't sucking dudes, and he cares about those things.

Wallace has depth. He's a fully fleshed out character, not like these modern homos that just live off pride parades and sucking dick.

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You act like that’s a bad thing. RCR is awesome.
I’m still waiting for a brawler that’s fast paced though, every one ever has the characters walking at snail pace

I still remember seeing it in high school, no wonder i had shit taste in women back then. All of my exes were A cup scene girls

>has Scott in financial chains
>steals boyfriends from his sister
Fuck this character and fuck this book

He’s never said what the end game was. But what’s really interesting is you see fragments of it during the beach segment when he has that talk with her.
My guess is they would have been together in the end, maybe breaking up when she graduates high school and moves away

Scott is just as bad of a person as Wallace or Gideon

Now that's how you do an indirect kiss

>Wallace actually has a personality besides putting his dick in things.
He didn't though.

The best gay guys I've met IRL and the best written ones are always the kind that don't make it their entire personality.

Knives deserved better than that

Cera's voice acting doesn't work. I've always found this more jarring than the actual movie.

>>has Scott in financial chains
more like Scott is a parasyte that have to beg for money to Wallace always

>implying Stephen isn't a catch

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>Finding multiple men attractive means you're not gay