Why doesn't Soundwave beat up Starscream?

Why doesn't Soundwave beat up Starscream?

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Because everyone else already beast up Starscream, and he deserves it.

Most of the Decepticons are loyal to Megatron, but don't step in to put Starscream in his place because they enjoy seeing Megatron do it.

that and replacing starscream as 2nd in command means the replacement will be the target of megatron's ire when something goes wrong. kinda like how being 2nd in command in communist china is a death sentence (paranoid leaders keep killing off or exiling their 2nd in commands).

Bay movies were way better.

What do you mean "kinda" like? Megatron is straight up a dirty commie. Peace Through Tyranny, remember?

Originally it was because despite Starscream being a treacherous cunt he was still pretty powerful and if anyone but Megatron tried to pull rank on him the Seekers would jump on their shit.

Sure, but let's be real, Starscream was always a little bitch.

>Sure, but let's be real, Starscream was later portrayed as a little bitch in some versions

I don't know, Soundwave and Shockwave are at least on the same rank as Starscream, and Megatron doesn't beat them, or his other troops. He's not season 3 Galvatron. It happens to Starscream because he's always trying to overthrow Megatron.

Most versions of Transformers have the Decepticons fighting to establish a vague and generic tyranny that isn't noticeably far-left nor far-right, it's just tyranny. The IDW comics are the one time they tried to make a direct comparison to Communism.

Going by the cartoon, Skywarp and Thundercracker both disliked Starscream, so for that to work, someone would need to be disrespecting Seekers as a group, or the Air Commander rank, rather than Starscream himself.

Because Megatron is the source of order in the Decepticons, and he maintains that order ruthlessly. Not coincidentally the Decepticons turn into a complete clusterfuck whenever he dies.

So the word 'some' means the same thing as 'most' now? Even G1 had him as a little bitch.
>I'm stupid, I'm stupid!
Come on now.

>The IDW comics are the one time they tried to make a direct comparison to Communism.
Yeah, which is why I directly referenced it, it was the only time they had anything resembling an alleged ethos. Personally, I think the whole peace through tyranny thing is a load of shit, and deep down Megatron was really just looking for an excuse, which the Functionists provided.


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true but they don't openly question megatron's authority so starscream looks like the more dominant of the three.

Four. You're somehow forgetting Shockwave. Though, perhaps that's on purpose since IDW ran that character into the ground.

>tfw IDW was so into Decepticons, they made the Autobots act like Cons

In most versions the Decepticons are a coalition of groups held together by Megatron. Even if Skywarp and Thundercracker don't really like Starscream, he's still a Seeker and he's still their commander. Disciplining him is not Soundwave's or any other coalition group's call. It's either Megatron's or the Seekers'

Because that would violate Petey the Parrot's first rule of Captaining.

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This is more true for the various other sub-groups, but the idea of the Seekers as a squad like the Combaticons or Insecticons is a more modern idea. Originally all of the 1984 Decepticons just form the core of Megatron's army.

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Soundwave's thing is blackmail, not brute force. G1 Soundwave could read minds. He used the ability to gain and hold his position in the Decepticon army.

How to I get into the series? Can I just read the comics?

>How to I get into the series?
Don't. Trust me, you're better off just staying away from this horrible rabbit hole.

Why would he? Starscream doesn't fuck with Soundwave, no Decepticon does. He sees and hears all, and he's got dirt on everyone.

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Read the original G1 Marvel comics and then stop when you're done with those.


Because of the nature of Transformers, there is no single Transformers series, but a collection of them. It's more like a multiverse of different versions of the same core story.

If you're interested in the original Transformers, watching this movie is not a bad place to start even if you don't know shit about G1, since most of it focuses on brand new characters and concepts. Then there is the TV series it was for, and the original G1 Marvel comics.

Aside from that, what you should check out depends hugely on your taste and what you want because the different shows and comics all have very different tones and styles from one another.

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Because Transformers is a fucking mess, that's why.

Everyone is so blinded by Starscream's scheming and underhanded nature that they forget he's the captain of the Seekers for a reason. He's a great fighter (besides the G1 cartoon where you can't really have the villains be competent) and you don't really have the liberty to fuck with him physically like Megatron.

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>besides the G1 cartoon where you can't really have the villains be competent
Yeah but they can be real jerks.

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in the 30 plus years of this franchise, there must have been at least one fight between a soundwave and a starscream

Have a working gif.

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did he turn the gold into spagetti

Will there ever be another good TF game?

In Transformers Prime, Starscream seemed afraid of Soundwave, but that particular version of Soundwave was pretty aggressive and that particular version of Starscream was even more weaselly than usual. In Cyberverse, Soundwave definitely hates Starscream but I don't know if it ever comes to a head since I didn't watch the final season yet.

>implying there are good ones
In any case, the answer is no.

I think if anyone (besides Megatron) was going to try and kick the shit out of Starscream it would be Shockwave. Starscream is the schemer, Soundwave is the loyalist and Shockwave is the zealot. Soundwave wouldn't make a move without Megatron's say so, but Shockwave would take out Starscream if he decided it would benefit the cause.

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He's Reverse Rumplestiltskin.

Loyalty to a fault. Soundwave is so loyal to Megatron and the Decepticons that he will do little to move against them. If it is in Megatron's will to destroy or banish another Decepticon then so be it, but it is not for him to decide the punishment of current allies. At least that's the kind of character I've always seen Soundwave as.

>War For/Fall Of Cybertron aren't good

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Because they are best friends!

>some generic third person shooters

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>Behold my loyal subjects! I have a new invented power source to carry us to victory!
>I shall call it SLAVERY!

Fucking magic.

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