Remember when the best cartoon since Avatar got a bunch of mindless hate because "man shoulders" and "SJW agenda"

Remember when the best cartoon since Avatar got a bunch of mindless hate because "man shoulders" and "SJW agenda"

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>that image editing

Do we need less toxic masculinity in Zig Forums fandoms?

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Primal and Over the Garden Wall didn't get much hate though?

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Hate against this show was the most blatant company warrior bullshit ever using "muh sjw" as a thinly veiled cover to shitpost, just like Harley show.

I just think the artstyle is ugly

Jokes on you I never watched it

I remember it being marketed by sjw for sjw.

Avatar was shit and so is this

Adora needs to fuck the cat

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with her futa cock?

The cat needs to fuck Adora*

That black dude looks like such a faggot that I would probably turn straight after watching it.

>Remember when the best cartoon since Avatar got a bunch of mindless hate because "man shoulders" and "SJW agenda"
I don't remember that happening

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I wish it were an actual trap.

shitty vriska rip-off

Dofus got hate?

its amazing how gater types prove the sjws right by falling for the match-pump controversies sjw journalists shit out like the lesbian overwatch crap

Yes or the sword turns into a strap-on


Remember when a badly animated, stiff and poorly characterized show bombed its toyline so badly they cancelled everything for it and brought back classic She-Ra for powercon and Netflix turned down another order of episode in exchange for two He-Man cartoons?

Lots of people hated Primal for the man shoulders, and they did mention an SJW agenda in there, so OP's right in some way.

>best cartoon since Avatar

Feel free to post it any time.

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Who the fuck is Vriska?

>Netflix turned down another order of episode
What ass did you pull that from?

the toyline could have done better if super7 did not make them look awful, presumably on purpose

what sjw agenda is in primal. please post an archive link to people complain about an sjw agenda in primal.

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no, with his cock

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>Adora likes a cat
>Adora likes pussy
ultra-subtle and clever subtext

Honestly, waifu bait from the hometuck series. Seriously she was made so the creator could wife her and make her this "master manipulator". Too bad she ended up being retarded and the fucking reason why things are shit in that webcomic.

Oh you know, the fact they renewed Boss Baby, and the Croods.

But I'm sure this one they just felt was so complete, why would they want to mess with perfection? Bombing toyline and this crap being Voltron all over again probably had nothing to do with it, probably. Can't wait to see these characters again, there's just so much interest in viewership that they mentioned them in a tweet!