Me and Ronnie Anne are just gonna go spend several hours alone and unsupervised. See ya!

>Me and Ronnie Anne are just gonna go spend several hours alone and unsupervised. See ya!

Attached: Don't You Fore-get About Me.mp4_snapshot_02.42_[2020.05.01_18.57.07].png (1920x1080, 1.89M)

breed that mexiloli!

Attached: Lincoln's_nervoussweating.gif (498x280, 1.07M)

Based CBTchad

Could have sworn I saw a similar post in /trash/

Attached: SweatyVic.jpg (531x361, 43.04K)

Anondive. this is my request.

NO, you didn't even post a fucking tribute


How about now?

Attached: A38D00AD-8640-4B9A-863E-A7C35278E489.jpg (400x560, 41.15K)

He'll hear you sure sure now.

Your request has been received.

Attached: dad.jpg (720x513, 41.69K)


for real?

Attached: yesplz.png (229x200, 10.16K)

they dont know man. anondive is banned till the 3rd.

i'm the lorax and i speak for anondive.

Attached: image0 (36).jpg (609x638, 58.86K)

thats all the proof I need.

hi anondive.

Is that fucking sadam?

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hi user.

Kind of fuckery is this?

there's his top fans.

anondive is fucking based.

Damn anondive is based

Guacamole guacamole do not lewd the mexiloli!

dont listen to this nerd anondive. do it.

So this anondive fellow is the UTV of some Zig Forumsfag?

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hes the new pinkanon.

>Ronnie Anne
>Not Sid

Attached: Sid giggle.jpg (573x573, 97.14K)

>not both

thats actually a way better option.

I have no clue. I see him all over the place though.

I've only seen a guy refering to him every other thread, it's fucking weird.

I've seen him reffered to alot the last few months. for whatever reason. pretty sure he's banned though. I dont know why these spergs dont just leave the guy be.


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From what I've seen, the man is a writefag. Probably wrote something for some autist that asked and now is completely obsessed with the guy. Literally the same as that cartoon cliché, but this one doesn't usually end well, as seen in

I know he takes requests for art and stories from threads sometimes. but people wont leave the guy be. he's going to wind up getting annoyed or burnt out or some shit.

Actually, he wrote a bunch of stuff for several autists myself included.

He seemed pretty chill. I warned him about burnout, but he says he just writes to alleviate boredom. If he gets tired of it he'll probably just stop.