What happened to intimidating Disney villains?

What happened to intimidating Disney villains?

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They were replaced by twist villains. Also, Disney is terrified that a kids movie they make might end up PG-13 and lose them money, since the MPAA has gotten way stricter over the decades.

women fear groups of men, its why they try to break them apart by including themselves in as many things they can that men do. groups of men are powerful so they seek to effeminize where they can and destroy the masculine identity. its why you see so many trannies/traps and less macho homosexuals these days

Disney realized that villains are the least important part of a story, and thus started focusing on making the actual protagonists of their films more dynamic and interesting characters.

Couldn't they just fly the concept and plot outline by the MPAA first?

>villains are the least important part of a story
That's not true. The villain is the one that brings the conflict that the protagonist must overcome. How is that not important?

Because as the source of the conflict, the villain is a glorified obstacle. In many instances, the antagonistic element doesn't even need to be a character. It could be a abstract force or a mindless monster for all it really matters functionally.

How many Shan Yu dolls get sold?

when has PG-13 ever stopped some one going to the cinema? how many under thirteen year olds are going to the cinema unchaperoned anyway?

They aren't fun or lovable.

Shan Yu was arguably the most effective Disney villain.
>Kills Messenger
>Burns entire village after finding a doll from that village
>Fights alongside his army (that's a big one)
>Survives an Avalanche
>Pulls Sneak Attack during Homecoming Celebration, Instantly Infiltrating the Emperor's Palace
Shan Yu was ruthless, strategic, determined, valiant (in a screwed up way), and physically capable. I can't say he really fucked up at any point- just got bested by Mulan in combat before being blown up.

Ironically enough I'm convinced the whole twist villain thing kickstarted effectively in Hollywood through transformers 3

Pretty much the most iconic parts of old Disney movies are the villains.

Problem is that now every villain has to be a twist one so they can't be fun or dynamic without "spoiling" it, which ends up leaving them totally bland and forgettable.

>Pretty much the most iconic parts of old Disney movies are the villains.
Yeah, there's a term for that. Bad writing. If the best part of the story isn't the main character, why is the camera following them?

too intimidating

...and they wonder why Crystal.Cafe has been getting invaded by dudes -_-.

He was so damn hardcore he didn’t even need a villain song, that unsettling silence when they found the burned down village was enough of a musical number to get the point across of what kind of guy he is.

Because Disneys been dead for more than 15 years now.

Shan Yu is a shit villain compared to Ruber

I don't think they make any.

>Disney realized that villains are the least important part of a story
Nice bait. Maleficent proves you wrong.


I think McDonald's made some
I remember his kriss

>implying this fat buffoon was intimidating

She's been the protagonist for a decade or more.

I'm glad you're not a writer

You're an idiot.

>making the actual protagonists of their films more dynamic and interesting characters.
Apart from being wrong about what you said about the villains, you're also wrong that Disney at least makes the protagonists better

He did have a personal theme though
Which worked amazing with his posture to be intimidating

Fuck off, the dude from Mulan is the type of Disney villain that we could actually still see today. He's much closer to a Pixar villain than a Disney villain in the first place.

I mean he's got a point, people should be able to somewhat empathize with Disney main characters.

>actually thinking villains matter more that the main character
Again, what's the point of the hero then?

Give some examples besides the forgettable buffoon from Mulan
Scar? Not intimidating just gay
Hades? Not intimidating just gay
Ursula? Not intimidating just gay and fat
Frollo? Eh a little at times
Clayton? Not intimidating, he was a twist villain
Gaston? Not intimidating
Zira? Yes

Forgot to mention Jafar. He wasn't intimidating either until he got his powers right at the end