X has good animation for its time

>X has good animation for its time
Is there a more retarded statement?

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>Is there a more retarded statement?
About 70% of the OPs posted on Zig Forums.

I'd say like 80% but otherwise, yeah.

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I'm feeling generous today.

You know which ones are really retarded?
>Why does "X" hate "Y" so much?
When "Y" is something that hardly anyone on Zig Forums has expressed a strong opinion about either way.

That and the buhmillion of East vs. West threads.
God, they're so tiring.

What's so retarded about it?

How would "X" fare in "Y" universe? How come my favorite obscure character doesn't have a movie?

elaborate on why thats retarded

Damn can you post more of this shit?

This OP, for example.

Ironic coming from a flooding SU discord tranny.


i loved when supes could punch fucking laser

It's reply bait, kind of like an eye-catching ad for your thread.
Instead of saying "New episode, guys. Let's discuss", you start with "WTF Zig Forums! You said this series sucks/rocks when it doesn't". This doesn't guarantee a decent discussion but you can't have one at all without attracting anons in some way.

>pronouncing it "koh"

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I remember when good animation was invented in the 80's

His cape should’ve melted. Superman is indestructible but his cape isn’t. Lois would be dead

I think his cape is made from some Kryptoian shit in a lot of incarnations

I'm pretty sure his cape was made out of the fabric he was swaddled in onboard the Kryptonian pod.

Pre-Crisis Superman's costume was made from the blankets he was wrapped in as a baby.

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Good ol' Kryptonian engineering. That ain't the usual yellow solar energy's work.

Stuff like this is a good counterpoint to pic-related. Not everything needs an answer but it's still neat to learn more about those little details.

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that's a dumb comparison in that quote.
In The Little Mermaid, there is a difference between reallife and that fictional inuniverse, in that sealife are inteligent and can communicate with each other. That, magic and mermaids, is what sets that universe apart from ours.
But Batman does not live in a universe where tires magically gain air.
(supermans abilities are a different story though, they are indeed like the little mermaid thing)

You'll have to go into more detail since " lol u retarded for thinking different than me" isn't an argument.

>being a faggot

>X hasn't aged well

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Stuff like Superman's powers we can accept as unrealistic and not needing much of an explanation for the sake of the story. But you can still be creative and add certain details.

We don't need to know the exact science behind how Superman's eye beams would work in real life and have some asshole like the Game Theory guy look deep into the real-life implications, but hearing "yeah he uses his eye beams to shave" is an interesting little tidbit.

The difference is that Batman and Superman operate on pseudo-scientific rules. If Superman's costume was just magic, no one would've cared. No one asks how Dr. Strange's cape works, it's just magic. But Superman's not magic.
